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Hello, Got this LE so wanted to show you. I think what happened was one of my sims was stuck and it messed up everything else. Hope this helps. Not sure it is something you can fix at this time. It may be other issues going on now after the last big update. Some weird issues going on in my Sims game now. Thanks for your assistance and Wonderful! mods. I don't think I can enjoy game without your work. :) Big Fan!


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12 minutes ago, hunter357 said:


I'm sorry to state this but that last update is a faliure... does anyone know where can i find the previous version of this mod (before prostitution tab appeared)???

First post - and you assume the mod is at fault. Most people would be asking "What did I do wrong", but whatever.

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Good Morning!


First of all: Thank you for this mod, it helps to play out my wicked fantasies.^^

And it is really amazing how good it works. 

and sorry for my really bad englisch.

What I would like to do is to have a sort of borthel? 

I decided to put the girls in small flats with locked doors but now the customers can't reach them.

Could you do some kind of pimp-mod? or is there something like this. Something like "greet the costumor" and "send castumor to..." and than open up people on lot. so you could send him in the right room.


Thank you so much!


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*wades through the swamp of "ur mod broke my gmae fix it!!!!!" posts*


Uh... hi Nisa! I wanted to make a suggestion for future updates. I don't know if that makes me less annoying, or more? ?

I had the day off and entertained myself by having Ted Roswell buy a nightclub I then equipped with the "Escort Call Center" lot trait so he could run a brothel with caged birds he had acquired via WW Kinky's kidnap feature. Anyway, long story short .... would it be possible to have a lot trait that allows for random customers to pay for an escort's services without requiring an initial call? It quickly became rather annoying to juggle three escorts and their constantly ringing phones; the customer scenario also prevented any Sims from leaving the lot, which was .... not ideal (one of my Sims even had a miscarriage because I couldn't send her home when I learned she was preggers. That's how grave this is! .... nah, it was rather funny actually).


A lot trait which would auto-pay the escort for each customer would be a true blessing. Potential customers could use the WW "ask for sex" dialogue pop-up so an escort can still decline a customer (a setting which could also be turned off, so the player just gets to sit back and watch instead of going insane managing everything). I don't know how difficult it would be to implement, but I wanted to put it out there so you could possibly consider it for a future update. :)


Thank you again for the work you do, your mod has given me so much joy already, and I'm looking forward to any and all future updates!

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On 4/7/2019 at 4:29 PM, NisaK said:

Hey ladyHeineken02!

This is probably because you are trying to apply the cas trait to npcs, which my mod removes to cut down on possible performance issues. 

I wouldn't know why that's happening, I'm not even really aware of that trait and I do not believe that I've done anything with it in the past.  What's the trait supposed to do? 

Hey Hunknown!

I see this is your first post!  Welcome to the LL community, we may be a perverted community but we are also, generally, a pretty nice and mature bunch for as far as modding communities go.  Hope you enjoy your time here. 

Thank you for all the compliments.  I agree on the criticism of the tears/saliva, they should be more transparent, it's just been low on my list to update them as updating them wouldn't be as simple as updating 1 or 2 textures but quite a few more.  The sims has a limited number of slots to use for CAS items, and so I merged ST textures down to a single texture so it would take up a single slot on a sim.  I do wish i could think of a better visual way to show throat damage, the lore behind the ST sims is that they have exceptionally physically narrow passageways that produce lots of fluids (depending on the hole) to help keep those holes from tearing during sex, it still isn't enough to withstand discomfort, as you can see. 

ST sims aren't really meant to be happy while screwing constantly.  IRL, if you damage one of those sensual holes, it will take a considerable amount of time for the pain to go away.  It sounds like you are pushing them past their first stage of pain and into the 2nd stage.  You could use something like cocaine to help alleviate the pain during your next sexy time.  

The debt slave system was made as a tribute to a challenge made by one of my early users and patrons @Buntschwinge who made a gameplay challenge utilizing my mod.  For his challenge he needed a way to restrict general income to a sim, so that's what the debt slave state does (but it has advanced to do a few more things since then, originally only being a cheat state for prostitutes).  The amount that is confiscated from the debt slave can be set in the settings menu.  I have been requested to add more owner specific content and I plan on doing so in the future.  Most all of the things I've developed so far still have plans for expansion. 

