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Eva's, Ivy's and Elf Prince's sex diaries.


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Little disagreement and drug dealer

I was very surprised when my Prince asked me to help him with English because he wants to say ‘Hi’ to his LL friends. Unbelievable! I have been telling him for months that he should do it and he always said “Not now” or he just walked away in silence. Anyway, I’m glad he did it. After all, he promised to his father that he will continue his legacy on LL and I joined LL thanks to him. Well, he wasn’t glad seeing my diaries saying that I cheated for we were very busy at the work. He was little bit


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Lady and the guns

I used the first opportunity in my office to confront Malicija alone about yelling, swearing, and calling names my Ivy on our beach recently. She didn’t like it and she said angrily and sarcastically: - Tell me, Mrs. Justice, how come Lidija can do the same and I cannot? Are you saying she has more rights than me? I invited Lidija into my office and I asked her: - Lidija, would you tell us why we all laugh when you swear at my Ivy and when you call her names? Lidija smiled an

New family business?

The preliminary calculations we made yesterday showed that this summer season is the most successful and most profitable season we had in the last 10 years. Dad Boss is very proud of us, the executive board. Since **“Ferragosto” is at the door, we had to hire more workers for two weeks term. (** Ferragosto is an Italian mass vacation and you can read about it here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferragosto ). Why is it important to us? Well, since it starts on the Roman Catholic and national holi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

… I like the way we have sex

We had rainy and relatively cold last two days (cold for me). But for my luvs it was ideal for swimming and having sex in the sea. Our children can’t wait for warmer days for they love to be on our beach. After our morning routine, Mikey and Precious came to us in the living room yesterday morning. After giving us good morning kiss, Precious climbed on my lap and Mikey climbed on his tata lap saying: - Is my happy birthday ready, tata? My Prince smiled and cuddling his head, replied:


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A greater joy

Several days ago, was a soccer match between Milan and Dinamo Zagreb in which Milan was better and won (3:1). The family gathered at our house to watch the match. Our parents supported Milan (because of being Italians) while my Fran, Stipe, Ivan, Silvano, and Antonio supported Dinamo. Of course, none of us, females and my Prince watched the game. We were in the kitchen. My Prince asked Mikey again to watch the game with grandpa Livio for it would make him happy. And he did. My dad melted and he


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Sexual predator

My dad wanted to make up to my Prince for making him drunk and pranking him. He apologized to him first the next morning during our family coffee time, and second, since my Prince likes to cook, he promised him he would teach him how to prepare a frogfish. Before they started my mom said to my dad: - Listen to me very carefully now, Livio! If you trick Prince or embarrass him, or prank him, I swear, I won’t be coming home for a long time, and this time I mean it! He is not your toy to make


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Super-Hot milf, Gordana

We had an e.b. meeting in the expanded group on Monday. Our three helpers were very constructive and full of ideas about our plans and projects for the summer season as expected, suggesting what we could add, change, or improve.     One of the workers asked us for financial help. Since we always check their stories, my luvs visited him. The guy is living in one building on the 14th floor. When they arrived at his building, they took the elevator. Just before the door closed an old


Evaloves4 in Diaries

… Nailing Irena? Nah!

Damir and Irena came to work yesterday. It was their first day on the new job. They came on time and my Fran told them to keep coming on time reminding them that my Prince hates unjustified delays which he punishes financially and if it happens three times, he fires offenders. Anyway, after signing the contract for the probation period, my Fran showed them their desks and introduced them to their colleagues. Giving them tasks like checking our website, advertisements, and similar, he asked them


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Meeting auntie Melany

The reason I was absent from LL the last few days is because of Auntie Melany (my Prince’s auntie from his father’s side) and her four children; two sons from the first marriage and two daughters from the second marriage. They arrived on Tuesday evening at the airport. My Prince was gladly surprised when she called him on Monday and asked him if he was willing to pick up her and her children at the airport on Tuesday. He rejoiced to meet his auntie and his cousins. He took our Jeep and my Ivy ac


Evaloves4 in Diaries


(This is a continuation of my previous diary. I didn’t write some things earlier so that it wouldn’t be too long and overcrowded with information). I want to clarify one thing: physical punishment of the children or its absence is not 100% assurance that they will never misbehave again and will grow up as good people. For instance, my mother never hit me in my life. She was very compassionate, understanding, and forgiving. She always reasoned with me. My father slapped me a few times and re

Vandals, not fans

Croatia played elimination soccer versus Denmark on Thursday night. We won 2:1. But, you should see our male folks. They all wore Croatian soccer sports shirts and brought a lot of beer and snacks. We didn’t want to watch the match but we didn’t want to go out too, because the city was occupied with drunken, drugged, and crazy fans who walked in groups breaking things on their way to nearby public place to watch the match. You could hear guns, firecrackers, and other explosives echoing in the ci


Evaloves4 in Diaries


Last Sunday, our city soccer team played another important match against Hajduk from Split. Antonio asked my luvs if they wanted to earn extra money by joining the stadium as security guards. It was less well-paid than a bodyguarding job, but the salary was decent … Anyway, my luvs rejected the job. Being asked why they responded: - It’s a waste of time since we aren’t allowed to shoot or hurt offenders. Antonio laughed hard like my Fran when he heard about it. His comment was: “Aren’t


