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Development Update

Still some work to do to get the test release ready. For Nuka World I need to finish the quest, which I'll start with on Monday. I have a new and current buglist which I'm working on.


- AO_Comments_Ivy quest is being weird, suddenly bugged out in the CK and I'm not sure if the AO_Comments are firing correctly, been working on that tonight.

- Ivy isn't speaking her lines after being teleported, she should every now and then remark on being teleported. The phase fires, but the dialogue isn't responding. Either the alias isn't filling correctly, or well, that's it because the only conditional is GetIsID = IvyComp. I made the alias optional, but I'll redirect it differently. That might have an effect on the scripts referencing what is now a forced alias to a unique actor. But that'll be easy to fix. Been working on that tonight as well.


I wanted to start working on Ivy on monday, giving myself some rest.

So I started up Fallout just to relax and play a bit, maybe build a settlement or something.

Then I noticed Ivy wasn't speaking her warp lines.

And here I was for the last 3 hours, back in full development mode. :)


Lastly, I'm working on an Ivy 'frenzy' mode. Basically, if there are too many enemies and she is in really low health, she gets really pissed off, warps to all enemies one by one, and executes them on the spot. It shouldn't be that hard to fix, but I find myself wanting HyperCombat to be even more aggressive than it already is.


I mean, SPELL aggressive and you find that Ivy is right there.


Awesome album cover, b.t.w.


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Only stopped in to see if I had any PMs but hey, I WAS gonna day enjoy your break @Reginald_001 but now I see you're back to work. i too am about to play fallout some, mostly making sure my clean save but modded game is good and stable for my girl.


Never really been on Discord much myself. As previously said, aside from right here with Ivy. I tend to be a lurker


EDIT at 7:12 eastern time: LOLOLOLOLOL that shit is NOT stable! NMM just decided that it doesn't know WHERE my mods are or the Virtual install directory (I have FO4 on an SSD and the the mods on a standard HDD. Dual drive configuration) Good thing I'm not testing anything ATM


Final edit 11:02 pm eastern time. Fixed my fallout issue. My toddler has taken over my pc and is playing Doom 2016 (She loves the big booms)

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Development Update

I have made a to-do list for the final 'sprint' not sure if you guys know agile-development, but that's the way Ivy's been approached from day 1. Using agile I've managed to get her this far and I'd like to take just a few sentences to point out the power of agile development and how it can benefit even a one-man team. This last 'sprint' consists of 10 working days, but 5 of those are after testing release, meaning I've got 5 workdays to get the test build ready for release.


The to-do list is not big. Not big at all and I think I'll manage to release on time without too much hassle. The only big worry I have right now is HOW to physically release this monster build of over 500MB. I really don't want to release through a filesharing service so perhaps I'll contact the site-admins to request for a one-time exception to upload a larger file. The other possibility is that I'll upload spanned ZIP/RAR files to the site that have be combined, before installing. Any tips or tricks on how to release such a big build are greatly appreciated!


I will release a TORRENT version in any case, and will seed that for 12 months after its release.

The more people seed it, the more available it will be.


So far, only ONE TESTER has PM'ed me.

So is no one interested in testing Ivy? If you'd like to help and be credited as QA developer, PM me so you can be added to the 'list' of testers.


Oh and..


Some MAJOR and EXCITING things are developing for Ivy, you guys and girls ain't seen nothing yet.


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52 minutes ago, Reginald_001 said:

Development Update

I have made a to-do list for the final 'sprint' not sure if you guys know agile-development, but that's the way Ivy's been approached from day 1. Using agile I've managed to get her this far and I'd like to take just a few sentences to point out the power of agile development and how it can benefit even a one-man team. This last 'sprint' consists of 10 working days, but 5 of those are after testing release, meaning I've got 5 workdays to get the test build ready for release.


The to-do list is not big. Not big at all and I think I'll manage to release on time without too much hassle. The only big worry I have right now is HOW to physically release this monster build of over 500MB. I really don't want to release through a filesharing service so perhaps I'll contact the site-admins to request for a one-time exception to upload a larger file. The other possibility is that I'll upload spanned ZIP/RAR files to the site that have be combined, before installing. Any tips or tricks on how to release such a big build are greatly appreciated!


I will release a TORRENT version in any case, and will seed that for 12 months after its release.

The more people seed it, the more available it will be.


So far, only ONE TESTER has PM'ed me.

So is no one interested in testing Ivy? If you'd like to help and be credited as QA developer, PM me so you can be added to the 'list' of testers.


Oh and..

  Reveal hidden contents

Some MAJOR and EXCITING things are developing for Ivy, you guys and girls ain't seen nothing yet.


As for how to release Ivy. Have you thought about doing it in parts? Lets say you need to do 5 100MB parts. Part one can be the main archive that triggers part 2 that triggers part 3.....you get the rest. Either 7zip or WinRAR can open the first part, so it doesn't matter to the downloader on which one to open the archive with if they have either one.


