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3 hours ago, thelord007 said:

I tried, but now my character just gets up from sitting after killing Zoe.


It takes some specific choices to get the Kust ending, I think you have to choose a few:


Confess and Returned the Money -- When Kust asks if he remembers you


Drink -> Have sex -> Confess/Truth -> Agree to have sex anyway


I think as long as you have those two, you can get it, but that's my anecdotal experience, not actual code hunting.

7 hours ago, Horus_04 said:

For me, it was right at the first party - I went to the longhouse 2 times before I started Thief - In addition, the first thing I did was pay the dancer to please the two men and then went into the next room and stood next to the couple.


The couple on the first night for me were standing near the entrance to the Longhouse--they didn't move after paying the dancer.


I think the dancer has nothing to do with it, but that might mean it's random (or based on which day it is?) 

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11 hours ago, theliddtin said:


It takes some specific choices to get the Kust ending, I think you have to choose a few:


Confess and Returned the Money -- When Kust asks if he remembers you


Drink -> Have sex -> Confess/Truth -> Agree to have sex anyway


I think as long as you have those two, you can get it, but that's my anecdotal experience, not actual code hunting.


The couple on the first night for me were standing near the entrance to the Longhouse--they didn't move after paying the dancer.


I think the dancer has nothing to do with it, but that might mean it's random (or based on which day it is?) 

Alright dude, thanks.

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16 hours ago, theliddtin said:


It takes some specific choices to get the Kust ending, I think you have to choose a few:


Confess and Returned the Money -- When Kust asks if he remembers you


Drink -> Have sex -> Confess/Truth -> Agree to have sex anyway


I think as long as you have those two, you can get it, but that's my anecdotal experience, not actual code hunting.


The couple on the first night for me were standing near the entrance to the Longhouse--they didn't move after paying the dancer.


I think the dancer has nothing to do with it, but that might mean it's random (or based on which day it is?) 

I don't know, do they mean the day of the week? I don't think so, because I still had it in the scene when I traveled back from Solitude to take the picture.

At most, it could be that it's triggered by a certain day and stays the same from then on.


However, I rather think that the mod counts the number of visits to the longhouse (or something similar) and it already started with me before I followed the thief to Falkreath. Since I have been to the longhouse several times to get the title of Thane.

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1 hour ago, tttdfsdfs said:

Is there any way to play it as a male character??? I'd really love that, even if some animations don't work well, it doesnt matter


You're only the second person who has ever asked for this.


Here's a patch I made years ago that should allow it to work - not sure if it's ever been tested by anyone.  The mod only checks for the PC being female at the very beginning of the mod, in two dialogs with the Stranger.


All of the dialog will continue to refer to a male PC as female - with girl parts - and basically all of the anims will be badly misaligned.

Dogma - Thief Patch - Male PC.esp

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15 minutes ago, brewmasterhal said:


You're only the second person who has ever asked for this.


Here's a patch I made years ago that should allow it to work - not sure if it's ever been tested by anyone.  The mod only checks for the PC being female at the very beginning of the mod, in two dialogs with the Stranger.


All of the dialog will continue to refer to a male PC as female - with girl parts - and basically all of the anims will be badly misaligned.

Dogma - Thief Patch - Male PC.esp 1.12 kB · 0 downloads

Thanks a lot!! you saved me,

i'm sorry to ask this but how do i make this work? i use mod organizer 

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10 hours ago, tttdfsdfs said:

i did check the box and all but it didnt work ;(



13 hours ago, brewmasterhal said:

The mod only checks for the PC being female at the very beginning of the mod, in two dialogs with the Stranger.


How about playing as a female character until the quest starts then showracemenu into a male character after? 

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8 hours ago, gkk11 said:



How about playing as a female character until the quest starts then showracemenu into a male character after? 

i tried that right away but that didnt work, even when the quest has started, if youre a male, dialogs stop showing up and scenes are stopped immediately ;(

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2 hours ago, Last_Light said:

Scheint einen Bug getroffen zu haben. Ich kam in Solitude an und fragte nach dem Dieb. Ich habe weit mehr als drei gefragt und jedes Mal bekomme ich die wiederholte Zeile "er ist wie ein Geist", aber egal wie viele Leute ich frage oder wie lange ich warte, ich werde nicht von den Wachen abgeholt.


Gibt es einen Befehl, mich einfach zu diesem Punkt zu zwingen?

What exactly did you do? Did you go in one of the "right" ways, i.e. not the bug through the main gate?


Normally one of the NPCs says "I'm heading to the tavern for some mead", then he goes to Castle Dour and comes out with the 2 guards added by Thief.


You can go to Castle Dour before you ask around and in the antechamber they should sit on the right. Solitude Guard and Solitude Archer. Maybe those two are missing.

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7 hours ago, Last_Light said:

Seem to have hit a bug. I got to Solitude and asked around for where the thief was. I asked way more than three and every time I do I get the repeated line of "he's like a ghost" yet no matter how many people I ask or how long I wait I don't get picked up by the guards.


Is there a command to just force myself to that point?


If you had promised to meet with Cooli (the porter) in the Winking Skeever, you could just make sure you've asked at least 1 person about the thief and then meet with Cooli to get interrupted

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48 minutes ago, sagar123 said:

is there anyway to experience be and the barb memory orb scene whithout the required choice... like i completed entire quest with cannal choice but dont wanna play entire quest again even with skip option... 


