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Dead Or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation - Modding Thread and Discussion -

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27 minutes ago, SealedNexus said:

The body/nipple texture works for every outfit though. You just have to deactivate shaders with Special K and then use White Lace Bikini as skin(it´s currently the most revealing one for nude mod).

Dude, you know that Special K doesn't work for me and many others. We've been talking about this for a week.

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That´s why i mentioned you have to extract dds files from outfits by yourself and mod the textures from it to see if you can make them invisible without holes in the body.


Without Special K you can only use Knights new White Lace Bikini textures from previous page or this one at best:



White Lace and that red bikini from above are the only current available oufits who are completely revealing the body, most others have many holes in breasts and bottom part of body.

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43 minutes ago, SealedNexus said:

That´s why i mentioned you have to extract dds files from outfits by yourself and mod the textures from it to see if you can make them invisible without holes in the body.


Without Special K you can only use Knights new White Lace Bikini textures from previous page or this one at best:



White Lace and that red bikini from above are the only current available oufits who are completely revealing the body, most others have many holes in breasts and bottom part of body.

With Special K removing shaders I could make a list of outfits who have at least the upper body without holes. Since I have them all ripped I can see what mesh is underneath. But often there are holes somewhere, but if you just remove the upper outfit and let panties stay, there would be some outfits available.


For example:

The new towel: just remove the towel and let the panty be!

the black shirt:  perfect intact breast underneath, just let the panties be^^

the kasumi SR fighting clothes: upper body no holes. just leave her panties again :smile:

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12 hours ago, SealedNexus said:

Hey Knight, your nipple texture works for every character now, thanks :smile:


But this tan lines can´t be removed from darkest tan, or? it´s from your latest textures.



Somehow i still only have Ayane and Helena with no tanlines on darkest skin.





You just have to pick Nyo, then pick the mermaid or martini outfit and press on the brown flask until you can't click anymore. This way even your Nyo should get tanned completely!

BTW, my texture edits only work for high quality settings! On low they have different textures, which I didnt't edit!



send some nice screenshots of that beautifull Nyo :smile:
Wasnt lucky enough to get her yet^^

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Yes all the texture mods we did yet are for Mermaid and White Lace. On other outfits you won´t see changes.


The White Lace is this one:



And it´s currently the only available one for a full nude mod with the modded textures from this thread. It´s an R suit and you should get it easily sooner or later.


Mermaid is not available at the moment, it was an event exclusive outfit.



On all the screenshots i made i had White Lace Bikini as skin and modded textures injected to it - and after it i put off some shaders to get rid of some last outfit parts and shadows.



You can just try injecting these textures to see if that is working for you for now(put them in your modded folder from resorep manual injection):

On 30.1.2018 at 1:13 PM, SealedNexus said:

Tried anything and checked all extracted files for possible textures of the bikini ties, but just can´t find a way to mod them.

(My thought was that those textures with this white string only in it could be for it. But there are many of them and I deleted them all with transparent background... nothing changed really. Perhaps I really just missed something, you can try and check all files yourself but beware you need MUCH time for this)


Perhaps you have more luck or I missed something, I share this mod to you for free use or you can see yourself if you can put away the ties.


If you want to mod it though, you have to extract the whole thing again with Resorep when wearing the white lace bikini.



To use the mod, extract the rar and overwrite the modded folder with yours(make a backup of it if needed). Ingame you have to make white lace bikini a skin on your character. To get it, you have to play some while and pull with Gatcha or tickets or you even get it from some story matches. It´s only an R suit if I remember correct and optainable easily.


Wierd Shadows are still included, just change position/area/pose or spot or turn camera to get rid of them for some time.





If yes, then you can continue installing Special K and remove shaders to put off the rest of the outfit from screenshot above.




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I posted this on Reddit, but I feel like it is probably better suited over here.


