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Shaydow's Celestials *UPDATE* 05/15/14

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not sure if anyone else got this problem but i ctd whenever i try to summon a weapon or something when in the celestial form, checked my mods orders and did everything else right (i have been modding for awhile now) and despite all this it keeps ctd i can make a video and post on youtube if you wish to see exactly what happens


No. No one else has said this was a problem, and before I hit respond I thought about it awhile, and I honestly have no clue.  The weapons are in fact modeled right after vanilla summoned weapons. Does it happen with EVERY forms summoned weapons?

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Is this mod Dual Sheath Redux compatible? I'm running the mod and ran the patcher for it, but the only weapon to show up on my character seems to be the staffs. Its not a big deal since I'm playing a mage and just summon my sword when I need it, but I did find it a little weird.


Are you a Celestial ( race )? If the answer is yes I think I know why, and will have it fixed in my next update. The mod WAS Dual Shealth Redux compatible when I had the crafting, but now all the weapons of the CORE mod are summoned, but I think I know why your other weapons are not. I will fix other weapons not being for CELESTIALS, and when I add back in my crafting yes, it will be Dual Shealth Redux compatible.


Okay I'm back again. So everything looks great visually and what not, but my character keeps power attacking automatically, everytime I unsheathe my weapons. Is this an issue that you have dealt with before? I'm trying to isolate the problem, and would hate to waste your time if your mod isn't the cause. Thanks!


Did you install the gun animations / flying and not run FNIS / not run it correctly? I don't include any behaviors in this mod so I'm not sure.


Hello guys,


Are there any armor rating after transform to Celestials? I alwas be killed in the moment after I transformed...


My armor rating is 0 after transformation.




*7 minute later edit* : Devil Knight will ALWAYS have a 0 armor rating so you know. Devil Knight is a Mage type that only wears cloth, they can benifit from the Mage armor perks in alteration.


Transformations are not instant. I recommend being in the Form you want to be in BEFORE fights happen. If you really want and or need to switch, RUN AWAY first. 


My scripts, ALL OF THEM, are not continually running. What this means is unlike a LOT of scripts, mine don't need to run ALL the time to check for things. Instead I wrote them to only check for things on another scripts action. While this can be a pain in the ass for me, it is better for everyone overall as it means my mod can NEVER lead to script based save game bloat. One of my scripts runs, does what it needs to, and ends. No fuss no muss as I like to say.


If you have SkyUI ( and I hope you do ), I have actually included a little timer to switching forms you will see whenever you use one of the powers. This little timer shows you an estimate of how long I think it takes before your " done " becoming that form.  


Ironically, I don't think I ever told anyone I included that before, so thank you. I MEANT to, I think it slipped my mind. So ya everyone, there is that to :P



Ah. Alright. Good to hear! I was just curious if it was me just making a mistake in load order or had missed a step somewhere else down the line.

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So ok everyone I came by before to drop you all a line in a small amount of time but ended up using it to answer questions ( not saying that is bad just saying ). Anyway, the update I was going to put out this weekend is on hold, but only for a small time, say mid week. I have 2 reasons for this :


1) It was a busy weekend and I didn't plan on it. Spent most of the day with my kids. Today my 5 " but I'm about to be 6! " year old learned about gravity. Ask her what gravity is and she says " It is what pulls me to the earth as it spins ". I'm a proud Daddy.


2) so the patch will include the following :


a ) Angel Knight Shield is getting tweaked.

b ) Some spells have had some skill gain changes.

c ) summons are in and working in an easy to upgrade manner ( using celestial transform grants them to you )

d ) Devil Knight Flame cloak saw some balancing.

e ) Celestial cure added proper to Angel knight / ????


In regards to ???? I give you all this








This is a HEAVY WiP and more will be told about it as I work on it. If you can guess I will give you more info on it. Don't let the name or the look fool you, this is something I have yet to do as far as Celestials / modding. This is something special.

