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Lovers RaperS - WappyOne's Edition 1.80 1.80

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About This File

Lovers RaperS - WappyOne's edition

An updated combat rape mod with highly configurable settings, gangrapes, stealing of equipment/items, and more.

Continuation of ShadowRunner's work, original thread: http://www.loverslab.com/showthread.php?tid=6258

Current support / discussion thread: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15117-lovers-rapers-wappyones-edition/



Oblivion latest patch

OBSE v19 or higher

Lovers v91 or higher

(Optional) Lovers Creature - Required for creature rape

(Optional) Pluggy v125 or higher - Required to export settings to .ini

(Optional) Player Slave Encounters - Required for Enslavement Bad End

(Optional) Furo Trap Improved: Tentacles! - Required for Daedra rape to potentially Furo Trap victims

(Optional) Lovers Slave Trade - Required to automatically enslave player rape victims instead of killing them.


Rapes are started by combat hits from NPCs against either the player or other NPCs, or the player using the granted 'Rape (Contact)' Lesser Ability. Calculations determining the success of each attempt are explained in spoiler below.


Mod settings are configured by using the 'Rape Settings - Master' Lesser Ability.


Settings Guide:




Main Settings Menu


My Settings - This brings up a simple settings window to allow whether the player can or can not be raped or initiate rapes and by which genders. Using the 'Rape Settings (Contact)' Lesser Ability will bring up the same window for NPCs, allowing you to set whether or not another character/companion can or can not be raped and by which genders.


Rape - Attributes - These settings set the basic conditions that must be met before a rape can start. (See below for more detail)


Rape - Gender - Settings to control the base success chance for each combat hit/rape spell attempt by gender pairing. (See below for more detail)


Rape - Options - Additional options including damage done by rape and PC/NPC/blocking/incapacitated success rate modifiers. (See below for more detail)


Rape - Steal/Drop - Equipment related options including damage done to worn armor on rape, chance for gold or worn and/or inventory items to be stolen, and stripping or dropping of worn items. (See below for more detail)


Rape - Gangrape - Settings for gangrape chance after an initial rape. (See below for more detail)


Rape - Advanced - Various advanced settings. (See below for more detail)


Reset/Save Settings - Change all options to those loaded from one of three .ini files (located in Data\ini\), reload animation strings, or export/import your current settings to an .ini.



Attributes Settings Menu

For a rape to start, all conditions from this page must be met.


Victim Health (Threshold mode) - Potential rape victim's health must be below this % of maximum.

Health Baseline (Dynamic mode) - Point at which victim's health does not raise or lower success chance.


Success % per 1% health diff (Dynamic mode only) - Amount rape success increases/decreases as health falls/raises.


Victim Fatigue (Threshold mode) - Potential rape victim's fatigue must be below this % of maximum.

Fatigue Baseline (Dynamic mode) - Point at which victim's fatigue does not raise or lower success chance.


Success % per 1% fatigue diff (Dynamic mode only) - Amount rape success increases/decreases as fatigue falls/raises.


Rapist Health - Potential rapist's health must be above this % of maximum.


Rapist Fatigue - Potential rapist's fatigue must be above this % of maximum.


Strength Difference Modifier - For each point of strength rapist is stronger/weaker than intended victim, success chance is increased/decreased by this amount.


Switch to Threshold/Dynamic Mode - Switches from threshold (victim health/fatigue are hard limits) to dynamic (rape chance increases as health/fatigue fall) mode and back.


Raper Responsibility - Rapist's Responsibility value must be at or below this value to initiate rape. Has no effect on player rapes. Most citizens are Responsibility 50, guards are 90-100, criminals are 30 or lower.


Raper Max Disposition - Rapist's Disposition to intended victim must be at or below this value. Not suggested to set below 75 as many hostile NPCs can have disposition from 40-60.


Raper Personality - Rapists Personality must be at or below this value.


Victim Personality - Potential rape victim's Personality must be at or above this value. Can be set to prevent rapes of the highly undesirable.


PC Auto Mode - Normally the player must use the 'Rape (Contact)' spell to initiate a rape. By setting this value above 0 the player will attempt to automatically start rapes on combat hits like an NPC would. This does not occur if there is another NPC in combat with the player besides the intended victim.


Armor Protection - Average combined durability of upper+lower armor slots are multiplied by this number and applied as a penalty to rape chance.


