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Cheat Engine Pose Editor

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How can I control 1 player and 2 at the same time


Simultaneously? At the same time you will not succeed, you must switch between players

this script can be refined to move both players.


What's the point of this?

It will be necessary either to move them synchronously (which is meaningless) or double the number of hotkeys



if people ask, then someone needs smile.png


What for? To shoot a film about synchronized swimming in DOA5LR? )))

If you so want, edit the script, I have no time to deal with this case.

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So people are still making progress on vmd files converted to cvs format?


I have an alternative way to make doa custom animation from mmd to doa game but still stuck with IK bones, without IK bones on doa model it's more difficult to animate a model, specially hips to legs.

But the way is to export a doa model into mmd without renaming bones, it's very important to keep original bones name to transfer the motion back to doa via Blender and cvs format after.

Ofc, that require an unique animation with this model, it mean the doa model converted to mmd will never work for mmd (or at least only models with the same armature bones names) but only for doa when the vmd is exported back in Blender.

It also mean you can't use a premade vmd motion since the armature bones will not match mmd bones.

In short, every animation have to be made from scratch and will be unique to this armature.


I am willing to make custom animations for doa using this method only if someone is ready to make all the process to convert from vmd to cvs from the work I'll do, it mean someone who know the process and know what to do for convert vmd to cvs with tools, the skeleton will be doa skeleton you won't need to make special edit from this side.

Spending time making custom animations will take me many hours and days so I'll not spend more time making all the process alone everytime for each animation, I'm also working on others things than doa and I'll be annoyed to do all alone for a game who is near to death actually.


I could also directly animate in Blender using a TMC as I did in past with few test but I'm more confortable with MMD.


Dogcookie, I saw in previous post you was able to convert a vmd motion to doa, how you proceeded for the hips bone? Since the hips bone is used as the main parent to move the entire model in doa? Where the difference in mmd is the hips bone is a separated bone linked to another motherbone for move the entire model.

Even if a model don't have IK it's fine, it's still possible to move and do something, in a harder way anyway, but if the hips bone is the main bone who move the entire model it's problematic.


Oh and btw, about this picture of pose pack linked in other post, I made these poses for MMD it's uncompatible for DOA, unless you translate bones but really it don't worth.

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So people are still making progress on vmd files converted to cvs format?



You do not seriously consider the possibility of creating a pure software converter MMD2DOA? After all, knowing the position of the bones of the MMD model, you can uniquely calculate the position of the bones of the corresponding DOA model. This is only a matter of mathematical transformation. And It's only necessary to compare these two models with each other and find the right relationships.

And such a converter also has the advantage that the process of conversion in it will take not hours but seconds.


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I'm not someone who know how to create a tool or script, the only part where I can help is bones names between these two differents softwares (MMD & DOA) & animating.

Know that a position of a bone in MMD can varie a lot from a model to another one, there are no universal skeleton, or at least there are one who is often used based on TDA models but nothing universal.

Just the default pose of a MMD model and DOA are differents. MMD use a mix between A and T pose and DOA is a pure A pose. Plus a MMD model is flexible, you can make any default pose it don't matter it's only for match premade motions better.


That's why I was talking about a DOA model exported to MMD without any edit on armature and model size.

This way the bones will be exactly positionned as the original DOA model. The only disadvantage is it look extremly tiny in MMD if you keep the original size, making animation with this tiny size is annoying but not impossible.


In past I already asked for someone who could create a script for Blender or something similar for MMD2DOA but it's kind of funny to see, years after, people asking the same now when modders are only in a very few numbers left.

I made a lot of research years ago when animation files was still encrypted in DOA, trying to swap moveset, character selection motion, making them as loop and else but there was not so much interest so I gave up by giving all the infos I had at this time to let people continue my work.

From that we had a way to have these animations files unencrypted correctly and have easy access to them, following by others doa animations imported and replaced as in Beach Paradise pack, but I still see no one who want more than just replacing existing files from the same game or game who use same format.

So again, I gave up to try something where I was alone to spend time.


Now if someone can make this MMD2DOA tool / script or whatever the format then I'm able to give my help for animating but I'll not do more nowaday.

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I'm not someone who know how to create a tool or script, the only part where I can help is bones names between these two differents softwares (MMD & DOA) & animating.


Now if someone can make this MMD2DOA tool / script or whatever the format then I'm able to give my help for animating but I'll not do more nowaday.


Sorry, I've never worked with Blender and maybe I do not understand something. If you say that you can give ready-made VMD files specifically for DOA models, in which the coordinates of the bones of the DOA models are indicated, then why is Blender needed at all?  Converting a file from one format to another and creating a CSV table is an elementary task for the programmer. And Blender is a completely unnecessary link.


Do you already have at least one VMD file created specifically for the DOA model? If so, give me at least part of this file so that I can evaluate the complexity of the conversion task.

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I was stuck with IK bone issues last week and the results are not satisfied. The IK is my final hurdle and I need a little more time to figure that out. I just realized that DOA bone structure is identical to motion capture and they all use hips as the root. So I think I might try to build MoCap converter first because the following reasons:


1. There is no Japanese to English translation.

2. Bone structure are almost identical

3. There are no interpolation and IK

4. Tons of free resources.


One more important fact is that the Motion Capture is much more smooth and high quality than VMD. You can tell DOA animations are way better than MMD.

