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Differences between passion and kinkyworld?

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Their main purpose is the same: create a framework for sex animations. However, Kinkyword has a much wider functionality, it changes your game in many ways, provides a range of services. Passion does not does those things, it mostly just lets you have sex. But it's a much lighter mod, it causes less conflicts and playing the animations goes smoother. For me KW makes my game very unstable and I don't need most of its features so I prefer Passion, it's a matter of functionality. 

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well put, _Aya_.


uriel1987, only complementing what _Aya_ wrote: Kinky World is also a Core Mod — meaning it changes (in this case: positively) some of the game's interactions as much as it might make it more unstable. further, Core Mods tend to conflict with other Core Mods — e.g. "NRaas", "Awesome", and so forth. while KW is a whole new world in that sense, Passion is an animation framework; a great one at it, for you may sequence animations, assign roles to sims, etc. i believe it to be an improvement over Alfiechan's (now SuperStorm's) "Animated Woohoo."


hope this helps, and wish you all the best.



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  • 2 weeks later...

i have had no problem with running KW and passion at the same time with all ep's, exept maybe 1 or 2 freezes which seem to clear after deleting cache files, and i think a problem with sim penis erection which cleared itself, however i do use a tool wise game booster to speed up my pc prior to playing sims 3, just my 2 cents.

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