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233 files

  1. XCL Side effects list & Side effect manager

    This shows the enabled side effects in this current game/mods combination.
    It shows as a link on the Game Settings page after you have created a character.
    Added a second version of this that adds a button to the list to enable you to 'add' or 'remove' the side effect.  Note that adding it this way will make the side effect permanent until you remove it.
    The Side Effects manager includes the full list of possible side effects, so it can be used to replace the 'Side Effects List' mod.



  2. [XCL] Too Horny to Sleep (THotS)

    Some players have reported the event triggering even at zero arousal. I haven't been able to reproduce the issue on my end, but I've uploaded a new version 0.1a with a provisional fix that hopefully solves the problem for now.
    In case the event still triggers at low arousal you will see a debug message with some variable data. If you come across this it would help me a great deal if you could post that data here or on the game's discord (in my thread in the mods-bug-reports channel).
    Also, if you are running into this problem, try changing each of the mod's settings at least once and see if that fixes it. Thank you!
    With this mod characters with high arousal will be unable to sleep at night and will be forced to either masturbate or succeed a willpower check to resist. It's mostly intended to be used in conjunction with other mods that add pills or drugs which can have adverse effects when orgasming such as the Resistance or Continue pills in BR Pills.
    The arousal thresholds to trigger the event can be set separately for male and female characters. Note that you will still only be able to masturbate once per night and if you failed to orgasm the event won't trigger.
    Requires mod loader 1.2.0 or higher.
    If you encounter any issues, please let me know here or on the game's discord.



  3. [XCL] Bimbo's Day Off

    New Version 0.4: Laundry stinks!
    This is just a small mod that adds a random chance for characters with the Brainless Bimbo side effect to get distracted and skip doing their morning chores, finding a job, going to work or doing laundry as planned. Instead they may waste all their time or end up at the mall.
    The probability of this happening depends on your character's intellect. You can change the base frequency in the mod options. The settings are:
    Frequently:     Intellect level 1 - 1 in 2 chance | Intellect level 10 - 1 in 8 chance Occasionally:  Intellect level 1 - 1 in 4 chance | Intellect level 10 - 1 in 16 chance Rarely:            Intellect level 1 - 1 in 8 chance | Intellect level 10 - 1 in 32 chance You can set these separately for chores, work/finding a job and doing laundry and also turn each of them off completely.
    Keep in mind that even at a 50/50 chance you may still get several workdays in a row every so often.
    Note that this currently overrides the Live-in-Maid side effect. I figured this makes sense as it's not intentional laziness that's simulated here. Also, it gives players another way to see the forced maid scenes with stepdad. And there's always the option to turn it off.
    This little project was mostly intended as a way to get into XCL modding and try the new aspect-oriented programming. As such it requires Mod Loader 1.1.4 or above.



  4. [XCL] NPC Drinks Reset Dance Counter [for 0.18a]

    When you get tired at the club, you can buy yourself a drink and go back to dancing, this mod copies that behavior to drinks you accept from NPC's.



  5. XCL event scheduler

    This is a utility file or framework.
    This lets you schedule events to be called at some time in the future.  The events can be run on 'advance time' or 'advance day'.  You can add, remove or update events in the scheduler.
    You no longer need to keep track of your own events using the [advance_time_pre], [advance_time_post], [advance_day_pre], or [advance_time_post] passage tags. 

    Further documentation is in the mod file.



  6. [Mod][XCL] Work Stats Widget

    Adds a simple collapsible table in the sidebar for the Dynapill job showing statistics like your current commission rate and sexual reputation.