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So ok everyone I came by before to drop you all a line in a small amount of time but ended up using it to answer questions ( not saying that is bad just saying ). Anyway, the update I was going to put out this weekend is on hold, but only for a small time, say mid week. I have 2 reasons for this :


1) It was a busy weekend and I didn't plan on it. Spent most of the day with my kids. Today my 5 " but I'm about to be 6! " year old learned about gravity. Ask her what gravity is and she says " It is what pulls me to the earth as it spins ". I'm a proud Daddy.


2) so the patch will include the following :


a ) Angel Knight Shield is getting tweaked.

b ) Some spells have had some skill gain changes.

c ) summons are in and working in an easy to upgrade manner ( using celestial transform grants them to you )

d ) Devil Knight Flame cloak saw some balancing.

e ) Celestial cure added proper to Angel knight / ????


In regards to ???? I give you all this





This is a HEAVY WiP and more will be told about it as I work on it. If you can guess I will give you more info on it. Don't let the name or the look fool you, this is something I have yet to do as far as Celestials / modding. This is something special.

You. Amazing.

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not sure if anyone else got this problem but i ctd whenever i try to summon a weapon or something when in the celestial form, checked my mods orders and did everything else right (i have been modding for awhile now) and despite all this it keeps ctd i can make a video and post on youtube if you wish to see exactly what happens




thanks for the link but i could summon other normal bound weapons and etc, however just cant seem to summon the celestial weaps, ill give it a try anyways when i have time and see where it takes me thanks again



not sure if anyone else got this problem but i ctd whenever i try to summon a weapon or something when in the celestial form, checked my mods orders and did everything else right (i have been modding for awhile now) and despite all this it keeps ctd i can make a video and post on youtube if you wish to see exactly what happens



No. No one else has said this was a problem, and before I hit respond I thought about it awhile, and I honestly have no clue.  The weapons are in fact modeled right after vanilla summoned weapons. Does it happen with EVERY forms summoned weapons?


yes this happened with every forms summoned weapons, the celestial knights healing spell seemed to work fine though as did everything else just cant summon the weapons

is there a possible conflict with one of my mods? (eg. spell mods, mana/stamina editing mods, hdt/bbp/bodychange mods, follower mods, even other custom races?)


also had to put it out there you are amazing and keep up the good work

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So ok everyone I came by before to drop you all a line in a small amount of time but ended up using it to answer questions ( not saying that is bad just saying ). Anyway, the update I was going to put out this weekend is on hold, but only for a small time, say mid week. I have 2 reasons for this :


1) It was a busy weekend and I didn't plan on it. Spent most of the day with my kids. Today my 5 " but I'm about to be 6! " year old learned about gravity. Ask her what gravity is and she says " It is what pulls me to the earth as it spins ". I'm a proud Daddy.


2) so the patch will include the following :


a ) Angel Knight Shield is getting tweaked.

b ) Some spells have had some skill gain changes.

c ) summons are in and working in an easy to upgrade manner ( using celestial transform grants them to you )

d ) Devil Knight Flame cloak saw some balancing.

e ) Celestial cure added proper to Angel knight / ????


In regards to ???? I give you all this





This is a HEAVY WiP and more will be told about it as I work on it. If you can guess I will give you more info on it. Don't let the name or the look fool you, this is something I have yet to do as far as Celestials / modding. This is something special.


Ooooh. I like where this is going.


Also, not related to this mod, but to your Werewolf Overhaul: Been kinda playing around with it and how the files are loaded in to try and find a fix for that whole "Males are just some odd amalgamation" with the replacer working, to little avail unfortunately. If I come up with an ideas on how to fix it I'll DM you. It its always funny however watching them come charging at you all derp as fuck though haha. I at least somehow made it possible to loot them at least, so there's that, but I don't know how I pulled it off.

