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FNIS Behavior V6.3 XXL   01/10/2017 20:09:42

Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)


squelettes femme: XPMS (242 os) homme: XPMS (242 os)

Pach: "GENDER Specific Animations"

Pach: "SKELETON Arm Fix"

Pach: * DServant's "Archery Gameplay Overhaul"

Pach: * tktk1's "TK Dodge / Ultimate Combat"


Installing FNIS PCEA2

Lecture 0Sex_0M2F_A V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_0MF_D V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_0MF_K V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_0MF_M V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_0MF_R V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_0MF_S V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_0MF_U V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_BB_A V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_BG_A V?.? ...

Lecture 0Sex_EMF_A V?.? ...

Lecture Amputator V6.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture AnimationsByLeito V1.0 ...

Lecture AnimationsByLeito_Aggressive V1.0 ...

Lecture AnimationsByMike24 V1.0 ...

Lecture Anubs Creature V1.0 ...

Lecture Anubs Human V1.0 ...

Lecture Bathing in Skyrim V?.? ...

Lecture BDanimations V0.8 ...

Lecture CombatFatigue V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture DarksAnimationPack V0.3 ...

Lecture Defeat V5  ( 0 furniture, 2 offset, 3 paired, 1 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture dftCreature V0.8 ...

Lecture dftHuman V0.8 ...

Lecture dftMiscAnimation V0.8  ( 9 furniture, 4 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture Evacuation V1.0 ...

Lecture FNISBase V6.3 ...

Lecture FNISCreatureVersion V5.3 ...

Lecture FNISSexyMove V6.1  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture FNISSpells V5.0.1  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture FNIS_PCEA2 V1.3  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture KateAnims V5.0.2  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 50 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture Leito V1.0 ...

Lecture Leito3some V1.0 ...

Lecture Mitos V1.0 ...

Lecture MNC V?.? ...

Lecture NibblesAnims V1.0 ...

Lecture NonSexLabAnimationPack V3.1 ...

Lecture OSA_Demo1 V?.? ...

Lecture RideSharing V1.00 ...

Lecture SexLab V1.62 ...

Lecture SexLabAroused V?.? ...

Lecture SexLabCreature V1.61 ...

Lecture skyrim romance animated V3.0 ...

Lecture Suke V1.0 ...

Lecture TKDodge V1.0 ...

Lecture trt_Evac V1.0 ...

Lecture TSC V0.6  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture ZaZAnimationPack V6.11  ( 26 furniture, 29 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 alternate animations) ...

Lecture znarokspack V1.0 ...

Lecture ZynischAnimations V?.? ...

Lecture _ESG_0ER_F V?.? ...

Lecture _ESG_0ER_M V?.? ...


Toutes les animations ont été scannées. Les fichiers de FNIS ont été générer ...

 46 Modifications du genre pour Animations\male

 76 Modifications du genre pour Animations\female

mt_behavior usage: 37,8 %   ( 35 furniture, 35 offset, 0 alternate animations)

0_master usage: 29,7 %   ( 62 paired, 1 kill animations)

Alternate Animation mods: 5 sets: 88 total groups: 169 added file slots: 2148 alternate files: 1192


Create Creature Behaviors ...

Lecture MNC V?.? ...

Lecture Anubs V1.0 ...

Lecture Anubs Creature V1.0 ...

Lecture NibblesAnims V1.0 ...

Lecture SexLabCreature V1.60 ...

Lecture Evacuation V1.0 ...

Lecture trt_Evac V1.0 ...

Lecture dft V?.? ...


 8969 animations for 52 mods successfully included (character)

 1628 animations for 8 mods and 38 creatures successfully included.


Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S0_0 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S0_1 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S0_2 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S1_0 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S1_1 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S1_2 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S2_0 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S2_1 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent 0Sx0M2F_DHJ-ParlorDHJO810A_S2_2 for character, mods 0Sex_0M2F_A and 0Sex_0M2F_A

Duplicate AnimEvent dft_dress_boots_F for character, mods dftMiscAnimation and dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile ..\..\..\..\0SA\mod\0Sex\anim\0M2F\Sy6Sy2Sy9\DHJ\GlamStroke\0Sx0M2F_DHJ-GlamStroke_S2_0.hkx for character, mod 0Sex_0M2F_A

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A1_S1_Cycle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A1_S2_Cycle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A2_S1_Cycle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A2_S2_Cycle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rubbing_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_Liorel_Ending_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_Liorel_Ending_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A1_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile stool_A2_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rsp_papper_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rsp_papper_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rsp_rock_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rsp_rock_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rsp_scissor_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile rsp_scissor_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile leito_sensual_dancing_1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_idle_knee_01.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_idle_knee_02.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_idle_knee_03.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_lod_al_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_lod_al_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_lod_al_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_lod_al_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oralAlt_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_oral_A2_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_anal_A2_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_intro_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_flaccid_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_flaccid_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_orgasm_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_dogma_riften_bar_minigame_orgasm_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_leito_rework_NCVagToAnal_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_leito_rework_NCVagToAnal_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_female_oral_male_sleep.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_male_sleep.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_table_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_table_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_table_A3_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A3_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A3_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_jarlgirls_A3_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_lod_fist_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_lod_fist_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S0.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A1_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S0.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_klq_chair_anal_A2_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_idle_openlegs_lookdown.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_idle_openlegs_lookleft.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_idle_openlegs_lookright.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_idle_closelegs_lookdown.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_idle_closelegs_lookleft.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_idle_closelegs_lookright.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S10.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S11.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A1_S12.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S10.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S11.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A2_S12.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A3_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A3_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A3_S9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A3_S10.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A3_S11.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_A3_S12.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_cycle_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A1_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A1_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_cycle_A2_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A2_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_fist_A3_S8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_def_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_Falkreathinn_chair_farmers_end_def_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female4.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female5.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female6.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female7.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female8.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female9.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female10.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female11.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female12.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female13.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female13_cycle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Female14.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Male1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Male2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Male3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_Male3_cycle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A1_S1.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A1_S2.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_cycle_A1_S2.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A1_S3.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_cycle_A1_S3.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A1_S4.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_cycle_A1_S4.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A2_S1.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A2_S2.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_cycle_A2_S2.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A2_S3.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_cycle_A2_S3.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_A2_S4.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFG_cycle_A2_S4.Hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FBJ_Cell_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FBJ_Cell_Cycle_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FBJ_Cell_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FBJ_Cell_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FBJ_Cell_A2_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile witch_enter.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile witch_exit.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_witch_outidle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile witch_idle01.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile witch_idle02.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile witch_idle03.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_witchdead_idle.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_witchdead_end.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile bd_witchforward.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_fjh_GuardBedIdle.HKX for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_ZCBL_A1_S1.HKX for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_ZCBL_A2_S1.HKX for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFEAL_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFEAL_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFEAL_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFEAL_A2_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile dogma_FFEAL_A3_S1.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile Dogma_WitchDemonIntro.hkx for character, mod BDanimations

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_2_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod dftCreature

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_2_A1_S2.hkx for character, mod dftCreature

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_2_A1_S3.hkx for character, mod dftCreature

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_re_cow_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_standing_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_69_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S1_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S2.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S2_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S3.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S3_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S4.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A1_S4_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S1_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S2.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S2_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S3.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S3_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S4.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A2_S4_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S1_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S2.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S2_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S3.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S3_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S4.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_Doggy_DP_A3_S4_Cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_anal_doggy_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_spooning_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_cowgirl_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_doggy_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_throne_cunnilingus_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_solo_female_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_solo_female_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_solo_female_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_solo_female_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_solo_female_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_f_solo_chair_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_f_solo_chair_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_f_solo_chair_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_f_solo_chair_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_f_solo_chair_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_doggy_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bed_anal_doggy_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj4_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a1_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a1_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a1_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a1_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a2_s1.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a2_s3.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a2_s4.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile leito_bj_a2_s5.hkx for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S1.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S1_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S2.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S2_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S3.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S3_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S4_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S5.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S5_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S6.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S6_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S7.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S7_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S8.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S9.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S10.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S10_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S11.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S1.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S1_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S2.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S2_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S3.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S3_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S4_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S5.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S5_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S6.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S6_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S7.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S7_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S8.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S9.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S10.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S10_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A2_S11.HKX for character, mod dftHuman

