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X-Change Life - Online patch 0.18a-4

1 Screenshot

About This File

This is a patch for X-Change Life, that enables a modded version to be played "online". No need to download 5+GB to play with mods!


The patch will work with a local Game and Mods, but all resources (images, videos, music, sound, ...) of the base game are loaded from the X-Change Life webserver. Mod resources are still loaded locally.



NOTE: This is not a mod for the X-Change Life Modding framework!
It replaces the original X-Change Life game file (X-Change Life.html) with a patched version.

How to use

Just download, extract and open X-Change Life.html in your favorite browser. The game will run like the orignial online version on https://x-change.life/


To add Mods, use the official X-Change Life mod-loader and follow the instructions at https://gitgud.io/xchange-life/mod-loader/-/wikis/home

A short summary:

Updating to new X-Change Life version

The patch will simply add an addiotinal JS file at the bottom of the HTML file. The current version is bundled with this patch.

When a new version of X-Change Life is released, it must be updated. Simply go to http://x-change.life/ and save the website locally (e.g. in FireFox, Right-Click > Save Website As... > (choose "Website (Only HTML))")

The file MUST be named "X-Change Life.html", as this is also required by the mod-loader.

Then, double-click on "patcher.bat"


After this, the mods must be re-installed using the mod-loader

Changed JS/CSS

The base game includes some JS and CSS files in the header directly. Those are also bundled in this package. I don't assume they will change frequently, but if so, they also must be downloaded from the original game.

They can be found at the top of the HTML file, in <script src=...> and <link rel="stylesheet" src=...>

Edited by raivoasdf

What's New in Version 0.18a-4   See changelog


Updated to game version 0.18a (Nov 2nd 2023)

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