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Eva's, Ivy's and Elf Prince's sex diaries.


Entries in this blog

I want you to fuck me

Couldn’t wait till Monday. So many things happened. I wrote all about it in my real diary and had to shorten for LL diaries. Early yesterday morning, my luvs congratulated me my birthday with marvelous sex. First, they provided me incredible double orgasms by eating my pussy and ass, and then, I treated myself with Prince’s sweet and hot cum that I shared with my Ivy. My, I love mornings like this. Sometime later, our children asked if they may come to our room. Just as we said they may, they ra


Evaloves4 in Diaries

After five years

I'm in my office now totally jobless. Thinking about my luvs I came to idea to write something about us since it passed 5 years how we are together. So, here is short overview of what has changed and what stayed the same after five years in our love triangle.     Me: I still love my Prince and Ivy very much. I can’t imagine my life without any of them. Now, maybe some of you wouldn’t like what you read but they are more important to me than our children whom I love with all my bei


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Weird slutty bitch

The weekend wasn’t especially interesting since we were mostly at home although there was a kind of incident yesterday my Ivy solved in her style I will tell you about it in a minute.     Mikey said he doesn’t like my luvs’ new electric bike now and he didn’t enjoy the ride when my Prince took him. He said the new bike is the same as his but only bigger and that the old one was better because it gave him chills when he sat on it (the vibration and the engine sound). He was always


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Good bye, Gabriela

A lot of snacks, cakes and cookies left after my birthday party even after we shared them to our guests. We brought it to the Hotel and treated our workers in Saturday morning. Gabriela behaved very strange. She couldn’t look us in the eyes and she avoided my Prince. When we asked her what is wrong, she said that she is just little bit tired and tensed. Since we went out in Friday, on my birthday, we decided to stay home in Saturday and enjoy in unwrapping my gifts with children, and watch some


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Third mother

Dad Boss and Zdenka bought very expensive caviar, original Russian Vodka and French Champaign in Friday. They were very thrilled that they will make a supper for us. But my luvs hated even the smell of caviar. So, while I and moms enjoyed in caviar and Champaign, dads enjoyed in caviar and Vodka in the living room, and my luvs enjoyed in cucumbers and tomatoes on the balcony. My luvs and children were soooo cute. Each one of them held a big cucumber in one hand and tomato in another enjoyed biti


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Gods favors fools …

Not much happened as nothing changed in the weather domain during the weekend: rain, cold, wind, and thunders were very alive for three full days. Of course, you know who was the happiest ones of all: my luvs. They were mostly on our beach swimming and having sex in the shack. When Mikey was with them, they didn’t do it, of course. But he was with them only twice because he couldn’t follow their rhythm, the cold and wind. So, my Prince brought him into the house and he continued to play with his


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Genuine concern

The next day after the party, I was in my office with my Fran. He often looked at me and smiled. Me: What? Fran: I see you’re still under a great impression about the party and the number of people who came to see you, Princess. Me: I am, my dear, Fran, I am. I simply can’t believe it … Say, do you think their concern for me was genuine or they came to visit me because I am a hotel manager and they were just sucking up? He smiled and walked to my desk. Lifting me he sat on my


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Mistake that turned on good

The day I posted my last diary (Wednesday), my Prince and Ivy came home with new tattoo on brachialis muscle. My Prince made it on his left arm and my Ivy on her right arm. The tattoo shows beautiful elvish sword that stands vertically behind heater shield with 3d heart across it and our names and our children names written in elvish Tengwar letters in the heart. (He has Ivy’s name beside my name and she has his name beside my name). The meaning of their tattoos is that they loves us and will fi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Two Cavemen

We had to fire certain number of workers again, but we gave them big money bonus on their last paycheck. Since summer season is officially over, things are in low speed now. My luvs works in the Hotel, but they have much free time to make some extra money working for Antonio. Speaking of that, my luvs, the chief of the police and Antonio met to discuss my luvs’ future engagement with the police that depended on their willingness to change their working method – brutality. My luvs replied: “We ha


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Stopping bad practices

The start of the summer season was followed by bad weather, mostly low temperatures, weak but cold wind, and rain. We thought that our guests will start leaving but they didn’t. They stayed indoors using some of the many entertaining utilities we offer. Our café, restaurant, casino, and gym were full those days. Only the brave ones swam in the sea.     Now, before you continue with reading, I want you to know that you are free to post your opinion about the further content at the


Evaloves4 in Diaries

500 entries

Answering on some posts in my blog, I just realized that I post 500 entries. Wow! It is a big deal for me since I love my diaries. It would be much more, 700-800 entries if I didn't delete my entire blog instead of one entry accidentally few years ago. Well, here it is what it is and I want to thank to all of you who occasionally, accidentally or regularly reads my diary. Big hug to all of you. ❤️    


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Hot brunette singer

Since there was still snow(ing) in the areas east of our city, we went to play in the snow with our children. We invited the twins’ parents to join us with their children, but they said they don’t want their children to get sick. But my parents came along and we had the most excellent time with a lot of laughter. The children loved my Prince and my dad wrestling in snow. Although he is much stronger than my dad, he let him overpower him and fed him with snow. The children joined my dad and they


Evaloves4 in Diaries

I’m not that much ugly …

We worked on Saturday. It was a very windy day and the snow was falling in the mountains. My Prince called home and asked the children if they want to go to play on the show after lunch. They were very happy to hear it. He also called the twins’ parents who weren’t in the mood to go, but they let us take the twins with us. They trust my Prince because they have seen how caring he is and that he won’t let anything happen to them. Before the end of the working hours, Irena came to my office and as