Missing AnimFile osa_DressHelmetF.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressGlovesF.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressPantsF.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressBootsM.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressPantyFixF.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressHelmetM.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressGlovesM.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile osa_DressPantsM.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dogma_Idle_AfterFuckDoggy01.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dogma_Idle_AfterFuckDoggy02.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dogma_Idle_AfterFuckDoggy03.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dft_idle_shy.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile zdi_undress.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dft_IdleSeeAroundAndSteal.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dft_IdleSeeAround.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dft_IdleSeeAround_cycle.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile standup.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile UpFromGround.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile standing_1_loop.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_squatting_start.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_squatting_loop.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_squatting_end.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_stripping_armor.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_stripping_robes.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_stripping_nonconsensual_victim.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_stripping_nonconsensual_aggressor.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_bend_over_s1.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_bend_over_s2.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_aroused_m_1.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_aroused_f_1.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_aroused_f_2.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile unequip_boots.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile unequip_chest.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile unequip_gloves.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile unequip_helmet.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_kissing_male_start_var_a1_s2.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile leito_kissing_male_start_var_a2_s2.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile ZazAPCAO304.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile ZazAPC008.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile lay_Front.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile lay_Back.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile DA_BlowJob_A1_S1_cycle.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dft_zdi_four.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dft_zdi_four_cycle.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile dogma_portal.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile Sidle1.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile Sidle2.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile Sidle3.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile Sidle4.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile Sidle5.HKX for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile ..\dftHuman\DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S1.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile ..\dftHuman\DarkInvestigations_BlowJob_A1_S1_cycle.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile doorbang.hkx for character, mod dftMiscAnimation

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_1_A2_S1.hkx for troll, mod dft

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_1_A2_S2.hkx for troll, mod dft

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_1_A2_S3.hkx for troll, mod dft

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_2_A2_S1.hkx for troll, mod dft

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_2_A2_S2.hkx for troll, mod dft

Missing AnimFile Panicforever_troll_2_A2_S3.hkx for troll, mod dft

 488 possible consistence issues





Make sure that you've installed Dogma's original mod correctly.  If so, there are a handful of warnings that are normal, and the mod still works perfectly.


Here's what my output looks like:





FNIS Behavior V6.3 XXL   9/11/2017 9:20:03 PM
Skyrim: - D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)
Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 
Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading 0Sex_0M2F_A V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_0MF_D V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_0MF_K V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_0MF_M V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_0MF_R V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_0MF_S V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_0MF_U V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_BB_A V?.? ...
Reading 0Sex_EMF_A V?.? ...
Reading BDanimations V0.8 ...
Reading dftCreature V0.8 ...
Reading dftHuman V0.8 ...
Reading dftMiscAnimation V0.8  ( 9 furniture, 4 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Reading dip V?.?  ( 0 furniture, 1 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
Reading FNISBase V6.3 ...
Reading FNISCreatureVersion V6.1 ...
Reading FNISSpells V5.0.1  ( 0 furniture, 0 offset, 9 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 0 alternate animations) ...
>>Warning: AnimationList found in  "Animations\FNIS_PCEA2", but no corresponding Behavior file. Incomplete mod IGNORED.<<
Reading zzEstrus V1.2  ( 0 furniture, 1 offset, 0 paired, 0 kill, 0 chair, 12 alternate animations) ...
Reading _ESG_0ER_F V?.? ...
Reading _ESG_0ER_M V?.? ...
All Anim Lists scanned. Generating Behavior Files ...
mt_behavior usage: 9.4 %   ( 9 furniture, 6 offset, 0 chair, 57 alternate animations)
0_master usage: 7.3 %   ( 9 paired, 0 kill, 27 alternate animations)
Alternate Animation mods: 1 sets: 4 total groups: 8 added file slots: 52 alternate files: 12
Create Creature Behaviors ...
Reading dip V?.? ...
Reading dft V?.? ...
 2907 animations for 20 mods successfully included (character)
 11 animations for 2 mods and 2 creatures successfully included.
 1 Warning(s).

Warnings can safely be ignored.  Errors will break the FNIS processing.
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the mod work butthere is strange think like my character don't have texte and the npcs don't make the animations when they should ?...


