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Firstly, really appreciate the mod, having loads of fun with it. :)


Just wondering if someone can help me out with a few minor teething issues I have. 


I'm a bit lost on which mod I should be using to get penises to align properly. I'm using Penis Envy for the moment, but in almost all animations the penis really struggles to find it's target. BJ animations typically result in the penis moving into the forehead or upper nose.  It's kind of hard to illustrate as oral animations are off by varying margins, but it seems to be more a problem of penis angle. But in almost all cases the penis is either too far forward or not angled correctly. Here is an example of what I see: 





One other issue I have is that I can't get rape interactions to work. All the other approaches work perfectly, but if I set up a rape scenario with say, Minutemen, they will watch and approach and I get a dialogue explaining the implications of resisting with a single dialogue option that reads something  like "Oh what should I do" I press that and the NPC walks away. This feels indicative of missing animations, yet I'm fairly certain I installed all the required packs and themes and then some. Here is what I have installed:


Advanced Animation Framework (AAF) - AAF Beta 161.1


AF Vanilla Sex Animations

AAF Vanilla-Kinky-Creatures Sex Animation Themes  (I thought this was the main requirement for rape animations) 

SavageCabbages Animation Pack






Lastly, and this is more of a quirk or possible bug inherent to my own stupidity with setting up mods, but it seems I am being followed by a ghost... Very randomly I hear footsteps right next to me, but it only manifests for a brief moment before disappearing. Once I even caught a glimpse of something appearing right next to me. I could only make out, what appeared to be a piece of Armor in motion. That only happened once but the footsteps come and go very randomly, like maybe once or twice per day. This is easily the most disturbing thing I have encountered in this game. The way it manifests makes it feel almost organic, like it's plot element.   



I have no explanation for this other than a possible mod conflict, bug or mod feature gone haywire. The impression I get is that it's some kind of instancing error, almost as if there exists parallel cell data that overlaps into the loaded cell. Sorry if this isn't strictly related to SH, but for all I know it could be. Maybe there is a compatibility issue with one of the following mods? 



AAF Violate


Edited by Alessa myrion
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When I go back to my shock collar master for the first time, he asks if I have been acting "free use" as he instructed. The two "no" options seem like they should result in a scene of violence, followed by a couple of other things, but my character straight up dies almost instantly.


Is this event doing some sort of fixed damage amount?


Toggling survival mode off and then god mode on seemed to keep me alive.

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13 minutes ago, Sakhmeth said:

When I go back to my shock collar master for the first time, he asks if I have been acting "free use" as he instructed. The two "no" options seem like they should result in a scene of violence, followed by a couple of other things, but my character straight up dies almost instantly.


Is this event doing some sort of fixed damage amount?


Toggling survival mode off and then god mode on seemed to keep me alive.


Were you at low health before the approach? Were there sex animations? A gangbang maybe? What race is your collar master? Do you have "fucked to death" enabled in the Sex Attributes MCM?

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24 minutes ago, Sweettits said:

Does anyone know how much sex my PC needs in order to achieve bimbo status??


The bimbo serum is a special event you sometimes get after hypnotist scenes or fan knockouts, chances adjustable in the MCM. It's not like the slut perk, which gets applied if your sex score reaches 60.

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16 minutes ago, vaultbait said:


The bimbo serum is a special event you sometimes get after hypnotist scenes or fan knockouts, chances adjustable in the MCM. It's not like the slut perk, which gets applied if your sex score reaches 60.

Thank you., I will check my settings

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On 4/16/2022 at 8:07 AM, vaultbait said:


Were you at low health before the approach? Were there sex animations? A gangbang maybe? What race is your collar master? Do you have "fucked to death" enabled in the Sex Attributes MCM?


Sorry for the delayed reply. I was at about 90% health. There were no animations; there was the sound effect of hitting and then death. It was a human in Diamond City.

I do not have that enabled.

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13 hours ago, Sakhmeth said:

Sorry for the delayed reply. I was at about 90% health. There were no animations; there was the sound effect of hitting and then death. It was a human in Diamond City.

I do not have that enabled.


Interesting. I've not made it a habit to defy my master's orders, but I'll try to remember to play around with it some. If you're feeling like rolling up your sleeves, the script sources are included with the mod, so you can probably skim those to answer your question as to how it decides how much damage to inflict.

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15 hours ago, Sakhmeth said:


Sorry for the delayed reply. I was at about 90% health. There were no animations; there was the sound effect of hitting and then death. It was a human in Diamond City.

