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Continuing Delay



Skyrim is a rickety old bitch at the best of times, but rebuilding a heavy mod structure on a fresh install has to be the worst. The whole process of getting the parts in place is bad enough, but then trying to figure out how to hammer out all the bugs... I think I might at least have gotten those HDT freakouts and cell load stutters under control, although that'll take more extensive testing to confirm. My main problem now is that the game's consistently crashing at the end of any Sexlab scene. I feel like I ran into something like this one a previous install, but I can't remember what I did to fix it then, and all the stuff I've tried so far hasn't helped. So this install obviously won't really be a going concern again until I get that fixed.


But I did at least get my bodies and DCC stuff transferred over without any hitches, so I can get back to that at some point when I'm less infuriated with the game enigine. Have some random shots of my testing Murder Lizard to tide you over until then. 





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don't be sure, what your real problem is... if it insatalling a stable, FPS-friendly (and mostly papyruslagfree) skyrim, there are several ways, to do it (no, not S.T.E.P.), but common sense


just do a little thinking, before you install skyrim... what is your preferred playstyle, should skyrim look spectacular or will you fight against lots of enemies at the same time/scene... (yes, there is a solution to do all... but it depends on your own pc, your preferences)


so start with basic mods (like basic features for playing)... then go for enhancing playerabilities... each step should be tested with a FPS-counter (nvidia-drivers have an inbuild-function), after having a satisfied base of gamefunction/-features go for landscape-changes (highresolutiontextures, new landscapes or similiar stuff)... test again... if there are no significant drop inside the FPS you have chosen well... now go for an ENB... don't worry, if the FPS will drop extremly (using an ENB-Manager) you should easily found an ENB-set fitting your needs without significant drop into FPS... now install sexlab basic-mods... test again... with this you have a very good basic install (maybe a backup with a special program or just copying the gamedir to a saveplace will be in order)... now install some follwers, so you will have fun... then test additional mods... fall back, if they are not flawless... your base is safe... try and error (but maybe your safebase is worth some hours of trying for the best install)...


and maybe you know it... skyrim is able to handle 254+1 mod (the +1 is likely the bash.file)... but... this is extreme and mostly the reason for failures not to be found... reduce your mods likely at 150... (merging some will do the trick)... now you have a very stable base to test something new.. and if the new stuff is filling up the numbers you can decide and test again, which could be merged, too...


hope, this will help a little bit... if I have not understand the real problem, just ignore this (not native speaking)

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