The "Missing AnimFile ...." is the cause why?


When you installed the original archive, from Dogma's blog, it contained a large number of behavior and animation files in the folders







as well as a .bsa archive, containing a bunch of other files.  You need all of these for the mod to build correctly.  It sounds like you somehow missed a few hundred of the animation files, but not the corresponding behaviors.  Re-download and reinstall the mod, then try again.


And yes, for this mod if the animations don't fire, or if for any reason certain conditions can't be met (if named characters are dead, for instance) then the scripts break and won't continue.  You'll get stuck very quickly.

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Hey everyone, I thought I'd share this with y'all, since the "official" English translation doesn't seem to be forthcoming...

Just replace your esp with this one.  You don't need to start a new game or make a clean save if you don't want to.


This is not a direct translation of the Russian text.  I don't have anything other than the google translated version to work from, so what I did instead was mark every line with ** at the beginning, then play through and change them all one-by-one as I found them, into something that makes sense.


I had three main goals with this.  Produce an English version that is not just understandable, but makes it clear both why the PC engages in these things and what the player should be doing.  Fill in some lore gaps, like how everyone swears by Oblivion when it makes more sense for them to swear by specific gods depending on the situation.  Make the characters act uniquely, so the old man talks in an aristocratic but crass way, and treats you as though you have no agency because you're beneath him.


There are 4158 lines in the mod, and as of now I've replaced all but 171 of them.  If you find anything while you're playing that starts with **, please PM me with the exact wording, and how you got there.  There are a few branches that I know I still need to check, but don't worry about spamming me with this.  Same if you find any lines that don't make sense, like if a character's accent suddenly changes in the middle of a scene, or if the dialog and action gets out of sync.  Hopefully I can release a version with every accessible line changed in a week or so, if you guys can help me track them all down.


thanks for the translation. I'll check it out later.

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I guess him giving the mod away to someone willing to finish it is out of the question. The best mods are always the ones being effed over :(

Someone asked him to open the source code of the scripts. This was his answer:


"1) I have not yet abandoned it, I just froze it. And there is a chance that someday I will return, albeit small)
2) And I'll be honest, I do not want anyone digging into it, or changing something, or continuing. This is my mod and let it remain mine. If someone has the appropriate skills, then better start your project."
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Hey everyone, I thought I'd share this with y'all, since the "official" English translation doesn't seem to be forthcoming...

Just replace your esp with this one.  You don't need to start a new game or make a clean save if you don't want to.


This is not a direct translation of the Russian text.  I don't have anything other than the google translated version to work from, so what I did instead was mark every line with ** at the beginning, then play through and change them all one-by-one as I found them, into something that makes sense.


I had three main goals with this.  Produce an English version that is not just understandable, but makes it clear both why the PC engages in these things and what the player should be doing.  Fill in some lore gaps, like how everyone swears by Oblivion when it makes more sense for them to swear by specific gods depending on the situation.  Make the characters act uniquely, so the old man talks in an aristocratic but crass way, and treats you as though you have no agency because you're beneath him.


There are 4158 lines in the mod, and as of now I've replaced all but 171 of them.  If you find anything while you're playing that starts with **, please PM me with the exact wording, and how you got there.  There are a few branches that I know I still need to check, but don't worry about spamming me with this.  Same if you find any lines that don't make sense, like if a character's accent suddenly changes in the middle of a scene, or if the dialog and action gets out of sync.  Hopefully I can release a version with every accessible line changed in a week or so, if you guys can help me track them all down.


Quoting myself to make sure nobody misses the notes about PMing me if you find stuff that I've missed.


First update: I'm down to 152 lines that I haven't replaced.  Also made a handful of changes to existing lines to correct some logical problems.  Fixed some model and texture issues (Lod's face and hands aren't weird anymore, hurray!)


You can use a mod manager, or just dump the contents of the zip into your skyrim\data\ folder.  If there are any new issues with textures being weird, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do (probably forgot a file when I was making the zip).

