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vagonumero13 tools (REDELBE, rdbtool, g1mtools, doa6decsave) Update 17 Aug: REDELBE 3.0

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Hello vago, thanks a lot for your hard work !


Would you mind sharing a few tips about the g1a animations specs please if you managed to figure it out ? We're working on a similar format with a friend for Fire emblem models but aside from figuring out that it was divided in 3 sections with one looking like frame and the last one like some matrices stuff we didn't make much progress...


Any help would be greatly appreciated, it's the only thing that we really miss, we already have g1m, nuno and g1t support !

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46 minutes ago, Joschuka said:

Hello vago, thanks a lot for your hard work !


Would you mind sharing a few tips about the g1a animations specs please if you managed to figure it out ? We're working on a similar format with a friend for Fire emblem models but aside from figuring out that it was divided in 3 sections with one looking like frame and the last one like some matrices stuff we didn't make much progress...


Any help would be greatly appreciated, it's the only thing that we really miss, we already have g1m, nuno and g1t support !


This is the parser that I did for one of the g1a file versions. There are at least 3 versions of this format in DOA6 itself, so who knows how many exist counting the other games, this parser is only made for "G2A 0300". (although the other "G2A" version in DOA seem to only differ in one extra thing). Even if the signature has a "G2A", the file extension is still .g1a.


Have in mind that it still have many unknown or incorrect things, this was a fast thing I did in a moment. For example, the "unk_1C" in the header, I suspect it is actually part of the timing section, which would make the timing section 57 pair of 16 bits values.


And here the sections explained (the parts I know about):


-  Section 1 (after the header): This is "probably" the timing section, although I don't know how it works yet. It seem to be always 56 (or maybe it is 57) pair of 16 bits values. This is what puzzles me the most, because it has a fixed size in all the body g1a animations I saw, regardless of how big or small the animation was.


I noticed, that in DOA6 body animations, one of the values start at "18" and get increased "usually" by 16, but sometimes it is 15, and sometimes is 17.


- Section 2. This is where the animations themselves are. They are variable-sized that follow this format:


UU UU NN NN MM MM MM MM (BB BB ) * N  (if after reading you end in a position not multiple of 4, you have to align to 4 bytes)




UU UU: is an unknown value. I only found values of 0 and 1, which makes me think is a boolean value that is just padded to 2 bytes.

NN NN: the number of bones to be transformed.

MM MM MM MM: the index of the matrix that will be applied to the first bone. If more than one bone was specified, the rest of bones will get consecutive matrices applied.

BB BB: the bone ID. (I have yet to see if it is bone ID or bone index, but it is probably the first).


So a couple of examples:


00 00 - 01 00 - 38 00 00 00 - 07 00   -> This would apply matrix 0x38 to bone 0x7.

00 00 - 04 00 - 4A 00 00 00 - 09 00 0B 00 14 00 16 00 -> this would apply matrix 0x4A to bone 0x9, matrix 0x4B to bone 0xB, matrix 0x4C to bone 0x14, and matrix 0x4D to bone 0x16.


- Section 3. They seem to be just 4x4 half float matrices, so 32 bytes per matrix. I guess they are typical transformation matrices, but I have no idea if they are local transformation (with respect to previous position) or global, as I haven't tried yet exporting an animation to some 3D program.


So well, still lot of unknown things, specially how the timing works.


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36 minutes ago, Joschuka said:

Hello vago, thanks a lot for your hard work !


Would you mind sharing a few tips about the g1a animations specs please if you managed to figure it out ? We're working on a similar format with a friend for Fire emblem models but aside from figuring out that it was divided in 3 sections with one looking like frame and the last one like some matrices stuff we didn't make much progress...



What is Fire emblem?

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25 minutes ago, vagonumero13 said:


This is the parser that I did for one of the g1a file versions. There are at least 3 versions of this format in DOA6 itself, so who knows how many exist counting the other games, this parser is only made for "G2A 0300". (although the other "G2A" version in DOA seem to only differ in one extra thing). Even if the signature has a "G2A", the file extension is still .g1a.


Have in mind that it still have many unknown or incorrect things, this was a fast thing I did in a moment. For example, the "unk_1C" in the header, I suspect it is actually part of the timing section, which would make the timing section 57 pair of 16 bits values.


And here the sections explained (the parts I know about):


-  Section 1 (after the header): This is "probably" the timing section, although I don't know how it works yet. It seem to be always 56 (or maybe it is 57) pair of 16 bits values. This is what puzzles me the most, because it has a fixed size in all the body g1a animations I saw, regardless of how big or small the animation was.


I noticed, that in DOA6 body animations, one of the values start at "18" and get increased "usually" by 16, but sometimes it is 15, and sometimes is 17.


