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  1. Wow, that is awesome news and sounds like a lot of work. I hope you succeed but honestly it's already great.
  2. Did some testing and overall, everything's working well. The male butts look so much better. I was really hoping someone would make them work with the penis. I was actually using the same meshes for the buttocks before, the non-default ones with an accessory penis. And I did not remove them from the sims so on outfits that were using the non-default butts for some reason the penis wasn't functional. But it's a minor and very specific issue. I love the way male nipples look - when they fit. Sadly, they are very different on different skins and I like a big variety. The navels look good too. But anyway, awesome work on this mod and all the updates!
  3. That's some impressive work! What I'm a little worried about is replacing all the sliders. You're saying the mod replaces all the body sliders. Does that mean the face sliders are good to keep? I'm keen to try this out but afraid to mess up my Sims.
  4. Hey. Her stuff works fine for me. The only thing I can think of is maybe the items are clones from some EP items that you don't have. I had this issue before. Do you have all of the Expansions installed?
  5. Might be too late but these are good: http://afterdusksims.blogspot.com/p/adult-animations.html
  6. That is actually what I linked to. It's not a skin itself but a normal map, which creates detail, such as skin texture and nails. Female adult version here: https://mahamudosim3x18.blogspot.com/2013/01/you-are-real-adult-version-part-ii.html
  7. Not a mesh but this normal map adds a lot of detail: http://mahamudosim3x18.blogspot.com/2012/06/normal-map-default-replacement-of-male.html I know BloomBase had feet meshes but I don't think there was a full body mesh.
  8. As I already wrote, this happens even if I exclude invalid positions. If you try to change the animation there are only the correct ones, but since I like to use Passion in mostly autonomous mode, they switch autonomously and just keep playing the m/f ones. It looks weird.
  9. I think I have this issue from the last version update but I noticed my lesbian sims when having autonomous sex keep playing straight animations meant for dicks even though I have invalid positions and strapons switched off. If you try to change them manually though these positions do not show
  10. True! I really wouldn't want to see rape, bestiality and such here. It's one of the things that bothers me about KW. But of course I also like Passion for its functionality, it's a lot faster and smoother.
  11. I did but they still do not sit where they should, I suspect I still need to get Fast Lane for it to work properly.
  12. Thank you KsixNiner which motercyle do you use? Do we need fastlane? It's for the Fast Lane stuff motorcycle "The Jamboree" but i don't know if you need the stuff pack but you can try one of Dailycard's racing motorcycle. It does work with Dailycard's motorcycles even without Fast Lane. Except I can't figure out why the sims are facing the wrong way.
  13. I think that exists already and it was made by Alfiechan long time ago. Passion raise traits and Kama Simtra skill. This is a sex skill. The only thing is that, you can read the channel name and add interactions when a sim watch the channel but you don't know what the channels video is about and what sim preference affects. That is why channels are categorized in KW. Usually the number of sims that can watch TV at the same time is not big and it's interact by the player. My thought is to send solo passion interactions to the sim that watch and sims passion broadcaster will do the rest for any other sim in the room. I think, this one is worth to try. I know Passion raises Kama Simtra skill but the skill doesn't really do anything other than add the moodlets so I think it's not that interesting. I think solo passion interaction is a safe bet, would be great to see that! Anyway, the channels are great! The videos are fun and I like the music you used)
  14. Sure it is, but I don't know who might like this and under what circumstances.... As you might saw, most of them and don't say all of them are straight sex animations. The last one is femdom. I made no male gay animations, because nothing of this is in my fantasy. Even the femdom is not but is never ever shown in this game and that is my reason, doing this. My question is who is gonna masturbate and on what animation. A gay male to a straights act? A straight male to gays act? Same goes to females If we go to categories like gay channel, straight channel what ever channel, then is what Oniniki did already. It exists! ,,,,and Swoon / _Aya_, you're more advanced minded in this one, than me! We had a talk at HOT about all these. Explain me more of what is in your mind about this. If you don't like to post it, PM me... Ah, that's right. I haven't really thought this through, to be honest. It's just that you said you're going to decide on what features to do based on people's suggestions and that's what came to my mind first. I haven't thought about the sims' sexual preferences. Though most people probably are satisfied with straight sex and masturbation works for everyone. Making channels based on sexuality seems like a tough thing to do. I know that Oniki did a similar feature but in in KW Tv channels are primarily aimed at upping the sex skills and your mod doesn't have those. And at any rate, I think it's normal that some features would be similar. For me I prefer Passion for its functionality overall though there are some things I liked about KW. One thing I liked the most about it was how sims reacted to seeing each other naked and to watching sexy TV channels. I don't know if that can be done but I thought in Passion they might react to porn in a way that they react to other sims doing Passion.
  15. Thanks for the update! The new Tv channels are nice. I don't know if it's possible but it would be good if they could make sims horny and add a chance that passion autonomously occurs, either solo or for two sims who are watching. A jerk off interaction would be good too.
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