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Irena and Damir



Antonio found out who was protecting the dog owner and he contacted her. She is a local politician in city hall and he, after telling her what happened, warned her to stop protecting that man’s mischief or he will go after her using her “dirty laundry” against her until she is forced to resign. Realizing he is a buddy with much stronger players, she pulled back and Antonio reported the dog owner for recklessly behaving and jeopardizing the children’s lives. He had to pay a penalty, 1000 Euros.



The Halloween at our house went fine. Children loved it and the twins visited them again. They became true friends. So, the twins’ parents had a great time with my parents getting to know each other better while the children played. They also went down to our beach and were thrilled with it. They usually go to some public beaches during the summer and they hate it because they are always overcrowded and noisy. My mom and dad invited them to come to our beach wherever they want. (My mom and dad wouldn’t invite them so quickly but seeing how theirs and our children are getting along and how much my Prince loves twins, they did it). While they were politely rejecting saying that they cannot accept it, my mom called my Prince and after a brief explanation she gave her phone to the twins’ father and he heard my Prince saying:

- Listen, I will not argue with you! You will come to our house and our beach whenever you and your children want. I will not accept ‘no’ as an answer! Okay?

Twins’ father: Ummm, Prince, I don’t want ….

Prince (authoritatively): You are not listening, my friend! … It is not about what you want and like, and what makes you happy, but what your children want and like and what makes them happy.

Twins’ father (smilingly). OK, then, Prince. Thank you.

When he said to the twins about coming to our beach in the summer, our children and twins screamed joyfully. Anyway, they had to leave before we returned home after work. .



Yesterday was All Saints’ Day, a holiday in our country. We were fully booked. Our city had free bus transportation to the main city cemetery, but our guests had to take a taxi or a bus to go to the bus station from where the city bus will drive them to the main cemetery and then, they still have to walk a good distance up to the hill to reach their destination. So, we (our hotel drivers) drove them free of charge with the Hotel vans there and back in several rounds. They appreciated that. Some hotels imitated us, but they charged their guests a certain amount of money. We didn’t make any money, but we gained our guests’ respect, thanks, and loyalty – they will stay in our Hotel whenever they come to our city ?



As promised, I talked to my luvs, my Fran, and Lidija about Irena’s and Damir’s desire to quit their job and work for us in the advertising department. They all agreed we’ll hire them but they have to have one month of probation period first. Irena and Damir went to the capitol yesterday to pay respect to their deceased loved ones. I called them and invited them for a supper and I told them I have some good news for them. My mom was very kind and she made supper. So, they stopped by on their way home. My Fran was with us since they will be responsible directly to him and he had some inputs to share with them. When I told them they can start to work for us whenever they want and that they will be on one month of probation with the minimum wage during that period, they “yayd” and hugged us all. When my Fran told them that he must tell them how things work in our Hotel and about my Prince, my Prince excused himself, took Mikey and Precious, and he and my Ivy went to our beach. My Fran started:

- Well, I want you to know a few things: first, we have never done anything like this before, but we accepted you because Eva recommended you and vouched for you. She fully trusts you without checking your working habits, quality, and successes. We believe her instinct and we believe you wouldn’t fail her and us, but we’ll never do this again. You are the exception. We expect from you hard and honest work. Do that and you will earn our respect and trust and you will progress and prosper. Second, you need to know about Prince’s role in the Hotel, the things you didn't know about him: he is the ultimate hotel manager and he is in charge of everything. His word is last … That means: He can fire anyone, even Eva and me, and he can hire, discipline, stop or force certain projects and plans without approval of e.b. He is above e.b in these and similar areas. He is also a member of the Hotel managers association highly respected by its members. (I saw a very surprised face on Irena and I thought: Oh yes, my dear, you should be surprised because you have no idea what precious jewel you threw out of your hands and out of your heart). If you need help or have any problems, he is the one to talk to …

Damir (stunningly): Wow! I am stunned…

Fran: Rightfully … you see, Prince is very humble and he never talks about his achievements and successes. Believe me, he earned and deserved our utmost trust and confidence. There is no fairer and more honest person than him. He is not biased, you cannot bribe him and … Eva, tell them …

Me: It’s true. He disciplined us, my Ivy, my Fran, and Lidija when we broke some rules, and just recently he financially punished me for my misbehaving. (I also told them about the case with the traffic police and I could see their very stunning faces). But do not be afraid, he never punished anyone unjustly and he always hears your side of the story first. My Ivy is his assistant … So, just do as Fran tells you.

Fran: Two more things. First, you should read and learn and obtain Hotel rules and bylaws. We follow them strictly. And second, you can disagree with Prince and even oppose him, but do not try to play games behind his back or trick him. He has a nose for such things. If you do that, he will fire you momentarily and if you were really nasty, pray that you will not see his bad side. Therefore, don’t even think about it!

Damir: What do you mean, Fran?

Fran: I mean, if you were very rude, impolite, and arrogant, he and Ivy, who always support him 200%, might physically punish you and you would be happy if you end up in the hospital with light injuries … You have been warned. On the other hand, if you play by the rules, he will protect you, defend you and help you in every way, letting nobody to molest you, hurt you or threaten you. That's why our workers likes to work for us.

Oh, my, you should see their faces again. They changed from stunned, admired, surprised, and thrilled to scared. I was very proud of my Prince when we talk to them about him and I was very grateful to my Fran for talking about him with great respect and admiration. Yes, he likes to tease him, but he highly respects him and loves him. Anyway, Irena and Damir will continue to live in the nearby city for they have only some 20-30 minutes of driving to our city, and they start to work tomorrow after signing the probation contract. My Prince’s reaction to all of this? He is glad we would be enforced for he always supports everything that works for Hotel benefits, but for him, they are only acquaintances and our new workers, nothing less, and nothing more. He will treat them equally with other workers. He won’t seek revenge for he buried his and Irena’s past. She has a chance now to start from the beginning and to build a new trust proving to him that she can be a trustworthy associate, a friend, and maybe a family one day.

Edited by Evaloves4

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