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Eva's, Ivy's and Elf Prince's sex diaries.


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Never been so bad

These days are horrible for many people who can’t stand high temperatures and heat waves. My Prince and our son Mikey are one of them. Although my Prince tried to work from home, he couldn’t because he didn’t feel well; he felt constant dizziness and strengthless. He could do nothing but lay in half sleeping mod all the time, night and day. It was never so bad as it is this summer. (Those of you who follow my diaries know that my Prince can stand very low temperatures and that he is my “winter m


Evaloves4 in Diaries

One and only

I had to check with my Prince if I was the main reason for his leaving LL since he and my Ivy said that I was very pushy when she and I worked on her new story. Prince: You were pushy, Princess and very arrogant and impudent. But I didn’t leave LL because of you. I loved it very much but couldn’t enjoy being logged in thinking that our children needs me …. My promise to my father that I will continue his legacy on LL burdened me. If we wouldn’t have children, I wouldn’t quit LL, but since w


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Isn’t that sad?

I had the opportunity to dress in the silk long light blue dress, the shoes and to carry the purse they bought me for my birthday when my luvs took me out to the fancy restaurant several nights ago. My, there wasn't a single person who wasn't stunned by my look in it. I got many compliments and I felt very special. Besides excellent supper, dancing, and a time, I had excellent sex with my Prince who ate my pussy under the table (I didn't wear panties) and then fucked me in the restroom for ladie


Evaloves4 in Diaries

There is your answer, lady

My Prince and Ivy received an official invitation from the Ministry of Education to bring their daughter, Precious, “there and there” at 17.30 yesterday, for intellectual and skill evaluation so that they may see if she is ready to go to the school this fall. We were very excited about it. Precious wasn’t tense or scared at all, (she had such a test before, only unofficially) while my mom was on the needless not because she was afraid Precious wouldn't pass the test but because she was afraid sh


Evaloves4 in Diaries

500 entries

Answering on some posts in my blog, I just realized that I post 500 entries. Wow! It is a big deal for me since I love my diaries. It would be much more, 700-800 entries if I didn't delete my entire blog instead of one entry accidentally few years ago. Well, here it is what it is and I want to thank to all of you who occasionally, accidentally or regularly reads my diary. Big hug to all of you. ❤️    


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Unfortunate 60+ old diabetic

Irena told me in private that she had the best group sex ever thanks to my Prince who loves group sex and who is an expert in it. Everyone wanted to suck, lick and ride his cock since it is big, fat, and juicy (23 cm. The biggest one after his was 19 cm). She also said that she understood now (for the second time) she should never leave him. I smiled and said: - But you did a great job. If you hadn’t left him, I would never have met him and would never be the happiest woman in the whole wor


Evaloves4 in Diaries

You are but the pussy, Prince

Cooking the beans for masses and sharing it for free on public places on the 1th of May or “Labor day” is tradition that people kept and practice all over the countries from ex-Yugoslavia. Since it is the holiday, many didn’t work except of us in tourism, restaurants and similar branches. We, my Prince, Ivy and I had no special plans but to be together on our beach after the work since yesterday was the opening of summer season in the Hotel. We received another 25 season workers and Lidija and m


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Sleeping with his girlfriend

My Prince amazed us all when he asked us during the family coffee morning on Thursday: - I asked Mikey and Precious if they would like to participate in the children’s carnival parade on Saturday if we would be able to get them in. They were thrilled and they immediately asked me if the twins could participate too. I promised them I would talk to their parents. So, my beloved, I know I reacted a little late but I believe, we can still do something about it. If you agree with it, would you b


Evaloves4 in Diaries

The biker …

At the beginning of the week, there was a chocolate festival in our city. We went there twice, the first time the five of us and the second time with the family, and I mean all of them. When we went there with our children, I “armed” myself with wet tissues and extra clothes for the children. Thank heavens they didn't mess up themselves as I was afraid they would. Anyway, the chocolate festival was fantastic. We tried every kind of chocolate there was. Our children wanted it too but we couldn’t


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Good bye, Gabriela

A lot of snacks, cakes and cookies left after my birthday party even after we shared them to our guests. We brought it to the Hotel and treated our workers in Saturday morning. Gabriela behaved very strange. She couldn’t look us in the eyes and she avoided my Prince. When we asked her what is wrong, she said that she is just little bit tired and tensed. Since we went out in Friday, on my birthday, we decided to stay home in Saturday and enjoy in unwrapping my gifts with children, and watch some


Evaloves4 in Diaries

A brass knuckle or a gun

We still have bad luck with the weather: rain showers, cold wind, or a combination of both. The only ones who love this kind of weather are my luvs. They always swim on our beach no matter how cold it is or how big the waves are. Anyhow, our guests are very patient and they stayed in the Hotel.     Malicija told Silvano about our incident at the chiropractic dressing room. She said it was her fault and that she offended me when I told her about her mistreating him. He was sooo cut


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Bodyguard or gigolo

We started to have more and more guests in the Hotel since Monday. People booking in daily. It is so nice to see life and crowd again. Our restaurant and bar are constantly full. I’m not very busy anymore since my Fran took my position. I just overseeing his and Lidija’s work and give my blessing or denying certain suggestions and ideas. We also returned our band so we’ll have some kind of entertainment in evening hours. We gonna return weddings, birthday parties and other parties too soon.