Hmmm, combining 3 modding tools? 3DMigoto (a modding tool primarily for NVIDIA 3D Vision, of which I am one of the authors) could do what you are using both Resorap and SpecialK for, though definitely not the Cheat Engine stuff (and we don't really have any interest in adding that for 3D Vision... *maybe* if we expanded the scope to include VR modding):


Texture replacements: https://github.com/bo3b/3Dmigoto/wiki/Replacing-textures


For this game I suggest you turn on "texture_hash=1" and "track_texture_updates=1". The former means the frame analysis deduped filenames will have hashes matching the TextureOverride sections (not necessary, but if you use FA to collect textures & their hashes it is nice for them to be consistent). The later would be necessary if translating the UI in this game (which is what I've been looking into it for - this doesn't seem necessary for body textures though), though beware that it causes performance issues making the 2D Gacha videos stutter - I'm planning to rewrite the texture hashes *yet again* so it only rehashes what it actually needs to, but doing so will mean the hashes will all change.


Disabling objects via index buffer (IB method avoids weird shadows that you get from disabling shaders in this game. Enable hunting=1 and verbose_overlay=1 and use numpad 7/8 to find the IB hash):


    shader_model = ps_4_0 ps_5_0
    checktextureoverride = ib

    hash = 84c1f66f
    handling = skip


3DMigoto can theoretically also do mesh swaps, or more precisely vertex & index buffer swaps (theoretically = we've never actually used it for this purpose, but it's a generic enough tool that it could work, and I have done a small scale experiment to make sure that the fundamental building blocks all work). It works pretty much exactly the same as the texture replacement, but instead of "ps-t0" use "vb0" for the vertex buffer or "ib" for the index buffer, and the Resource section would need to look a little different because it needs some extra info not found in the file on disk (get the stride from the text file dumped with frame analysis):


    type = Buffer
    stride = 80
    filename = FrameAnalysis-2018-03-09-070404/ctx-0x00000208A8552D10/000205.0-[ShaderOverrideBodyPS]-vb0=a749da68.buf


As implied by that filename, the frame analysis feature can be used to dump textures, vertex buffers, index buffers, etc from the game. Frame Analysis can be performed globally, but because this game does all rendering in a deferred context you don't want to do that (the game will run out of memory and crash), but if you find the related shader via hunting (numpad 1/2 for pixel shaders, numpad 4/5 for vertex shaders, either 3/6 to dump shaders as decompiled HLSL to ShaderFixes - check the most recently modified file, then delete it if you don't want to edit it, as the decompiler may cause graphical glitches. Alternatively enable verbose_overlay=1 to see their hashes on the overlay without dumping) you can trigger frame analysis for resources used with just that shader e.g.


    hash = 88919121becebe35
    analyse_options = deferred_ctx_accurate dump_vb dump_ib dump_cb buf txt


Like I said, we've never actually used it for mesh replacements, and I haven't tried opening up the dumped buffers in Blender or anything and have no idea how you go about that. Also, because it's just a raw buffer you probably don't want to change the mesh very much because you might mess up which vertices get which bone matrices applied (there might be ways to make that work, but the difficulty is getting higher), but if you just move some of the vertices to close up some the holes in the meshes it should work.


If you needed to change the number of vertices/indices in the DirectX draw call you can do too (add handling=skip and drawindexed=n,0,0 to the textureoverride section for the vertex or buffer you are matching), but that's probably getting too difficult given the bone matrix problem.



Remove the nvapi64.dll shipped with 3DMigoto to allow it to work on non-nvidia systems (that part is entirely 3D Vision specific and even then is only required for a few games anyway, of which this is not one). You could use my 3D Vision mod as a starting point if you wanted:




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After the latest patch (Softness event part 2), you need to remove and add the doaxvv.exe again to resorep! Otherwise none of the texture mods will work!



also the new Nyotengu SSR Suit is goibg to reveal her beautifull body!

So if you got VCoins and want that Nyo liberated, spend it on the new SSR!

I am going to release that texture edit soon with screenshots!

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10 hours ago, SealedNexus said:

Yes all the texture mods we did yet are for Mermaid and White Lace. On other outfits you won´t see changes.


The White Lace is this one:



And it´s currently the only available one for a full nude mod with the modded textures from this thread. It´s an R suit and you should get it easily sooner or later.


