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On 1/29/2020 at 7:21 AM, Paladox said:

I honestly think a sex mod would be more about tracking stats than anything else. The animation could just be serviceable. It doesn't have to be fantastic with models lining up properly, etc.. The stats are the key thing. I'll just throw some ideas out there and hopefully someone can use something or get ideas from it. I've never really been any good at modding 3D games.


I think I recall someone else mentioning like a papoose item you could carry? Like a generic swaddled baby item that "ages" into a young version of whatever race the parents are/were. I'm going to assume that Shek, Hive, and Human couplings are incompatible since we don't see any half breeds in-game. Regardless of any of that, I would suggest the child having all their sliders meet halfway between the two parents. When the child is old enough, perhaps about 5 years+, then they could age into a "pup" as the animals are classified. If possible then of course they should be classified as a "child" instead. No new model needed, IMO, as the child could just have slightly exaggerated head, eyes, etc.. while being a "mini" version of an adult, like the animals when they are pups. These child traits would of course diminish as the age into adults.


Now for the sex stats. The main problem I see here is that these stats should all fluctuate for EVERY character in-game, and not just the player's characters. I suppose one way of doing this would be to add them all as extra "parts" like where the stomach, hunger, etc.. are located. This would also allow the player to easily see how horny an enemy is, among other things.


Fertility - Starts at 100. Females' number should fluctuate. Takes half damage when stomach is damaged, but heals slower. Can become "severed" and infertile this way.

Dignity - Starts at 100, and lowered when imprisoned, enslaved, or raped. Characters may faint when taking damage or being raped if this is high.

Improves over time with good health and victories. Can not increase at all while wearing shackles.
Stamina (Max = Blood) - Never higher than blood level, but can be lower. Decreases constantly during sex and characters will pass out if it reaches 0 or less.  
Gratification - Like Hunger, it will constantly decrease. Some factions this will decrease more quickly for (bandits and cannibals). High gratification (50+)provides a 10% bonus to all skills, perception, dexterity, and receive a healing boost if they sleep. Low gratification (0) provides a 10% bonus to strength.


Old Stats Involvement:
Strength - Helps your character break free from being raped (if conscious and trying, like picking a lock).

Endurance/Blood - Determines Stamina and thus helps a character stay conscious during prolonged sex. Unconscious characters will take Stomach damage.
Laboring, Dexterity & Athletics - Effectiveness at having sex. Bonus to partner's gratification gained.

When having sex, all characters will increase their endurance experience a small amount. Laboring will increase by a higher amount, but only for conscious characters. Strength, Dexterity, and Athletics experience will increase a small amount as well during intercourse, as long as they are conscious, their partner's stats in these are higher, and sex is consensual.


How it works: The lower gratification is, the more likely an NPC will rape an enemy faction member. If no unconscious enemy is nearby, then they will attack the nearest opposite sex enemy so that would be a viable option more quickly. If no enemies are around, then any nearby slave (owned by any faction) would suffice, although it will be treated as a crime if the raping character does not own said slave. Alternatively, characters with low gratification will hold out longer if their dignity is high. 100 Dignity means a character will never seek sex, no matter how low their gratification. Guards will routinely seek out the company of whores unless there are slaves handy for their needs.

You can choose to make your house public and whore out your characters if you have any beds. Just select the "whore" option from the bed and the character would lay on it and service any NPCs that have enough to pay. You could also have any character from your own faction have sex at any time, with no loss to dignity since they are consenting, with the benefit being the obvious boost to gratification which would in turn increase overall skills and job performance. Your characters will never autonomously have sex, but can be ordered to rape unconscious NPCs if their gratification is low enough. All willing characters will stop sex if their stamina (or willing partner's stamina) reaches 0.

Edit: Forgot to add, if you wanted some bestiality then animals could choose to ride unconscious or maimed characters. This would lower their dignity by double the normal rate (or triple if they're awake). It would highly depend on the stats though. A medium gratification male bonedog would rape a highly fertile humanoid female. With no gratification then it would hump anything, even dead bodies. If a bonedog has high gratification but is hungry then it might nibble off the bits of the nearest male humanoid (before going for the legs), thus making him infertile. Some factions might even mutilate the privates of fallen enemies just for the heck of it (Holy Nation might do this to all fallen Shek and Hive enemies).