Dogma - Thief English.zip

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Bad news from Dogma. :(  (translated by Google)


The future of "Thieves".
"Looking back, and figuring out how much time I spent in the UK, I realized that I spent too much time on this hobby.  :) This is in short.
I've been doing this for about 2 years, not counting the time when I was training and creating tools. I did not originally plan such a long mod, but what was there, it was an experiment in general. Yes, maybe someone would have done faster, but I'm working so hard, I'm trying to achieve the most accurate implementation of my idea, polishing every scene until it finds the form that I try to give to it, it requires constant re- running and testing, dozens of test runs ... the same scene ... it's quite tiring. And Skyrim's engine likes to put footboards in unexpected places, as a result, we have to look for workarounds, because often there is already a lot of things done and give up one detail = cross out all the work. I no longer consider those moments when something does not want to work at all, and you search for the whole day, now can already and not so often this happens, basically it was when I just mastered the UK, but still it happens. But the most terrible thing is grinding ... and searching for bugs. This is what I do not like to do, but I have to. It took more than a month to catch the bugs of the last update, if you played in the earliest version, you would not exactly thank me and probably would not get any pleasure, but this is the price of nonlinear scripts, it's very difficult for one to test everything and take into account .
I think you have already understood what I'm going to-now I look forward and understand that at the end of the mod, it will take me at least a year and a half more (at the best, if I have free time). And I can not break the last part into pieces. Honestly, I do not want to take on a job that I can not finish. To all other things, there are dissatisfied people who require something to be altered or taken away, something that you spent weeks or months, somehow does not give motivation). Of course there are people who like the mod, and there are many more), but to complete the mod, it takes more time than version 0.8, and I'm not sure that I'm ready to make such a sacrifice. I am now inclined to suspend the development of the continuation for an indefinite period. I missed a whole bunch of games while I was doing the last update, because almost all the free time that I could spend at the computer I was spending on the mod. Perhaps it will be some time, and I will still find the motivation to continue, but I will do it very slowly, and may someday finish it, but it will be very, very not soon, and I promise nothing. I estimate the chance of this event at about 1% :) I am writing this right away so that people do not wait for what is most likely not going to happen.
Just do not think that this is some kind of decision in the heat, or something like that, no, I was even bent on testing this option during the beta test.
Yes, "Thieves" gets membership in the club of unfinished mods, but I believe that there is already a bit of content in the fashion, and I made my contribution to the modest yet)"

Thank you for playing in my mod.
For English-speaking players - 
The English translation ( v 0.8) will be ready as soon as the translators throw off the translation files. But I still can not give any specific dates.
The English translation (v 0.8) will be ready as soon as the translators. But I still can not give any specific dates.


Thanks for letting us know.


It's is a shame that Thief ends up dying like Dark Investigations or Get Stripped did but it's understandable. I am thankful for what we got, Dogma's mod entertained me for hours for free and he deserves all the credit for it.


Hey everyone, I thought I'd share this with y'all, since the "official" English translation doesn't seem to be forthcoming...

Just replace your esp with this one.  You don't need to start a new game or make a clean save if you don't want to.


This is not a direct translation of the Russian text.  I don't have anything other than the google translated version to work from, so what I did instead was mark every line with ** at the beginning, then play through and change them all one-by-one as I found them, into something that makes sense.


I had three main goals with this.  Produce an English version that is not just understandable, but makes it clear both why the PC engages in these things and what the player should be doing.  Fill in some lore gaps, like how everyone swears by Oblivion when it makes more sense for them to swear by specific gods depending on the situation.  Make the characters act uniquely, so the old man talks in an aristocratic but crass way, and treats you as though you have no agency because you're beneath him.


There are 4158 lines in the mod, and as of now I've replaced all but 171 of them.  If you find anything while you're playing that starts with **, please PM me with the exact wording, and how you got there.  There are a few branches that I know I still need to check, but don't worry about spamming me with this.  Same if you find any lines that don't make sense, like if a character's accent suddenly changes in the middle of a scene, or if the dialog and action gets out of sync.  Hopefully I can release a version with every accessible line changed in a week or so, if you guys can help me track them all down.


You are the best!

I guess him giving the mod away to someone willing to finish it is out of the question. The best mods are always the ones being effed over :(

Not all of them. The guy behind Dark Investigations for example stated that others could pick it up from were he left it if I remember that right.

Looks like no one did that though.

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Hey everyone, I thought I'd share this with y'all, since the "official" English translation doesn't seem to be forthcoming...

Just replace your esp with this one.  You don't need to start a new game or make a clean save if you don't want to.


