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Dead or Alive 6 - Modding Thread and Discussion

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4 hours ago, blackdragon99 said:

hey, question for anyone who does body mesh editing, what do you do to remove the visible seams between meshes that appear after editing in blender? I know it's because of vertex normals or whatever but nothing i've tried so far really worked well enough

You can just pin the vertex UV and then merge the seam vertex, re-define the edge as UV seam, and unwrap UV.

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On 11/27/2019 at 7:59 PM, doa6vr said:

The free camera mod I am working on is literally in the top 3 non-stickied posts on the forum. It still has a lot of work to be done on it, and hasn't been updated for the 1.15 patch, but it really doesn't sound like you looked too much to say "no camera mods."   Maybe fix that to say "no *good* camera mods" :)


Otherwise, just record a fight, do whatever flashy move you want, and then go watch it in Fight Viewer.

before anything i would probably have to figure out what "non-stickied posts" are , how to find them and try out whatever is in them (if that doesn't hint i'm looking for something simple or VERY detailed explanation on how  to use i dunno what would) :)  cheers.

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2 hours ago, Azkni said:

Hey can someone help me? How can i import a map to blender? the full map?

I used redelbe and then extracted the .vb from the fieldeditor but i cant export it all.

Any other way? TY :D

This site does not help, I was only more confused))) I’ve been waiting for a week now that someone will tell me how to correctly file the file kidsmm1.g1t, in Photoshop ?

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1 hour ago, Alex666777666 said:

This site does not help, I was only more confused))) I’ve been waiting for a week now that someone will tell me how to correctly file the file kidsmm1.g1t, in Photoshop ?

xd dont lose the hope, sometimes they replied me. Saldly I still dont know how to texture and i dont have photoshop i cant help you ?

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Mod Author:

"I was going to combine all bloody wedding dresses into one file, but I cannot inject the DDS folder to the .G1T on my new PC for some reason now. So they're going to be released one at a time. When I complete my next blood project where blood splatter and blood drawn is more realistic, based on character fighting style, I will then have all of them be in one folder. I still cannot modify blood on character faces, I can only make them slightly more noticeable, but I'll will keep trying.
K̰n̰o̰w̰n̰ ̰G̰l̰ḭt̰c̰h̰ḛs̰:̰ ̰T̰h̰ḛ ̰b̰l̰o̰o̰d̰ ̰d̰r̰a̰w̰ ̰d̰ḭs̰t̰a̰n̰c̰ḛ ̰ḭs̰ ̰s̰t̰ḭl̰l̰ ̰n̰o̰t̰ ̰w̰o̰r̰k̰ḭn̰g̰ ̰p̰r̰o̰p̰ḛr̰l̰y̰ ̰b̰ṵt̰ ̰ḭt̰ ̰m̰ḭg̰h̰t̰ ̰b̰ḛ ̰b̰a̰s̰ḛd̰ ̰o̰n̰ ̰r̰ḛs̰o̰l̰ṵt̰ḭo̰n̰s̰.̰ ̰4̰K̰ ̰r̰ḛs̰o̰l̰ṵt̰ḭo̰n̰ ̰o̰r̰ ̰3̰8̰4̰0̰ ̰×̰ ̰2̰1̰6̰0̰ ̰m̰ḭg̰h̰t̰ ̰b̰ḛ r̰ḛc̰o̰m̰m̰ḛn̰d̰ḛd̰, because you can see some and most of the blood while fighting. My old PC was able to render the blood in 1280 × 800, but my new PC couldn't render it in 720p, only 4K. If blood cannot be seen at all, it might be because your resolution is too low.
Drop all materials files (MPR_Muscle_Character_HELCOS) into ">MaterialEditor<". The mod will automatically active after Helena is hit by a Break Blow."
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8 hours ago, Alex666777666 said:

This site does not help, I was only more confused))) I’ve been waiting for a week now that someone will tell me how to correctly file the file kidsmm1.g1t, in Photoshop ?

