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Hi there community. I'm new to blender and modding in general, but since I got this game and saw all the cool(and lewd) stuff there is, I've decided contribute as well.


I'm currently trying to import an armor from a Skyrim mod into the game. I've already managed to transform the .nif file into a .mesh, and get it into blender. However, I'm struggling with alignment or a way to auto... attach(?) the armor to the body_female. Any help would be much appreciated.





Note: If this works, I'll ask permission from the mod author to publish his/her armor mod, so don't worry. But I can't ask until I know how to make this work.

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I use the sub 2.9 blender but what I do is try to scale and move as close as possible to the body, then handcraft (by the old vertex moving method) around it to fit the body.

Usually I don't convert to .mesh, just import the nif, then do the fitting. Also you can use the shrinkwrap later to help fit.

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20 hours ago, Kargrin said:

I use the sub 2.9 blender but what I do is try to scale and move as close as possible to the body, then handcraft (by the old vertex moving method) around it to fit the body.

Usually I don't convert to .mesh, just import the nif, then do the fitting. Also you can use the shrinkwrap later to help fit.

Okey, I'm gonna do this and report later. Thanks!

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Я пишу не на английском. Можно сделать ПЕНИС новой конечностью

, Думаю, что окресности города или базы, заваленные отрубленными ПЕНИСАМИ -это будет забавно. Кроме того, это позволит усовершнествовать существующие замечательные анамации секса. Как  это  было сделано с нимбом.

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On 12/13/2019 at 12:34 PM, Nexussuckstwice said:

It seems there is already quite powerful plugin for Blender which allows almost automatic creation of decent human models:



Theoretically we could replace original Kenshi human bodies with better one.

There was a problem with this, found by the author of the following mod:


Apparently, there would be a lot of clipping with the vanilla armors, so you would have to rework all of them to fit the new body. It's doable, but fora more experienced modder than myself and it would still require a lot of work.


Edit: I'm not trying to discourage the idea, I'm just stating what I know about this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/16/2019 at 12:23 AM, G0D14 said:

There was a problem with this, found by the author of the following mod:


Apparently, there would be a lot of clipping with the vanilla armors, so you would have to rework all of them to fit the new body. It's doable, but fora more experienced modder than myself and it would still require a lot of work.


Edit: I'm not trying to discourage the idea, I'm just stating what I know about this.

The problem with clipping here is that the author made a body that looks like a 80 STR, 150 breast weight and 120 leg weight martial artist (i.e. silly thicc), so of course it's going to clip with everything equippable.

Make a body with dimensions close to the default used in Kenshi - which that plugin more than supports and you'd know that if you clicked the link - and there ain't going to be any clipping.

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3 hours ago, Kargrin said:

Can you make 2B play the animations in CK_Killingtime?

Yep, planned to do that some time ago.

v2 changes:

  • Translated mod into english
  • added 2b head and body armor(feathers) crafting in case you've lost them (Needs basic clothing crafting research)
  • you can now find 2B companion in bar of these cities: Black Desert City, Squin, Sho-Battai, Heng


CMKillingTime version




2B Modifiedv2.zip 2B Modifiedv2 CMKillingTime.zip

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  • 2 weeks later...

In fact, Kenshi provides a relatively perfect sandbox game world, and I think its potential is even far beyond the sky, because in Kenshi's Sandbox world, you can do what you want to do or play the role you want to play and start a different story. Many of the game content itself are very suitable for sexual mod, and you can play Kenshi simulation life, Can also play Kenshi defeat, or even play Kenshi slaves, the sky needs to re create these functions, and Kenshi does not need! Because they all have, what Kenshi lacks is sex animation and an SL like animation framework, OMG, how I wish it could appear :(!!!


Some people say that Kenshi has no magic. I think it's a misunderstanding, because you can change the attack of crossbow into magic through mod, which is not an impossible problem. You just need to change your thinking mode for a while, and you can accept it, try it, and enjoy the surprise it brings you, just like you are an explorer, which is a magical experience. Kenshi is a sandbox game that is open enough. No one can prevent you from adapting its story into a world where ancient civilization, technology and magic coexist, or you can use magic as an alien, your hometown and yourself... After all, there are games like "mystery" that tell us that it is possible.

For example, when I play Kenshi, I usually define my protagonist as an alien who accidentally falls on Kenshi's planet due to a spaceship accident.


I'm still playing sky. I like it very much. I've been playing it since it was released. I also like Kenshi. The only regret is that I didn't see the mod of Kenshi develop into sky. As I said at the beginning, the game of Kenshi is only lack of some sexual animation and framework. It's like alchemy needs a touchstone.


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I honestly think a sex mod would be more about tracking stats than anything else. The animation could just be serviceable. It doesn't have to be fantastic with models lining up properly, etc.. The stats are the key thing. I'll just throw some ideas out there and hopefully someone can use something or get ideas from it. I've never really been any good at modding 3D games.


