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Japanese Modders breakthroughs in animation/sex mods


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wouldn't you all agree that the best setting for rape would be when fighting an opponent and you get them to their submission crouch? They are dead after only one hit after that. It would be cool to rape them to death.

Nice avatar ;) And I'm totally agreeing, even if I would prefer them to stay alive after that (and disappear... Since there already is a mod for fleeing ennemies and they keep walking around, naked, neutral, etc. Bleh, it creates quickly a strange mess).


Oh, and... Why our character is the only one who never crouchs in submission ? Eh ? I would gladly accept this penalty during the fights. You could still drink potion but couldn't cast any spell nor move. And... Well, would be a perfect moment for males to abuse the situation. ;) Anyway, that's surely not the right place to discuss about that ! *big grin*

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@ realhydra : I've the same problem. It plays vanilla's FNIS animations instead. I tried to empty the folders' date=' patched with the FNIS's tool, etc but didn't change anything.


I tried to start with a new game with no mods

and place only SKSE,FNI,AnimObject Ero motion

and it's still the same


anyone has the same problem?

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anyone has the same problem?


Any one of these google searches would get you the solution within seconds:

"animobjects vanilla animation"

"animobjects fnis 3.0"

"animobjects waving"

"animobjects does nothing"

"animobjects doesn't do anything"


I appreciate your efforts to troubleshoot on your own, but please try to also search before asking about an clear, easily-reproduced problem that has probably been asked and answered multiple times already.

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When you don't know what is the reason of a problem, it's quite harder to find the solution.


Thank YOU a lot, omgyourmom. With your link and the "diplomatic" comment from arsenic, now, I understand what I have to do. Much appreciated ! :)



It should be noted on the main page with the download links... It would avoid dumb people like realhydra and me to ask the same question again and again.

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many thanks to arsenic20 and omgyourmom :D


everythis will be solve by the download omgyourmom offer


I finally realized the problem

It's the change of folder naming of FNI3+ cause this problem


the old version of the animation spell is at


but the new one is



well.. this is all for someone as dumb as me :P

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I was just wondering if there is anyone who had trouble in the past with the Lovers hotkeys not working (G, Y etc.) that got it to work? If so, how did you fix it? Even after several weeks of trying and downloading new versions, I am hitting a wall. I got Skyrim 1.7.7, the only option I can think of right now is completely removing and reinstalling the game...

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Oh' date=' and... Why our character is the only one who never crouchs in submission ? Eh ? I would gladly accept this penalty during the fights.



With the mod "essential player" the PC does go into submission (but only for a short period of time, and I think it activates on death, not on low health).

So the submission thing should be possible to mod... At least I think, I'm not a modder. ^^



Anyway, I read about you guys saying something about savegame-bloathing.... I don't seem to have that problem at all o_O

I haven't done any combatrape-testing (since it's 10AM and I still havent gotten any sleep) but simply raping a few people in Solitude doesn't have any effect on the filesize of my save... in fact,it's even 108kb lighter, but I doubt that's because of the mod. ^^

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I tried out the Ero Motion and I have to say the animations are great. As they're pretty much done, could it be possible to add them to Mini Lovers somehow?

Also, I'm trying to force the FNIS spells .esp to use all of them as cyclic animations with AnimObjects either changing the b1-b9 set to cyclic or adding more options to the o set :).

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First off love this "mini" lovers! Has made skyrim one of the best Ero games out there :) I love the animations and this board has made it so easy to get running right. Thanks for that big time. I was wondering how hard it would be to get mouth movement like AP has? Minilovers is 10x better then AP but i do like the mouth movement in AP. Keep up the good work!



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Don't know whether it has been mentioned already, but I managed to get all of the Ero Motions animations to work alongside in the o1-o9 slots and b1-b7 slots. It's actually super simple.


All you have to do is:


- rename the animations within the AnimObjects Ero Motion 1.7 folder so that they match the appropriate animations from the b1-b7 and o1-o9 in FNIS Spells.

- replace the original FNIS Spells animations with the Ero Motion ones

- go to FNIS_FNISSpells.txt and set the b1-b7 animations as cyclic (remove the non-cyclic tag -a as for the o1-o9 animations)

- save the file

- go to GenerateFNISforModders and run it

- as the source of your mod's animations select the FNIS_FNISSpells.txt file

- click "Generate"

- it's done, enjoy the animations! :)



If my post hasn't been helpful at all and it has been mentioned several times, just ignore it :P.

