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Sanghurst Chronicle - Part 1 - Chapter 5 - The Scholar's Folly



{Beginning of Story Content}



P88pmyur o

Eleavoir: I'm sorry, I should've listened...

Y9aaoll7 o

The First Queen: Cry me an ocean, it's a little late for that now. But why am I focused on you, an esteemed guest has arrived. I was worried I'd need to send Begevor to collect you, or your head at the very least.

Enio4ame o

Shea: What's going on? 

Hvkvipbc o

Shea: Vinheim...

Zdyz4dih o

Queen's Blade: Milady, should we take her?

Bk4oqtgn o

The First Queen: No. Let her see what she's done for a moment. For she's already done a lot, for such a petty little vampire far too proud and self concerned to do anything more than survive.

4fij7wgz o

The First Queen: They could've lived, if Shea wasn't so keen to annoy.

Dm7wtovs o

Eleavoir: Shea, we-

Shea: Don't say anything. Go.

6ij83ygt o

Shea: I started this. I won't let anyone else get caught up in it. Leave. Now.

Tihfxjno o

Errwarld: I'll stay too, these were my men, I shouldn't turn my back on them.

0tdnvueg o

Shea: Come down, your highness! Won't you fight me like you did before?

F2svwkdj o

Queen's Blade: Milady-

Vvhdksfi o

The First Queen: Quiet! I appreciate her feistiness. Though it is quickly growing tiresome, like an annoying kitten just begging for a boot on its neck.

W6mesmek o

Errwarld: Lady Sanghurst, Vinctumunus, Vera go. We have this in hand.

C9v12vsj o

Eleavoir: Thank you, we-

Vera: Let's be quick then? Let's not make this a waste.

Vhva1x8a o

Solomia: Sorry, sister, I love you-

Qtx610zt o

The First Queen: They were stupid enough to let you leave. I'd advise you do it, quickly.

Fec2c4ab o

The First Queen: So that the fun may begin.

Pon5mvat o

Queen's Blade: For once, I believe we don't need instructions.

Aieqoofh o

Begevor: I believe you're right brother. I like the look of the masked one, you take the girl.

Umyaajw7 o

Errwarld: Stay on your toes! He'll be quicker than he looks.

Ml7co8qj o

Shea: If the big one is quick then you'd better grow wings soon, that one'll be faster!

X8wemc8g o

Queen's Blade: Brother, would you agree that we both grow tired of talk.

Begevor: I believe I would agree; I am indeed tired of talk

98nmchsx o

Begevor: Especially when the prey is so close. We are a mere scuffle from a feast.

7ojg1uhl o

Queen's Blade: Then let blood be let!

M1ggympn o

Shea: You're quick, I'll give you that!

Queen's Blade: And you're merely a pain in my side!

N703htxs o

Queen's Blade: And I get the feeling that you're a thorn that isn't going to be gone easily!

Shea: I'll never be gone easily!

Dim6ptrj o

Shea: And I don't talk too much!

Queen's Blade: You don't want talk? I'll give you the silence of Sithis!

Kdo9gxzp o

Shea: Then shut up already!

Queen's Blade: Calm now! You don't want to make a mistake, do you?

Tqewohbm o

Shea: You're the one with a sword over your heart!

Queen's Blade: I'm the one wearing the finest plates of steel.

2dhi235j o

Queen's Blade: You're outmatched, admit it!

Dzyms9py o

Shea: I'll never admit that!

Queen's Blade: Then lie! Your blood will say all!

Wjs1ylxe o

Queen's Blade: Oof! I don't appreciate cheating...you bitch.

Kihhl7l4 o

Errwarld: There isn't cheating when fighting!

Queen's Blade: Errwarld you annoying bastard! I can still hear Begevor, he isn't done with you yet!

Op4cjh0f o

Shea: Thanks Errwarld! But Begevor ain't gonna give you a break!

Zfjzzapl o

Errwarld: Then make it worth it!

Og1gyf9j o

Begevor: Yargh!

1gitxycr o

Errwarld: Fucking hell!

Odmb7ybu o

Errwarld: Fuck...don't suppose we have a plan now...

Qkuxuh1x o

Shea: We don't but you need to get out!

Errwarld: Shea, half of me is probably outside of me, I'm not going anywhere!

Lx805f9d o

Errwarld: Run! Please, get to the others then come back and don't just lock her highness up again. Make sure they stay dead!

Shea: I'm not leaving you again, not like before!

Errwarld: I'm asking you to leave! Go!

20as4dgt o

The First Queen: Now this is touching. But I've never been a fan of theatrics and drama.

