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Force/weight physics for furniture - a thing?


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Having looked at Realistic Ragdolls and Force, they use a mesh and esp file.

I have no idea what the esp file changes as I'm not familiar with pinpointing what a mod changes in it.


Thinking of that brings me to this question...


Realistic Ragdolls and Force uses character meshes but, every object also has a mesh.

Is it also possible to enable this on other objects besides characters? Like furniture for example.


Thinking of The Skyrim Licensed Universal Transport Service mod, being able to set furniture to have some sort of weight would fix issues of carriage carts rag dolling all over the place when they're ran into.


Considering it's this late in the game's lifetime and such a change doesn't exist, is this not possible?

If so, what are the restrictions behind it?


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there are numerous notes in the ck wiki and the papyrus source, especially surrounding carts, where the devs were like "we tried to do this real and then the cart exploded and my mother died  so now we are doing this hack instead"


have you ever noticed that sometimes when you walk over a loose item it will flip shit and somehow manage to damage you? i imagine that is the main reason things dont weigh much, so you dont get one shot by a wooden plate.


havok is dumb. and they know that. just dont care.

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