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WickedWhims v180b [2024-06-08]

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First thing first, many thanks B10HAZARD, for sharing me the file. Valar Doheris

And yes, I am using cracked game, as I heard from a friend of mine using these mods (WW and Basemental) on original game with origin account can cause ban.  So ye, I'm not denying using cracked version, but I don't see why is that a problem. 

However eversince that I got the current version, it detects the new WW mode, but I have a last exception flood and the mode features doesn't want to work. I ran it on a last exception assistant and I would like to ask if anyone know how can I fix the following errors, I mean which modes do I have to update. 
and also a colonnutty mod warning, however I don't have CN files, maybe just an animation pack (which is human pack. I don't have WP).

Edit: In the game the if I click on something and choose the WW no interatcions show, only the settings and I can't open it.

Edited by TheXForce
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58 minutes ago, TheXForce said:

First thing first, many thanks B10HAZARD, for sharing me the file. Valar Doheris

And yes, I am using cracked game, as I heard from a friend of mine using these mods (WW and Basemental) on original game with origin account can cause ban.  So ye, I'm not denying using cracked version, but I don't see why is that a problem. 

However eversince that I got the current version, it detects the new WW mode, but I have a last exception flood and the mode features doesn't want to work. I ran it on a last exception assistant and I would like to ask if anyone know how can I fix the following errors, I mean which modes do I have to update. 
and also a colonnutty mod warning, however I don't have CN files, maybe just an animation pack (which is human pack. I don't have WP).

Edit: In the game the if I click on something and choose the WW no interatcions show, only the settings and I can't open it.

1- Nobody in Origin or EA is going to ban you for using ww. You could be banned for using other kind of adult stuff in sims 4, but not ww. In fact, it is more likely that you get banned for using a pirated game than for using any mod out there, so not a very good reason to use a pirate game. 

2- There is no support for cracked games in LL. Please, take a look at Community rules: 


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6 hours ago, Sandatharius said:



You have completely missed the point I was trying to make. You CAN'T own a copy of the game AT ALL through legitimate means in the first place if EA (or any other game maker with any other game for that matter) can simply ban you from playing it whenever they want for whatever reason they want or otherwise do things to the product after the fact that make it so that you can't enjoy it as you see fit. That's NOT owning something that's leasing something, and when you lease anything you don't actually OWN it (which is why the actual owner or the government or whatever can then legally have a bunch of hired goons come in and take that thing, if it is a tangible thing, from you for violating the contract or being late on the payments.. but I digress). When anyone pirates something digitally they are basically saying, "fuck your contract, fuck your terms and conditions and any 'fine print' that may be contained there in, but above all else and most importantly, FUCK your methods of control", it's being able to click that little "Disagree" or "No Thanks" button at the bottom of that little contract window when you first go to install the game (figuratively speaking) and having the game/product install anyway. It is actual freedom of choice.


Ultimately digital piracy is a monster of "their" own making for it is not just a monetary issue but above all a SERVICE issue, it is a form of competition that can be diminished simply by doing things like NOT price gouging, or deliberately pissing off your customer base by knowingly selling them unfinished products at full price so you can then sell them the rest later on, or reskinning old content, leaving some of the same bugs in as before, and then selling it as new again, or messing around with something you already sold to a customer so that they can't enjoy it they way they see fit (whether that be through intrusive DRM or whatever laughably pointless nonsense).


Don't get me wrong, I do see the necessity for something like copyright to exist, but when something that is intended for protection is instead being exploited as a legal means to have manipulative control over a customer base, that's were the line should be drawn, and just before and not after.



The thing creators should understand about anything digital is that once it is put out in public cyber space where it can be copied and shared and what have you they then loose ownership of the thing they created by default, it's out there, and it is only through (yes diligence but most importantly) mutual respect that the creator's wishes are upheld (you know, respect being something that is generally earned and maintained). However if that creator chooses to disrespect their user base for whatever reason, they should expect to be "disrespected" in return, it's only fair.


