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Trace: Chapter Three: Innocence



Chapter Three: Innocence

Previous Chapter: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/521/entry-3032-trace-chapter-two-voraciousness/
Next Chapter: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/521/entry-3034-trace-chapter-four-madness/




Part 1


Realizing that heading to Windhelm after Astrid’s warning would only bring about another swift run-in with the Brotherhood, Trace headed south to warm climates and cooler interests. Riften, the city of thieves. Trace had come here on many a contract, but only in the last few months did she get to know the town and its occupants. Stashing her gear away, Trace retrieved here hidden gear behind a crate near the city’s gate, greeted the guards and entered the city.


Trace: Riften oh Riften, so many sins… So many people yet to be cleansed…
She shook the thought from her head. Although corruption ran deeper in Riften than silver ran in Markarth, Trace knew it wasn’t her place to judge. She was only the dagger that sealed fates.


Trace: Is that…


Trace topped in her tracks and smiled as she realized that she did indeed see a familiar face, one that she always loved to see.


Trace: Mjoll you lovable Nord! How’ve you been?
Mjoll, seemed to know who it was without facing Trace, and Trace could see her start to shake.


Mjoll: Aerin, I’ll meet up with you later. I have to… deal with this.


Aerin: Are you sure?


Mjoll nodded and Aerin went about his business. After making sure her companion was some distance away, Mjoll turned to Trace and scowled.


Mjoll: What do you want Imperial?
Trace: Don’t act so bitter lass. I thought we were closer than that.


Mjoll: We… we were, but you lied to me Trace. You lied to me when all I asked of you was the truth. I could have forgiven anything, but that…


Trace: Stop being such a prude girl.
Trace began walking towards Mjoll for a hug when the Nord stuck out her hand in protest.


Trace: Really now? That’s how you’re going to be?


Mjoll: Stay away Trace. I don’t want to hurt you…


Trace laughed and took a step closer.


Trace: You? Hurt me? Even after knowing what I am, or rather was, you think I’m scared of your threats? Now let’s just forget all the bad stuff and just hug it out!
Trace took another step towards the Nord, but Mjoll pushed her away.


Mjoll: I’m serious about this you brigand… you murderer!Trace3_006.jpg

Part 2


Trace sighed and shook her head.


Trace: You say you wanted the truth, but what did you say when we first met? That thieves were the worst kind? Just rabble? That even though you hated the Dark Brotherhood, the fact that all thieves would betray one another over a gold coin more despicable than anything?


Mjoll: And I also said that I had enough of people’s lies. That if you didn’t lie to me, especially about something important, that you’d always have my trust.


Trace laughed and sighed again.


Trace: You say not to tell lies, but if I didn’t give you that bull about the Thieves Guild being despicable or if I had told you I was already a thief, you wouldn’t have given me the time of day and you know it!
Mjoll: You don’t know that? I may have—


Trace: I can tell Mjoll. I can tell because when you found out, you slapped me and left me crying in the rain while you stormed off without giving me a chance to explain.


Mjoll stomped her foot and scowled fiercely at Trace.


Mjoll: So I handled that moment wrong… You lied to me for weeks as you tried to woo me! You didn’t even tell me your name! I had to find out from that harpy Sapphire that your name wasn’t even Jalena, but Trace!


Trace: I only lied about my profession, nothing else…
Mjoll: Then what about Vex!? Was what I heard about you two a lie? That as soon as we broke up you jumped right into her bed?


Trace was caught there. Before she and Mjoll were a couple, Trace did indeed have feelings for Vex… but she never acted on them. In fact she was afraid to do so until Mjoll dumped her, and it was Vex that came onto her. However, with the way Mjoll was acting currently acting trying to explain all of that would be more of a hassle than necessary.
Mjoll, noticing Trace’s silence yelled in frustration.


Mjoll: Damn you Trace! Did I mean nothing to you? Nothing at all!?
Trace thought about the day she was dumped, and all the days leading up to her recruitment into the Dark Brotherhood and how she’d done her best to protect Mjoll then. Even after she had moved up from being an initiate, Trace had secretly hindered any and all assassination attempts onto the Nord. Regardless of Mjoll’s feelings toward her it was love at first sight for Trace, and even though she no longer held romantic feelings toward the Nord, she did respect her principles and envied her steadfastness.


