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Discussion: Taking Sexy Characters Seriously



Sexy characters. They're everywhere. From the high-profile fan favorites to the noble everyman's bikini-clad recycled preset, a significant number of people have characters that are undeniably intended to be sexy. This doesn't always mean a pretty face or a perfect body, but anytime you take screenshots of a character with her tits hanging out and less material covering her naughty bits than a gum wrapper, the intended effect is obvious - sexy.


Many, if not all, of my characters have done the sexy thing, but none of them do that exclusively. I do more "serious" sets with no meaningful exposed skin and often times in full coverage armor or clothes. To me, they aren't the same as your Arielles or your recycled presets that spend most of their screentime with >%50 of their skin exposed - not better or worse, just different. For many of these characters, Arielle included, sexy seems to be their prime objective. It's this concept that gives me issues when I try to do something like it myself. This speaks more to my psychology than anything else, I imagine, but simply put, whenever I try to create a character who is a sex bomb first and a serious character second, I find that I can't take her seriously.


So, to all you screenshooters and/or writers out there who have "sexy" characters, I want to ask a few things and hear your opinions.

  1. Do you consider your character sexy first and serious second (if at all)?
  2. Have you ever had problems taking a sexy character seriously or making a serious character sexy?
  3. How do you set about making a character intended to be both sexy and serious?
  4. When you created your characters, which idea came first - sexy ("I want a hot blonde Nord babe who only wears a thong!") or serious ("I want a bounty hunter with a troubled past on the run from debtors")?

Obviously this is entirely a matter of taste - some people just enjoy an easy bimbo, after all, and I'm probably just not one of them. I'm just curious as to the perspective of others on this and think it's a discussion point that could create some interesting posts.


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My characters appearance are not to above average I guess, with my male probably being my most stunning. I can only speak for myself, but I can't make my characters look to far out of the game gorgeous because they'd make the vanilla npc's look even more-so ugly, or make them dress to scantily as the environment is a tad to cold for it.


My guess is most people don't think to much of it and make things they find pretty. Not to sound judgmental or condemning, but maybe some people don't connect with the game their playing on the same level?

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Hmmm, you bring up an interesting point; and it was something I had difficulty with when I was planning my story. I'm not sure if you have read it, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, one thing I took consolidation is the fact that we are on LL. People come here expecting sexy stuff, but that does not mean it is what they are always looking for. When I read other blogs and stories here I don't feel the sex takes away from the character as long as their background is strong enough. For example, if the character has sex in every chapter then, sure, they are obviously more sexual than serious. But if the amount of sex they have is balanced against important factors in character and plot development, then I think the sex appeal will simply add to the character or just keep readers coming back, haha. Here is my take on your questions:


1. I like to consider mine serious first. Though my story is certainly not nearly as sexual as many others, so it may be easier for me to think this way. 

2. I wish I had a better answer, but no, I have not... However I have had dilemma's with having serious characters undergo sexual acts. You won't find such an example on my blog at the moment, but that's just because I have not gotten to the point in my story. It does trouble me though, because as much as I'd like to add more sex to attract more viewers, I don't want to take away from the character. To get around this, I have done a lot of separate photo shoots with characters and plan to post them as entries unrelated to the story.

3. I'll use my character Taeyva as an example, she is my profile picture. By LL standards, she isn't very sexual. She is a nudist, and I have her wear a rusted harness from the Heretical Resources mod, but obviously that still does not make her super sexy; but lets assume she is. I gave her a strong backstory and try my best to give her a personality that people will like more than her nudity (at least, that's the plan). I also try to use the plot line to reinforce her "seriousness" by giving her an important role to play. So if I do give her a lot of screen time with just "sex" it should actually make people want it to end so the plot can move on (Well, I doubt people REALLY want that, but you get what I mean).

4. For me, it was serious. I will use my character Ellia as an example. She is important to my story to add a lot of action in early Acts as well as to develop the plot line of not only the story as a whole, but a few certain characters. In my story, she starts off being tied up, naked and captured. I totally could have clothed her or removed some of the bindings, but it added to sex appeal and I do think that is important. 


Overall, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who thinks this way. Though I'm sure you and I have slightly different tastes, it's cool that you want to take a more serious approach. I hope my opinion/take on the matter gave you some insight. If you want, I'd love to talk more, so feel free to message me. :) 

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For me it's pretty much as GimmeBacon said, I make characters I think look good before doing anything characteristic wise with them. Most of the "serious" stuff about them comes about through whatever demented ravings my mind throws at me, usually at work when I'm bored.

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For me it's pretty much as GimmeBacon said, I make characters I think look good before doing anything characteristic wise with them. Most of the "serious" stuff about them comes about through whatever demented ravings my mind throws at me, usually at work when I'm bored.

I didn't say that... I usually create and flesh out their morals and story before making characters, because if I don't, I lose interest in them quickly. Unless you just meant to add that onto what I said, in which case, I read your comment wrong and you can just ignore me.

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Tbh I just compartmentalize things for the most part.  Serious characters for when I want to do something serious, and sexy characters when I just want to stare at some tittays.  Two characters have both a sexy form and a serious form, but the forms are mutually exclusive, so you'd never see it go from serious to sexy or vice versa.  It can be (and often is) extremely difficult for amateurs to do both sexy and serious at the same time well without some sort of massive ass-pull (I am guilty of this,) hence why you see so many characters that are just one or the other. 


As for the amount of sexy characters, that's just what people like to post, or at least, the people who like posting their characters like to post.  I've personally never been happy with the way the faces of my human/elf characters look, and don't want to be berated for posting Argonians or not using an ENB in the [CURRENT YEAR], although this isn't really the place to rant about that.  Anyways, let me try to expand a bit more on these questions.