Also animals, cannibals, and other meat eaters would loot your inventory and steal/eat babies if they find them. Other factions may feel guilty and patch up a mother if they notice a child, or even steal the child and take care of it if the mother is going to die. Speaking of which, you could also steal babies and raise them as your own.

Edit 2: Sorry if any of this sounds too dark. I just feel like it would fit in well with Kenshi's already bleak world.

The problem with the tracking, is that the game is weird about adding stuff to it. It's why we do not see a magic system yet, as no one has figured out how to add a mana variable for the game to track. Adding new health bars and stats is also very hard, which is why we do not have a water stat like we have with food. 

I have been thinking, and i suspect that a pregnancy system is possible, it would be inventory based. Currently the AI supports a slaver system where a slaver finds a knocked out person, and puts shackles on them and BAM slave. That is the closest thing we have to a status ailment, that and bounties. So maybe an inventory based item that takes up the belt slot, and adds a pregnancy condition.  My guess as to best implementation would be a special sex bed that not only has all the positions, but attaches the item to the girl when its done. 

Now, the question is how to turn the belt item into an npc. My guess is a special "cage" with an inventory, and a timer, where after you put the baby item in, it disappears and a kid spawns into the cage, or a special building called a nursery. When the kid grows up, it will have body stats that are the average of the parents. For added fun you can assign a worker to the nursery, and they will have the training animation but will be holding a stick. When  higher level nurseries will spawn higher stats on the characters that pop out. This would be a modified version of the animal purchasing system. You would go to the nursery building, and select an option to "inspect kids" and after they have been in there long enough you can have them come out and join the the squad. It's complicated, but possibly doable. 


This is where things now take a turn for the worse. 


This will add a bounty condition known as "pregnant", which will make slavers and man hunters want to follow and kidnap. it also will make cannibals more aggressive.


Next we enter the Research. Why settle with just vanilla kids?  why not use those AI cores to create special enhancement pods where you remove the fetuses and make better people, and cyber nurseries so that when they pop out, they will have super high stats. Maybe even have research where you can pick an installed modded race for them to spawn as. Essentially it will give you a brand new npc that you can play with via the character editor that will join a squad. 


This would also be how you would make a skeleton factory. just assign a worker to work there, and when an output is ready go to the skeleton factory, right click on it, and select create recruit. 


This is all theoretical, the game is janky. it was made by a very small team of people over a decade, with a weird and obscure game engine that was extremely promising a decade ago but never took off, so it's not as solid or as understandable as a massive game made by a team of "expendable" game devs using more common tools and methodologies. I suspect that in another decade when kenshi 2 comes out it will be easier to mod and have tons of sex possibilities. 

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On 3/1/2020 at 5:12 AM, Leghorn said:

Strippers Mod


12 Animations total mixed with poses, sex and imprisonment animations.  I will admit that some of these didn't turn out very good.  And some of these animations look very differently from Blender than in game; particularly Table dance2 and Wall Sex.  If anyone wants to fix them, please do.


This mod is for Vanilla races only.  You may be able to add custom races easily however.  Most are Female only except for Sex animations.


This mod has the same issue as the others where if you have more than 2 animations(ie: two people using these animations) at once while loading a save file, the game will crash.  I have tried fixing this to no avail.  I'm not sure why the game crashes on loading.  To prevent from crashing, you will need to end all animations before saving your game which becomes a headache.  If anyone knows how to fix it, please let me know.   Once you load your game, you can have as many people animating as you want.  Just don't save your game with them animating!


This mod has no dependencies.





Pillow Pose.  Female Only:









Pole Pose.  Imprisonment.  Female Only:


Support Beam Imprisonment.  Female Only:


Support Beam2.  Female Only:


Support Beam3.  Female Only:










Stripper Pole Splits.  Female Only:


Stripper Pole Hump.  Female Only:


Stripper Dancing on Table1:


Stripper Dancing on Table2:








Pillow Sex(On Back):


Pillow Sex(On Shoulders):



Wall Sex:



Mod Attachment:


dancers.rar 1.66 MB · 657 downloads

This mod makes my prisoner cage disappear from the building menu.
When I disable dancers it comes back, I have tried changing the load order to no effect.
Does anyone else have this problem?