Mermaid is not available at the moment, it was an event exclusive outfit.



On all the screenshots i made i had White Lace Bikini as skin and modded textures injected to it - and after it i put off some shaders to get rid of some last outfit parts and shadows.



You can just try injecting these textures to see if that is working for you for now(put them in your modded folder from resorep manual injection):

If yes, then you can continue installing Special K and remove shaders to put off the rest of the outfit from screenshot above.




Oh ok thanks

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1 hour ago, knight77 said:



After the latest patch (Softness event part 2), you need to remove and add the doaxvv.exe again to resorep! Otherwise none of the texture mods will work!



also the new Nyotengu SSR Suit is goibg to reveal her beautifull body!

So if you got VCoins and want that Nyo liberated, spend it on the new SSR!

I am going to release that texture edit soon with screenshots!

I'll be looking forward to it. I don't have Nyo yet, so this might be a good time to dump my VCoins to get her.

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Good news, guys. We got a fix for Special K from Kaldaien. Open your dxgi.ini and look for this.





Set this option to true and save the file. You should now have access to the Pixel Shader menu. Kaldaien admitted it's an experimental feature, so that's why it's off by default. It's a bit finicky, and my game failed to start a few times, but I did get it to work eventually. Also, this option will sometimes revert back to false so you may need to edit it again.



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1 hour ago, JoeMesh said:

Good news, guys. We got a fix for Special K from Kaldaien. Open your dxgi.ini and look for this.





Set this option to true and save the file. You should now have access to the Pixel Shader menu. Kaldaien admitted it's an experimental feature, so that's why it's off by default. It's a bit finicky, and my game failed to start a few times, but I did get it to work eventually. Also, this option will sometimes revert back to false so you may need to edit it again.



Awesome it works now. Thanks for this.

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1 hour ago, JoeMesh said:

Good news, guys. We got a fix for Special K from Kaldaien. Open your dxgi.ini and look for this.





Set this option to true and save the file. You should now have access to the Pixel Shader menu. Kaldaien admitted it's an experimental feature, so that's why it's off by default. It's a bit finicky, and my game failed to start a few times, but I did get it to work eventually. Also, this option will sometimes revert back to false so you may need to edit it again.



To stop it reverting just set the .ini file to read only

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4 hours ago, JoeMesh said:

Good news, guys. We got a fix for Special K from Kaldaien. Open your dxgi.ini and look for this.





Set this option to true and save the file. You should now have access to the Pixel Shader menu. Kaldaien admitted it's an experimental feature, so that's why it's off by default. It's a bit finicky, and my game failed to start a few times, but I did get it to work eventually. Also, this option will sometimes revert back to false so you may need to edit it again.

Thanks so much for sharing this information!!


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Of course if you like, there is also a version of that new Nyo SSR without the front leave! Just the green rest to cover the whole:


Warning! Gorgeous Nyotengu Pics ahead!





Before you use it RENAME the file and delete the part "_Nyo_SSR_Event_0X"

This is only for overview reasons!


02 is without the front leave!



01 is with the front leave


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1 hour ago, knight77 said:

Of course if you like, there is also a version of that new Nyo SSR without the front leave! Just the green rest to cover the whole:


Warning! Gorgeous Nyotengu Pics ahead!

  Hide contents




Before you use it RENAME the file and delete the part "_Nyo_SSR_Event_0X"

This is only for overview reasons!


02 is without the front leave!



01 is with the front leave




Could you upload a guide with images explaining each step or a video of how to achieve this please?

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1 hour ago, knight77 said:

Of course if you like, there is also a version of that new Nyo SSR without the front leave! Just the green rest to cover the whole:


Warning! Gorgeous Nyotengu Pics ahead!

  Reveal hidden contents




Before you use it RENAME the file and delete the part "_Nyo_SSR_Event_0X"

This is only for overview reasons!


02 is without the front leave!



01 is with the front leave


Man, I'm jealous. I spent about 40,000 yesterday and still didn't get Nyo. Those gacha rates are killing me.

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