  7. X-Change Life - Online patch

    This is a patch for X-Change Life, that enables a modded version to be played "online". No need to download 5+GB to play with mods!
    The patch will work with a local Game and Mods, but all resources (images, videos, music, sound, ...) of the base game are loaded from the X-Change Life webserver. Mod resources are still loaded locally.
    NOTE: This is not a mod for the X-Change Life Modding framework!
    It replaces the original X-Change Life game file (X-Change Life.html) with a patched version.
    How to use
    Just download, extract and open X-Change Life.html in your favorite browser. The game will run like the orignial online version on https://x-change.life/
    To add Mods, use the official X-Change Life mod-loader and follow the instructions at https://gitgud.io/xchange-life/mod-loader/-/wikis/home
    A short summary:
    Download the mod-loader JAR from https://gitgud.io/xchange-life/mod-loader/-/releases Download mods from https://gitgud.io/xchange-life/mod-loader/-/wikis/List-of-Mods Start the mod-loader (double-click on JAR file, Java required), and add your mods Click "Load mods" Open X-Change Life Mod.html in your browser Profit! Updating to new X-Change Life version
    The patch will simply add an addiotinal JS file at the bottom of the HTML file. The current version is bundled with this patch.
    When a new version of X-Change Life is released, it must be updated. Simply go to http://x-change.life/ and save the website locally (e.g. in FireFox, Right-Click > Save Website As... > (choose "Website (Only HTML))")
    The file MUST be named "X-Change Life.html", as this is also required by the mod-loader.
    Then, double-click on "patcher.bat"
    After this, the mods must be re-installed using the mod-loader
    Changed JS/CSS
    The base game includes some JS and CSS files in the header directly. Those are also bundled in this package. I don't assume they will change frequently, but if so, they also must be downloaded from the original game.
    They can be found at the top of the HTML file, in <script src=...> and <link rel="stylesheet" src=...>



  8. XCL - CumCure by Mirande

    Just a simple mod to add CumCure to the XCL range.

    The pill will last until your character swallows and should wear off early the following day
    First attempt at making a mod so any feedback is welcomed.
    Requires mod loader 1.2 or later to deal with [around] tags and when loaded with BR.pills the loader will throw an exception. I haven't found this to be impactful in gameplay however. Please report any issues.
    Special thanks to BadRabbit, Usagi666 and Pudge. I took apart various sections from your collective mods in an effort to learn how everything meshed together before repurposing sections.



  9. [XCL] BR Bargirl 5 [for 0.18a]

    This mod hopefully provides an easy to copy example of how to create a new bar girl.
    DO NOT USE WITH Girls Girls Girls MOD - this mod is entirely superseded by that mod. This mod is for practice/example purposes only.
    It is composed of two files.
    In terms of code - re-naming carmen as whatever the new girl's name is will deal with the majority of issues. The possible names and unfamiliar names will probably need changed as well.
    In relation to the media - the videos and audio are in a zip file. You need to substitute the existing files with the files relevant to your bar girl. Rename carmen wherever it appears with the new name of your girl.



  10. [XCL] Drink Spikes [0.18a]

    1) This mod adds the ability for male NPC's to slip drugs into your drinks at the bar and club.
    2) If you are smarter than the NPC, you are likely to notice something is wrong.
    3) NPC's will become more persistent once they've spiked you.
    4) If you ask for more money during the proposition event and fail the charm check, the NPC will ask you to reconsider instead of just leaving.
    5) Currently supports Caliente and Futility drugs (install "[XCL] U666's Drugs")

    How does this mod differ from the other drugging/spiking mods? - This mod adds a drug to the player's system but continues the conversation between the player and NPC.  The intent of this mod is to make it easier for the NPC to seduce you, not to drag you away and do whatever he wants to you.
    Required Mods:
    [XCL] Drug Framework 2 [for 0.18a]
    Optional (recommended) mods:
    [XCL] U666's Drugs



  11. [XCL] Christy Bar Girl

    This mod adds new girl to the bar. You can hook up with her as a guy, just like with other girls.
    Actress name: Christy White.
    Many thanks to Badrabbit and his Bargirl 5 mod on which this mod is based on as well to Chuck for helping with code and dancing path.
    Don't think there should be any conflicts with other mods, but I don't know much about game code so can't be sure.



  12. [XCL] BR pills for BarDrug [0.18a]

    This is pretty much just an example on how to use the new extendability for Bar Drugging using BR pills as an example. However that means that everyone can now get those pills in bar drugging as well.
    How to use:
    Load with modloader as usual. The two requirements needs to be added as well.
    Bar Drugging version 2.3+ https://www.loverslab.com/topic/206879-modxcl-bar-drugging-018a/
    BR Pills 16d https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/27065-xcl-br-pill-mod-018a/



  13. XCL Mod Listing

    A quick mod to show the mods installed.
    The button to show the mods is on the Game Settings page.
    This is mostly to replace the button overwritten by the achievements mod on the menu page.
    Note: Mods that have an underline in the name will cause a spurious error on the display page.  Just ignore it.




