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About dkatryl

  • Birthday 11/06/1976

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  1. Most Recent Changes 01SEP14 1133 Fixed - Typo in the _SLSubmitBountyEnd script where the 4th Bounty Slot was being assigned to the 1st Execute slot. All 5 Bounty turn ins should be properly executed now.
  2. I wasn't aware there was an issue there. It's been months since I looked at the werewolf stuff, but I know that, due to engine limitations with regards to the werewolf form (That isn't present for the Vampire Lord form, oddly) the camera will be locked behind you, as if you had your weapon drawn, for sex scenes during werewolf form. But last I checked, the shout worked for it.
  3. Most Recent Changes 27AUG14 2222 Fixed - Added a check to prevent the "cower" effect from happening during sex scenes from the recent Calm effect update. After the current scene is over, the cowering will begin again.
  4. Fair enough. I just wanted to add some flavor to show that "Yep, you've already victimized them, and look, they are skeered of you now!" I'll look into making sure it doesn't do it when in the middle of an animation.
  5. Most Recent Changes 24AUG14 2215 Updated - The Calm effect works differently now. After you beat down a victim in combat, the Calm effect will no longer be removed if they see you fighting others. (It will still be removed if you attack them directly). Added - Additionally, if you have raped and/or robbed them, thus giving them the "Victim" faction, they will now cower any time they see you, and stop cowering once they no longer see you. Reminder - The Calm effect only lasts for 1 hour. Additionally, it is a Magic Effect, which means it is auto removed if/when you change areas, due to how Skyrim works. That means a bandit that you leave outside may be passive when you go into their hideout, but they will probably be agro when you come back out, for instance. Added - 4 new Bounty Alias slots, allowing you to capture and turn in up to 5 Bounties simultaneously. I'm not aware of any SL1.59 issues with Submit when the Player is the aggressor and/or simply using the dialog options for consensual sex, as I was using it over the weekend just fine. But, I haven't touched Skyrim in a long time until this weekend, which is why I made this small update. Maybe next weekend I'll dedicate some time to testing the Player as a the victim to see if anything is broken on my end.
  6. I am discovering that there may be something I need to look into here, yes. I last updated the "Sexlab Framework" related stuff back for 1.55, so I wasn't aware that anything would require to be updated. But I've been getting a lot of random CTD's either immediately before sex starts or after it's over and I try to quicksave. And sometimes I get neither and it works just fine. No ETA on anything, I don't have quite the level of enthusiasm for the project that I did a year ago. But as it is impacting my own play experience, I will probably knock the dust off things and look into at some point.
  7. Huh. And all this time, I just manually download all mods, unzip them manually with 7z into my Skyrim/data folder, and don't think anything on it. I only use NMM after that to shuffle the mod higher/lower in the load order if I need to, because the standard Bethesda mod shuffle utility is kinda crap.
  8. Most Recent Changes 28JUN14 0825 Fixed - Made change to "Post Coital Bliss" code. Should now properly reward only 1 rank increase for all scenarios. Updated - Changed it so a failed seduction attempt's -15% penalty will bypass the 10% minimum chance. Like married/engaged and guards, this could actually lower the chance to < 0 for new characters, requiring you to increase your character's chances through the various means to have another shot with that particular NPC.
  9. Most Recent Changes 22JUN14 0049 Added option to disable the player from being raped if they surrender. This allows a death-less alternative to simply reloading upon losing, including being robbed of gear, but without the player being raped. What is this? A new update?! I was going to start playing Skyrim again for the first time in forever, when I had a dilemma: Do I make a male character, and enjoy prowling dungeons and old forts, preying on all of those lovely, naughty bandit ladies? Well, I could do that, but then I wouldn't make any use of the entire player surrender half of the mod, because, sorry, don't want to watch my dude get buggered! Or do I make a female character, and risk the poor girl's booty every time she slinks into those same dungeons and old forts, knowing that at any moment, some dirty bandit could have his wicked way with her. Well, I could do that, but then it wouldn't have the same appeal when she was one taking advantage of others. So, I realized, a minor MCM option could be added, that would remove the player rape when they were the victim (They would still properly be robbed of gear and/or gold), and keep the naughty s3xx0rz when they were the victor. Huzzah! For those with a similar mindset, enjoy! For those that liked the way it was, don't worry, the option is turned on by default that will allow player rape to happen, so basically nothing would change for you.
  10. They shouldn't have, as that uses a separate quest that only exists in the Serana plugin. I didn't specifically test it, but unless I accidentally deleted the checks for the DLC in the dialogs, it should be fine.
  11. Most Recent Changes 08MAY14 2323 After the Player Surrender scene is finished, the player will only be fully stripped if the "Steal Gear" option is turned on. Otherwise, they will now remain in whatever state they selected in the Framework MCM for victim stripping. After the Player Surrender scene is finished, immediately before they are bound, the hostile sentient actor that is designated to "Steal" the player's gear and/or gold will now move to stand directly in front of the player for a moment. This is to help in a large group scenario so the player has an idea of which actor has their stuff. Minor update. Will probably be the last update for a while.
  12. It was intended, since nominally that is when you would be robbed, so even if you technically don't have the gear stolen, I was stripping you to simulate that. But, I suppose at this point, since I no longer have any penalty if you don't have gear theft turned on, then I can probably just leave you in whatever state you were in the end. Unless you have the gear stealing option turned on, in which case, yeah, stripped down due to no more loot!
  13. I do nothing with regards to werewolves (or vampire lord's, since they use the same starting script) that isn't done with regular player races. There is no ragdoll that I add. The player controlled werewolf is a particularly buggy thing, with regards to the fact that it is always treated as having its weapons drawn, even if it isn't, which locks the camera during sex, not to mention it keeps doing that "throw your arms back and howl" stance after sex. None of that is done by me, it is purely the werewolf. On a side note, I looked at the werewolf shout, and I could not see any reason it is being ignored entirely by targets.
  14. Thanks for the DisableRedress() API function, Ashal. Added it, and it worked perfectly for the scene.
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