Ox2hc01p o

The First Queen: But I'll give you a choice. One of you can leave, the other will certainly die here. If you leave, you're free to live your life for as long as you can. But I'll come for you eventually and bring you amongst all my children. 

7plvlnkx o

Errwarld: She's giving the option Shea! Go!

Cnxqmq0d o

Shea: You don't think it's going to be some play? She's playing us for fools!

00zamrx2 o

Begevor: Her highness, is no liar!

Rhvtbljn o

Errwarld: Just go...I'm tired of arguing. And your sister, Eleavoir, Vera, they're going to need a fighter, not a scholar.

Shea: They need someone willing to use what they know!

Errwarld: I've given you enough leads, you need but follow them.

Brvghujh o

Errwarld: But when you get to my home, Diathestan, tell my brother, "When the clock strikes by dusk, wings will unfurl," He'll know what it means.

Shea: You tell him yourself!

7mreksd6 o

The First Queen: Oh by Molag! Just get this over with! It's yes or no! Left or right! A life for a life! It's a simple matter!

Izhz9yhn o

Errwarld: My men have already died here your...highness.

Hjjgxqd1 o

Errwarld: I'll lay my life down too. Even if it's the life of a scholar.

Ahoal4rg o

Shea: Errwarld...thank you...

Bg2erl8s o

Shea: When the clock strikes by dusk, wings will unfurl.


Several minutes earlier...

6wbs2m2w o

Eleavoir: How did this happen?

Vera: Why are you asking us? She was just as keen to clear us out of here!

Solomia: We can't just leave them!

Pti1al5x o

Vera: Solomia dear, the guards here are the most well trained and they're already dead. Shea will have had a quick death, Errwarld too.

8zi6fomb o

Vera: We should move on. Tamriel is hardly the only place in the world and I doubt that woman will cross the world for us.

Ju0t76se o

Solomia: My sister just but her head on the executioner's block for you! And you'd just abandon them! Not even seek vengeance!

Jyn7ge8r o

Eleavoir: Solomia, I feel for you, I do but we can't face that. Vinheim was brutalised and your sister and Errwarld have to. We need to move on.

Jugos41q o

Vera: See? We're the ones with our heads on straight-

S0fex4ai o

Solomia: You're both assholes! If you won't stay in Skyrim and fight, then I will!

Ualygwkb o

Vera: You and what army? You're not a fighter, your sister was. Just accept this and move forwards, keep momentum!

Ggamwbwg o

Eleavoir: We need somewhere safe first!

Uutjngno o

Eleavoir: My holdings are in Winterhold, we should be safe for a while. And the College will be keen to keep The First Queen away from their magical artifacts. She won't get far.

Fxlhqcrk o

Solomia: You're actually thinking of running? I thought the both of you had a spine! But I'm the only one here with a backbone!

Mqxtp8mw o

Vera: We're being realistic! Something you clearly don't understand!

Ruyyieut o

Solomia: Eleavoir! Please, can't we just wait for a moment! They might be okay and we're all worrying about nothing!

2mzmr8uf o

Eleavoir: No! We're leaving, with or without you. The First Queen's guards will be here soon, and I doubt they'll be merciful.


Nq7qrjce o

Shea: Fuck...here too?

Hmlp8nwm o

Shea: No...this can't be hers. It can't be Sol's. No...

Xmuu84ew o

The Queen's Phantom: Not content with another life on your hands? You're quite weak aren't you. A century of living and you still can't handle death.

Shea: Because I'm not an inhuman psycho!

Gaaggzi4 o

The Queen's Phantom: You're an open book, you know that? You've killed for decades and had little remorse, it's time you accepted that you're a killer. You let Errwarld be killed, you could've stayed and saved him. 

Shea: I'm not a killer! I do what's necessary!

The Queen's Phantom: I'm sure your youngest brother would disagree. Edward was it?

Shea: Don't you say his name!

C8l7styb o

The Queen's Phantom: You let him die. No you killed him because you were scared and couldn't stand up for him.

Shea: No! I did it-

The Queen's Phantom: And then lust became your coping mechanism. Oh my your mind is a twisted, wicked place. Do you even love her? Or do you love her enough not to kill her like you did Edward?

Shea: Stop! Get out of my head!

Zeot7aqv o

The Queen's Phantom: I won't ever leave you!

Shea: You will, I'll make you-

The Queen's Phantom: How will you make me? Maybe I'm not even the Queen's Phantom but merely your humanity beckoning you to atone for your sins. Your bloody sins.

Shea: I did what was...what was right...

Ghmwcm5l o

The Queen's Phantom: Well, we have all the time in the world. But my door will always be open for you. One quick bite or slice of a blade can let you atone. I can bring you peace.