  14. [XCL] Cold-Calling Interruptions Plus [0.18a]

    Cold calling no longer ends the day so you no longer can avoid coworkers interacting with you.
    This mod i inspired by https://www.loverslab.com/topic/218514-modxcl-cold-calling-interruptions-for-v018a/ by the author usagitriplesix
    How it works:
    During cold calling, there is a check every hour if an NPC approaches you. If it does then cold calling is interrupted and you have to deal with the NPC approaching you. After you deal with the approach you are put back to work selection options. If no approach is made then it works exactly as vanilla cold calling. 
    You can change the setting of how often should the check be run:
    Normal - 1 hour Frequent - 30 minutes Infrequent - 1 hour 30 minutes Disabled - no interruptions (vanilla)  
    Currently, you can be only interrupted if you are playing as a female character. 
    Running the cold calling can lag for a second or two if you are not approached.



  15. Minor Stripper Fix Mod

    This mod makes a few minor changes to the stripper gameplay.
    * During the tease section a line of code that increases satisfaction by 2 if you did the action requested was moved. Previously this code was only reachable if you chose "flash your tits" or "feel them up", now it can trigger on any action (as long as it is the action requested).
    * To make up for this extra source of satisfaction the satisfaction needed to ask to end the dance is increased from 5 to 7.
    * In the base game arousal is increased by half the sluttiness gained during a dance when you have not removed any clothing, but after removing your top or your top and your bottom sluttiness no longer adds any arousal. In this mod the sluttiness of a dance adds the same arousal regardless of how much you're wearing
    * Added a line of text to give players a hint about why they're gaining the arousal mentioned in the last point.
    * After every dance the game chooses a random number from 1 to 100. If this number is greater than your identity stat you gain 1 arousal



  16. [XCL] New-U Female to Female [0.18a]

    Update the New-U machine so that it can be used by characters who are already transformed into female form.
    This allows characters who are permanently transformed to change their female form, to experience different form specific content.



  17. Onyx Addons

    This just does a bunch of things from the API pretty much.
    (female) Orgasm counter in sex stats It's own sub-menu button in the menu for a few misc things. Mostly showing off what can be done An alternate mods list menu to the base game one Makes $npc's preference an array rather than a string of ass/tits and adds racial preferences (further things coming with this) catcalls will only mention racial comments if the race matches the PC



  18. [XCL] Computer+ [0.18a]

    Another mod with a Plus? Yes. Another mod that's actually a framework? Also yes. Don't tell me... hold on... it needs Onyx API, doesn't it? Yes!
    This adds a very basic Web Search feature that you can search keywords for. Adds a [web_page] tag for mod creators.
    Speaking of; if you'd like to impliment your own, simple (set:$search_results to it +(a:"your","entries")) in your init and have a [web_page] tag on a passage with your "pages" in it.
    (if:$search_result is "yourTerm")[stuff]
    Easy as!



  19. [XCL] Placement+ [PlayTest] [0.18a]

    This is a playtest! It is not a complete version. There is media lacking, so placeholders are used. If you wish to contribute, ping me on Discord. Keep your eyes on this space as updates may happen frequently. You will also need the file linked below to use this
    PlacementPlus is a mod that furthers onto the framework from Onyx API (of which is required for this mod to function) and provides more places for him to cum! The actual playable content features feet and tongue as 2 extra positions, but has a way for other mods to expand on that.
    What can you expect though? Kinks. Yes, that's right. When starting out, you won't get the option to choose feet or tongue as a placement. This is normal. However, NPCs can be generated with kinks of their own! Being an oral fixation kink, leading them to choose tongue as their cum option (unless they are breeders) and likewise NPCs can generate with a foot fetish. This does the same thing, chooses feet as a location unless a breeder.
    You can obtain side effects, too, via natural progression of the kinks, or from the New-U machine. These are much more aggressive thoughts on the given content. If you obtain the relevant side effect of a kink, then you won't be able to get enough of it. Read more in the spoiler.
    Info on how to obtain:



  20. Onyx API

    Just adds a few things, changes a few passages, provides a bit of a framework for things I'd like to see added in the main game, like some passage tags and stuff. It's mostly documented. Just ping me on the Discord if any questions come up



  21. [0.18a] Quick Lead Getter

    Feel like 1 hour is an excessively long time to wait to pull a lead?  Me too. This mod allows you to pull leads quick.  Really quick.  Almost instantaneously, like a real computer would.  You'll still have to do research on it, but at least it'll be fast.