no one helps, except a few people who either disappeared or left this community. a lot of them are over in DeviantArt now. PerfectDark023 told me on DeviantArt that you literally have to figure out advance stuff and some basic stuff by yourself because people either don't teach you, they are super vague, one person told him that someone was asking for 400$ to make them a mod and probably teach them, or they don't know themselves. its the basics that a few modders will help you on, but after that you're on your own. the only time I pretty much see multiple modders talking to each other on here is when they are either fighting and arguing over what other modders do with their own mods that they don't like, telling a modder that's leaving to leave over convincing them to stay, or they provide new updates to the mod tools.


"From what it looks like, people don't like staying there. People are getting harassed and bullied out of there. People are losing their morality and not motivated, they don't like Dead or Alive 6 because of how boring and not fun it is compared to Dead or Alive 5 standard edition 7 years ago now, we got Koei Tecmo breathing down our necks because modders channels are slowly disappearing again, modders are getting jealous of other modders. From how amazing the mod is to only paying attention to the "Downloads and likes". Modders don't feel wanted and leave, they feel like no one wants to help them, the only time this community talks a lot is when people are arguing or completely off topic, modders who are already really good leave because no one talks nor adds any knowledge to modding DoA6, etc, etc, a lot more problems.


We all should be helping each other, motivating each other, there shouldn't be 2 communities. There should be one. No one should be saying "Leave, you don't belong here anyways" then wonder why no one is talking, saying "We need more modders, why is everyone over at DeviantArt?", mods are mods. The mods that are over there can easily go over to DeviantArt, this whole "This community is for tits only" is bullshit. You can put tits and dicks in the modding community on DeviantArt and not get in trouble as long as its under Adults.


Loverslab for DoA6 is great place for talking about mods, showing projects, getting help (when people talk and is willing to help)....but its shit when it comes to actually getting help, no one motivates each other, it feels like its always a competition for attention which leads to no one sharing knowledge and keeping it to themselves, and when you share your knowledge with someone who asks ....they don't help you in return. Someone said they can't UV map an item for me because the option isn't showing up, but when I asked "well what should I look for, if I'm trying to UV map a ported mod or use UV maps in general?" If I have to make the rosary from scratch I will........never heard from them again about the topic. Before they disappeared I shared my knowledge on how to make breakables because gatto tom taught me and they wanted to learn how to do it too.....and all I get in return is silence. They now make breakables most of the time on Loverslabs. They never did it properly until after I showed them what gatto tom told me..............We Shouldn't Be Doing That Shit To Each Other, At All. That is selfish and scummy as shit. Stop paying attention to numbers on the internet, that only leads to selfishness and jealousy, you can use it for motivation, but can you look away and not care later?"



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On 11/22/2019 at 4:23 PM, blackdragon99 said:

I'm not sure about all the details of actually editing meshes but i can try explaining the other steps.


1. First you need REDELBE, rdbtool and g1mtools from vagonumero13's thread and the blender import plugin that was posted here earlier.


2. To find out the file name of the costume, open the REDELBE config file and change "slot_info_in_css = false" to true. Now when you go to character select ingame and hover over a costume, it'll show its file name in the lower right. For example, Kasumi's first costume will be "KAS_COS_004".


3. To extract the costume file, open rdbtool and open "CharacterEditor.rdb" from the game's folder, then find "KAS_COS_004.g1m" (and KAS_COS_004a.g1m probably, that's the damaged version of the costume) and extract it. (Not sure what the other files like .grp or .ktid are for myself so idk if you need those)


4. To extract the meshes from the costume file, drag KAS_COS_004.g1m onto g1m_export from g1mtools (or g1m_export_with_vgmap but again, idk what those are for) and it'll extract the meshes in .fmt, .ib and .vb files.