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"My scripts, ALL OF THEM, are not continually running. What this means is unlike a LOT of scripts, mine don't need to run ALL the time to check for things. Instead I wrote them to only check for things on another scripts action. While this can be a pain in the ass for me, it is better for everyone overall as it means my mod can NEVER lead to script based save game bloat. One of my scripts runs, does what it needs to, and ends. No fuss no muss as I like to say."

That sir its a really great thing to know, really thanks for hard work.

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Ok I have a little time at the moment as the kids are about to jump in the bath.


So the screens in my last post are a part of a new concept I have for Celestials, that is, my first QUEST associated with the mod. As some of you may know, ESPECIALLY my earliest users, doing a quest is something I have always been interested in but never actually done. Well, I'm going to. While yes the patch to 7.2 will be out by Wednesday ( I promise, I just got a little sidetracked this week, more below ), this is something I started to do.


So the first thing I needed was the idea to spark it. I give you, the Celestial Goddess. Celestial Goddess is a type of FORM, like the others, but a HYBRID. Examples include the following :


Goddess get less overall armor then Angel and a little more then Shaydow, and can gain both at the same time.


Angel gets 200 heath 100 stamina, Devil gets 200 Magicka 100 health, Shaydow gets 200 stamina 100 Magicka, Goddess gets 100 to all 3.


Goddess gets the following powers from the other 3 forms :


Shaydow Knight Bow and Gun, Angel Knight Ward and Cure, Devil Knight Life Drain.


A special weapon type ( with special enchants ) and a special shield type ( with aspects of all 3 forms ) are still in concept and not yet designed.



So now I needed a way to try and add it to the game. I decided to start easy since I have not done this yet, so I figure ok, how about I just use the courier system. Say at about level 30 or so you start to get notes from other Celestials ( I have lore on Celestials, in it, so you know, your basically not the first Celestial to try to do what you are, others have come and failed ). These notes give you a little back story on say the Angel Knight who came before you and failed, then the Shaydow Knight, etc. From the 3 letters you can piece together a location of the Celestial Goddess. Who is she? She is the 4th one sent to try to stop the return of Alduin ( your the 5th but you come to late to stop it due to the 4 before you failing ). The Goddess didn't FAIL like the other 3, instead, the very idea of mortality plus the Celestial trying to combine the trifecta  drove her insane, much like the idea of Alduin not being able to understand DragonRend, the Goddess just could not grasp mortality. While she IS mortal, having left the Celestial Plane to long, she instead goes nuts and devotes herself to becoming " what I once was " ( yup you just got a line from a rough script :P ). So ya, you need to stop HER ass, along with Alduin.


Idea for fight, well, I want her to fly, if I can, but it may not be possible. She will have all the powers of the other forms, and will ALWAYS be of a higher level then you. I think maybe 5 or so more, 10 at max. I want the fight to be hard, no matter when you go to fight her. 


Your reward? The Celestial Goddess Form.



Ok so now the idea is done, the concept is solid. So now I need to build it. Well ok the first thing I need to think about is how I am going to build it. I need the Goddess, duh, as well as her lair, the quests, and triggers, etc.


So to make some of this I need assets, I.E : the Goddess. Since that is what I am good at and what I do, I made that first. Today the Scripts and everything are finished for the form. The Armor idea is also finished. The entire Goddess is for the most part now IN THE GAME, now I just need to work on the things I have ever yet to do. I need to make her lair, make the quests, make HER as an NPC, and get it all working. 



I thought you guys might enjoy a little behind the scenes thought process. 

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Hello this is Shaydow's wife. I just wanted to post here a link to my replacer pack for Celestials. 




Lady Jag's Modest Celestials


Neat! Very nice set, and quite a bit less revealing. Its nice to have options.


Am I to expect the children mod Skyrim too? That would be impressive; a whole modding family.


Love the optional outfits. Warrants a download, even for those of you who prefer the original skimpy outfits.

