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Kendo 2

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About Kendo 2

  • Birthday 12/30/2019

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  1. Managed to trap the last unfixed female barn cat I have. Her ass is going to vet Monday and if she's clean (no FIP or Leukemia) I'll have her yanked and be done with all the tom-cat fighting and howling. Thank God for that.
  2. I have to recant a statement I made last year that I didn't personally know of anyone actually having COVID. The company I'm partners in renegotiated our insurance rates and one of the NEW conditions was an antibody test and YEP I legit caught COVID. Odd that I didn't get sick; no headache. body aches, keeling over dead, loss of taste, fever, shortness of breath, etc. Did I actually get the kung-flu with no symptoms and I didn't know it? Am I immune? Is the insurance company lying so they can jack up the rates? My GF has tested negative four times and I'm all over her...So WTF?
  3. to = too their = they're English as a second language; yeah sure that's understandable. Native speakers don't have an excuse.
  4. Federal appeals court rules in favor of Texas law on social media regulation This will end up going to SCOTUS and when they hear the tech companies' argument that they (corporations) are individual people protected by the Constitution they're gonna lose. There's case law from the 1960s already establishing that companies and businesses ARE NOT 'people' and policy designed to derive others of their Constitutional Rights are illegal.
  5. Back during COVID hysteria one of the managers at my local grocery store yelled at me to 'put your mask on' and tried to shame me when there wasn't a mandate. Thing is, she wasn't wearing a mask but insisted that I had to. I told her to go fuck herself. Fast forward to yesterday and I saw her pushing a mop at a gas station. From cock-of-the-walk to feather duster; karma is a bitch.
  6. The first episode was enough for me to see what it is and what it isn't. The scene rendering and 'cinematography' are top notch. Everything else is trash. Galadriel, warrior princess...seriously? Who the fuck thought THAT was a good idea? Galadriel can kill with a look or a wave of her hand. Amazon is finally revealing the audience scores, BUT if you give it less than 3 stars they flag your review as 'inappropriate' and that it 'violates community guidelines'. So a well-though-out critique with specifics as to what you didn't like is NOT ALLOWED. That's a chickenshit way of doing business and I hope the truth gets out. On the plus side, my normie sister (who couldn't care less about Tolkien) has heard about the controversy and that the show is Hollywood woke propaganda. She is a streaming junkie and she's not going to watch it.
  7. There's no way of knowing because the staff doesn't communicate. Finger wagging and making threats doesn't count.
  8. People are playing land of make believe that they can mod out Bethesda's signature '10 years behind the curve' games. If modders could fix things hard coded in the engine they would have already done it for Skyrim, and they haven't. That's why remasters are a thing.
  9. Old news I guess but I don't follow what happens at Nexus because they suck. Wankers.
  10. There's already a rule for spamming so the prohibition on file spamming can be justified as a moderator guideline. It wouldn't be a 'new' rule. And file spammers would be given a chance to stop before site rules start being applied to them. A public announcement of 'this is what we are doing' and 'these are the consequences' would go a long way in stopping the file spamming and proving that something is actually being done about it. ALL of this could be resolved in about 30 minutes. A handful of file spammers are not 'keeping the lights on' and WHO CARES if they get offended?
  11. Looked at the Invision CP over at NSFWMods.com. Uploads can be throttled to one per day, BUT that includes files, images, and attachments. So if the uploads are throttled a modder could create a mod page, upload ONE file and that's it for the day. No images for the mod, no different file versions. etc. And it just wouldn't apply to mod pages. Share a screenshot or put an attachment in a PM and you're also done for the day. The CP function isn't a sniper rifle, it's a blunderbuss. There might be a 3rd party pluggin but if it were my site I wouldn't use it. So 'proactive' is a no-go. That leaves the 'reactive'. Get all the moderators on the same page that the site doesn't allow file spamming. Make a public announcement that it's no longer allowed. Delete the files of spammers and send them a terse PM not to do it again. If they spam files after that, start the normal rule violation procedures. There, I'm being 'constructive'. I even did the research for the staff. EDIT: And throttling uploads would require a site update and no one wants to go through that mess.
  12. I've rewatched every Starfield video I can find and one thing keeps coming up; it looks like a console game from 2012. Gears of War 3 on XBox 360 looks better, and that game is over 10 yrs old. There's no way 'mods will fix it'. Outside of adding naked girls and sex mods Starfield isn't going to be anything special.
  13. It's obvious the file spammers haven't read this thread, or they have and they don't care. Draft an announcement that file spamming isn't allowed. Also obvious that what you guys have tried thus far isn't working. The amount of spamming incidences and longevity of this thread prove that. And like it or not, this file spamming thing is specific to Sims 4. Pretending that it's not or forbidding people to say it solves nothing.
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