Just console command yourself the Retinentia potion after using the skip option, I'm pretty sure you don't need to go through the actual quest

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4 hours ago, theliddtin said:


Just console command yourself the Retinentia potion after using the skip option, I'm pretty sure you don't need to go through the actual quest

well actually tried that.. but scene freezes while waiting for argonian in room.. had to get outta Sunkwayplaying story normally and experienced it

Edited by sagar123
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On 25.8.2021 at 00:38, theliddtin said:


Es bedarf einiger spezifischer Entscheidungen, um das Kust-Ende zu erhalten, ich denke, Sie müssen ein paar auswählen:


Geständnis und Geld zurück – Als Kust fragt, ob er sich an dich erinnert


Trinken -> Sex haben -> Geständnis/Wahrheit -> Zustimmen, trotzdem Sex zu haben


Ich denke, solange Sie diese beiden haben, können Sie es bekommen, aber das ist meine anekdotische Erfahrung, nicht die eigentliche Codesuche.


Das Paar in der ersten Nacht für mich stand in der Nähe des Eingangs zum Langhaus – sie rührten sich nicht, nachdem sie die Tänzerin bezahlt hatten.


Ich denke, der Tänzer hat nichts damit zu tun, aber das könnte bedeuten, dass es zufällig ist (oder basierend auf welchem Tag es ist?) 

I have now tried the whole thing again on a new memory. The procedure is as follows:
1st day: the two stand to the left of the door and drink.
2nd day: the same
3rd day: the two stand to the left of the door and smooch.
4th day: see day 3
5th-7th day the two are in the card room and have sex - now you can achieve success
(8. With me a bug occurred - the two were in the map room and had sex - but were still CLOTHED)


@Braumeister if you want to put it in the walkthrough

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Just now, Horus_04 said:

Ich habe das Ganze jetzt nochmal an einem neuen Speicher probiert. Der Ablauf ist wie folgt:
1. Tag: Die beiden stehen links neben der Tür und trinken.
2. Tag: der gleiche
3. Tag: die beiden stehen links neben der Tür und knutschen.
4. Tag: siehe Tag 3
5.-7. Tag die beiden sind im Kartenraum und haben Sex - jetzt kann man Erfolge erzielen
(8. Bei mir ist ein Bug aufgetreten - die beiden waren im Kartenraum und hatten Sex - waren aber noch BEKLEIDET )


@ Braumeister wenn du es in die Komplettlösung einfügen möchtest

It seems to count how many times you enter the longhouse. However, the counter seems to run from the moment of installation and not the beginning of the quest line.

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Does anyone have the problem where you cannot interact with anything in the guest house and the door is entirely missing ?


Funny thing is that when I load an older version of the mod the issue is not there.


I know the scene can be skipped but I am curious if anyone else has encountered this problem.

Edited by craze
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On 8/29/2021 at 4:17 PM, sagar123 said:

is there anyway to experience be and the barb memory orb scene whithout the required choice... like i completed entire quest with cannal choice but dont wanna play entire quest again even with skip option... 

There is actually a way to do this, and it's listed in the FAQ.


These issues are caused by quest aliases not being set correctly.  Usually, this means that you did not make the choices while playing through the quest that would set the aliases.  However, even if you shouldn't normally be able to experience the memory, you can still use the console to make them work.

  1. Identify the correct quest, in this case hp_mem
  2. ssq hp_mem
  3. Identify the alias you want to update, usually via the sqv command
  4. sqv hp_mem
  5. The aliases are noted as REF and an identifier string, like REF 'Talen' or REF 'cap'
  6. Identify the refID of the character/object that you need to inject (19dc9 for Talen-Jei, XX013c94 for Stanius)
  7. prid 19dc9 or prid XX013c94 (if you can target the character with the console cursor, that's the same thing)
  8. Use ForceRefIntoAlias to update the alias
  9. ForceRefIntoAlias Talen

Make sure to do all of this console foo before initiating the memory by touching the orb.

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2 hours ago, craze said:

Does anyone have the problem where you cannot interact with anything in the guest house and the door is entirely missing ?


Funny thing is that when I load an older version of the mod the issue is not there.


I know the scene can be skipped but I am curious if anyone else has encountered this problem.


This might be a dumb thing to ask but is the new version on an old save with Thief? 


I will say the Guest room has been updated since its inception, along with a few bugs now that it's repeatable (but also capable of being done for the first time in that repeatable mode)

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On 8/16/2021 at 11:05 AM, disdain18 said:

Am I the only one experiencing this problem? I can overlook this for this version but I 'm very worried my issue is gonna persist with the next version. Anyone has any ideas on what could be messing with the sounds?


This is definitely reproducible with the current 1.0.8 version from the cave collapse in the Eldergleam sanctuary.


As far as I can tell, it seems like one of the dialogue lines is one of the moaning sounds and somehow gets cut off immediately, so that particular sound never plays again. Other moaning sounds are also gone.


I am not sure where it could happen outside of the Eldergleam, but I would recommend using the skip feature to zoom past killing Zoe to avoid that particular bug.

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