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So I am going to put this here, even though I had thought to reserve some of this topic for my blog. I know some of you may be wondering where the hell the patch is, especially when my wife just released something that includes replacers for something you don't even have yet, plus I said it would be probably on Wednesday. Well there are a few reasons :


1) Among other things that happened this week that I don't want to go into detail on, the plumber was one of them I can share. I had PLANNED on working on the mod that day, instead I sat around the whole day with a plumber working on my toilet ( don't ask ) who kept walking back and forth to his truck the whole time. Must be nice when getting payed by the hour to just have to keep going back and forth the whole time, rather then, ya know, BRING ALL THE SHIT YOU NEEDED IN ONE MAYBE TWO TRIPS. Arg.


2) I started setting up the new YouTube channel I have wanted to make for a long time now, and have been on hold to both working on this mod AND doing my former YouTube series. The latter is also because of all the changes Celestials as gone through in a short amount of time and I didn't want to make a new video that jumped sporadically. Combine that with the upcomming number 3 and I just have not done it yet.


3) I play more then just Skyrim, hell, I MOD more then just Skyrim. I have, am, and always will be, a GAMER. I'm pretty sure my new channels first video is going to be a Let's Play of a game called Sewer Shark for the SegaCD. Why? Because I love the shit out of that game, both it and me are old, and maybe some of you have never heard of it. Sure, I love the SHIT out of Skyrim, but it doesn't mean it is the only game I have, do, or will love the shit out of.


The best I can offer is the patch, and the new things I talk about, WILL come....


Eventually :P



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So I am going to put this here, even though I had thought to reserve some of this topic for my blog. I know some of you may be wondering where the hell the patch is, especially when my wife just released something that includes replacers for something you don't even have yet, plus I said it would be probably on Wednesday. Well there are a few reasons :


1) Among other things that happened this week that I don't want to go into detail on, the plumber was one of them I can share. I had PLANNED on working on the mod that day, instead I sat around the whole day with a plumber working on my toilet ( don't ask ) who kept walking back and forth to his truck the whole time. Must be nice when getting payed by the hour to just have to keep going back and forth the whole time, rather then, ya know, BRING ALL THE SHIT YOU NEEDED IN ONE MAYBE TWO TRIPS. Arg.


2) I started setting up the new YouTube channel I have wanted to make for a long time now, and have been on hold to both working on this mod AND doing my former YouTube series. The latter is also because of all the changes Celestials as gone through in a short amount of time and I didn't want to make a new video that jumped sporadically. Combine that with the upcomming number 3 and I just have not done it yet.


3) I play more then just Skyrim, hell, I MOD more then just Skyrim. I have, am, and always will be, a GAMER. I'm pretty sure my new channels first video is going to be a Let's Play of a game called Sewer Shark for the SegaCD. Why? Because I love the shit out of that game, both it and me are old, and maybe some of you have never heard of it. Sure, I love the SHIT out of Skyrim, but it doesn't mean it is the only game I have, do, or will love the shit out of.


The best I can offer is the patch, and the new things I talk about, WILL come....


Eventually :P

You just do what you feel you want/need to do. We all (probably) understand. Being a gamer comes first and a modder/programmer comes second. I'm just happy that someone took the time out of their life to make something this epic. Hell, ALL of your mods are epic, especially when combined together. So game on, friend. Game on.

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So I am going to put this here, even though I had thought to reserve some of this topic for my blog. I know some of you may be wondering where the hell the patch is, especially when my wife just released something that includes replacers for something you don't even have yet, plus I said it would be probably on Wednesday. Well there are a few reasons :


1) Among other things that happened this week that I don't want to go into detail on, the plumber was one of them I can share. I had PLANNED on working on the mod that day, instead I sat around the whole day with a plumber working on my toilet ( don't ask ) who kept walking back and forth to his truck the whole time. Must be nice when getting payed by the hour to just have to keep going back and forth the whole time, rather then, ya know, BRING ALL THE SHIT YOU NEEDED IN ONE MAYBE TWO TRIPS. Arg.


