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Music Glitch


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Whenever I load a save in New Vegas the main theme music keeps playing on through the loading screen and then on into the save for a minute before shutting off, at which point there is no more ambient music, just the sounds of wind, distant gun fights, and other sound effects. The music on the radio works fine, it's just the game music that is not working.


Any help would be appreciated.


I would also like to be able to play the game without it freezing every 5 to 30 minutes, but from what I've read, that's just something that "Freezeout" New Vegas is known for.

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2 hours ago, dborg2 said:

If you are using New Vegas Stutter Remover and have windows 10, you should try disabling that. If you want to keep using it, that are some notes in the New Vegas Stutter Remover-thread at Nexus, on how to configure it best.

I'll check that out, it's been a good while since I first started playing the game and I'm sure some things have changed since then. I'll have to see if I even have stutter remover installed.


UPDATE: Yup, removing the stutter remover seems to have fixed the music glitch, I'm not sure yet about the frequent crashing issue. I'm going to have to see about getting it to play nicely with Windows 10 though, the game is laggy as fuck without the stutter remover. Thanks for the help.

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2 hours ago, Z0mBieP00Nani said:

I'll check that out, it's been a good while since I first started playing the game and I'm sure some things have changed since then. I'll have to see if I even have stutter remover installed.


UPDATE: Yup, removing the stutter remover seems to have fixed the music glitch, I'm not sure yet about the frequent crashing issue. I'm going to have to see about getting it to play nicely with Windows 10 though, the game is laggy as fuck without the stutter remover. Thanks for the help.

Ok, I found some settings that allow me to use stutter remover with Windows 10. I'll share them here for anyone else who happens upon this post.


Master = {
_comment = You can turn on or off each distinct feature from here.
bManageFPS = 0
bHookCriticalSections = 0
bHookLightCriticalSections = 0
bHookHashtables = 0
bReplaceHeap = 0
bReplaceGetTickCount = 1
bLogToConsole = 0
bFastExit = 1
bFlushLog = 1
iSchedulingResolution = 0
bReplaceRandom = 0
bExperimentalStuff = 0
iMainHookPoint = 0
Experimental = {
_comment =bReduceSleep and iThreadsFixedToCPUs can probably reasonably be used at 1. > 1 is a bad idea atm.
_comment =other settings here you're probably better off not touching
bReduceSleep = 0
iThreadsFixedToCPUs = 1
bSuppressRandomSeeding = 0
bBenchmarkHeap = 0
bAlternateHeapHooks = 0
iHeapMainBlockAddress = 0
FPS_Management = {
_comment =Absent a good reason otherwise, bInject_iFPSClamp=1, fMaximumFPS= 30 to 85 (or 0), fMinimumFPS= 10 to 20, iFPS_Report_Period = 2000 to 60000, fExtraSleepPercent = 0.0 to 0.2
bInject_iFPSClamp = 1
fMaximumFPS = 60
fMinimumFPS = 15
iFPS_Report_Period = 15000
fExtraSleepPercent =0.05
GetTickCount = {
_comment =This section is disabled by default - see Master/bReplaceGetTickCount
bForceResolution = 1
bPreserveDC_Bias = 1
bPreserveHighFreqComponents = 0
bForceSync = 0
iSyncLimitMilliseconds = 50
CriticalSections = {
_comment = CS stuff helps Oblivion, Fallout, and New Vegas significantly
_comment = much of the benefit comes from the Renderer+0x180 suppression (see overrides below)
_comment = modes: 1=vanilla, 2=fair, 3=staggering(hybrid of 1 & 2), 5=suppressed
bUseOverrides = 1
iDefaultMode = 1
iDefaultSpin = 1000
iStaggerLevel = 5
bEnableMessages = 1
bEnableProfiling = 0
LightCriticalSections = {
_comment =LCS stuff is like CS stuff, but with a Bethesda implementation. And inlined sometimes, so difficult for me to work with
bEnableProfiling = 0
bEnableMessages = 1
iDefaultMode = 1
iDefaultSpin = 1000
iStaggerLevel = 5
bFullHooks = 0
bUseOverrides = 0
Heap = {
_comment =This section is disabled by default - see Master/bReplaceHeap
_comment =I recommend enabling it however.
_comment = Heap replacement can produce MAJOR improvements in performance on Oblivion at a significant cost in stability
_comment = It crashes instantly on Fallout3 last I remember checking
_comment = It seems to work on Fallout: New Vegas ?
_comment = Algorithms: 1=FastMM4, 2=Microsoft (slow on XP), 3=SimpleHeap1, 4=TBBMalloc, 5=ThreadHeap2, 6=ThreadHeap3, 8=tcmalloc
_comment = Algorithms numbers 1, 4, and 8 require external DLL files in the Data/OBSE/Plugins/ComponentDLLs folder
_comment = Size is in units of megabytes, and only effects algorithms 3, 5, and 6 (other algorithms dynamically determine their own size)
iHeapAlgorithm = 6
bEnableProfiling = 0
iHeapSize = 250
bEnableMessages = 0
bZeroAllocations = 0
Hashtables = {
bUseOverrides = 1
bEnableMessages = 0
bEnableExtraMessages = 0
bEnableProfiling = 0

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