  22. XCL - Experimental patch to permit the Character Class rework mod to work together with the Multiple Characters mod

    I've seen a lot of requests to use the Character Class rework mod and the multiple characters mod to work together.

    This is a quick experimental mod I threw together to hopefully let them work at the same time.  The name is purposely made to put the file at the end of the line to make sure it overwrites both of the other mod's code.
    This is meant to be used with both the CC rework mod and the multiple character mod.  It will give errors in the mod-loader as it is replacing a passage that both files use.  That is what has to be done to correct the incompatibility.
    This needs the multiple character version 1.5 or later to work.
    This should work with just the CC rework mod alone, but it is NOT designed to work with just the multiple characters mod without the CC rework mod.
    This will produce compatibility warnings from the mod loader.  This is expected and normal as the way the patch works is to overwrite both of the original mods to permit them both to work together.



  23. XCL - Multiple characters

    This is the main code mod to allow multiple characters in X-Change Life.  It makes all the relevant changes in the code to permit multiple new characters to be added to the game using the girl11 rework mod.   
    Version 1.1 is compatible through version .17b
    Version 1.2 is compatible with version .18a
    Version 1.3 is compatible with the .18a patch dated 10-9.
    Version 1.4 is compatible with the .18a patch dated 10-15.
    Version 1.5 is compatible with the .18a patch dated 10-28.
    The PushAside-mod.twee is an optional file that permits some clothing to not be removed during sex.  It has an intermittent (non-crashing) bug that causes some parts of the sex scene climax to not be shown.
    This mod will require one or mod mods that are based on the 'girl11 rework' mod.  The current version of that mod is at 1.2
    As of 10-14, there are currently 4 mods that work with this mod
    Two of them - AppleJuice and DangerZone are available on this page.
    Marley and 'Little Blonde in the Big City' are the other two.



  24. [XCL] Birth Control Pills [0.18a]

    X-Change Basic no longer automatically prevents pregnancy, but the pharmacy now sells birth control.
    The birth control pill (also called "the Pill") is a daily pill that prevents pregnancy. The pill is safe, affordable, and effective* if taken correctly**. It works with all pill types*** and transformations, not just Basic.
    The pill changes the cervical mucus to make it difficult for the sperm to pass through the cervix and find an egg, and by changing the lining of the womb to prevent fertilized eggs from being implanted. It is compatible with X-Change, unlike traditional hormonal contraceptives which modify the menstrual cycle to prevent ovulation.
    * 99.6% effective in clinical trials
    ** The pill is most effective when reliably taken every day
    *** The pill does partially counteract the fertility boosting effects of X-Change Breeder pills, but its exact efficacy is unknown. No clinical trial data is available because all participants using X-Change Breeder dropped out before the trial period was complete



  25. [XCL][.18a] Hypnotherapy WIP

    This mod adds a shop in the mall that allows you to get rid of certain side effects or revert a plus pill

    The supported side effects so far are:
    Maid, People pleaser, Brainless Bimbo and Creampie addict(from the br pills mod)
    You can also increase or decrease your masculinity
    Last but not least you can get out of a plus pill

    There are no requirements and it shouldn't interfere with any other mods

    I won't have as much free time as I am falling behind on bills so off to gig work for me. Releasing it as it is for now. Everything seemed to work when I tested it but definitely let me know if I missed something.
    To do list when I have more time:
    Add more side effects from more mods. Clean up white space, formatting and look for typos and such. Go through the flavor text and make it better/add more. Add Alexia the novice hypnotist(what could she possibly do wrong?) Balance the costs or allow you to set your own costs from a menu



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