2) I started setting up the new YouTube channel I have wanted to make for a long time now, and have been on hold to both working on this mod AND doing my former YouTube series. The latter is also because of all the changes Celestials as gone through in a short amount of time and I didn't want to make a new video that jumped sporadically. Combine that with the upcomming number 3 and I just have not done it yet.


3) I play more then just Skyrim, hell, I MOD more then just Skyrim. I have, am, and always will be, a GAMER. I'm pretty sure my new channels first video is going to be a Let's Play of a game called Sewer Shark for the SegaCD. Why? Because I love the shit out of that game, both it and me are old, and maybe some of you have never heard of it. Sure, I love the SHIT out of Skyrim, but it doesn't mean it is the only game I have, do, or will love the shit out of.


The best I can offer is the patch, and the new things I talk about, WILL come....


Eventually :P


Sewer Shark. Taste confirmed for good.



Also, procrastination. I understand these feels. Get it done when it happens. No rush.


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Took a small break since my wife got me South Park the Stick of Truth to play it. Took me less then 3 days to beat it. Good game, but kinda short and little replay sadly.
Still working on Goddess Design so you know, only basic implementation so far ( no quest, fight, etc yet ). Cloak design and visuals is done, cloak adds a SMALL amount of health regen, a MEDIUM amount of stamina regen, and a decent amount of magicka regen, at the cost of 10% to your melee, marksman, and destruction capability. 
Goddess Sickle is done. Stops enemies from running ( like angel knight swords ), and steal some magicka. IN ADDITION, this sickle is the best I could do to make a true hybrid weapon. What do I mean by this? Well :
It is slower then a Dagger but faster then a 1 handed sword.
It does more damage then a dagger but less then a 1 handed sword.
It benefits from EVERY WEAPON PERK IN THE GAME, train 2 handed damage rank 1, and the sickle damage goes up 20%, train bow rank one, sickle goes up 20%, etc. Counts as a dagger when backstabbing, works with all mace and axe perks in both 1 handed and 2 handed etc. In relation for the Goddess Cloak described above, if you say train 2 handed and increase the damage of the sickle 20% then turn on the shield, you lose 10% of that 20%. I.E if you say have rank 5/5 of 1 handed, 2 handed, and bow, that's 300% more damage, but then of course with the shield on you would lose 10% TO EACH ONE, so -10% from bow, 1 handed and 2 handed, bringing you down to 270% and NOT 290%.


Still working on a bow.
A basic mount or something will come, since the other forms get one, but like with Wings Power, I've got something special planned that while it won't REQUIRE you to use it, your "mount" will be a HELL of a lot cooler and way more " celestial goddess " then a horse if you use another mod and then my replacer for it with Celestials ( like p1flying). See : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44467/?
Oh one last tidbit : Goddess will be the only form you can wear a ring and a necklace in...... crafting a necklace and ring will be included. I figure choose your own enchantments to tweak your Goddess a little more to your own playstyle since the Goddess is THE hybrid Celestial, and the last form I am doing.

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Took a small break since my wife got me South Park the Stick of Truth to play it. Took me less then 3 days to beat it. Good game, but kinda short and little replay sadly.


Still working on Goddess Design so you know, only basic implementation so far ( no quest, fight, etc yet ). Cloak design and visuals is done, cloak adds a SMALL amount of health regen, a MEDIUM amount of stamina regen, and a decent amount of magicka regen, at the cost of 10% to your melee, marksman, and destruction capability. 


Goddess Sickle is done. Stops enemies from running ( like angel knight swords ), and steal some magicka. IN ADDITION, this sickle is the best I could do to make a true hybrid weapon. What do I mean by this? Well :


It is slower then a Dagger but faster then a 1 handed sword.

It does more damage then a dagger but less then a 1 handed sword.


