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Should I spend the money on Fallout 4?


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Should I buy Fallout plus the Season Pass deal for about $120 USD? Do I buy at asking price now or wait for the Game of the Year addition with all the DLC, whenever that is.... I barrowed Fallout 4 from a friend and played it through once. I thought it was O.K., story sucked, gameplay was quite good. I'm basically buying it to play it with mods, I've seen what the modding community has done for Skyrim and very much looking forward to what the community has in store for Fallout 4. Thoughts?

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Wait for the edition that comes with all DLC. The really good mods wont be coming out for at least 6-12 months, so if your are planing on playing with mods, PLEASE WAIT.


Yeah what choppy said. Season pass is a huge rip off, dont get suckered into it. If I were you I'd wait for the GOTY addition, since the mods will be more developed by then. Fallout 4 seriously can wait, lol

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wait for it - you'll get a better experience overall. that's what I did with skyrim


if you wait you get:

patches (beth games are notorious for silly bugs. you can most avoid of the headache altogether)

more DLCs for less money

more mods

better mods (modders get progressively better as they mod)

better price


if you won't wait you get:

instant gratification



seems like an easy choice

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Guest endgameaddiction

Don't spend your money on that game. But if you insist, don't throw your money on that garbage season pass. Wait for the whole thing to be 90% discount. The game is not worth the full price.


People got suckered with that season pass and feel like they've been cheated with too many official paid mods and two actual DLCs.

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Wait, I bought both game and season pass, and while its ok I do not think it was worth the cost, I do regret not doing what I normally do and that is waiting 1-2 years after a game is released then buying it, which allows patches and general stability of the game to be sorted out and allows the moding side to settle and mature as well.

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This game can quickly become boring thanks to those dam settlements everywhere and by the time I get to level 90 I am sick of looking at the game. Automatron starts way too early and since you get the most out of that DLC when dressed as the silver shroud it sucks to just leave ada at red rocket until you hurry up and do goodneighbor which makes you want to do mccreepy's quests in a hurry which makes you want to do diamond city blues in a hurry and there really isn't an end to that quest just some awkwardness left hanging out there with bugged quest items stuck in the inventory and no real good reason to bump off some guy in goodneighbor.


The beginning is fun, scrounging around for things and finding a few suits of power armor and building up sanctuary and red rocket but after that it just get repetitive and boring then comes the awful story line. I don't think anyone can fix the story except beth and they won't do it. Oh and everyone sounds like garrus belethor and lydia which is probably why the wrvr station is in the game in the first place to make fun of how cheap they were with voice actors this time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

what's up people?
all were of Fallout 4 enthusiastic and now such a damning verdict!
I have it always said, with Fallout 4 has Bethesda the scrap of your life released, even worse off it not!
Bethesda is incapable become, they are no longer in a position a good Contemporary Game to develop!  :lol: 
I have Fallout 4 not bought and I will not buy it, even if I got paid to it, I would throw it in the dustbin.  ;)

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