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Eva's, Ivy's and Elf Prince's sex diaries.


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I am soooooo happy for my Prince. “What happened” you ask? I’ll tell you. Those of you who regularly follows my diaries knows that he became a Skyrim tutor to the son of our Hotel maid. So he installed Skyrim SE for him and the mods I was asked to download since my Prince wanted to avoid LL addiction and because he already failed his promise he won't play Skyrim ever again. Anyway, his job about installation of the mods is almost done. The guy didn’t pick ENB yet and when he does, my Prince woul


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Again again

Very shortly after posting my last diary I started to feel nausea, headache and fever. My luvs drove me home and called our house doctor who checked me. Eliminating food poisoning, virus infection and some other causes, he concluded that my sudden health disorder was caused by hidden stress. Since he knows I jog and exercise twice a day every day, and since he doesn’t know I have sex every day, he couldn’t prescribe physical activities as stress relievers. He only told me to rest a lot and do th


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Very rough week

Oh, my, it was very and I mean very busy and rough week for us with lot of business and some private drama and tensions. (Due to time and space, I skipped to mention several other things that happened considering them less important in this diary).  No, not among ourselves in e.b., but with some government representatives. The whole world carefully watches and follow the war in Ukraine. We too. My Prince, as you who follows my diary, know that he doesn’t follow the news since he easily gets upse


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Simply perfect

We had terrific and exciting two and a half days in “XXX” city. Silvano was with us too. My Prince didn’t have peace in his heart if we aren’t protected when we walk on the streets visiting shops and restaurants or being in the park or seashore. Antonio covered expenses of his accommodation in the hotel. So, when my luvs were occupied officially, Silvano was with me and the children, and he was with our children when three of us were in the need for our “dose”.     The organizer i


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Weekend bodyguarding demonstrations

My Prince’s reputation as top bodyguard preceded him again thanks to the chief of the police who recently put him on test. The chief of the police from “XXX” city in Istria invited him to have demonstrations of disarming and disabling attacker(s) this weekend, starting from tomorrow 10.00 until Sunday, 12.00. The demonstrations ends with common lunch. He supposed to perform his skills on women too, but he asked them if my Ivy can do it knowing that she would really love it. When they accepted hi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

On the test

My Fran told me about big fight he had with Stipe, his husband about sex orgy with our “Fantastic 4”. This is only part of our conversation we had in my office in Monday. Fran: … and do you know why Stipe forbid me to participate in group sex ever again? Me: No, Fran, I don’t know. Fran: Beside being jealous at Peter and Matija, he said I enjoyed it too much. He also said that I am not that much passionate when we have sex. …. I told him his jealousy is ungrounded since I love onl


Evaloves4 in Diaries

My angels

Everyone in the family is hard worker and dedicated to their goals and projects, but there is something in my Prince and my mom that none of us have in those areas. I think is it a (natural) gift. Although being very tired from hard work doing his regular duties and going all over the places organizing Valentine and our anniversary, my Prince didn’t stop doing the same for Precious’ birthday. He was soooo excited about it that he planned every single and small detail which he wanted to be spotle


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Kinky Valentine and beautiful sixth anniversary

February is most important and most beautiful month in the year for me because of the three very important events: The Valentine, our anniversary and Precious’ birthday. I tried to be as short as I can in adopting my diary for LL. So, let me tell you in short what happened in the first two events since Precious’ birthday is coming in 7 days.     The Valentine started beautifully and funny in the same time. Before the holiday, I asked my Ivy if she planned something for Valentine s


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Frightening words

The latest drama regarding locking my thread hit me very hard, especially because I loved that thread very much. I was very pissed off, but no, I wasn’t bitching in the family. I was nervous, I easily exploded when things went bad, but I didn’t reflect my inner condition on my luvs, children and family members. Everyone noticed my tension, and they asked me if I want to talk about it. I thanked them but I told them I don’t want to talk to none of them about it, not even with my Fran, but my luvs


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Caught by the police (again)

I knew my Prince had his fingers in Mikey’s coming to me and apologizing for telling me that I don’t love his tata as mama Ivy does. He also hugged me and kissed me and told me he loves me very much. I was curious how it happened, so I asked my Prince about it. Prince: Mikey came to me and told me about your conversation. When he told me that he told you that you don’t love me as much as mama Ivy, I explained to him that you love me on one way and mama Ivy loves me on another way, and that


Evaloves4 in Diaries

My blemish? Not being like mama Ivy!

Everything returned to normal again. Silvano agreed that he will be our bodyguard available 24h a day. First 12 hours are his working hours and other 12 hours, according to the need. Although he didn’t want him to do it, Antonio increased his salary because of that. He will pay him extra for every overtime work. He will be on the duty from the morning when he will practice martial arts with my luvs, until the evening when he will do it again. If he stays on the duty during the night, we are obli


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Successful two days raid

Antonio processed the guy who threatened us and we discovered that he followed us. He revealed the names of his friends after he saw the pictures of the guys who Antonio and his Guys “processed” earlier and who was “promised” the same if he doesn’t talk. Two days lasted the search or raid for the group of drug dealers who sent him to intimidate my Prince threatening that they will hurt us (my Ivy, me, our parents and our children) if he doesn’t stop beat and arrest their colleagues. Our parents