- Section 2. This is where the animations themselves are. They are variable-sized that follow this format:


UU UU NN NN MM MM MM MM (BB BB ) * N  (if after reading you end in a position not multiple of 4, you have to align to 4 bytes)




UU UU: is an unknown value. I only found values of 0 and 1, which makes me think is a boolean value that is just padded to 2 bytes.

NN NN: the number of bones to be transformed.

MM MM MM MM: the index of the matrix that will be applied to the first bone. If more than one bone was specified, the rest of bones will get consecutive matrices applied.

BB BB: the bone ID. (I have yet to see if it is bone ID or bone index, but it is probably the first).


So a couple of examples:


00 00 - 01 00 - 38 00 00 00 - 07 00   -> This would apply matrix 0x38 to bone 0x7.

00 00 - 04 00 - 4A 00 00 00 - 09 00 0B 00 14 00 16 00 -> this would apply matrix 0x4A to bone 0x9, matrix 0x4B to bone 0xB, matrix 0x4C to bone 0x14, and matrix 0x4D to bone 0x16.


- Section 3. They seem to be just 4x4 half float matrices, so 32 bytes per matrix. I guess they are typical transformation matrices, but I have no idea if they are local transformation (with respect to previous position) or global, as I haven't tried yet exporting an animation to some 3D program.


So well, still lot of unknown things, specially how the timing works.

G1a.zip 1.88 kB · 1 download

Omg thank you so much for this ! This will get us going, I'll make sure to share any info that we find with you ! Fire Emblem Three houses uses G2A 0500, at least that's what I saw the most but tbh I think the format is just really similar between g1a and g2a, the 1 or 2 must be a version of their engine or something like that.


Yeah the fact that the size is fixed puzzles me the most for section 1, I also noticed this 16 increments and still don't understand it tbh. Maybe like 16ms cause the anims are 60fps, I really don't know. in G2A 0500 the framerate seems to be part of the header btw, don't know if that's the same for version 0300

Awesome work on section 2, this one was the one I was the most confused about.

Yeah section 3 seems to just be some matrix transform resulting of the mulitplication of all transforms, I'll make sure to try a bunch of things.


Once again thank you really much for all this valuable info, I'll give you an update in the next weeks on our progress, you can also see the binary templates used here : https://github.com/three-houses-research-team/010-binary-templates


31 minutes ago, M C D said:

What is Fire emblem?

Fire emblem three houses, I'm currently working on a model importer, we already have cloth; skeleton and stuff,  anims would be an awesome addition

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Just a quick question, but would you happen to know what values in hex determine bone positioning/location? I'm trying to edit faces on characters, and have found a pretty efficient way of transferring bones via hex. The problem I'm having when transferring the face bones to certain characters is that the position of certain meshes on the model won't sync up nicely with the rest of the face.

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1 hour ago, piffDisaster said:

I'm waiting eagerly for this too. Really sick of having the same bad sound effects for 3 straight games now. It's a tease that we can so easily extract them but can't zip them back up yet.

"yet"? ?

Judging by DOA5 modding, this “yet” will continue for a very long time...


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7 hours ago, deadcause13 said:



Just a quick question, but would you happen to know what values in determine bone positioning/location? I'm trying to edit faces on characters, and have found a pretty efficient way of transferring bones via hex. The problem I'm having when transferring the face bones to certain characters is that the position of certain meshes on the model won't sync up nicely with the rest of the face.

All the bones' position, rotation, scale info is in the G1MS section. Here's my Noesis G1MS section parser if that can help (it starts processing after the basic magic, version number and size info) : https://pastebin.com/H8gUvkrm

It's for Three Houses, didn't try it on other games yet but it should be pretty similar

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Thank you kindly for the help. Though I must ask, how were you able to get Noesis to read G1M files? Did you use the Dissidia NT tool to convert the file?


Also, I did some tinkering last night and found out that the actual bones within a G1M file starts at offset 55C and ends at offset 4646 (at least, for DOA6 Faces). Everything after that appears to be matrices, verts and indices.

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59 minutes ago, deadcause13 said:



Thank you kindly for the help. Though I must ask, how were you able to get Noesis to read G1M files? Did you use the Dissidia NT tool to convert the file?


Also, I did some tinkering last night and found out that the actual bones within a G1M file starts at offset 55C and ends at offset 4646 (at least, for DOA6). Everything after that appears to be matrices, verts and indices.

The pastebin I linked above is a part of my G1M Noesis importer script, I wrote it myself from scratch. It will probably be released on the Fire Emblem Three Houses research group repositery, I'm pretty much done with it, most of the models are imported without problems. I'd like to add anim support before that though.