Rape Prevents Death - Will prevent fatal blows if the attacker is interested in raping.


Gender Settings Menu

Once the attributes conditions are met, the %chance from the appropriate gender pairing is rolled.


Male -> Female, Female -> Male, etc. - These are the base success rates for each rapist/victim sex pairing. "Female -> Male: 50%" indicates a 50% for each combat hit/rape spell that a female rapist will succeed against a male victim if all attribute settings are met.


Female Reverse - This setting controls reversing the animation roles in the case of female rapist. Possible settings are:

Never - Female rapist is always in the offensive/giver animation position.

Males Only - Female rapist switches to the defensive/receiver animation position when raping a male.

Always - Female rapist always switches to the defensive/receiver animation position.

Random - 50/50 chance for position switch.


Orientation Mode - Turning this on rolls the above gender settings once per actor, permanently setting them to always/never want to rape Males/Females, instead of rolling the % chance each hit. Once set orientation can be changed or unset using the 'Rape Settings (Contact)' lesser ability.



Options Settings Menu

Rape Damage Chance - % Chance when a rape completes to apply some kind of damage to the victim.


Damage Type - What type of damage to apply:

Stats - Victim's Strength, Endurance, and Willpower statistics are damaged. The stronger the rapist the more damage is applied.

Health - Victim takes health damage depending on the relative values of rapist's vs victim's Strength+Endurance+Willpower statistics total.

Stats+Health - Both of the above are applied.

Permanent Stats+Health - A small of the normal Stats+Health damage is applied permanently.

- Health damage amount can also be adjusted in this option.

- Stats Amount allows adjustment of which stats are damaged, how much, and a minimum they can not be damaged past.

Blocking Multiplier - If the potential victim is actively blocking the success rate is multiplied by this percentage.


Raper Unsatisfied Chance - This is the % chance a rapist will remain unsatisfied after the rape and join in any subsequent gangrape of their victim.


Player/NPC Success Rate - These are the base rape success chances.


From behind bonus - If the victim is attacked from the rear the success rate is multiplied by this percentage. The Minimum chance allows these attacks a chance to always succeed, even if health/fatigue are not low enough for normal chance.


Staggered/Knocked bypass - If the victim is knocked down, paralyzed, or otherwise incapacitated the success rate is multiplied by this percentage. The Minimum chance allows these attacks a chance to always succeed, even if health/fatigue are not low enough for normal chance.



Steal/Drop Settings Menu


Armor Damage Multiplier - Victim's equipped armor at rape start will take this amount of durability damage for every 5 points of rapist's Strength statistic.


Steal Chance - % of gold and % chance of items stolen based on which of the below settings are enabled. Creatures do not steal, though they will knock away weapon/shield unless Stolen Items is set to Nothing.


Stolen Items - What items are eligible to be stolen:

Nothing - No items can be stolen.

Equipped - Currently worn equipment can be stolen.

Inventory - All carried weapons, armor, clothing, jewelry, books, and soulstones can be stolen.


Min. Steal Value - An item must be worth this amount or greater to be stolen.


Steal Gold - Percentage of victim's gold stolen by human rapists.


Strip/Drop Equipped - Handles removal of victim's equipped armor/clothing on rape start:

Neither - Do not strip anything, let the Lovers w/ PK system handle it.

Strip - Unequip worn armor/clothing.

Drop - Tear off worn weaponry/armor/clothing and throw it to the ground.



Gangrape Settings Menu

Once an initial rape is completed a gangrape of the victim can start or continue based on these settings. Gangrapes ignore attributes settings, but obey the base success chances of the appropriate gender pairing.


gRape Unsatisfied Chance - This is the % chance a rapist will remain unsatisfied after joining in the gangrape and may continue in the victim's gangrape.


gRape Distance - How close a character must be to join in a gangrape.


gRape Disposition - A potential rapist's disposition to the gangrape victim must be this value or lower.


gRape Responsibility - A potential rapist's Responsibility must be this value or lower.


gRape Chance - Similar to PC/NPC Success Rate in the Options settings, this is multiplicative to the gender pairing base success chance to see if the gangrape is joined.


Player Join-In - Sets the player's default action when eligible to join in a gangrape:

Ask - Displays a message box asking if the player wishes to join in the gangrape.