Evaloves4 in Diaries

I know who you are

I have been working yesterday. My luvs too although they haven’t been much busy. My Prince used his free time to teach Lidija playing guitar. She took it very seriously and dedicatedly. She learned all homework my Prince gave her. Since my Ivy lent her hers guitar, Lidija started to learn first three chords. She couldn’t believe that my Ivy didn’t tease her at all during one hour of class. She asked her about it and my Ivy told her: - Listen, my cherry pie, when you do serious stuff, like l


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Like father like son

I was very busy last several days, so busy that I hadn’t much time to log in LL. Some serious paper work and very important business decisions occupied me. My luvs were busy too, but not for the Hotel. They had some body guarding and security jobs for Antonio. They had to interfere during one security job to separate conflicted sides and keep tensions low. After the work they spent time with the children on the fresh air since it was very warm. While my luvs were with the children, my Fran and I


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Firm cute ass

Since I felt much better in Saturday, the family gathered after the work in our house to see me and make me have a good time. My luvs worked in Saturday morning. My Prince will teach guitar Lidija in the Hotel every Saturday instead of Monday as it was agreed earlier, since he and my Ivy mostly do not work Saturdays. He will give her “homeworks" in meantime that she has to learn and practice. My Prince told me that he and Fran died laughing when my Ivy told her: - You shouldn’t have problem


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Necessity of serious warning

High fever and pain in my muscles tortured me 24h a day for 4 days. I literary couldn’t sleep over the night but moaned in pain and coughed. I felt sorry for my luvs for disturbing their sleep and I told them to go to sleep wherever they want because my mom will nurse me. They both stayed saying they love me and will nurse me over the night. When I felt cold, my Prince warmed me with his body (His body is always hot no matter which season is), and when I felt hot, he and my Ivy cooled my body wi


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Evil woman

Since Sunday was beautiful day again, we spent the morning outside the house, on one of many city beaches. My Ivy called Antonio to check on him. He was doing good, being only nauseous. She asked him if he wants us to come. He said no for he’ll be sleeping but he’ll visit my parents when he’ll feel better. Some time later, we went to my parents’ home for family lunch. After a nice lunch, we washed the dishes and went home. My Ivy took a nap with the children while my Prince and I made love. When


Evaloves4 in Diaries

… gorgeous Gorgeous

We had very beautiful, warm and sunshine Saturday. Although I worked yesterday morning, my luvs didn’t. Before I returned home, they swam in the sea on our beach, took the children to the park and hot cocoa, and he made vegetarian pizza for lunch while my Ivy watched the children. My mom taught him to make Italian dough for pizza. When I returned home after the work, I kissed our children, my luvs and mom, took a quick shower and enjoyed in excellent Italian vegetarian pizza.    


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Lidija's new guitar instructor

Our house filled with children joyful screams and laughter again. They were all over us when we came home after the work and we enjoyed in their hugs, kisses and “love yous”. The three of us bought a nice big bouquet of flowers and very lovely fragrance for my mom as expression of gratitude for her sacrificial care for our children. My mom didn’t want to take it angrily saying: - It is nice of you to be considerable, children, but don’t ever do that again. You insulted me. If I happily nurs


Evaloves4 in Diaries


While I argued with some LL trolls last time, my Prince and Ivy came to my table, asked me to move away from it, and checking me on LL, they caught me in a verbal rampage. I am tempted to say now a lot about some LL members’ bias based on same nationality, similar mod liking (rape, women humiliation and similar shit) and on gender (males), about male chauvinism and sexism, but I won't. I was already described as broken record. Whatever. I will not be quiet about things everyone sees but don’t re


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Witches, I want to fuck you!

On the 6th we had a national religious holiday, the three kings. On the same day, Orthodox Christians celebrate their Christmas. We were very proud of our zero violence tolerance in the Hotel, which means, we had no excess or incident while Orthodox Christians celebrated their Christmas. My Fran officially congratulated them their holiday. Although we weren’t full, we were satisfied with the number of visitors from all over the Europe.     My Ivy felt strong desire to set my Princ


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Doing it whenever and wherever

We received final annual report of all income and expenses in 2021 in Monday. It isn’t ideal, but we are very satisfied with numbers. We were 47% in plus. Comparing our report with other hotels’ reports from “Hotel association”, we found out we earned more money than any of them. My Prince’s suggestion from several years ago to lower the prices of food, accommodation and drinks during holidays and special events, instead of increasing them as our rivals do, showed as excellent business move.


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Never too much of good sex

Yesterday was beautiful, sunshine and warm day. Although I love to be with my family all the time, every day, I felt exhausted of their presence and I needed some privacy and peace. When my luvs returned from Capitol, I asked them if it is OK with them to tell family members not to come. I also wanted to send Mikey and Precious to their grandparents. My Prince misunderstood my intention and he said he’ll spend the day with the children outside the house so I can rest. My Ivy immediately, by defa


Evaloves4 in Diaries

Failed business plans

In my previous diary I missed to tell you why my Prince was tensed after conversation with dad Boss while ago, but here it is now. That day, dad Boss told him that he had a video chat with Mister “XXX” in which they agreed that he will financially help dad Boss to buy rest hotel shares that will make him full owner of the Hotel (property). In return, Mister “XXX” will become equal partner in Hotel business. Furthermore, they agreed that Dad Boss will transfer the Hotel ownership (on my Prince) a


Evaloves4 in Diaries

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