Normally I would just disable the mod, BUT IT'S JUST SO AWESOME!!! XD

I have checked FCS real quick, and on first glance it does not seem to do anything with the prisoner cage so I'm at a loss here.
(Never used FCS so I didn't dig to deep)

EDIT: I fixed the problem by adding the prisoner cage building to the research of the dancers mod in the FCS.
Maybe a silly solution but it worked :D  Thanks for this awesome mod!

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On 5/10/2020 at 5:11 AM, kek41 said:

Hi. New here. I want to share a mod I just made with 4 femdom poses. It's free for anyone to use/edit/improve on it, if you want.

The mod adds a "femdom poses" blueprint at any mechanical shop, this blueprint unlocks 3 carpets and a throne, I'll atach some screenshots.

The buildings are in "interior",  then "femdom poses" which is a subgroup, like the stone mines. That's it.

I might do more poses or attempt to animate something in te future but I don't know when


(Edit: post edited to delet picture and re-add them as links)









femdomposes.zip 391.74 kB · 42 downloads


Very good stuff! But unfortunately can't load your mod. Not sure, looks like JRPG race mod needed. Any chance it will work ok without it or you'll make another version? Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/10/2020 at 8:05 AM, thepit said:

The problem with the tracking, is that the game is weird about adding stuff to it. It's why we do not see a magic system yet, as no one has figured out how to add a mana variable for the game to track. Adding new health bars and stats is also very hard, which is why we do not have a water stat like we have with food. 

I have been thinking, and i suspect that a pregnancy system is possible, it would be inventory based. Currently the AI supports a slaver system where a slaver finds a knocked out person, and puts shackles on them and BAM slave. That is the closest thing we have to a status ailment, that and bounties. So maybe an inventory based item that takes up the belt slot, and adds a pregnancy condition.  My guess as to best implementation would be a special sex bed that not only has all the positions, but attaches the item to the girl when its done. 

Now, the question is how to turn the belt item into an npc. My guess is a special "cage" with an inventory, and a timer, where after you put the baby item in, it disappears and a kid spawns into the cage, or a special building called a nursery. When the kid grows up, it will have body stats that are the average of the parents. For added fun you can assign a worker to the nursery, and they will have the training animation but will be holding a stick. When  higher level nurseries will spawn higher stats on the characters that pop out. This would be a modified version of the animal purchasing system. You would go to the nursery building, and select an option to "inspect kids" and after they have been in there long enough you can have them come out and join the the squad. It's complicated, but possibly doable. 


This is where things now take a turn for the worse. 


This will add a bounty condition known as "pregnant", which will make slavers and man hunters want to follow and kidnap. it also will make cannibals more aggressive.


Next we enter the Research. Why settle with just vanilla kids?  why not use those AI cores to create special enhancement pods where you remove the fetuses and make better people, and cyber nurseries so that when they pop out, they will have super high stats. Maybe even have research where you can pick an installed modded race for them to spawn as. Essentially it will give you a brand new npc that you can play with via the character editor that will join a squad. 


This would also be how you would make a skeleton factory. just assign a worker to work there, and when an output is ready go to the skeleton factory, right click on it, and select create recruit. 


This is all theoretical, the game is janky. it was made by a very small team of people over a decade, with a weird and obscure game engine that was extremely promising a decade ago but never took off, so it's not as solid or as understandable as a massive game made by a team of "expendable" game devs using more common tools and methodologies. I suspect that in another decade when kenshi 2 comes out it will be easier to mod and have tons of sex possibilities. 

Not a modder but this shit's really interesting to me. I was wondering why most of the mods avaliable seem to be stat/rule change based or just more weapons/characters.Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any intricate, dialogue heavy quest mods either which could really improve the game; in a way similar to fallout. Apparently Kenshi 2 will be made on the unreal engine but idk how easy that is to mod (I've heard it's very difficult). They did same mod supportis one of their main concerns but who knows.

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On 9/10/2019 at 3:39 PM, Rushded said:

Hi guys,


Another animation added.  Doggy style added. Happy for anyone to update my mod with anything. Don't need to ask.

Hit me up if you need the .blend file with the animations.


bedsex v.05

- 'Doggy' position added.


  Reveal hidden contents



bedsex v.05.rar 1.28 MB · 1,426 downloads

This one works flawlessly, but if i put a skeleton on the bed, he has no animation.
Is it possible to add the skeletons as males in the animations? I don't really know how to do it, otherwise i would make the "patch" myself.