Going back to EA in particular, their main source of income these days is not their games or the DLC they sell to go with them but the loot boxes they cram into them wherever or whenever possible. It's why they don't really care about the quality of their work anymore, as long as there are people out there who are willing to spend huge amounts of money on it the product is a success, no matter how bad the product actually is. Which while I'm here, the whole thing about "presumed loss" is 100% doodoo kaká, and it's crap because it presumes that if the person in question did not have an alternative way to get the product in question for free that they would have bought the product in the first place, at which point then leaves the question in the hands of the potential consumer who is probably always going to answer "no" which would mean that in any case NO exchange of money would have taken place in the first place meaning a total net income of zero, or basically it's like making the argument that if you divided by zero enough times surely one of those times would net something other than zero as an answer, that's how stupid that presumption is.


Anyway, I will get off my topic derailing soap box now.

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4 hours ago, TheXForce said:

And yes, I am using cracked game, as I heard from a friend of mine using these mods (WW and Basemental) on original game with origin account can cause ban.  So ye,

Zee Internet. and the legend is born.

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13 hours ago, babuchas said:

Something like the 3 breasted alien hooker in Total Recall? Thats a classic ?




no, tho cool, i was thinking more another set of two under the original. so 2 on top of 2. ummm only place i saw it was in the 90's in Penthouse Comix! there was a superhero trying to save alien abductees. turned out they were hot 4 breasted green skinned chics who liked to fuck human men. fun stuff. when they got off they would blow spit bubbles! lol

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I've noticed that the issue with Sims not looking at what they're doing on the computer screen, for example, and instead look to one side, is still an issue. Seems to be the only place I've noticed it happening, anyway. Wicked Whims doesn't seem to be affected. However, I have noticed that if sex is happening and the bed is chosen to move the action to, the first time, everyone sinks or clips into the bed. However, once you move on to a new animation using the bed, it corrects itself and works the way it's supposed to. Moving to other furniture like the couch, counters, tables etc. it doesn't do that. Only the bed.

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40 minutes ago, Sandatharius said:

I've noticed that the issue with Sims not looking at what they're doing on the computer screen, for example, and instead look to one side, is still an issue. Seems to be the only place I've noticed it happening, anyway. Wicked Whims doesn't seem to be affected. However, I have noticed that if sex is happening and the bed is chosen to move the action to, the first time, everyone sinks or clips into the bed. However, once you move on to a new animation using the bed, it corrects itself and works the way it's supposed to. Moving to other furniture like the couch, counters, tables etc. it doesn't do that. Only the bed.

As far as sims looking off to the side when they're doing stuff, that's a head tracking bug that was introduced with the Dream Home Decorator update. That same patch messed with sim's routing abilities where they're now walking into walls all the time. I wish EA would fix the shit that they break.

As for the bed issue, I haven't seen it myself.

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I've been noticing an odd issue with "peepers", Tina and Tom rarely spawn in the new town that comes with Cottage Living, not sure about old towns since I just love the new town so much I haven't used the old towns since updating.  Paparazzi also aren't showing up in the new town either though, they however do spawn in the wannabe Hollywood town.  Can the two npc factions having spawning issues be linked?  It wouldn't make sense since WW doesn't alter the paparazzi as far as I know.

I tried the game without WW and the paps still don't seem to show up in the new town however, and of course Tom and Tina don't either since WW is out of the picture.

This issue started with Tom and Tina before I updated to CL,  just seems to happen more with CL.  Using the second to latest patch by the way for TS4, can't figure out what the latest patch fixes and breaks yet, every patch seems to fix a few things but break a few things as well, so research before I let the game update.

Script mod wise, latest WW, latest Basemental drugs and gangs, and that's it... everything else is clothing mods.  

As for CL, I love the town it added reminds me of Ashland, Oregon, except for the farming bits.