It benefits from EVERY WEAPON PERK IN THE GAME, train 2 handed damage rank 1, and the sickle damage goes up 20%, train bow rank one, sickle goes up 20%, etc. Counts as a dagger when backstabbing, works with all mace and axe perks in both 1 handed and 2 handed etc. In relation for the Goddess Cloak described above, if you say train 2 handed and increase the damage of the sickle 20% then turn on the shield, you lose 10% of that 20%. I.E if you say have rank 5/5 of 1 handed, 2 handed, and bow, that's 300% more damage, but then of course with the shield on you would lose 10% TO EACH ONE, so -10% from bow, 1 handed and 2 handed, bringing you down to 270% and NOT 290%.


Still working on a bow.


A basic mount or something will come, since the other forms get one, but like with Wings Power, I've got something special planned that while it won't REQUIRE you to use it, your "mount" will be a HELL of a lot cooler and way more " celestial goddess " then a horse if you use another mod and then my replacer for it with Celestials ( like p1flying). See : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44467/?


Oh one last tidbit : Goddess will be the only form you can wear a ring and a necklace in...... crafting a necklace and ring will be included. I figure choose your own enchantments to tweak your Goddess a little more to your own playstyle since the Goddess is THE hybrid Celestial, and the last form I am doing.


What mod gives you those breast/butt physics? Is it part of your animation pack? Because I don't have physics quite like those.

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What mod gives you those breast/butt physics? Is it part of your animation pack? Because I don't have physics quite like those.


It's a different custom kit I've made. I'm working with it still but ya, I should be ready to release it soon.


It requires HDTphysicsextension and has nothing to do with animations, though also, yes a new animation pack is coming, and is actually probably the next thing I will be releasing. 

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What mod gives you those breast/butt physics? Is it part of your animation pack? Because I don't have physics quite like those.


It's a different custom kit I've made. I'm working with it still but ya, I should be ready to release it soon.


It requires HDTphysicsextension and has nothing to do with animations, though also, yes a new animation pack is coming, and is actually probably the next thing I will be releasing. 



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Read the Read Me, watched the videos on YouTube(Let's Play Skyrim - Shaydow's Skyrim Episode 1 Part 1 and Part 2)

, I'm confused and not sure what is wrong.  I have Celestials as a race, see the Nord Male, click on Female and she loads with the prisoner outfit on and I do not get the option to change any of the body stuff and the mod seems 'broken'.  Watched your Part 2 and I get none of those options for adjusting her characteristics.



= Check Mods
This is a report on your currently active/merged mods.

=== Active Mod Files:
* 00  Skyrim.esm  [CRC: C665FD56]
* 01  Update.esm  [CRC: E5B67BDA]
* 02  Dawnguard.esm  [CRC: BD72CCF3]
* 03  RaceCompatibility.esm  [CRC: AF13C52F]
* 04  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.3]  [CRC: 6C2DF918]
* 05  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.3]  [CRC: 1855702B]
* 06  hdtHighHeel.esm  [CRC: 95D50087]
* 07  SkyUI.esp  [CRC: 9330CAF7]
* 08  HighResTexturePack01.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]
* 09  HighResTexturePack02.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]
* 0A  HighResTexturePack03.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]
* 0B  RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp  [CRC: 67F00C2F]
* 0C  CharGen Morphs.esp  [CRC: 99152715]
* 0D  RaceMenu.esp  [CRC: 2765B7D0]
* 0E  RaceMenuPlugin.esp  [CRC: 8A8A009F]
* 0F  Celestials.esp  [CRC: 1D058654]
* 10  P1FlyingRing.esp  [CRC: D54BC612]
* 11  FNISspells.esp  [CRC: 4F3339DE]



In V7, she stands there in the Prisoner outfit.  Tried V6, and that one I could see a tiara and little wings in the back, sticking out through the prisoner outfit.




Any thoughts good sir?