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Friendly advice

While my mom and my Prince cooked lunch on Sunday morning, our parents talked to the twins’ parents, and Ivy and I watched the children. She was a little bit nervous because she missed my Prince. Unbelievable. They are in the same house, only in different rooms and yet, she missed him. He had to be in her vision field. I kissed her and told her to go to him. I would keep watching the children. My mom told me later that she helped them cook but had to kiss or touch him all the time. It didn’t bot


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Dalibor and Irena

Some time after lunch on Friday, the wife of one of our workers came and asked Lidija for a meeting with my Prince. She wanted to talk to him about her marital problems. Lidija told her that my Prince isn’t a marital counselor and that unless her husband, our worker doesn’t beat her, molest her, spending money on gambling, drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes instead of the family, he cannot help her. She said her husband told her how highly he respects my Prince because he helps people. Then she tol


Evaloves4 in Diaries

How to kill big ugly giant

I had to work in Saturday morning. My luvs didn’t. They went to grocery shopping and they took the children in the park afterwards. Our children supposed to stay at their grandparents over the night during the weekend but they didn’t want to. We also wanted to go out in Saturday night but they wanted us to stay home. So, we stayed. Mikey had a nightmare and he woke us up crying and shouting “TAAATAAAA!” He dreamed that his dad was crushed by big ugly giant. He couldn’t stop crying embracing his


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Ruined day

Everything in the Hotel is submitted to organizing the Valentine’s. Our band was rehearsing songs that they would be playing that evening, my Fran and Lidija were choosing ornaments, decorations, and gifts for our guests; the wedding, and love couples. My luvs would do something nice for me although, if you ask them, they do not care about it. My Ivy used to celebrate Valentine’s with me but since she became “Princelike”, she stopped doing it just like everything else he doesn’t like. However, m


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Witches, I want to fuck you!

On the 6th we had a national religious holiday, the three kings. On the same day, Orthodox Christians celebrate their Christmas. We were very proud of our zero violence tolerance in the Hotel, which means, we had no excess or incident while Orthodox Christians celebrated their Christmas. My Fran officially congratulated them their holiday. Although we weren’t full, we were satisfied with the number of visitors from all over the Europe.     My Ivy felt strong desire to set my Princ


Evaloves4 in Diaries

… stupid childless bitch!!!

Davor and Sandra arrived in Croatia on 25th. They flew to their home town first but they will visit us in Sunday. We are very excited about their coming. I said to my luvs how I hope that Sandra is still swinger and that I can’t wait to fuck her. My Ivy devilishly smiled saying that she will fuck both of us.     Monday wasn’t easy for my luvs. They had three very unpleasant events. First one was when our children came to our bed in the morning. They were told not to crawl on their


Evaloves4 in Diaries

He was fucking bored

We had to work in Saturday morning. It was very heavy day in every way; it was cold outside, I was in bad mood and without motivation for work, we had antivaxxers situation in the Hotel and some other little problems. Even quick sex in the office with my luvs couldn't cheer me up. I hoped that going out at the evening will save my day. I hardly waited to come home. When we arrived home after the work our children made me smile running to us joyfully and shouting "Maamaaaa!" and "Taaataaa" as the


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Anger that comes out of concern

We took our second anti Covid-19 vaccination few days ago. And so far, there’s no contraindications. My LL sister, @dharvinia and I shared our experiences and thoughts about living under Covid-19. I will tell you in short what I said to her: our economy sinking deeper and deeper. Many shops, restaurants, small businesses, factories and similar industries are closed and more getting closed every day. Tourism is jeopardized too. We would probably work this summer season because our country lives o


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Necessary measurement

The physical punishment of vandals got political connotations and the chief of the police invited my luvs into his office to give them a verbal warning in front of local politician who somehow heard how my luvs treated them. He accused them for hatred of that national group which they denied saying they treat all vandals equally. However, he insisted on their suspension, but the chief didn’t want to do it. He defended them stating their successes and their valuable help in capturing drug dealers


Evaloves4 in Diaries

That's our son ...

> Seeing his tata moaning in pain and turning all over on the bed, but being unable to go to him, our children cried a lot. They wanted to hug and kiss their tata and to tell him how much they love him but they couldn't; we didn't let them since my Prince constantly rolled over the bed because he had strong cramps in the stomach. We had to calm them down. When we did, Mikey asked me to take my smart phone and then he started to give me instructions like what page to open and what to download


Evaloves4 in Diaries

The twins

My Prince talked to the guys from Antonio’s agency with whom Stipe was in conflict as he promised he would. He and my Ivy took them (3 guys) out for a drink and he investigated how it started and what happened. Since they know my Prince isn’t biased, they were very open. In the end, he and my Ivy concluded that in two cases it wasn’t Stipe’s fault for the broken relationship but the problem was misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Stipe’s actions and words. In the third case, it was his fau


Evaloves4 in Diaries


I must share this with you. Somebody might say this was the intervention from the highest (divine), but I say it is justice born in the hearts of righteous parents. (This is the summary of the events I heard from my Ivy). Namely, talking to her mother on the phone, and although she didn’t say a word about the incident, the twins’ mother couldn’t hide sadness from her voice, and like most mothers in the world, her mother reacted wanting to help her daughter. Well, since her daughter didn’t want t


Evaloves4 in Diaries

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