Daemon's tool (Dissidia NT) is a closed source tool, it just parses the files and outputs an ASCII file which can then be read by Noesis, you won't learn anything from it. It doesn't support recent G1M versions too.

I'm not really sure about what you mean with the offset, unless the doa6 files are different for some reason a G1M file consists of several sections, the most interesting ones being G1MS, which contains the bones' data, and the G1MG with all the vertex, index, geometry etc info (it's divided into subsections). So basically when looking at a G1M file if you're only interested in bones you just need to look for the "G1MS" flag (or SM1G depending on the endianess) and then my pastebin above shows you how the info is stored. If you need to also change the skinning and weight info and not only the bones' location/rotation it's going to be much more difficult though.

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2 hours ago, Joschuka said:

The pastebin I linked above is a part of my G1M Noesis importer script, I wrote it myself from scratch. It will probably be released on the Fire Emblem Three Houses research group repositery, I'm pretty much done with it, most of the models are imported without problems. I'd like to add anim support before that though.


Daemon's tool (Dissidia NT) is a closed source tool, it just parses the files and outputs an ASCII file which can then be read by Noesis, you won't learn anything from it. It doesn't support recent G1M versions too.

I'm not really sure about what you mean with the offset, unless the doa6 files are different for some reason a G1M file consists of several sections, the most interesting ones being G1MS, which contains the bones' data, and the G1MG with all the vertex, index, geometry etc info (it's divided into subsections). So basically when looking at a G1M file if you're only interested in bones you just need to look for the "G1MS" flag (or SM1G depending on the endianess) and then my pastebin above shows you how the info is stored. If you need to also change the skinning and weight info and not only the bones' location/rotation it's going to be much more difficult though.

What I meant was that the bone data actually starts at 0x55C and ends at 0x4646 when looking over the raw data in a hex editor. That said, this is all related to faces, so it wouldn't necessarily apply to costumes. Should prove useful down line is all. Also, Daemon's Dissidia NT tool does work with DOA6 in the sense that it can extract the models. Lastly, thanks for telling me about your work with FE:3H modding community and the G1M Noesis script you made. Don't want to be a bother, but could you link that Noesis script on this forum when you release it?


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14 hours ago, deadcause13 said:

What I meant was that the bone data actually starts at 0x55C and ends at 0x4646 when looking over the raw data in a hex editor. That said, this is all related to faces, so it wouldn't necessarily apply to costumes. Should prove useful down line is all. Also, Daemon's Dissidia NT tool does work with DOA6 in the sense that it can extract the models. Lastly, thanks for telling me about your work with FE:3H modding community and the G1M Noesis script you made. Don't want to be a bother, but could you link that Noesis script on this forum when you release it?



Ah that's interesting, it didn't work on models with NUNO/NUNV (cloth) and some textures were wrong (normal ones iirc), good to know though.

Sure, probably not on this topic though as I don't want to pollute vago's topic but I'll let you know one way or another. It will most likely be released here, no estimate date though https://github.com/three-houses-research-team

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12 minutes ago, gatto tom said:

@vagonumero13 I noticed that if you play online with a Morphing Mod, the game loads the original 2nd gold textures  and not the modded ones. Do you think that this issue could be fixed?

Just a curiosity: do you think that it's possible, in a future, to edit also the animations properties such as the frames?

Not sure what can cause that in online, but doesn't seem like it is going easy to fix something like that. Precisely becuase of being online would tie me for doing certain debugging like breakpoints and steping.


I want in the future to add support for g1a to fbx and viceversa for animations at some point. Not sure if it would lead to what you want to do. At least the g1a parser is done, but that's the easy part.

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After this session of names cracking, the 100% of character textures in MaterialEditor are now cracked (still remaining island textures).

These filenames will be available in next versions od REDELBE/rdbtool.



; Some forgotten textures

; These seem to have been a typo from the game devs. 998 = 107

; Kula forgotten textures

; Mai forgotten textures

; Fucking maisensu...



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21 minutes ago, gatto tom said:

@vagonumero13 Same problem for destructible mods 

  Reveal hidden contents




Well, that means that the loading phase is a bit different in online mode. If you want to help me make it work in online mode, you coud try the following:

- Activate the following options in the .ini file (all of them are in the Debug section): log_virtual, log_external, log_internal, and debug_script.

- Start the game and go to fight online, only once, and don't do anything else in that gaming section, when you are done, exit the game.

- Send me the log file in pm. If the game session lasts 5 minutes or so, I estimate the filesize could be between 10-100MB. A compressor should reduce it to less than 20%.

- Don't forget to deactivate debug_script later, that options causes too many writes to the log file.



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