I am going to work on this project on this coming long weekend and hopefully have it done.  Here are the first two dances I am going to convert:










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Nice idea DogCookie about MoCap, you're right this method don't require interpolation and IK and now I understand better why Hips bone is also used as root if they was intended to be used in MoCap method.


priss10, No I don't have a file ready to use at this moment, all doa models that I converted for MMD have renamed skeleton now so I'll need to make an import again without editing nothing to give you a file test.

And I was talking about Blender because I was more thinking of a script for Blender that will convert vmd animation to cvs directly, not about a separated tool that could do the same job.

Also you can animate a TMC directly in Blender and convert this animation as cvs and then inject it in Movie Data Tool for doa, but same problem with the hips bone that egal root bone if you manipulate bones manually.

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Finally I got to my favorite character and was able to work on his appearance using the SSP ))) (Blender is still on vacation)
So, for two hours of hard work I managed to seriously change the shape of the nose, reduce the size of the upper lip, expand the face horizontally and slightly extend it vertically. In addition, I increased the size of the eyes by 10%. Perhaps I did something else, but I do not remember.

Hope that Hitomi will not take offense at me. )))




Cabbas, I know that you are a wonderful programmer, do you want to take part in working on a program that would allow to combine different parts of the faces of different characters? We could then take for example the forehead of Ayane, add to them the eyes of Hitomi, the nose of Lei, the lips of Kasumi, the chin of Tina and the ears of Mila.
Each part of the face could be subjected to a variety of deformations and transformations, so that in the end we could get almost any face. And it would not be just a picture on the screen, but a working game mod.))


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Cabbas, I know that you are a wonderful programmer, do you want to take part in working on a program that would allow to combine different parts of the faces of different characters? We could then take for example the forehead of Ayane, add to them the eyes of Hitomi, the nose of Lei, the lips of Kasumi, the chin of Tina and the ears of Mila.



... and in the end get a snout. ;) How are you going to control the result? Can you create an interface for displaying the result on the screen? A wonderful programmer Cabbas can not do this.

I do not mind if you created such a program, but I would not want you to share it. Imagine what will happen if any donkey can create any face. Who do they begin to create first? :lol:

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Cabbas, I know that you are a wonderful programmer, do you want to take part in working on a program that would allow to combine different parts of the faces of different characters? We could then take for example the forehead of Ayane, add to them the eyes of Hitomi, the nose of Lei, the lips of Kasumi, the chin of Tina and the ears of Mila.



... and in the end get a snout. wink.png How are you going to control the result? Can you create an interface for displaying the result on the screen? A wonderful programmer Cabbas can not do this.



Let's talk about this through the messenger.


I do not mind if you created such a program, but I would not want you to share it. Imagine what will happen if any donkey can create any face. Who do they begin to create first? laugh.png



Whom? )))
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I do not mind if you created such a program, but I would not want you to share it. Imagine what will happen if any donkey can create any face. Who do they begin to create first? laugh.png



Whom? )))



Their friends, enemies, politicians and artists.


Cabbas, where did you find the Roy14??? ))))

Share this?


Need to know the right places. ;) No


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I do not mind if you created such a program, but I would not want you to share it. Imagine what will happen if any donkey can create any face. Who do they begin to create first? laugh.png



Whom? )))



Their friends, enemies, politicians and artists.


Well, I'll keep it. ;


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So people are still making progress on vmd files converted to cvs format?



You do not seriously consider the possibility of creating a pure software converter MMD2DOA? After all, knowing the position of the bones of the MMD model, you can uniquely calculate the position of the bones of the corresponding DOA model. This is only a matter of mathematical transformation.



Priss, this is not solid bodies, but virtual ones. Here can be any relations.




I do not mind if you created such a program, but I would not want you to share it. Imagine what will happen if any donkey can create any face. Who do they begin to create first? laugh.png



Whom? )))



Their friends, enemies, politicians and artists.


Well, I'll keep it. ;




With me you can share. ;)

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So people are still making progress on vmd files converted to cvs format?



You do not seriously consider the possibility of creating a pure software converter MMD2DOA? After all, knowing the position of the bones of the MMD model, you can uniquely calculate the position of the bones of the corresponding DOA model. This is only a matter of mathematical transformation.



Priss, this is not solid bodies, but virtual ones. Here can be any relations.

What's the difference?  These virtual bodies on the screen mimic the movement in our real 3D space. So MMD models must obey our logic and our mathematical laws. The same is true for DOA models. That is, you can establish direct relations between them.


With me you can share. wink.png

in exchange for Roy14? )) lol

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With me you can share. wink.png

in exchange for Roy14? )) lol




priss, i like you less and less

it should be. I'm not Marie Rose which please everyone ))

Cabbas, I already wrote the main part of the program, but you can still take part in the project.

There remains the most difficult part, where you can show your abilities.


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I have a problem to activate the cheating when I try to activate the error in the game to stop working, someone can tell me what can be, the version of the game may be or because it is pirated.

I have a problem to activate the cheating when I try to activate the error in the game to stop working, someone can tell me what can be, the version of the game may be or because it is pirated.

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I have a problem to activate the cheating when I try to activate the error in the game to stop working, someone can tell me what can be, the version of the game may be or because it is pirated.

I have a problem to activate the cheating when I try to activate the error in the game to stop working, someone can tell me what can be, the version of the game may be or because it is pirated.

it would be nice if you said what version of the game you have.

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