I think I recall someone else mentioning like a papoose item you could carry? Like a generic swaddled baby item that "ages" into a young version of whatever race the parents are/were. I'm going to assume that Shek, Hive, and Human couplings are incompatible since we don't see any half breeds in-game. Regardless of any of that, I would suggest the child having all their sliders meet halfway between the two parents. When the child is old enough, perhaps about 5 years+, then they could age into a "pup" as the animals are classified. If possible then of course they should be classified as a "child" instead. No new model needed, IMO, as the child could just have slightly exaggerated head, eyes, etc.. while being a "mini" version of an adult, like the animals when they are pups. These child traits would of course diminish as the age into adults.


Now for the sex stats. The main problem I see here is that these stats should all fluctuate for EVERY character in-game, and not just the player's characters. I suppose one way of doing this would be to add them all as extra "parts" like where the stomach, hunger, etc.. are located. This would also allow the player to easily see how horny an enemy is, among other things.


Fertility - Starts at 100. Females' number should fluctuate. Takes half damage when stomach is damaged, but heals slower. Can become "severed" and infertile this way.

Dignity - Starts at 100, and lowered when imprisoned, enslaved, or raped. Characters may faint when taking damage or being raped if this is high.

Improves over time with good health and victories. Can not increase at all while wearing shackles.
Stamina (Max = Blood) - Never higher than blood level, but can be lower. Decreases constantly during sex and characters will pass out if it reaches 0 or less.  
Gratification - Like Hunger, it will constantly decrease. Some factions this will decrease more quickly for (bandits and cannibals). High gratification (50+)provides a 10% bonus to all skills, perception, dexterity, and receive a healing boost if they sleep. Low gratification (0) provides a 10% bonus to strength.


Old Stats Involvement:
Strength - Helps your character break free from being raped (if conscious and trying, like picking a lock).

Endurance/Blood - Determines Stamina and thus helps a character stay conscious during prolonged sex. Unconscious characters will take Stomach damage.
Laboring, Dexterity & Athletics - Effectiveness at having sex. Bonus to partner's gratification gained.

When having sex, all characters will increase their endurance experience a small amount. Laboring will increase by a higher amount, but only for conscious characters. Strength, Dexterity, and Athletics experience will increase a small amount as well during intercourse, as long as they are conscious, their partner's stats in these are higher, and sex is consensual.


How it works: The lower gratification is, the more likely an NPC will rape an enemy faction member. If no unconscious enemy is nearby, then they will attack the nearest opposite sex enemy so that would be a viable option more quickly. If no enemies are around, then any nearby slave (owned by any faction) would suffice, although it will be treated as a crime if the raping character does not own said slave. Alternatively, characters with low gratification will hold out longer if their dignity is high. 100 Dignity means a character will never seek sex, no matter how low their gratification. Guards will routinely seek out the company of whores unless there are slaves handy for their needs.

You can choose to make your house public and whore out your characters if you have any beds. Just select the "whore" option from the bed and the character would lay on it and service any NPCs that have enough to pay. You could also have any character from your own faction have sex at any time, with no loss to dignity since they are consenting, with the benefit being the obvious boost to gratification which would in turn increase overall skills and job performance. Your characters will never autonomously have sex, but can be ordered to rape unconscious NPCs if their gratification is low enough. All willing characters will stop sex if their stamina (or willing partner's stamina) reaches 0.

Edit: Forgot to add, if you wanted some bestiality then animals could choose to ride unconscious or maimed characters. This would lower their dignity by double the normal rate (or triple if they're awake). It would highly depend on the stats though. A medium gratification male bonedog would rape a highly fertile humanoid female. With no gratification then it would hump anything, even dead bodies. If a bonedog has high gratification but is hungry then it might nibble off the bits of the nearest male humanoid (before going for the legs), thus making him infertile. Some factions might even mutilate the privates of fallen enemies just for the heck of it (Holy Nation might do this to all fallen Shek and Hive enemies).

Also animals, cannibals, and other meat eaters would loot your inventory and steal/eat babies if they find them. Other factions may feel guilty and patch up a mother if they notice a child, or even steal the child and take care of it if the mother is going to die. Speaking of which, you could also steal babies and raise them as your own.

Edit 2: Sorry if any of this sounds too dark. I just feel like it would fit in well with Kenshi's already bleak world.

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I definitely could see that working Paladox and considering all the dialogue in Kenshi is completely text based you could easily add the dialogue in and not be immersive breaking, a problem that Skyrim mods have considering everything is voiced in Skyrim. The main problems I see with sex mods in Kenshi is while the Kenshi community and it's modding community are sizable, there does not seem to be enough interest in creating sex mods for it like there is with Fallout and Skyrim, that and from what I hear it's a pain in ass to try and get animations to work  and line up in general in Kenshi, let alone trying to mod in a sex animation and get it to line up. Not to mention Kenshi is not the prettiest game to look at, don't get me wrong I think its fine and I've definitely seen worse but it's definitely a draw back when it comes to peoples interest in seeing and modding sex scenes. But despite these problems I would still love to see something to the effect of what you are talking about Paladox.

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The main problem with Kenshi modding is that functions are hardcoded in the game and you are unable to create new ones. This makes impossible to create new complex behaviors for npc. So you are just left with editing bed or cage animations into sex positions and then manually assigning characters to them. Sucks man.

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