Hope that helped to answer your questions! 


Greeting bdsmanbaking!

I see this is your first post as well!  Welcome to the LL community! ?

I'm very complexed by this error... It looks like you updated the mod (minus a version I may have released after this post) but you are getting errors from a previous version of the mod.... that code BASEMENTAL_MDMA_HIGH_ON_SUPER_QUALITY is not in my mod anymore.  Maybe try clearing out your cache and checking your mod folder for duplicate versions of my mod? 

I'm not sure either.  The mod is working fine for me and many others.  If you are getting any last exception files then please send them my way, they'll help me understand what may be going wrong for you in your game. 


Hey Crazyboutmusic!

I'm sorry for the confusion, when you sell a sim normally, they then have to be bought by another player household.  Selling to npc's will be coming when I feel like autonomy is fleshed out enough to make npc slaves make sense. It'll happen. 


Hey Nixse! 

Thank you so much for the LE!  This is a strange one.  It's saying the siminfo data for a sim in sex cannot be found.  Is this only happening for 1 or a few sims or for every sim?  I can only think of a few event sims off the top of my head which this could happen too.


Aloha HypeNotik!

Welcome to the LL community ? and thank you for the LE.  It's looking like my mod's save data has gotten corrupted. Go to your The Sims 4/saves folder and backup (DO IT) WickedPerversionsMod folder before deleting it.  If the error persists then try cleansing your sims 4 cache http://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/help/cache.php

And finally, if that doesn't work then open the game, disable mods through the settings, same into a TEST SAVE not your main, exit the game, reload with no mods, play for a few sim minutes, save over the TEST SAVE, then re enable mods and go back to your main save and play.  

Let me know if you need any further assistance! 


Hey there Nisa!! Sorry it's been a bit before I could message you, had a bit of issues I had to sort out, so I went MIA for a little while. I tried the things you told me to to try and fix the corrupted data, but I'm still getting the LEs, sadly. I also updated to the newest update that just took place. Should I wait until later until there's a fix after the update or try something else? Thanks for all of your help!! ❤️❤️ 

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Hey there, I have a possibly stupid question.

So my sim completed Mind Broken aspiration a while ago but now he has his perfect life with famous hubby and two kids and the constant need of sex became kinda... Not what I want in this family anymore? So is there any possibility to remove the completion of this aspiration or the Sex Addict trait?

I know that in vanilla you can remove traits with traits.remove_trait code but I've tried it before and it doesn't work. Or does the Sex Addict trait simply have another name in code?

Help, he's "interesting" enough being a Princess drug dealer, kids don't need him whoring around to scar them any more.  :joy:

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Hey I have a question, for the mind broken aspiration, the 'Have sex 10 times' wont change no matter what I do. I tried having sex everywhere in the house and outside but the number beside it doesnt change.


Also with the trophy wife, theres a part where I have to be jogging for 6 hours and i've tried jogging outside and even going on treadmill and that doesn't seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong?

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8 minutes ago, smvcvbetch said:

Hey I have a question, for the mind broken aspiration, the 'Have sex 10 times' wont change no matter what I do. I tried having sex everywhere in the house and outside but the number beside it doesnt change.


Also with the trophy wife, theres a part where I have to be jogging for 6 hours and i've tried jogging outside and even going on treadmill and that doesn't seem to do anything. What am I doing wrong?

Limit yourself to vaginal or anal. Never had a problem with jogging.

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Meh, wanted to upload everythink in my game and like I see this mod mainly fking my game. Can you tell me how to fix it? Have some scripts mod but before it works. Have CNWW, WW, MCCC, poseplayer, basemental. Last game version.

Tested with "hotfix" and w/o him, still LE.




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21 hours ago, fred200 said:

First post - and you assume the mod is at fault. Most people would be asking "What did I do wrong", but whatever.

Yes i do because i konw what is wrong.

Previous version (VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY old one) allow you to change animations during act...

After big update the whole system got changed... I confirmed it with serval sources... You like it, cool, great, super, awsemoooo... good for you... and i'm happy...

But for me it sucks, i rather have the older version...

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