Evaloves4 in Diaries


I was right when I said that my Prince wouldn’t accept more jobs that will take him and my Ivy away from the family. He isn’t money lover and wealth chaser, but he also isn’t the person who doesn’t care for our wealth being. He works hard to provide enough money that we can buy things we need and like. That’s why he took BAL (Bodyguarding Application List) and marked those whom he and my Ivy will guard for next 7 days.     Now, those who regularly reads my diaries knows what I sai


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Irena and Damir

Antonio found out who was protecting the dog owner and he contacted her. She is a local politician in city hall and he, after telling her what happened, warned her to stop protecting that man’s mischief or he will go after her using her “dirty laundry” against her until she is forced to resign. Realizing he is a buddy with much stronger players, she pulled back and Antonio reported the dog owner for recklessly behaving and jeopardizing the children’s lives. He had to pay a penalty, 1000 Euros.


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Priceless gift

I don’t know about others, but “family and business doesn’t go together” slogan is wrong in our case. Ivy’s mom and dad ran tourism business in the villa for decades and my mom and dad helped them, but their friendship was never jeopardize by business disagreements. Same goes for three of us and my Fran who is my best friend and the family. My Fran started to work in the Hotel first, I came as second, my Prince came third and my Ivy joined as forth. After few years I was promoted before him and


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Permanent dismissal

We worked on Saturday till 14.00. Interestingly enough, there weren’t many things to be done. So, we, my Fran, Lidija, and I talked a lot and I had quick sex with my luvs in my office.     My luvs were permanently dismissed from the police on Saturday. It started when the chief asked my luvs to come to his office and talked about catching drug dealers during the concert on the main square on Sunday. They will be paid extra. My luvs said he should ask them earlier when they hadn’t


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Living in a foreign country

Our children and twins can’t wait to go to the children's Easter party we organized for the children of our workers. This time they have to find an Easter egg with their name hidden in the pocket of one of the parents. Then they will get the candies bag. The one who finds it first will get an extra candies bag. Of course, there will be a special program, snacks, and beverages for them and their parents who will receive the envelope with the Easter bonus.     Although Father’s Day


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Bero & Claudia

Two things happened yesterday, one unpleasant and one very pleasant. Those of you who read my diaries would surely remember my visit to the center for autism, Dawn Syndrome, and other handicaps center with my Prince on Valentine's and how was I thrilled with deaf and legless people dancing in rhythm. Well, there was a couple that caught my attention, a 45-year-old *Bero with Dawn syndrome and 42 years old blond deaf and lame *Claudia with light retardation too (*fake names). I couldn’t get them


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Obscene practice

My luvs received the last quarter's financial report from two senior homes that our Hotel supports. Our lawyer and the counting office checked it and they declared their report as valid. But my luvs decided to do unannounced inspections in both homes. They were very pleased with the users’ report. The money our Hotel sent was well spent. Both directors wanted to treat my luvs with lunch but they thanked them and left. Nothing makes my Prince satisfied and content when seeing that things work fin


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Strictly professional relationship

Our children were happy when we told them about a boy their age and his parents who would visit us on Saturday and have lunch with us. I will call him Stephan and his mother, Victoria. (You already met his father, Vladimir in my previous diary).     We worked this morning but as soon as we finished, we rushed home to be ready for our guests. Our moms were true angels and they prepared the whole lunch for us. Vladimir and his wife didn’t want us to come and take them to our place s


Evaloves4 in Diaries


This week I had busy mornings. Things started to roll in the Hotel. I must commend Antonio’s security who does excellent job keeping high level of “high security hotel” status and who follows my Prince’s way of doing things to the letter.     Precious suddenly turned into very chattering girl. Her unstoppable talking annoyed me, my Ivy and her brother sometimes, but never my Prince. He enjoys in her nonsensical prattling that always makes him giggling because she came to him imita


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Preceding reputation

My Prince noticed that Lidija is profoundly hostile toward Gabriela and he confronted her. Although they are friends and a family, he gave her ultimatum to change her attitude toward her or she will be suspended from e.b. because members of e.b. must be professionals, mature and friendly toward everyone, especially to those who works in the Hotel and helping us. Hearing his ultimatum I felt sorry for Lidija and I thought he was too strict with her. I confronted him about it when my Ivy, him and


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Quickly and efficiently

We had to have an urgent e.b. meeting yesterday about two important problems. Thanks to my Prince’s big and compassionate heart, we solved them quickly and efficiently. I like that about my Prince: he is not a man who delays the realization of the projects for whatever reason. He is on them right away just as he was in this case.     Our e.b. gathered in bigger number. Besides five regular members, we had three temporary or seasonal e.b. members. The meeting started well until one


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Awesome (sexy) Christmas

Our children were very happy seeing many gifts under and around the Christmas tree but they were disciplined. They knew they had to wait until the whole family gathered. When my luvs and dad Boss returned from the airport with his guests, they took them straight to dad Boss’s house. We saw them later when we came home after work. They were in our house having a good time talking with our parents.     I was a little disappointed that Davor and Sandra arrived much later (around 20.


Evaloves4 in Diaries

I had no sex

Oh, my, the smell of genuine and new leather that made me horny and ridding on the bike with my Prince was indescribable experience for me. I still prefer driving a car, although being driven on the bike is different. (My Ivy doesn’t have her bike driving license yet, but she will get it in a month). Anyhow, I looooved wrapping my hands around Prince’s firm and muscular body and rubbing my pussy against his butt while driving around. Once, during the night after we did all our obligations, he to


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