As for testing, I would bite the bullet and give it a go, and you know why I'm saying about biting the bullet. But, my work schedule is a rotating 12 hour night shift. I wouldn't be able to give the time needed to properly slide in her.....ummm, wait I mean, break her in.

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6 minutes ago, DontBlnkBadWolf said:

As for how to release Ivy. Have you thought about doing it in parts? Lets say you need to do 5 100MB parts. Part one can be the main archive that triggers part 2 that triggers part 3.....you get the rest. Either 7zip or WinRAR can open the first part, so it doesn't matter to the downloader on which one to open the archive with if they have either one.

Yeah, that's spanning across multiple downloads. It should work well, I guess even here at LL.

I got a good tip to use Google Share, if the build's too big for LL, but I'll likely use that anyway as alternative source. :)

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Just go Nexus.


Ivy only contains foul language. Not nudity or actual sex animations. And you have a filter toggle for the profanity anyways... As long as you flag the mod as adult content, you should be fine. And more than that, they have a 10 gig limit on uploads (IIRC). AND you will get more exposure. Which will be very good for you. :)


For me, I mean... Crime and Punishment is currently 950 megs (and growing). I absolutely need Nexus (plus, you know, I'm kind of over the whole sex mod thing).

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25 minutes ago, DontBlnkBadWolf said:

Flashy is right. I never knew why you haven't been on Nexus, I thought it had something to do with you not liking it. They will allow people to get about 10 feet from the edge before they tell you to stop because the boundary line on what is allowed is the edge.

Dude... they allow Wicked Whims for the Sim 4 on Nexus, which is 20 feet PAST the edge...


Ivy is NOTHING compared to that. I mean... look at the front page for the download itself, as it appears right now, on Nexus.


If THIS can be there, Ivy CERTAINLY can too.





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The reason up till now was the added support and time it'd take for me to support it on Nexus. With the added exposure I figured it'd also take me a lot more time to support it on Nexus. My current plan is to release 5.0 here on LL. Then when it's proven stable I'll release over at Nexus. :)

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@Reginald_001 for the testers ( I also volunteered as one)  I'd probably do a Google drive link to them  Via PM. I have ALL the Artwork, Scans, proofs, and Reference Photos in my Google drive for Ivy's Booklet. I just never sent it to you because I was already posting alot!


I also Agree with @Flashy (JoeR) & @DontBlnkBadWolf Nexus would be Great for Ivy. when she's done. You already have made the best Companion of all time. Otherwise, Google drive, or break it in parts and then the user can extract and rebuild. (I know, other have posted certain difficulties with these things, So I'll leave an offer to help them as blanket statement .)

IF She goes to Nexus, We OWE it to Reg and Ivy to endorse and Vote Ivy, She deserved File of the Century, But we'll settle for the month


As a final offer, If you don't get enough testers, I can attempt to do multiple paths on completely different saves (As to not add variables to the test) My favorite form of testing in my own line of work is Binary Exclusion - Remove all variable by half Usually in the form of "Hardware or Software" when I'm Diagnosing and fixing a Client's Computer/Server/Network

Which reminds me, Ivy went on about her line about "General Failure trying to Access Her Drive" and I LOL every. Single. Time!

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25 minutes ago, kchurchjr said:

@Reginald_001 for the testers ( I also volunteered as one)  I'd probably do a Google drive link to them  Via PM. I have ALL the Artwork, Scans, proofs, and Reference Photos in my Google drive for Ivy's Booklet. I just never sent it to you because I was already posting alot!


I also Agree with @Flashy (JoeR) & @DontBlnkBadWolf Nexus would be Great for Ivy. when she's done. You already have made the best Companion of all time. Otherwise, Google drive, or break it in parts and then the user can extract and rebuild. (I know, other have posted certain difficulties with these things, So I'll leave an offer to help them as blanket statement .)

IF She goes to Nexus, We OWE it to Reg and Ivy to endorse and Vote Ivy, She deserved File of the Century, But we'll settle for the month


As a final offer, If you don't get enough testers, I can attempt to do multiple paths on completely different saves (As to not add variables to the test) My favorite form of testing in my own line of work is Binary Exclusion - Remove all variable by half Usually in the form of "Hardware or Software" when I'm Diagnosing and fixing a Client's Computer/Server/Network

Which reminds me, Ivy went on about her line about "General Failure trying to Access Her Drive" and I LOL every. Single. Time!

No worries, with you I now have 2 testers so we can officially call that a 'team'. :D

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Development Update

Spent two hours trying to figure out why Ivy wasn't saying her lines after being warped (teleported) by the player. Finally saw the comment bracket before the scene.start() line. In any case, one major bug scratched from the list. Then I went into the AO Comments and looks like all is working fine there as well. Another major bug gone from the list. Getting so close now!