Trace: (I’m sorry for this, but if I ever hope to have but a friendship with you I must do this…)


Trace put on her most devilish smile to put on a good front.


Trace: You were a good fuck Mjoll. Definitely in the top three.
Mjoll’s eyes widened, and the look she gave Trace made the Imperial’s heart sink. Trace wanted to say something else, tell Mjoll that she was just kidding, but she knew it would be sometime before the Nord would ever speak to her again. Mjoll glared at her for quite some time, and then left with a huff without uttering a word.
When Mjoll was a good ways away, Trace began shuddering and tears formed in her eyes. She knew that she did what needed to be done, but it still hurt too much.


Trace: Ha… haha… haaaa…. At least with this, they won’t use her to get to me… so she’s safe now… Thank the Gods…Trace3_012.jpg

Part 3


Wiping her eyes, Trace continued into Riften and was enveloped by its cool breeze and unsettling mood. It felt as if everyone was on high alert for the next crime that was always around the corner, but Trace liked the restlessness of Riften. Maybe because it was where she was raised, it really didn’t matter to Trace though because it was where her first family resided.
She started to cross the bridge when she heard the sound of someone moping and had to listen in.


???: I’m dead, I’m so dead… There’s… there’s no way I can pay for the shipment in that time-frame… Gods help me…
Hearing all she needed to, Trace stood across from the Redguard and smiled.


Trace: Can’t believe it’s Shady Shad. Who’s hustling you this time? Vipir? Niruin?


Shadr: Shady Shad? The last person who called me that was--!!! Trace?! Is that you?


Trace: The one and only. How’s it hanging Shadr?
Shadr dropped his head and sighed.


Shadr: Not well… I borrowed some money from some people and I think they may have stolen the goods that that would have allowed me to pay them back.


Trace: Sounds… shady. As always!


Shadr: Now’s not the time for games Trace! Sapphire wants her money back, and if I don't pay her, I think she's going to kill me!!!
Trace: (She won’t kill you, but she’ll probably tie your balls to the end of a rope with a horse attached to the other ends and drag you around for hours until she’s satisfied…) I’m sorry to hear about that Shadr.


Shadr spat and hung his head.


Shadr: Not half as sort as I am…


Trace felt bad. Although she knew that Sapphire was probably just trying to strong arm him and would only keep doing so if he couldn’t pay, causing him to go deeper and deeper into debt until he was basically her slave, she knew it wasn’t right but helping Shadr wasn’t really worth her time. However, if Mjoll ever found out that she had an opportunity to assist him and she turned it down without just cause—


Trace: (Why can’t things ever be black and white? Why are there so many shades of gray…) I’ll… do it… I’ll assist you…
Shadr’s eyes lit up and his voice was filled with hope and gratitude.


Shadr: You will?! Oh, thank you!"
Shadr: Take fair warning though, Be careful with Sapphire. She mixes with all sorts of nasty people.


After thanking her again, Shadr got up and went off to the stables.
Trace felt worn out. She didn’t think she’d run the emotional gauntlet as soon as she entered Riften, and she damn sure didn’t think it would be with Mjoll and a damn stable boy.


Trace: I… I can’t let Vex find out about this. She’ll never let me live it down…Trace3_020.jpg

Part 4


Trace continued toward the market and hearing the vendors trying to get passersby to stop and check out their wares finally made the Imperial feel like she was in Riften, feel like she was back home.
As soon as Trace came into the market she heard someone call out to her.


???: Hail traveler! My food is the best in all of Skyrim, always as fresh as the day it was collected!


Trace: Marise you old bat! Is that you?


Marise: Do I know…!!! Trace? You’re back!?


Trace turned away from her and grinned.


Trace: You still using ice wraith teeth to keep your food fresh?


Marise: By Azura, you’re back! You’re really back!
Trace: Yeah I’m b—


???: Never done an honest day’s work for all that gold you’re carrying. Eh, lass?
Trace raised an eyebrow. Who in Oblivion did this handsome fuck think he was talking to?


Trace: Uh, do I know you? And what do you mean I’ve never done an honest day’s work in my life? You don’t know me! How I got my wealth is my business.
???: That’s where you’re wrong lass, wealth is my business.