This is not a direct translation of the Russian text.  I don't have anything other than the google translated version to work from, so what I did instead was mark every line with ** at the beginning, then play through and change them all one-by-one as I found them, into something that makes sense.


I had three main goals with this.  Produce an English version that is not just understandable, but makes it clear both why the PC engages in these things and what the player should be doing.  Fill in some lore gaps, like how everyone swears by Oblivion when it makes more sense for them to swear by specific gods depending on the situation.  Make the characters act uniquely, so the old man talks in an aristocratic but crass way, and treats you as though you have no agency because you're beneath him.


There are 4158 lines in the mod, and as of now I've replaced all but 171 of them.  If you find anything while you're playing that starts with **, please PM me with the exact wording, and how you got there.  There are a few branches that I know I still need to check, but don't worry about spamming me with this.  Same if you find any lines that don't make sense, like if a character's accent suddenly changes in the middle of a scene, or if the dialog and action gets out of sync.  Hopefully I can release a version with every accessible line changed in a week or so, if you guys can help me track them all down.


Quoting myself to make sure nobody misses the notes about PMing me if you find stuff that I've missed.


First update: I'm down to 152 lines that I haven't replaced.  Also made a handful of changes to existing lines to correct some logical problems.  Fixed some model and texture issues (Lod's face and hands aren't weird anymore, hurray!)


You can use a mod manager, or just dump the contents of the zip into your skyrim\data\ folder.  If there are any new issues with textures being weird, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do (probably forgot a file when I was making the zip).



Is the MSM Menu on your to-do list as well? Because I only ever see placeholders and weird signs there.




I have an issue were the game freezes once I write down the report for the guard captain waaay in the beginning as soona s the animation should play.

I don't have any missing animations or warnings according to FNIS and it did work with the last version.

Kinda like the problem many, including myself, had with entering the Jail. In that case: Trying it until it worked... well, worked.


But here nothing helps.


I... :


... deinstalled Prison Overhaul.

... turned off every autosave feature.

... turned off every option in the Dogma MCM. I couldn't read it so... yeah.

... cleaned the save.

... reinstalled the mod & translation.

... ran FNIS every time (duh).

... did a clean save before reinstalling.


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Is the MSM Menu on your to-do list as well? Because I only ever see placeholders and weird signs there.




I have an issue were the game freezes once I write down the report for the guard captain waaay in the beginning as soona s the animation should play.

I don't have any missing animations or warnings according to FNIS and it did work with the last version.

Kinda like the problem many, including myself, had with entering the Jail. In that case: Trying it until it worked... well, worked.


But here nothing helps.


I... :


... deinstalled Prison Overhaul.

... turned off every autosave feature.

... turned off every option in the Dogma MCM. I couldn't read it so... yeah.

... cleaned the save.

... reinstalled the mod & translation.

... ran FNIS every time (duh).

... did a clean save before reinstalling.




Yes, I'll update the menu files probably later today.  The problem is that they're a pain in the butt to work with.


In the update for v0.8.1, Dogma said that you have to use a save that has never had the mod installed.  Not a clean save, which doesn't work, but never installed before.  If you don't, for whatever reason it loses the MCM menu and you can't access it.  For me, that means if I make any changes to that file, I have to play through the entire mod again to make sure it worked.


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Hey everyone, I thought I'd share this with y'all, since the "official" English translation doesn't seem to be forthcoming...

Just replace your esp with this one.  You don't need to start a new game or make a clean save if you don't want to.


This is not a direct translation of the Russian text.  I don't have anything other than the google translated version to work from, so what I did instead was mark every line with ** at the beginning, then play through and change them all one-by-one as I found them, into something that makes sense.


I had three main goals with this.  Produce an English version that is not just understandable, but makes it clear both why the PC engages in these things and what the player should be doing.  Fill in some lore gaps, like how everyone swears by Oblivion when it makes more sense for them to swear by specific gods depending on the situation.  Make the characters act uniquely, so the old man talks in an aristocratic but crass way, and treats you as though you have no agency because you're beneath him.