Never - Player never joins gangrapes.

Once - Player will join in a gangrape once.

Always - Player will continue gangraping the victim until failing the 'gRape Unsatisfied Chance' roll.


After-Action Report - Threshold for how many acts in a gangrape before a summary of the gangrape is displayed once completed. Set to 0 to disable.



Advanced Settings Menu


Rape Spell is Hostile - Toggles the 'Rape (Contact)' ability being considered an assault.


Refractory Period - Amount of time in seconds a rapist must wait before initiating a rape after rolling above the 'Satisfied Chance' setting.


Disable Pushback - Toggle starting rapes immediately instead of after a knockdown.


Bad End - Two possible alternatives to when player would have died to rape damage. Perpeturape places the player in a never-ending gangrape. Enslavement requires Ichabod's "Player Slave Encounters" (Tested on versions v0.55 - v0.60).


Damage Delay Timer - Damage is applied a few tenths of a second after rape end to prevent animation issues or skin stretching. If you are still seeing such issues on rape damage or quick gangrape try increasing this value.


Message Level - Level of messages shown by RaperS.

None - Only errors/warning and bad end messages are shown.

Terse - Shows important messages.

Default - Shows all messages and calculation for each successful combat rape is shown on console.

Verbose - Output additional debug info to console including all failed calculations, rape health damage, satisfied/unsatisfied gangrape joins, etc.




Rape Calculation Explained:



Each melee (or very close range archery) attack will follow these steps to determine if a rape is started.


The following threshold values are checked, if any fail a rape does not occur. Phrase in [] is where in the options the value is set.

**Not checked in Dynamic Mode** - Victim health % below [Attributes->Victim Health]

**Not checked in Dynamic Mode* - Victim fatigue % below [Attributes->Victim Fatigue]

- Rapist health % above [Attributes->Raper Health]

- Rapist fatigue % above [Attributes->Raper Fatigue]

- Rapist responsibility must be below [Attributes->Raper Responsibility]

- Rapist Personality must be below [Attributes->Raper Personality]

- Victim Personality must be above [Attributes->Victim Personality]

- Rapist's disposition towards victim must be below [Attributes->Raper Disposition]


Once all those checks have passed, the base success chance is set to [Options->Player Success Rate] or [Options->NPC Success Rate] depending on if aggresor is the player or anything else.

**Dynamic Mode only** [Attributes->Success % per 1% health diff] is added/subtracted for each percent of health below/above [Attributes->Health baseline].

**Dynamic Mode only** [Attributes->Success % per 1% fatigue diff] is added/subtracted for each percent of fatigue below/above [Attributes->Fatigue baseline].

[Attributes->Str Diff Modifier] is added/subtracted for each point of strength the rapist is above/below the victim.

[Attributes->Armor Protection] is multiplied by average combined durability of upper+lower armor slots and subtracted.


If the rapist is behind the victim the success chance is multiplied by [Options->From Behind Bonus] or set to a minimum if that option specifies.

If the victim is knocked down, paralyzed, or otherwise incapacitated the success chance is multiplied by [Options->Staggered/Knocked Bonus] or set to a minimum if that option specifies.

If the victim is actively blocking and attacked from the front the success chance is multiplied by [Options->Blocking Mult].


The now final success rate is rolled against.


If this passes, the gender settings are rolled and on success rape starts.




Important Notes:

Default animation strings assume you are using the LAPF pack. If you are using the v3 Resource pack with the 11-200 BBB Revised or v2 Resource pack edit LoversRaperS_Motion.ini and un-comment the appropriate section.

LoversRaperS should be placed after LoversVoiceSSPplus in the load order.

What's New in Version 1.80


  • New: 'Rape prevents death' setting ( Settings -> Attributes Pg. 2 ) will prevent fatal hits if the attacker is interested in raping.
  • New: Stats damaged, damage amount, and a minimum amount RaperS will not damage stats below can now all be set ( Settings -> Options -> Damage Type -> Stats Amount ). Default settings are same stats as previous versions ( Str/Wil/End ) with a floor of 10.
  • New: Something that can't be used yet unless you're in the super secret club.
  • Fix: Attempting to rape player slaves was supposed to be auto-success, not auto-fail.
  • Fix: Necro-raped corpses should return to death now if something else is blocking the .kill command.

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