5. The extracted files you can then import in blender with the import plugin (might be missing some steps here since i don't know how mesh editing works yet)


6. To import the meshes back into the costume file, drag KAS_COS_004.g1m onto g1m_import while your edited meshes are in a folder called KAS_COS_004 in the same directory as the costume file and it'll import all of the meshes that are in the folder.


The modded KAS_COS_004.g1m can then be put into REDELBE, either in CharacterEditor or in a Layer2 mod.

Some people posted step by step more than once how to mod, if u still dont understand smth, u can ask me. Better in private message to be sure i read it.

Btw i dont have PS so i only know how to swap textures, not edit them

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21 hours ago, Alex666777666 said:

This site does not help, I was only more confused))) I’ve been waiting for a week now that someone will tell me how to correctly file the file kidsmm1.g1t, in Photoshop ?

PerfectDark023 said, you need "rdbtool_1.8" to get "kidsmm1.g1t" from Vagonumero13's mod tool page on loverslab and "[Texture Convert] LINKDATA Import Export Tool -0.430 [English]" to turn the .g1t into a DDS. You need to google the Import Export Tool.


I think they are talking about this

On 6/16/2019 at 6:29 PM, fgh1t6 said:

Firstly, obtain  vagonumero13's super useful rdbtool:

use it to extract the texture file (some thing like :MPR_Muscle_Character_KASCOS010_a01_kidsalb.g1t) from MaterialEditor.rdb

If you can read Chinese, go back to the first page of this post, follow the link " Link Data Tool: for converting textures from .g1t to .dds " to get the tool to export the .dds file from the .g1t file. Otherwise use the English version attached.


You get a Chinese text told that dds is successfully exported or not, anyway, just check if a new folder has been created with the name of the file you drop. If yes, and you find a  file named: "00000_000000-DXT1.dds", then that is the file you should work on. When finished, export the dds with BC3/DTX5 format, and select "generate mipmaps" if you are using GIMP. Check the file size, it should be the same as the exported one, then import the folder back to g1t file, and test in game.

Normally, file end with "_kidsalb.g1t" is the texture, and "_kidsnmh.g1t" is the normal map.


Happy modding




g1t_dds.zip 119.85 kB · 138 downloads

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7 hours ago, 用户名623 said:

The words he said are not objective enough. Before he shared the Breakable Costume, I had already released such mods. I had told him how to make a Breakable costume mod and sent him the finished product(In fact, Vagonumero13 already showed the Breakable mod when he released REDELBE and had a production idea)

He said you're still not talking about the UV maps and you gave him a "breakable to nude" mod that he already knows how to do, by looking at some girl's mod who is also not active on here or she doesn't make mods anymore. He didn't want your breakable because it was already made as backup and its not what they were looking for.


Vagonumero13's demonstration didn't explain how to hex edit, gatto tom taught them how to do that, PerfectDark023 even fixed a mod for some guy who needed a breakable nude mod for Marie Rose with hex editing, but before he learned how to hex edit and said gatto tom might teach him, you said you also wanted to learn how to do it, ending it off with "please share your knowledge". And Snake and HyperBob told him in detail how to make breakables, which goes back to gatto tom explaining what you need to look for while hex editing.

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6 hours ago, *insert name here* said:

PerfectDark023 said, you need "rdbtool_1.8" to get "kidsmm1.g1t" from Vagonumero13's mod tool page on loverslab and "[Texture Convert] LINKDATA Import Export Tool -0.430 [English]" to turn the .g1t into a DDS. You need to google the Import Export Tool.


I think they are talking about this


Hello first of all TY SO MUCH for the guide

I followed it step by step but it still dont work for me ?

Any idea of why?




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1 hour ago, Azkni said:


I succed moreless with bayman, IDK why it looks like that but its soo cool

Might be either wrong compression or because you have the mipmaps in layers and then generate mipmaps in export settings. How i do it is, don't load mipmaps when loading the dds, generate mipmaps when exporting, and use the same compression as it says in the original file name

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