[11/30/2019 - 04:49:37PM] IVY Starting Warp Scene (1 of 2)
[11/30/2019 - 04:49:37PM] IVY: Starting WarpLines Phase (2 of 2)


Those log lines in the papyrus log made me happy today. :)



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6 minutes ago, Fallout4kc said:

First off, great fucking mod.  By far my favorite companion mod and mod in general.  If I use aft but dont manage ivy with it, will it cause potential issues? Or is it fine as long as I dont use its management system for ivy.


Thanks and great work!

Every time you play Ivy with AFT, I heard that God takes a small puppy and boils it slowly to death. If no puppies are available, it takes a small sweet kitten and skins it alive. It's just hearsay.. but.. that's what I heard.

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On 6/1/2018 at 10:18 AM, Reginald_001 said:


That ole comet has passed on by again.

That quote is page 1. Ivy is meant for solo playing, You Ivy and Dogmeat. No multi compain framework is supported, may mess with ivy's line and AI. "Everybody's best friend"

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Development Update

13 Days, 9 Hours to go before release. 6 days to go before the test-release. I've been playing and enjoying the hell out of Ivy this evening and everything is working fine. I'm pretty happy with the result. There was one weird bug, where Ivy got stuck in an exploding animation, half in the floor, following me around. I've seen this bug before with other companions and I don't know what the HELL that is all about. I couldn't get her out of it, not even when I manually teleported her. In the end I 'pushed' her to force her to ragdoll (I'm using the Push! companions mod). That fixed her up. I'm not sure if I should do something about it through scripting. I'm not sure how I would detect such a state and I'm not sure if it's Ivy related it's definitely NOT Ivy related:



Other than that she is working great! Her HyperCombat is cool. Her AO_Comments are working great. Her affinity systems are working fine. It's all coming together great. So far we have THREE testers, making for a real 'team' of testers, which is awesome! Thanks @Adviser69 @Bravo267 @kchurchjr.


And I keep having these weird, never before had, encounters. Like I finally met that little girl with her Tankbot. And I spoke to a random triggerman that walked up to me, in the middle of nowhere, close to the Edge of the Glowing Sea, telling me to go see Bobbi No-Nose. And these weird traders that suspect one of them is a Synth.


Also.. Thirty fifty-six, ninety-nine are correct, limited 4 and 8 are missing.

A cookie to the one that gets the reference. :P

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That sounds great Reg, there's nothing you can do about that game bug , that's happen to me as well.  Anyway Reg my user name here is the same as on the Discord channel if you need to contact me, I have that (Discord) on all the time when I'm online. Keep having fun with Ivy, I can't wait.  

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Woo Hoo! Another has Joined the fray. Dunno know about yous guys (i'm a New Yorker) But I'm excited to start testing. Maybe it's my techie mind, But I really enjoy the test/diagnosis phase of things. Been refreshing my browser between gaming just to make sure I don't miss anything


@Reginald_001 I've seen that bug even in Skyrim, on my PS3 and FO4 on my PS4. Is a Bethesda bug I guess. Not surprised it's back considering FO4 is built on Skyrim's engine 

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1 hour ago, Reginald_001 said:

There was one weird bug, where Ivy got stuck in an exploding animation, half in the floor, following me around. I've seen this bug before with other companions and I don't know what the HELL that is all about. I couldn't get her out of it, not even when I manually teleported her. In the end I 'pushed' her to force her to ragdoll (I'm using the Push! companions mod). That fixed her up. I'm not sure if I should do something about it through scripting. I'm not sure how I would detect such a state and I'm not sure if it's Ivy related it's definitely NOT Ivy related


Mm, sounds and looks like a rare but known animation break glitch, specifically with havok ragdoll. Something about explosion animations that go off at just the right angle causes the affected NPC to not reach end stage on the ragdoll and freezes them up until you can get them to ragdoll again. It's actually been a bit of a problem through Bethesda games since at least Fallout 3, and still continues occasionally with Fallout 76.

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Fall damage and bleedout get affected by the glitch too, in a different way of course, but still - something happens that doesn't allow the tags in the animation to be called upon, so the END tag never gets touched and the animation continues to loop. Im sure we've all seen this one - companion goes into bleedout but never gets back up, even when we stimpak them. Only way I've found to resolve it is to dismiss them as companion and fast travel somewhere. Typically within a gamehour or so, the companion is back at the settlement they were sent to, walking around as expected. Not much else to do in those instances since we cannot send events to the animation engine (not to be confused with AAF here, Im talking about Bethesda's game engine for playing idles / animations).


Although... I've never tried clicking on the companion via the console and sending a playidle to them. I wonder if a "playidle looseidlestop" in the console would snap them out of the bleedout (or other stuck animated pose). ?

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