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It appears that the random rapes only work for M/F pairings. Does anyone know what I would have to change to enable other pairings?


Well, when I had set it to Madness, I noticed men raping men as well. Just not that often - only incidentally. I've not seen F/F pairings though.

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Don't know whether it has been mentioned already' date=' but I managed to get all of the Ero Motions animations to work alongside in the o1-o9 slots and b1-b7 slots. It's actually super simple.


All you have to do is:


- rename the animations within the AnimObjects Ero Motion 1.7 folder so that they match the appropriate animations from the b1-b7 and o1-o9 in FNIS Spells.

- replace the original FNIS Spells animations with the Ero Motion ones

- go to FNIS_FNISSpells.txt and set the b1-b7 animations as cyclic (remove the non-cyclic tag -a as for the o1-o9 animations)

- save the file

- go to GenerateFNISforModders and run it

- as the source of your mod's animations select the FNIS_FNISSpells.txt file

- click "Generate"

- it's done, enjoy the animations! :)



If my post hasn't been helpful at all and it has been mentioned several times, just ignore it :P.



I completely missed it if it was mentioned before. :s

I'll try that later, +kudos.

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Is it just with me or do male NPCs tend to crouch (and walk crouched) when looking for 'sexy time partners' when the random rape setting is set at "Madness"?


They do indeed do that on all the settings.

It's just that on "Seldom" they never pursue like on the other settings. On "Seldom" they just sit there crouched like they're taking a dump for minutes on end.

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OK I have minilovers installed and it works the way I want it to. I just have two questions:


Reversing positions only works with the LShift Key, not RShift. how do I change that?

After completing an animation, the NPC takes on a pale green glow. Not in a "glitch" way, more in a "buff/Debuff" way. I'm just curious exactly what it is, what it does, and how long it lasts.

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It appears that the random rapes only work for M/F pairings. Does anyone know what I would have to change to enable other pairings?


post 62 from http://2ch.hork.info/res/pele.bbspink.com/pinkcafe/1345970409


google translation===================================




Bug fixes and exclusions PC / follower. Below please Random Rape Setting.

I put a guide of resources that are then used as the value set internally.


Coupling method, but I thought when you create a function incidental, as the combination

Man man, woman woman, man woman → follower → PC, follower → NPC, enemy follower →, × follower follower, husband and wife, lovers priority, relatives exclusion, priority and priority assailant acquaintance, and eliminate priority in the same faction, eliminate guards under × Grand Poobah people Yes No

Settings was likely to increase by nearly 10 or vice versa or without Uho, or no-extra-fewer, just touch to it there is around, sex is especially lilies.

I gave up however, since it would be too cumbersome to death also set to make it work for now dialog system.

Become society no contraindications discrimination at the center straight so far.

Pair "do not want to see I want to see that this is" the setting is becoming increasing number of fine is tough.

I personally agree with the action without stochastic model the real world is processing a crime want to do.


If you want to do anyway Uho lily, and line 97 of MLARaperQuest MLARaperQuestScript at CK

Line 29 of the script aaaSandboxActor MLAPlayer of Quest Alias ​​of MLAQuest,

sex determination is lost or if you (true) if elseIf or (true) respectively elseIf the () if () and."



========================================== end translation


FYI, the script in in the bsa. I tried to edit it but the instructions from the post in a bit vague. Somethings lost in translation O_o

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Somethings lost in translation O_o

That's something of an understatement ... :)


Anyway, line 78 (not 79) of MLARaperQuestScript has this test:


elseIf (guys[indexL].getActorRef().getLeveledActorBase().getSex() + mate.getLeveledActorBase().getSex() == 1)


If it's all males in in the "guys" array, the part before the + will be 1 so mate.getLeveledActorBase().getSex() will have to return 0 for this to be true. This is equivalent of asking if "mate" is female. So that block and the companion "else" block are making sure the genders are different between the two parties.


I'm not sure why aaaSandboxActor is mentioned. Line 28 (assuming off by one like the other script) is just casting the rape spell.

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