Shea: No! Just let me go!

The Queen's Phantom: I am as much a part of you as your family is. We share a cursed blood. A vile blood, yet you hide it. Why didn't you use it? You could've saved Edward before, you could've save Errwarld. But you didn't. Killers bring pain, suffering. That sounds like you now, doesn't it.

Jdqopeyg o

The Queen's Phantom: You're a killer, through and through. My Blades were too but they were forgiven. All you need to do is submit. Submit your body, your will and all will be forgotten.



Nxborf3i o

Begevor: Your highness, I've buried Errwarld and Vinheim as you requested. What would you like doing with Errwarld's men?

Myczy87u o

Begevor: I'm sure Kyvarra could use their bodies for something useful.

18d9wz6u o

Begevor: And the question of Shea's hat...shall we leave it with her, make sure she knows she can't escape us?

Ku2nm0yp o

The First Queen: Kyvarra will have no use for their bodies. We need to find her first. That and we must wait. Your brother has yet to recover fully. Ooh and burn Shea's hat. We have no need of it. We'll be with her wherever she goes.

Qu8naqsx o

The First Queen: And I'm sure your brother would love to hunt her down when he fully recovers.

7l0hlspf o

Begevor: It is rather a shame that we can't recover while working but he'll be ready for whatever comes next.

3jtuss4p o

Begevor: Who shall we make a move on first?

7mkki6rf o

The First Queen: Do not get ahead of yourself. The hunt will return. But we must lick our own wounds first. Then we'll bring them down from their perches.

V61btpbn o

The First Queen: As the Time of the Blood grows nearer, we will only be stronger. And I'm sure that those false-children of mine will meet their end.


{End of Story Content}



Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this part of the story and I sincerely hope you're looking forward to what is in store for the The First Queen's false-children. As always, I'm open to feedback.



Recommended Comments


So, I loved that shit went down!

I love that the First Queen is "Pseudo" topless!

Once again the outfits and picture angles are PRIMO!!

And I really love the dialogue with the Phantom!!


I do however feel a little robbed with the fight scene.

You have great poses, great ambiance, but there are critical details missing!

Like when Shea kills the one dude... What happened there?? 

She has a sword to his heart, then 2 picks of him from behind, then blood everywhere!

Did she warp behind him and slice his exposed neck?

I don't know!  I didn't see it!

And then, Errwarld is just dead!!!

I feel like you show us lotsa pics, with lotsa dialogue, which is great! They are well done for sure!

But then when the real "stuff" we wanna "see" comes around, its like, "use your imagination"

I really would have loved to have see more here.

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Yes the fights were a little unclear I have to admit fights are not our strong suit for most of LL story bloggers but other than that story is Great :):heart:;):thumbsup:

I worry about making fight scenes myself. They take a lot of hard work. I'm sure it's just laziness that holds us back. :sweat_smile:

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While agreeing with the above, I would like to additionally highlight the character design. On top!
Indeed, the fight turned out to be somewhat blurred, and sometimes it is not entirely clear what happened, but it's still a great job!

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7 hours ago, WANOBI12 said:


So, I loved that shit went down!

I love that the First Queen is "Pseudo" topless!

Once again the outfits and picture angles are PRIMO!!

And I really love the dialogue with the Phantom!!


I do however feel a little robbed with the fight scene.

You have great poses, great ambiance, but there are critical details missing!

Like when Shea kills the one dude... What happened there?? 

She has a sword to his heart, then 2 picks of him from behind, then blood everywhere!

Did she warp behind him and slice his exposed neck?

I don't know!  I didn't see it!

And then, Errwarld is just dead!!!

I feel like you show us lotsa pics, with lotsa dialogue, which is great! They are well done for sure!

But then when the real "stuff" we wanna "see" comes around, its like, "use your imagination"

I really would have loved to have see more here.


6 hours ago, Jayomms said:

Yes the fights were a little unclear I have to admit fights are not our strong suit for most of LL story bloggers but other than that story is Great :):heart:;):thumbsup:

I worry about making fight scenes myself. They take a lot of hard work. I'm sure it's just laziness that holds us back. :sweat_smile:


1 hour ago, Crw said:

While agreeing with the above, I would like to additionally highlight the character design. On top!
Indeed, the fight turned out to be somewhat blurred, and sometimes it is not entirely clear what happened, but it's still a great job!

Yeah, I don't like doing fights at all and clarity is something I can work on, expanding upon the action is also needed. I clearly also need to remember that while it is clear to me what is happening, it may not be clear to others. Either way, thanks for the feedback! 

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