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  1. Meaning it is basically only a cell for screenshots and without ingame interactions.
  2. Recently tried this mod. Nice idea but it is not really suited for a "serious" playthrough unless you ignore any form of gene modification completely. Reason: The various traits don't get locked in the gene modding window but every attempt to apply a template to a species with that trait is fully blocked. Meaning I can't alter a species in my empire even if I never intend on touching this trait. As a side note the playthrough was with psionic ascension, meaning I ended up with 9 variations of my founder species (had a colony ship en route when I made the switch from latent psionic to psionic) and at least 4 variations of every species I conquer or house. Some are interested in incest, some are devoted to incest, some are interested in incest and psionic, some are devoted to incest and psionic. More species = more lag.
  3. I tried the mod but twice now but the game kind of freezes on 3rd of June 1067. Meaning every menu is accessible but the time completely "stops" at whatever speed it is set to and no action has any effect. Including hitting "space" to pause the game. If I try to start a game at the earlier bookmark ck3 crashes completely. While it is possible that this is a weird mod conflict there is no doubt that this mod is at least involved. As far as I've seen the mod works i.e. shortly after the start I get the event turning me into a deity and on the 2nd of january I get a list of orphans in diplomatic range which I can grant Angelhood and Guardianship at my court. Sadly while the mod looked promising the problem I have with it means it leaves my load order for the foreseeable future.
  4. Yes it would, but that is one of the hardcoded restrictions paradox put in. Hell you are not even supposed to have same sex marriages in that game ... After playing some years and her becoming 17 years of age and still nothing I became pissed and solved it via console. It is relatively safe to assume that one of two things applied: #1 The event to give her the trait does not work on starting a game with an underage character #2 The yearly pulse event does not work how it is supposed to
  5. Is there a specific trigger for that? I play with and started with a 12 year old futanari. She was not "backed up".
  6. Nope. But you basically are asking for depictions of a very hefty kink (Amputation). I won't deny that it would exist somewhere but I HIGHLY doubt the mod author of a relatively tame ad+poster replacer would do it. There is a 95% chance it will piss off existing users and maybe lure one or two new users in exchange.
  7. Yes. Wait half a year and that actually is possible to do. Without modding tools it is pretty much impossible to add stuff into the game, and that includes dialogue. Until said modding tools are out (and todd howard confirmed they will come next year) you sadly have to be content with recolors of armor/weapons and sexy ads/posters.
  8. I'm not the mod author but it is safe to assume the answer to both questions is a big, fat NO.
  9. The mod does not really care about Corvega. What the mod cares about is a number of NPC that on normal gameplay die early on. If you go straight to the museum of freedom one of the first notable victims is Gristle. Most mods that are "don't install before leaving the vault!" can be installed on a new game when you are not using the vault. Start Me Up is the best example for that. Plus even if not doing it you could save after exiting the vault, install the mods and load the save. For your settlements you could use Transfer Settlements. Just be aware that you are not free to actually build settlements until this mod pretty much is played through.
  10. Not common but not rare either bug in Fallout 4. One of the many. Mostly if the player is in an animation and a different animation starts it is possible the pipboy vanishes. Sometimes the arm where the pipboy usually is is completely gone. Sometimes the arm is there but the pipboy is gone. Most common example for that is running around in power armor and an AFF animation starts, forcing the player out of the PA. Here one of the main culprits would be the animation where gage presents his slut to the gunner commander.
  11. Please refrain from giving that "tip" as a joke. Some Idiots WILL try that. Akin to the "Load your new iPhone 6 in the microwave" instance quite a while back. And humanity is not any smarter now ... According to the loadorder file the esp is in the 32. spot and not anywhere near the bottom of the list i.e. has NO priority whatsoever.
  12. Load order: lower in the list = higher priority. If you use vortex you can double click the esp and assign it to the group "dynamic patches". Plugins from this group are assigned the highest priority automatically.
  13. Yes, no. If you see Murphy sitting near Vault 111 you have installed CS. If all initiating dialogue does is him standing up you have not awarded the esp high enough priority.
  14. Vortex whines hard when there are missing masters. With a red notification. This problem here likely is that the esp is enabled but not low enough in the load order and in part is overwritten by other mods. Not literally since vortex asks if a file is changed by two or more mods who shall take precedence, though. I had the same error before, in my case it was because I made the mistake to have LOOT order my load order.
  15. Did you just call loverslab a place for mentally stable people? 🤪
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