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  • TURBODRIVER changed the title to WickedWhims v166a [2021-09-10]
On 9/20/2021 at 12:41 PM, DarkAudit said:



It's obvious you have a cracked game.

Oh I'm sure every single one of us have the base game and all 800 dollars of DLC's so all mod requirements that can exist are met.
Don't go accusing people of piracy when they're not discussing piracy, since discussing piracy isn't allowed here, that I know of.

Also, yes, I have bought the game. As to other people asking for older mod versions; I have zero personal reasons to judge in this case. EA won't go bankrupt anytime soon and have done plenty of morally shitty things of their own.

Though when it comes to giving support to where it's due, I wholeheartedly always agree with your sentiment that services should be bought, not expected free.

There are also many reasons why someone would use an older version. Some mods out there haven't been updated and haven't been supported by the modder and many people using mods might prefer to use an older version of the game. Even then, they would often have to resorting to downloading a backup of the game by other means, even if they had bought the license. Hell, I'd I might wanna opt out of auto-update in Origin because how it can break a great balance in the mods I use while maybe not adding what I even like.

That's the beauty of mods - being able to pick and choose what we use.

Edited by KNiles
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1 hour ago, qwe123qweqweqwe said:

hello, does anyone knows where can i found some rape things?

like rimjobworld right clicking someone and rape him, he will feel very sad after been rape.

The mod that allows you to do that is no longer available on LoversLab. You can still find and download it though - just not here. 


Don't ask me where, that mod's not my thing so I wouldn't know. 

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11 hours ago, KNiles said:

Oh I'm sure every single one of us have the base game and all 800 dollars of DLC's so all mod requirements that can exist are met.
Don't go accusing people of piracy when they're not discussing piracy, since discussing piracy isn't allowed here, that I know of.

It costs nothing to keep a legally acquired game up to date. To go a year without updating to the current patch is on them.

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12 hours ago, Sandatharius said:


The guy admitted he was using a cracked copy of the game. Check the posts.

We have modders breaking the EULA by using EA coding to make mods and then charge a donation fee condemning those who are pirating the games but not profiting from it.  Its a little bit hypocritical.  

I say let both sides do what they want who gives a damn, unless one works for Maxis, it doesn't hurt them if someone pirates the game nor should we even care about those who pirate games, music, or movies, its not our business, its between them and the companies.  And the companies asked for it by charging silly prices for their products in an era when many barely get by financially.  Their greed is what opened the door to piracy, so its karma at the end of the day, imo.

Personally, I just usually go with GOG, the games are dirty cheap and no crappy DRM, but TS4 was an exception... one I regretted so I gutted the DRM.  My computer, my right, just like its a womans body and her right to abort, so Texas can screw off...  just sayin'...

Edited by Deviancy
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25 minutes ago, dragonova said:

i'm looking for the mod for can someone help me out pls?

edit when i currently install the mod it says that the plugin is missing but it isn't and i followed the instructions?

If you mean wicked whims, the current version does not work with 1.77.131 (you need 1.77.146 or later). 

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22 hours ago, Betelman said:

Looks like its just a item update.

More colors for building and a few clothing designs.

This is probably an annoying question, but has anyone confirmed that this update won't break mods?  I'm sort of new to Sims 4 modding, so I don't know which updates break mods and which ones don't.

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14 minutes ago, Hosfac said:

This is probably an annoying question, but has anyone confirmed that this update won't break mods?  I'm sort of new to Sims 4 modding, so I don't know which updates break mods and which ones don't.

I've had no problem with it. 


There was one minor bug fix and a whole bunch of recolors of base game build/buy objects.


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1 hour ago, Hosfac said:

This is probably an annoying question, but has anyone confirmed that this update won't break mods?  I'm sort of new to Sims 4 modding, so I don't know which updates break mods and which ones don't.

Here is a link for the broken/updated SFW mods for the September patches. Info on what the latest patch has broken starting from page 9.

NSFW mods cannot be discussed on that forum, but you can usually get info about some of them here.

Edited by carnation77
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