I do not have that enabled.

The collar, was it an exploding collar and not a shock collar?


The collar from Real Handcuffs can be outfitted with an exploding modification, instead of the more common shocking one. When this mod equips collars it will only equip the shocking variant. But of course it has no control of other mods equipping the exploding variant or the player changing it via armor workbench.

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4 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

The collar, was it an exploding collar and not a shock collar?


It was a shock collar. It functioned fine otherwise, just as long as I had god mode enabled for that one moment in the encounter where I would otherwise die.

The only thing I can think of is that I am using a modded survival run, and originally had incoming damage at 3x. However even when I turned it down to 0.25x, death still occurred. But it might be related to something else in that mod.

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Playing around with the new version some more. It seems like default hypno gains were severely reduced around the same time as the script refactor (or am I imagining it?). Also NPCs with FPSH_Morality=1 are almost always good ending for hypno approaches until at least hypno level 30, and even then still often do good endings. Did the amount of influence from evil morality shrink?

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5 hours ago, vaultbait said:

Playing around with the new version some more. It seems like default hypno gains were severely reduced around the same time as the script refactor (or am I imagining it?). Also NPCs with FPSH_Morality=1 are almost always good ending for hypno approaches until at least hypno level 30, and even then still often do good endings. Did the amount of influence from evil morality shrink?

Was that on a new save? or an existing/clean save? I also noticed some funkiness in my existing save for the refactored version that I wasnt able to reproduce in a new save. I think all the script functions being moved around and properties being deleted probably caused it. Or at least thats my understanding right now

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11 hours ago, JDT13 said:

I know this might have been asked a lot but can we have a skyrim version of this mod.


Can we as in I create the mod? Almost certainly not. 95% of the reason for my modding is for my own enjoyment. I don't play Skyrim anymore and don't think I ever will. So no incentive for me to spend time making a Skyrim version.


But if you mean you or others want to make a Skyrim version, by all means. You can take whatever you want from this mod: ideas, source code, anything - I dont care.

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13 hours ago, twistedtrebla said:

Was that on a new save? or an existing/clean save? I also noticed some funkiness in my existing save for the refactored version that I wasnt able to reproduce in a new save. I think all the script functions being moved around and properties being deleted probably caused it. Or at least thats my understanding right now


Great question, I honestly can't remember at this point. I do restart a lot from a previously unmodded save for testing mods, but I'm not certain I did for that update. I'll re-test that way to be sure.


Edit: Yeah, maybe that was it. I started again from an unmodded save, so it was completely fresh with no memory of this mod, and am getting more consistently evil behaviors with evil-morality NPCs as approachers. I still thought I remembered hypnosis levels increasing more rapidly than 1 point per session (which seems to be the default in the current version), but I very well may just be mis-remembering. It's easy enough to crank higher in the MCM if I want, so no big deal either way.



Edited by vaultbait
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Uploading a new version: 1.14.0

  • NEW: NPC Confidence. Each eligible NPC will be assigned a random confidence rating between 1 to 100. 
    • Confidence dictates what the NPC is capable of doing. For instance, NPCs with low confidence, no matter how evil, will never approach the player to demand sex
  • NEW: NPC Impression of player (ranging from -50 to 50).
    • 7 States, represented with a Perk:
      • Doormat: NPCs think you're a joke (Worst) +30 to NPC confidence
      • Pushover: (worse) + 20 to NPC confidence
      • Easy: (bad) + 10 to NPC confidence
      • None - no perk
      • Tough: (good) -10 to NPC confidence
      • Domineering: (better) -20 to NPC confidence
      • Untouchable: (best) -30 to NPC confidence
    • This stat works together with NPC's confidence. Each outcome of a scenario will require the NPC to meet certain effective confidence rating. Effective confidence is calculated as (NPC base confidence - player impression). 
    • For example, the DD approach scenario where the NPC assaults the player will require effective confidence of 40. If player's impression is "domineering" & NPC has a base confidence of 50, that NPC won't have enough balls for this outcome (effective confidence of 50 - 20 = 30). On the other hand, if the NPC is a pussy with a base confidence of 10, but player is seen as a "doormat", then the effective confidence becomes (10 + 30 = 40) and so that pussy NPC will now have the balls to approach the player.
    • See spoiler below for what confidence each approach scenario requires
    • Impression only changes by dialogue choices during approaches. Not an exhaustive list, but generally:
      • Successfully intimidating approachers: +2 to impression
      • Successfully resisting approachers: +1 to impression
      • Doing nothing and letting approachers have his way: -0.5 to impression
      • Being persuaded by NPC: -1 to impression
      • Eventually losing to NPC and him having his way with you: -1 to impression
      • Submitting to NPC: -2 to impression
    • NPCs are more likely to attempt to persuade player if the player has bad impression rating
  • NEW: Ass slap event. When walking by an eligible NPC with evil or questionable morality, they might slap your player in the ass! 
    • Player has some options:
      • Do nothing. Will only encourage the NPC to do this more often. Player loses impression
      • Confront the NPC (resist option, requires willpower) - stand up for yourself!. Player gains impression
      • Intimidate the NPC. If successful, player gains more impression
    • Unlike other approaches, this one doesn't result in sex
    • If you want to confront the NPC, you have 10 sec to talk to the NPC. Otherwise, the quest times out.
    • Player loses self esteem a little bit when being slapped. If player is a slut, no esteem lost, but will gain arousal.
    • The chance that this happens increases/decreases based on player's impression & sex reputation
  • ADDED: Some additional dialogue choices for some approaches
  • CHANGED: Successfully intimidated NPCs will no longer approach the player for blackmail or sex approach, and wont slap the player's ass either. But if the player's impression dips to "pushover" or below, they'll start doing it again
  • CHANGED: Players are less likely to be persuaded by NPCs who previously assaulted them before. Affected by player's intelligence (SPECIAL). Dumber players are more likely to be persuaded again.