Trace looked him up and down and saw that he was indeed sharply dressed, unlike most of the other men she’d seen around here.


Trace: Well there’s not too much competition here is it? Other than Maven anyway.
The man’s eyes glared at her, but his smile never left his face.


???: Listen here, I’m looking for an extra hand to pull off a job.


Trace rolled her eyes.


Trace: Pull off a job? You think I’m an idiot? It can’t be legal. And besides, as you said I’m a bit wealthy myself. All I’d need from you is some information, but if gold is all you can offer--
The man scoffed.


???: You think I’m a man with limited resources?


The Nord took a step towards Trace.


???: Listen, in my line of work, extra hands are well paid; in coin or otherwise.Trace3_027.jpg

Part 5


Trace drew her arm back ready to attack.


Trace: Take one more step and I may have to separate you from your silver tongue.
The man looked around and then chuckled. He saw that their arguing had cleared out most of the onlookers save for Marise.


???: You’ve got fire, lass. More fire in you than I’ve seen in awhile. Brynjolf’s the name and I really think that the two of us can help each other.
Trace: Ha! You think telling me your name in an attempt to become familiar with me is going to make me change my mind? I don’t need your help.
Brynjolf: So this is the way it must be lass?


Trace: Aye, it is.
Brynjolf sighed and relaxed his shoulders.


Brynjolf: Well then, if you’re that adamant about it--


Trace: Shut up and stop moving you old fool!
Suddenly Trace ran at him and gave him a great big hug. Brynjolf was surprised at first, but then laughed and reciprocated the hug.
Bringing her closer to him Brynjolf engulfed Trace in his arms, and she felt so... safe. Like all that time with the Dark Brotherhood was but a dream...


Brynjolf: Jalena you silly girl… Welcome back, Trace.


Trace: It feels good to be back, Bryn…
Brynjolf squeezed her a bit tighter until Trace let out a small yelp that made him laugh. He brushed her hair with his palms in compensation, and it seemed to work as he could feel her begin to relax in his arms.


Brynjolf: Jalena...


Trace: Yeah, Bryn?


Brynjolf: You do know you messed up though. I said, ‘the two of us can help each other,’ and you said—


Trace furiously shook her head and buried her face into Brynjolf’s shoulder.


Trace: I know what I said. I know what I said... dummy…
After a few more moments like that, Brynjolf stepped away from Trace and couldn’t help but smile when she saw the childish happiness that was plastered on her face.


Brynjolf: So what is it that you want? You don’t want our help, and I assume that you’re not joining us again?Trace3_037.jpg

Part 6


Trace: I need Sanctuary.


Brynjolf: And?


Trace: A good bath.
Brynjolf rolled his eyes and smirked.


Brynjolf: Just get to the point already, lass


Trace: Well… I’m looking for Vex. Is she in the usual place?

Brynjolf lowered his voice a bit as a crown began to gather in the market once more.


Brynjolf: Yeah, in the Flagon. Be careful though. Some fools decided to hold up in the Ratway a few days ago. I’d let you use our entrance, but many of the members don’t know why you left. And if they saw you coming from there--
Trace bent forward and grinned like a fool.


Trace: Thanks Brynny! If all goes well, I’ll put in a good word with Tonilia for you. Gods know you probably need it.
Brynjolf: Heh, same old Trace putting the pieces together like she’s never left. Now go on. I don’t want you to ruin my little operation.


Trace rolled her eyes and said in a mocking tone:


Trace: Yes, big brother.


She gave him a wink and they both flashed each other a smile before they went about their own business.
Trace: (That was amazing! Playing that game with Bryn is always the best. But we need more keywords… There's not code for 'I want to come back but I don't want to join up'... I’ll have to talk to him about that.)
It didn’t take long before she arrived at the entrance to the Ratway. It had been years since Trace had used this entrance, and suddenly she felt like a newbie trying to impresses the higher ups once again.
Glancing at the ground, she could see multiple tracks in the dirt and she could feel her heart begin to pump faster. A fight was about to be upon her and she could feel that other her begin to stir.
Trace: I pray that I don’t meet anyone I know. That would be… unpleasant.


Trace took a deep breath, and wandered into the Ratway. She was ready for a battle, and for their sake hopefully the intruders were as well…Trace3_047.jpg




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