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Missing/ridiculous female texture glitch/problem/idk (HELP ME) (Cries)


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The problem is pretty straight forward. See the photos.


Her skin and such is fine, and then suddenly, at random, I don't know why, it does this...


And stays like this.


And saving locks it in.


To go back every time this randomly happens is ridiculous.


If anyone has had this problem or knows what causes it, god bless you for reading this and any help is appreciated.


Modlist and loadorder are included.


In modlist.txt:

+ = used

- = not used

Bottom of this list is 1st mod in the installation order, top is the last.

I am using mod organizer.


To simplify this perhaps, I'll just name some of the female mods I'm using.

Top is first in install order, bottom is last.





clams of skyrim

body options CBBE



Note there is NSFW content in the photos.

Anatomy, nothing sexual.






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click on the npc in the console, go to equipement, then his armor

load tesedit and go to the armor id

open the nif, and compare nitrishape with a nif from the skyrim esm (those ones are good)


have vertex color to yes, have normal to no, something like that

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I feel like there isn't a solid answer on it. Lol It affects ALL female characters when it happens though. I will try opening showracemenu and making a female character and then closing it. (It probably won't work I'm guessing; I will try this though just incase because I feel like that should do it if there's just a simple fix like that).


Running out of memory might cause this??? What do you mean? Explain that please. I have 8gb of vram. I am playing with an R9 390. I have A LOT of texture mods, yeah... Non of them are over 2k I'm pretty sure. Some might be 4k, like 1 or 2 things. I do have a custom ENB, it's not on max settings though, and it takes a lot less memory than a lot of the ones I've used.


I think reinstalling CBBE is a good shot, so I will try that. I don't know if that will cause other problems though with the HDT vagina mod and such... I hope not. I hope there's a repair method that won't fuck up my game and my load order. Lol

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Did you run TexBlend on your textures (Body Options)?

I'm not sure of the stability of that rather old tool.


What you're seeing is the engine not loading or being able to load mipmaps from the body texture.

Either because they don't exist, or because you're running out of memory (not necessarily your GPU, but the engine).

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