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Priceless experience

I woke up this morning very burdened; I felt like nobody can truly understand me. I made myself a tea and I sat on the balcony hoping my luvs and children wouldn't wake up because I wanted to be alone. Thinking about the problems at the work and recent drama on LL made me sadder and helpless. I felt alone and abandoned in my fights. The tears simply started to fall down my cheeks. I don't know how long I have been quietly sobbing and I didn’t remember when the pair of muscular and strong hands g


Evaloves4 in Diaries

The “Fantastic 6”

We worked overtime on the 31st. Until 18.00. Our children missed us very much and they called us from my mom’s phone asking us when we would come home. When we arrived home, Stipe and Ivan were already there helping our moms and setting everything for New Year’s Eve celebration. Our children ran to us shouting loudly and happily “Maamaaaa!!!” and “Taattaaaa!!!” They hardly let us go under the shower. When the rest of the family arrived, our moms went home. Very soon my Prince started to feel si


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Long weekend

Everything is ready for Mikey’s big birthday celebration. Besides his twins’ friends, a few other children from our workers will come too. He is very excited. He knows about the birthday gift he’s gonna get since we had to tell him. He won’t let us alone if we didn’t. He jumped joyfully and clapped his hands. Chicho, the boy twin said to Precious about asking his dad to buy him a similar set of walkies-talkies so he can speak with her, but she told him that she won’t take it because he annoys he


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Simply perfect

We had terrific and exciting two and a half days in “XXX” city. Silvano was with us too. My Prince didn’t have peace in his heart if we aren’t protected when we walk on the streets visiting shops and restaurants or being in the park or seashore. Antonio covered expenses of his accommodation in the hotel. So, when my luvs were occupied officially, Silvano was with me and the children, and he was with our children when three of us were in the need for our “dose”.     The organizer i


Evaloves4 in Diaries

NONE??? None.

Last night, before we put our children to sleep my Ivy and I were in the living room with Precious while my Prince was playing with Mikey in children’s room. We talked about everything. When we came to the subject of love in our love triangle I openly asked her: - Honey, what would you do if you are in situation that you can save only one person? Whom would you save, me or Prince? Taking my hands in hers and kissing my lips gently, she said: - I love you with all my being, Prin


Evaloves4 in Diaries

My perfect birthday party with a totally unexpected and marvelous surprise

The rain storm rampaged our city for two days on Wednesday and Thursday. The city was flooded. There was a traffic collapse and two deaths. But I will write about dramatic one. We were very angry for one person could be saved (you can read about it in my other blog "My random thoughts" I'll post later). So, the three of us plus Fran and Lidija drove to work in our Jeep. Since Fran and Stipe live far from us than Lidija, he slept in our house for two nights. We had a great time together. He was b


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Suffering cock

I’ve managed to find few minutes to say ‘hi’ to you, my dear readers and followers and to post this diary so you might know what is happening. (This is very limited info for I had no time to write more) We are still extremely busy in both areas of our lives, business and private. Zdenka and dad Boss are busy too with the villa business and some other private projects I don’t want to bother you with. Since they have VIP guests in the villa and longtime friends, they have to socialize with th


Evaloves4 in Diaries


My luvs’ and Silvano’s arrest on Monday were a top gossip story among the workers although my luvs weren’t cuffed when they were taken to the police station for questioning. The police behaved normally and it looked rather like they were on a friendly visit. Somehow the “Lidija’s incident” came to them and Malicija was our main informer of what people were talking about. (She talked to my Fran since she was angry with us). Some said my luvs and Silvano did the right thing, while the others said


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Mikey’s (future) sexual preferences

Although my luvs had to work several hours in Saturday and yesterday, we had great weekend together. Our children were thrilled with the new games we taught them, my luvs enjoyed swimming in the cold sea during the rain, and my Fran and Stipe slept over in Saturday because we had a long talk. That conversation and later situation made our weekend perfect. All started when Mikey saw their often smooching and “I love you” exchanging. He used to see my Ivy and me kissing and smooching all the time


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Extremely liberal

We didn’t go out tonight. We rather stayed home with the children. I used that to post my latest diary. My mom told dad Boss and mom Zdenka about our conversation the other night and about their decision to continue to babysit our children for whatever reason, even if it was our going on group sex. We weren’t surprised about dad Boss's and mom Zdenka's reactions; she was shocked hearing we are practicing group sex, but she said she wouldn’t stop loving us and babysitting our children becaus


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Thrilled with the new sex act

Although we told Silvano he owes us nothing for the bike we gave him, he was very persistent to treat us or reward us somehow. Since we couldn’t and wouldn’t take anything from him, for he is a family and a friend, my Prince told him that he can treat our children with ice cream if he can’t let it go. He agreed but again, insisted to take all of us out for ice cream. So, we told him where we want to have it. Since my Prince promised to the ice cream owner place on the beach that we would be his


Evaloves4 in Diaries

There is your answer, lady

My Prince and Ivy received an official invitation from the Ministry of Education to bring their daughter, Precious, “there and there” at 17.30 yesterday, for intellectual and skill evaluation so that they may see if she is ready to go to the school this fall. We were very excited about it. Precious wasn’t tense or scared at all, (she had such a test before, only unofficially) while my mom was on the needless not because she was afraid Precious wouldn't pass the test but because she was afraid sh


Evaloves4 in Diaries

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