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how to add items and devices to your own house ? ( if there's no mod for this. then some creation kit tips will help ^^ )


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i decided to delete all my mods and make a fresh start,
took me 3 days just to get all the mods that i want for my normal playthrough ( 204 mods in total :-/  )
but since i'm modding skyrim for 3 year i have a better understanding for mods right now ( i said "better understanding" so yeah i only know how to install mods and make them work probably , and how to use some programs. but how to create mods , animations and clothes Nope.. i have no clue for that yet )


yesterday i came accross some mods that i never thought using them becasue i didn't understand the basics of them back then.
the idea is that there's a lot of mods here and everyone have its own way to introduce the items , devices and animations  to the game , so you won't be seeing your favorite devices all in one place..


what i want to do is using a big house and add items such as

-zaz , Devious Devices , cages and cells , more lights to the house

-add npc's and assigen  them to use a device  , stay in a room , walk around ,etc...

so how can i do all of that ?
and if its only done by creation kit then from when should i start ? ( which part of creation kit guides should i focus on ? )



a good mod i saw is - Jaxonz Positioner - it allows you to move objects that are already in the game and do what ever you want with them.

but i didn't  find any mod that let you add devices form your mods !


I think as long as you know the devices ID, you can spawn them on your own and move them anywhere with Jaxonz positioner, I do that all the time with Milkers from the Milk Mod. As for lights, found a pretty nice mod for darker houses, allows you to craft a torch holder (torch sconce?) with a iron bar. It holds a regular torch and provides light to the extent of whatever torch settings (could be brighter with mods or darker). Then use Jaxonz positioner to put the sconce anywhere. As for everything else, well for NPCs, use DIsplay Model, found here. Can charm any NPC with a spell, position them in various cages, chains, bindings, positions etc and they will remain that way. It comes with many of Zaz's various devices, like the X rack, stockade, hung from ceiling by wrists or feet etc etc. Think its pretty much what you want for 75% of what you had in mind.

Display Model is right here. http://www.loverslab.com/files/file/1255-ill-take-the-display-model/


As Neodarkside said, Jaxonz Positioner is basically all you need to furnish your home.

You can also use it to add new light sources and even make existing light sources visible, select and modify (move, duplicate, delete) them.


Positioner is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/?


Just make sure to read the documentation and MCM info carefully, especially the parts about using the "pcb" command to prevent locked down pickable items (food, table settings etc.) from flying around after reloading the cell.


When modifying vanilla player homes such as Breezehome, be careful with other console commands. For instance, much of the original clutter/trash items in the basic Breezehome cannot be disabled by console, but you can use Positioner to simply move them beyond the interior walls to clear up the space.


I usually combine Positioner with three other very helpful mods.


The first is Spawnable Book Shelves, which does what it says on the tin and adds invisible book shelf markers to your inventory that you can place anywhere in the game world. Those shelves can be used for books, ingots, ore, scrolls, paragon eggs and bug jars.


Another recommendation would be Hearthfire Extended, which adds Carpenters Benches as crafting stations where you can craft all kinds of standard furniture (beds, tables, shelves, cupboards, etc.) using Hearthfire's Sawn Logs and some other base materials (ingots, nails etc.). The crafted items will be placed in your inventory and you can then drop them in your home, so basically you can expand the Hearthfire home furnishing system to any home, cave, fort, where ever. A very immersive way to furnish your home.


And finally, an in my opinion quite invaluable mod is AddItemMenu, which you can use to browse your other mods items in a neat inventory menu so you won't have to scroll through endless console pages to find.



you  don't need ck


you need Jaxonz Positioner by Jaxonz


you need  id number of item  or item in mod


and then


use console     player.placeatme xx000000 1









i need throne for my home


player.placeatme 00107355 1  and use  Jaxonz Positioner by Jaxonz




in game  use console and click to item you can know to id item




sorry for my english


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