1.  Pretty much.  I might add something silly to them, but they're there to give me some eye-candy when I want it.


2.  It's much easier to make a serious character sexy than it is to make a sexy character serious, but it really depends on how you handle it.  For example you can easily shatter the seriousness of a character by having them do sexy acts (or full blown sex) from out of them blue with no explanation, but if you can build it up properly and don't go overboard with it you can have a serious character have a couple of sexy episodes without them becoming bimbos or gigolos.  Trying to make sexy characters serious is a lot harder.  While it can be done, it really depends on how the character is sexy in the first place.  An Amazon being a master at combat is more believable than an "average" sexy woman making the same claim.


3.  I dunno.  For the character where I tried something like this it was more of trying to get them to somewhat fit in with TES lore n' sheit than to make them sexy and serious.  The character had a plain body and was a bit neurotic about it.  She ended up becoming a shape shifter (ass-pull) and of course, made herself (her idea) of being very sexy.  Because her appearance had changed so radically she had to deal with getting used to a new identity, as well as having to deal with her noble parents trying to find their daughter who had up and disappeared.  She also now had to steal energy directly from other living creatures (via skin 2 skin contact) to stay alive.  Without getting any more overboard with specifics about a character, I think that you should try to find a way to extract some character growth from the sexiness.  Try to use it as a way to guide the character into situations where character growth can occur or put them into interesting situations.


4.  All my characters that I create start as blank shells.  I decide the race and make the face first.  Then I try out different outfits, both from the base game and ones that I see and like on mod sites and try them on the character.  Depending on what "fits" on a character, they'll either become a serious one or a sexy one (or for two of them, both.)  Then I do the hardest part and try to give them a good name.  I get the motivations for my serious characters pretty much the same way Kpnut does, let my mind spool on about them when I'm bored or can't sleep.  Pretty good way to pass the time, actually.

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1. Yes.


2. So a little, its possible to take a sexy character seriously though. I recall making an attempt at that when i had my main character becoming enraged when a fellow adventurer died, when doing those shots i tried, keyword is "tried" to focus more shots on her looking intimidating an angry, keep in mind this is hard to do when your sexy character is a nudist. As more making a serious character sexy, i've only tried that a little, i don't do it often, liek the others said, you kind've have to ease into it.


3. I don't think i've made a character with the intention of them to be serious except Satsuki. I've recently tried to present a few situations where the sexy characters need to act serious, not sure how well that translated to the audience though.


4. It depends on the character, due to the blog i make, everything is considered with sexy in mind, then i consider what i want them to do. I don't create serious stories because i'm not that good at them and when i do they tend to be a little crazy. I didn't come up with a set up for how i wanted my characters to be till later, with them following a particular armor set up theme for each, no armor, cloth skimpy armor, light skimpy armor, full standard heavy armor, with this theme in mind i started to make my characters. As for the serious side of character, i make that later.

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I go visual, character, adult-stuff in sequence, but they're all joined at the hip anyway.


I'll create a character with looks most in mind, then I'll decide on what they are based on what they look like and finally what stuff they get up to based on what type of character they are.

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1. Personally, I don't necessarily find my characters to be sexy, but I can appreciate that they look nice (or if I believe that I did a great job in making them I'll use some sort of hyperbole to describe them. But all in all, because of all the mods I've installed to give my game and the NPCs a certain aesthetic, I simply believe that my characters fit that aesthetic. As for serious, I do tend to consider the majority of my characters to be serious.


2. I have problems taking a sexy character seriously when they're supposed to be some sort of badass, but all I ever see of them is them posing (like a model). I'm not saying that it's wrong to have a character that's sexy, but when they're SUPPOSED to be serious (in some way or another) I feel like it is imperative that they're showcased in that way (behaving serious) at least 51% of the time.


3 & 4. To be perfectly honest, when creating characters I always go about making my characters with two goals in mind: 1) Make sure they fit the aesthetic that I've made, and 2) If I give a character a name, to make sure that they have a past, a personality, and to basically try to flesh them out as much as I can in my head.

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Interesting topic Jexsam fitting for the blog noone wanted.^^


Your 1,2 and 3 questions are linked ; but seriousness and sexyness isn't what defines a character, or else the character will lack substance in some way.


1. I've currently four women and one man in store (with a story about one of them coming very soon to LL). Some of them are following me since way before than Morrowind.

For the women, they were first created to be at least a bit appealing, but not necessarily sexy (one can be cute without being sexy). But they were also created with a certain personality, a certain role in mind, which defines them just as much.

And the longer they run, the more defined their personality (tastes, skills, way of thinking) and appearance (details/defaults about their body, distinctive attributes, clothing, etc.).


2. Deducting from 1., nope. That being because the more a character lives, the more it becomes « himself » and the less it can fit just a stereotype seyx/serious. If you take r1pper's character Emily, it's obvious she was intended to be sexy, but then the more stories her author writes, the more personality he creates to complement that (for example, she seems rather calm, playful and open-minded so she can't be just defined as just a nudist anymore I think).

Most of my characters have their story (a very long one for some), and the more I play, the more I make them speak through stories or role-play... The more I know precisely when they'll be serious, when they might behave in a sexy way. And even the most shy of them can have sexy moments if you share their intimacy.


3. Just try to make them themselves. Unless developed, characters only sexy or only serious might not last long anyway.

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To begin with I don't really agree with what you call "sexy". Showing tits and ass isn't sexy, it's lewd or vulgar. Sexyness is about suggesting. You can be sexy while wearing full body armor, or just showing your legs and part of your bosom. Sexyness is about arousing, making you want to see more.


And no, I don't take seriously characters that spend their time naked or wear queenblade armors. Same for characters that have sex for no reason in the middle of the street. But I can still recognize the amount of effort people like Hellonow and Theripper are putting into their stories. =)

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