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Random character profiles for no other reason than I was bored at work and felt like doing this



So yeah as the title says I decided to do a blog with character profiles, which will be more in depth (sort of) than the ones on my site, there are 2 Skyrim and 2 Oblivion ones. Also a note about the question I asked ages ago about who people think my poster character is; I was surprised at how many people picked Skyrim Cris, did you get her confused with Oblivion Cris? Or do you really think that? because despite the votes for her (remember I asked the question both here and on the nexus) Oblivion Cris came out on top of that particular selection. Anyway profiles, with some nice tits for you to look at as well starting with Storm because she's the one I was wanting to do this for in the first place. It's nothing big, just her age, class, fighting style and other tidbits.



Age: Old enough to know better
Class: Immortal spellblade
Preferred combat method and weapons: swords, shouts and low level destruction magic spells
General info; Aside from her immortality which makes her horny every time she casts a spell (the more powerful the spell the hornier she gets, she can pretty much ignore it for low level spells but where's the fun in just using those wimpy spells?) Storm's only considered a powerful mage (despite her handicap) purely because of how long she's had to learn and practice her arts. She started out as a mediocre destruction mage with a predilection toward shock magic (surprise surprise) and with not much else going for her on the magic front, however where her abilities really shone where trough her ability to concentrate on what she's doing even through the most stressful situations (her school being overrun with daedra for example) and her analytical skills (which is deadly when combined with the slow time shout) which made her an incredibly versatile mage even without being able to cast high level destruction magic spells. However due to her wandering around the world trying to cure her ailment she's learned a great deal more about magecraft, including that as she got older she got more powerful and in her efforts to cure herself has delved into both the restoration and alteration schools of magic leading to her becoming incredibly good with those kinds of magic even being able to heal grievous wounds in seconds with just a simple healing spell. Her martial prowess comes from her early days of trying to find a cure and needing to defend herself as she hadn't gotten used to the arousal caused by casting and she's honed her skills over the years.



Cris (Skyrim)

Age: 23
Class: Thief
Preferred combat method and weapons: sneak attacks and daggers
General info: An orphan and reincarnation of Oblivion Cris (referred to as Cris (O) from here on out) Cris (S) is usually very shy and hates being around people, even her subordinates in the thieves guild however she does have a moral code (sort of) meaning that she'll help anyone in need and the charisma her past life held occasionally shows itself, especially when dealing with figures of authority. She can use more than just daggers and has been seen fighting with a bow and sword in heavy armour before, most notably during a stint in the companions while she was trying to steal Wuuthra, like Storm she can use shouts but rarely makes use of them as she prefers to sneak up on her foe and cut them to ribbons wit her paired daggers.



Cris (Oblivion)

Age: 96
Class: Mercenary
Preferred combat method and weapons: Giant swords and hitting her enemies with said giant sword until they die
General info: Cris (S)'s predecessor, an incredibly skilled mercenary with a massive disrespect for just about everyone and everything she encounters. Due to her mother's oaths she is currently serving as a town guard first in Chorrol and then in Kvatch. Being as volatile as she is most people go out of their way to keep her happy, even the counts and important members of other guilds, however despite her outgoing nature she has many secrets about her life before becoming a guard (her mother's oatha nd grave have only just been revealed) and if she was in Skyrim she'd have probably beaten Alduin to death with his own spine within 5 minutes of meeting him. As a mercenary she employs heavy armour to make getting into combat to hit shit with her massive sword with less arrow wounds than necessary a lot easier however arrows tend to have a bizarre tendency to miss her as if they're avoiding her... She has a tendency to boast about her skills but is suspiciously quiet about them when Shadow or Teneicha are within earshot, although given Teneicha's lucid moments are becoming rarer and rarer and he believes her to be a figment of his imaginations sheprobably needn't bother when the latter is around.




Age: 26
Class: Assassin
Preferred combat method and weapons: stabbing shit to death and swords
General info: Shadow is Teneicha's adopted daughter (he adopted her when his insanity was just rare bouts of wackiness) and his best student. She was taken in and trained by him after living on the streets for a few years, being trained into the second most feared assassin in the world (second after Teneicha for obvious reasons) to the point where the dark brotherhood refused to take contracts on her, even after she wiped out the cheydinhal sanctuary as her master's piece. Whereas Cris (O) can be described as dumb muscle with all the grace of a hippo when it comes to combat Shadow tends to make fighting look like an intricate dance combine unarmed combat with armed combat with ranged combat in a deadly whirlwind that rarely leaves survivors and the only survivors it does leave then wish they had died as she extracts information from them. However she has a relatively positive outlook on life, despite the fact that she can out snark Cris. Her time in the guard has been eventful, she joined to atone for her perceived crimes as an assassin (despite the fact Teneicha only killed those who deserved it) and quickly rose through the ranks, unlike the Chorrol and Kvatch guards with Cris (O) the Bruma guard genuinely like Shadow and would gladly walk into an unwinnable fight alongside her. There are even talks of her getting the captaincy when Burd finally kicks the bucket.



So that's 4 sort of bios from 4 of my characters, would have Teneicha in there but he can be summed up in a single sentence; Insane immortal Argonian assassin who is the best at what he does. Some have more typed out for them than others but that's because I had more ideas for those ones than the others, this was really just because I had more ideas for Storm's backstory and skills while I was at work.


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