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18 hours ago, C'tans and big magnets said:

This one works flawlessly, but if i put a skeleton on the bed, he has no animation.
Is it possible to add the skeletons as males in the animations? I don't really know how to do it, otherwise i would make the "patch" myself.

Its actually really easy to patch! I did it following the guide put up by the mod author for MCA. Just follow the screenshots and you should be able to patch it yourself. 

Link to MCA that has the guide: 

Fun fact: Any single gender race (skeletons and hivers in the base game) default to male animations. 


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3 hours ago, zia said:

Its actually really easy to patch! I did it following the guide put up by the mod author for MCA. Just follow the screenshots and you should be able to patch it yourself. 

Link to MCA that has the guide: 

Fun fact: Any single gender race (skeletons and hivers in the base game) default to male animations. 


thanks, bless you ?

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On 7/24/2020 at 7:07 AM, Angeraw said:

Hey, i decided to update you this mod from Leghorn: 


- fixed missing prisoner cage 

- enabled custom animations to shek race

that's all.

dancers1.5.zip 1.98 MB · 45 downloads

I already patched it for all my custom races, pretty much, and have prisoner cages of various types, but i'm interested in knowing how you fixed the missing cage, so i can update my personal use patch

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22 hours ago, C'tans and big magnets said:

I already patched it for all my custom races, pretty much, and have prisoner cages of various types, but i'm interested in knowing how you fixed the missing cage, so i can update my personal use patch

well i saw the comment where person just added cage to dancers research and i was like "fuck it, can't find any better solution for now" and i called it a day

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/15/2020 at 12:38 PM, C'tans and big magnets said:

Glad to see this game's community is so rad, can't wait to see what will come out next.

Huge hype for the possibility of having pregnancy related stuff and enslavement sex scenarios.

Unfortunately i suspect that a lot of the top tier sex modders are moving to bannerlord. However i do not begrudge them at all, but i am in fact rooting for them and appreciate their efforts. Porn modded bannerlord is already awesome. 



On 7/19/2020 at 3:19 AM, zjx1017 said:

Does anyone know the MOD for Kenshi breeding?

We can see that “Domestic Goats” MOD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1644794430&searchtext=Breeding

Is there a breeding MOD for humans??? :P  Some breeding Some pregnant。

Now this is interesting. Apparently this and the the insemination mod 


appear to be  dependent on a faction scripting. So perhaps the way to make pregnant women would be a separate faction that only does this? 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/6/2020 at 2:38 PM, g29504569 said:

Sorry EN not good!
Skyrim have CBBE & UNP!
Conan Exiles have other body type.

Why doesn't kenshi edit detail to the body?
Is there any difficulty?

You mean the models?  Well, someone was able to make custom heads (the JRPG race), so, my bet is that it is possible.  But, I think the issue lies elsewhere, and so no one has tried.  In short, might be incredibly hard to edit bodies.  Cause, the new bodies would have to fit the already existing skeleton and sliders as they currently exist, for I don't think it is currently possible to change the skeletons of the bodies or the sliders.


And by skeletons, I don't mean the robot people in the game.  I mean the "bone" structure that is used to help with animations and other things.


Thing is, I know someone made a mod that added in "children" to the game, and they did this by editing the default bodies for the "children".  But, because of this, they look more like deformed adults at times.


But, those two mods do tell me it is at least somewhat possible, just, most likely highly difficult.


On 9/6/2020 at 4:02 PM, Azazellz said:

The armor does not replace the body (as in Skyrim), but is worn over it.

So, if you make a new body, you will have to redo all the armor for it, or they will clip very badly.

Also what Azazellz said here is also part of the issue.  As, with the child mod, I had noticed some clipping with some armors due to the malformed bodies of the kids compared to the adults.  Though, for the most part, they looked fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/6/2020 at 7:16 AM, Rastasta12 said:

Do yo just drop this and bed sex in mods? how you get animations to play?  same with bedsex got the files not sure what to do with em?

you drop the files, but need to patch it manually to have the required animations on all the races you want
i'd give you my own personal patches, but they use a lot of stuff, so it would give you an error warning (even tho it would be perfectly fine to use) every time you booted up the game

and learning to do things yourself is way more satisfying

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