Effective confidence required for each scenario: (effective confidence = NPC base confidence - Player Impression)


DD helpful (unlock for free or for caps) - 0
DD ask for sex (but no force) - 30
DD demand sex (player is helpless) - 35
DD demand sex (player is vulnerable) - 45
DD demand sex (player is not helpless or vulnerable) - 55
DD ask/demand sex & player is blindfolded - 5 (players not being able to see who it is gives NPCs more balls)
(if player is wearing hood, NPCs can't recognize player and wont receive benefit from having high impression)
Sex (any) - 55
Flirt (bad end) - 65
Flirt (good end) - 35
Fan (good end) - 0
Fan (bad end) - 10
hypno (good end) - 15
hypno (bad end) - 50
hypno (bad end but player is slave to hypnosis) - 30
blackmail - 50
Collar - 40
Slap ass - 30
Other (join gangbang) - 0 (this is when all the cowards come out to join in on the group sex..)


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On 4/14/2022 at 5:21 PM, Razor235 said:

Voice acting mod AFF Sex harrasment  https://disk.yandex.ru/d/8FBaHAc_ry1J2w Voiced only for FGM and male rapists! The vanilla voices of the game are used here, but synthesized using the xVASynth 2 Synth program. This program is more than a synthesizer, it uses neural network technology. The sound quality varies from average to excellent. It all depends on the type of voice.

Video demostration: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YhGItd7bH4OztfIISE4DCs3xpXuoLTNs/view?usp=sharing


omg. thank you - thank you. this ascended an already legendary mod. any chance you'll go further and make a thing for female harrasers? 

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1 minute ago, Joaquin69 said:

What an update! I have a small request though:

Can you list console commands on the main mod page that change NPC morality and confidence. I'd like to manually assign stats to certain NPCs. Or maybe you can integrate it into the mod itself.


Yes! Agreed. I'd love to give Sheffield and Vault-Tec Bro low confidence - but Heather, Ellen, and assorted vanilla waifus high confidence :) 

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3 hours ago, Joaquin69 said:

What an update! I have a small request though:

Can you list console commands on the main mod page that change NPC morality and confidence. I'd like to manually assign stats to certain NPCs. Or maybe you can integrate it into the mod itself.


3 hours ago, asdfer1234 said:


Yes! Agreed. I'd love to give Sheffield and Vault-Tec Bro low confidence - but Heather, Ellen, and assorted vanilla waifus high confidence :) 

Until then...

setav FPSH_Morality 1
1 = evil
2 = dubious
3 = nice


setav FPSH_Confidence 10

1 to 100

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Can't wait to try out the new update, thanks!


One thing I've noticed testing in my mutie sandbox is that super mutants will never engage in gangbangs even though there's at least one floor-based F+SM+SM and a number of them for nearby furniture (human and mutant beds). There's even a F+SM+SM+SM for the broken double-bed. It would be awesome if SH could support those, or even sequential gangbangs like Boston Devious Helper strings together.

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