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Dragons Got Around Back in the Day


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Redguard also featured a living dragon named Nafaalilargus who served Tiber Septim in the Second Era.  Nafaalilargus survived his encounter with Cyrus, but would end up dying sometime before Tuber Septim founded the Third Empire.


Dragons themselves used to be rather widespread.  Many lived in Morrowind before the Third Era, when they were driven out by competition from Cliffracers, of all things.  They originated in Akavir, with Tamriel's first dragons arriving very early in the First Era while fleeing the forerunners of the Blades.


Dragons have likely persisted in Akavir throughout their entire absence in Tamriel.  The name of the continent itself translates to "Dragon Land", and it was home to at least two varieties - red and black.  The Tsaesci tried to "eat" all the red ones, and may have succeeded.  The black ones fled to the land of the tiger-people called Po Tun.  Their leader, Tosh Raka, was so enamored with dragons that he sought to literally become one himself, and has allegedly been successful.  In fact, he went as far as to rename both his people and his land to Ka Po' Tun reflect this.


If you want to get really obscure with the dragon lore, there are somewhat feminine dragons known as Jills that act as "minute-menders", only showing up to fix Dragon Breaks (basically events where time is fractured and multiple possible outcomes are all simultaneously true) when they occur.  Of course, they may just be time machines that less developed people simply perceive as dragons, but that gets into some hardcore Kirkbride fuckery.  Kinda like how the Eye of Magnus is possibly just an arcane robot called KINMUNE (Kinetically-Interlinked Nirnian Multi-User Exoform) not all that different from apparati operated by mining guilds used in something referred to as "Kynareth's illicit breath trade", whatever the hell that's supposed to be.  But I digress.


EDIT: Gah, I goofed.  Bad lore nut, bad!


The dragons fled from two things - the earliest Blades, and from the Tsaesci trying to "eat" them.  The former occurred during the Merethic Era, the latter is unknown exactly but probably from around the same time.  The rest holds up - the remaining Reds were likely "eaten", the Blacks fled into the tiger-people lands, and those that fled to Tamriel came to rule it before being driven to extinction by mortal men, with Alduin being cast into time being the killing blow to draconic rule.


Essentially, the entire history of dragons is just them getting their haughty asses kicked by a bunch of squishy weenies.  Funny, that.

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