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Read the Read Me, watched the videos on YouTube(Let's Play Skyrim - Shaydow's Skyrim Episode 1 Part 1 and Part 2)

, I'm confused and not sure what is wrong.  I have Celestials as a race, see the Nord Male, click on Female and she loads with the prisoner outfit on and I do not get the option to change any of the body stuff and the mod seems 'broken'.  Watched your Part 2 and I get none of those options for adjusting her characteristics.




= Check Mods

This is a report on your currently active/merged mods.


=== Active Mod Files:

* 00  Skyrim.esm  [CRC: C665FD56]

* 01  Update.esm  [CRC: E5B67BDA]

* 02  Dawnguard.esm  [CRC: BD72CCF3]

* 03  RaceCompatibility.esm  [CRC: AF13C52F]

* 04  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.3]  [CRC: 6C2DF918]

* 05  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.3]  [CRC: 1855702B]

* 06  hdtHighHeel.esm  [CRC: 95D50087]

* 07  SkyUI.esp  [CRC: 9330CAF7]

* 08  HighResTexturePack01.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]

* 09  HighResTexturePack02.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]

* 0A  HighResTexturePack03.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]

* 0B  RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp  [CRC: 67F00C2F]

* 0C  CharGen Morphs.esp  [CRC: 99152715]

* 0D  RaceMenu.esp  [CRC: 2765B7D0]

* 0E  RaceMenuPlugin.esp  [CRC: 8A8A009F]

* 0F  Celestials.esp  [CRC: 1D058654]

* 10  P1FlyingRing.esp  [CRC: D54BC612]

* 11  FNISspells.esp  [CRC: 4F3339DE]




In V7, she stands there in the Prisoner outfit.  Tried V6, and that one I could see a tiara and little wings in the back, sticking out through the prisoner outfit.




Any thoughts good sir?

Did you uninstall v6? Also, you shouldn't get those options until you are unbound.

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Read the Read Me, watched the videos on YouTube(Let's Play Skyrim - Shaydow's Skyrim Episode 1 Part 1 and Part 2)

, I'm confused and not sure what is wrong.  I have Celestials as a race, see the Nord Male, click on Female and she loads with the prisoner outfit on and I do not get the option to change any of the body stuff and the mod seems 'broken'.  Watched your Part 2 and I get none of those options for adjusting her characteristics.




= Check Mods

This is a report on your currently active/merged mods.


=== Active Mod Files:

* 00  Skyrim.esm  [CRC: C665FD56]

* 01  Update.esm  [CRC: E5B67BDA]

* 02  Dawnguard.esm  [CRC: BD72CCF3]

* 03  RaceCompatibility.esm  [CRC: AF13C52F]

* 04  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.3]  [CRC: 6C2DF918]

* 05  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 2.0.3]  [CRC: 1855702B]

* 06  hdtHighHeel.esm  [CRC: 95D50087]

* 07  SkyUI.esp  [CRC: 9330CAF7]

* 08  HighResTexturePack01.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]

* 09  HighResTexturePack02.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]

* 0A  HighResTexturePack03.esp  [CRC: D596F02A]

* 0B  RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp  [CRC: 67F00C2F]

* 0C  CharGen Morphs.esp  [CRC: 99152715]

* 0D  RaceMenu.esp  [CRC: 2765B7D0]

* 0E  RaceMenuPlugin.esp  [CRC: 8A8A009F]

* 0F  Celestials.esp  [CRC: 1D058654]

* 10  P1FlyingRing.esp  [CRC: D54BC612]

* 11  FNISspells.esp  [CRC: 4F3339DE]




In V7, she stands there in the Prisoner outfit.  Tried V6, and that one I could see a tiara and little wings in the back, sticking out through the prisoner outfit.




Any thoughts good sir?

Did you uninstall v6? Also, you shouldn't get those options until you are unbound.



Yes, I've checked the Celestial install files and uninstalled / deleted all the V6e files.  I think what is screwed up is the armor side of the mod.  I can run around as a naked Celestial, after Helgen Keep, but none of the armor choices work at character start up and she is wearing the base tunic.

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