There are 4158 lines in the mod, and as of now I've replaced all but 171 of them.  If you find anything while you're playing that starts with **, please PM me with the exact wording, and how you got there.  There are a few branches that I know I still need to check, but don't worry about spamming me with this.  Same if you find any lines that don't make sense, like if a character's accent suddenly changes in the middle of a scene, or if the dialog and action gets out of sync.  Hopefully I can release a version with every accessible line changed in a week or so, if you guys can help me track them all down.


Quoting myself to make sure nobody misses the notes about PMing me if you find stuff that I've missed.


First update: I'm down to 152 lines that I haven't replaced.  Also made a handful of changes to existing lines to correct some logical problems.  Fixed some model and texture issues (Lod's face and hands aren't weird anymore, hurray!)


You can use a mod manager, or just dump the contents of the zip into your skyrim\data\ folder.  If there are any new issues with textures being weird, drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do (probably forgot a file when I was making the zip).



Youuuu little star you <3

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Is the MSM Menu on your to-do list as well? Because I only ever see placeholders and weird signs there.



Here's a preliminary interface translation.  It goes in Skyrim\Data\Interface\Translations\


Note that the achievements will probably not display correctly, you'll just get blank strings.  I'm working on figuring out how these are pulled from the txt file.


Also note that the MCM menu will only update with the correct strings if you start from a save that has never had the mod active before, not just a clean save.  This will probably always be true, for any updates to the MCM menu portion of the mod.


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fix unpack the bsa files in the data!


Thanks! I'll try that. But shouldn't NMM do that by itself when installing? I mean it worked the first time.

Let's see how it goes!



Is the MSM Menu on your to-do list as well? Because I only ever see placeholders and weird signs there.




I have an issue were the game freezes once I write down the report for the guard captain waaay in the beginning as soona s the animation should play.

I don't have any missing animations or warnings according to FNIS and it did work with the last version.

Kinda like the problem many, including myself, had with entering the Jail. In that case: Trying it until it worked... well, worked.


But here nothing helps.


I... :


... deinstalled Prison Overhaul.

... turned off every autosave feature.

... turned off every option in the Dogma MCM. I couldn't read it so... yeah.

... cleaned the save.

... reinstalled the mod & translation.

... ran FNIS every time (duh).

... did a clean save before reinstalling.




Yes, I'll update the menu files probably later today.  The problem is that they're a pain in the butt to work with.


In the update for v0.8.1, Dogma said that you have to use a save that has never had the mod installed.  Not a clean save, which doesn't work, but never installed before.  If you don't, for whatever reason it loses the MCM menu and you can't access it.  For me, that means if I make any changes to that file, I have to play through the entire mod again to make sure it worked.


Cool, I'll wait for your final updates then. Barely have any time to play anyway.


And: That save should be free of the Mod but I'll try an older version if COLOCO's solution doens't work.

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I have a problem with Kust. I stole his shovel and gave his money back, but after two drinks my char said that it is enough for her and he goes away. Do i miss something?

I think you don't have enough karma.






It's 60 to do him after the third drink (not sure this is used, maybe only in specific circumstances)

75 to do him after the second drink

90 to do him after the first drink or without drinking at all, after the first night


You can check your karma level by opening the console and entering sqv bd_mq

Then use page-up to scroll up until you get to the variable ::Lust_var




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Hmmm, when I click on Jarl's Longhouse nothing happens. The door isn't locked, just nothing happens and no triggers. I skipped through it all to the new content and I can enter the Longhouse before I skip. Any ideas? 


It's a glitch that I've experienced a few times.  Just open the console and enter startquest hp_falkreathjarlhousequest


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Hmmm, when I click on Jarl's Longhouse nothing happens. The door isn't locked, just nothing happens and no triggers. I skipped through it all to the new content and I can enter the Longhouse before I skip. Any ideas? 

Actually I got this before when I installed 0.8 and used save game 0.7 to skip quests. I had to do a fresh new start to fix.

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can i have alternate download link, please? for whatever reason, the existing download links freeze at certain point, no matter what i try. Only for this mod- i've tested pretty much everything i can think of and i cant seem to find other reason than this particular link doesnt like something.

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can i have alternate download link, please? for whatever reason, the existing download links freeze at certain point, no matter what i try. Only for this mod- i've tested pretty much everything i can think of and i cant seem to find other reason than this particular link doesnt like something.


Alternate download link for what?  The original mods files, translation files?


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