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Anyone here have an anxiety disorder?


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I think I'm developing one. I've been plagued the past month or so with thoughts of my own death and mortality. It's gotten so bad that some nights I can't sleep. One night it felt like I was having a heart attack, though I assume this was more likely a panic/anxiety attack.

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Suicidal thoughts are more in the realm of depression. I'd suggest going to a doctor and talking to them before it gets bad enough that you aren't lucid enough to recognize the problem if it gets worse. At the very least they'll prescribe some anti-depressants. The good doctors will refer you to a therapist. 

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nonono not suicidal. Like the slightest discomfort in my body, for instance like somewhere in my body goes numb and I'm like FUCK! THIS IS IT! I'M HAVING A STROKE AND I'M GOING TO DIE. Or when I'm trying to sleep, my brain will pop up like, "hey guess what? you might not wake up in the morning." and I'm like o_O

wtf why can't I post images?

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Guest MonsterFish

I have diagnosed Generalised Anxiety Disorder.


Does indeed sound more like a panic attack. My mental health advisor summarised Anxiety and Depression quite nicely. Anxiety tend to dwell on the future, depression tends to dwell on the past.


Always go see a doctor, self diagnosing is never healthy

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I feel you. I came from a very problematic family and I have huge anxiety issues.

Sometimes it starts very randomly sometimes it can be expected.


Even though I am doing my best to avoid it, it still happens and I think it will happen my whole life.

The only thing that kind of helps me is of course trying to do something that keeps me happy.


I hope you will find something that will pull you out from it. Shrink is always a good option.

It might not be as bad as you might think.

Generally just try to talk/chat with someone. I am introvert. I know it can be hard.


Good luck dealing with it. My inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to.

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What you describe sounds similar to how my anxiety manifests when I'm having difficulty sleeping or have bad quality sleep, it's not suicidal thoughts but more a feel of dread like something terrible is about to happen.


It's a totally different sensation to my regular anxiety which is more a heightened awareness of what could go wrong. 


I can sympathise somewhat. 

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I had severe social anxiety but I will tell you how I got over it. This hell was literally hell - I was afraid that something will happen to me, I am gonna die, I am gonna pass out, I am gonna puke, etc. I was not able to go to local stores where I have to talk with the clerk, I could go only to hypermarkets with lines where you just pay for what you picked but when I got caught in a long queue line I was about to die inside because of the feelings I described above. This is just one example, you can get panic attack any time anywhere.


So here is how I dealt with it. I started with long trips, with a car. Something like 300-400km trip. My stomach started to turn upside down every second I was going further and further away from my home, my town, but after a few hours everything suddenly got away because my inner "soul" saw that there's nothing wrong, nothing's gonna happen. After a few trips like that I started doing a long walks (on foot) away from my home. To adjust myself around random people. I don't mean talking to them etc, just being around people who probably don't even notice you but you know they are there and they judge you for whatever reason. I was doing 10km walks for a few months every day around the town. I still had these feelings from time to time, but I was so sick of this bullshit that I started to think "god damn it I am sick of this shit, what is the worst thing that can happen to me? vomit infront of everyone or just die? oh this going to be soo good, just to die here and be done with this I can't take it anymore anyway". So I just went on walks again and again, don't giving a fuck if I die or something happens because I will be done with it for once. With the time I was feeling better and better, almost no thoughts, just the occasional suicidal/worthless thoughts. After some time I found a bar that I really liked, the music there, the opportunity to choose what song to turn on for free, the people that go there. I was just going there, listening music, drinking some coke or whatever, without talking to anybody. I was starting to feel, absorb, connect, with the surroundings and after a few weeks some random regulars talked to me and they were really nice and friendly, they were not hostile and rude. So I was going there every night for almost a year, I was talking to people, etc. and I realized everything is gone. No more social anxiety, no more fears and so on. Now I can talk to any clerk, wait in queue lines, talk to every person on the street if I have to, and stuff like that.


This is how I got away, how I escaped, this is my story. I am not saying this is the only way to deal with this crap but its what I did and it helped me.

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I am currently having major issues with anxiety and have gotten to the point that I have major issues being around people or even talking on the phone with them, the only person that does not set it off is my wife. I always had a little social anxiety but it did not keep me from working jobs in customer service, now I can barely get out of the house for more than an hour. The thing that set mine through the roof was a major bout with depression and the meds to treat it, apparently I am super sensitive to them.

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I developed anxiety of women and relationships. When I get close with a women in a sexual way, I start shaking uncontrollably. When I talk with one that I like and realise that she likes me aswell, my brain activates self-protection mode and makes me just want to run away. I'm afraid of the pressure of being cool and keeping her liking me.

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Yep same thing here, mortality fears are a big one for me but they only happen on occasion, I think it's due to either having less friends to interact with than before or just having nothing to stimulate me, gaming helps as does driving. I honestly can talk to a woman for hours and have done, but when the moment comes that I like them or they like me as more than a friend I freak out and lose my security, I blame myself for that one though.

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Anxiety rockets in new places, around crowds, eating around people, wearing long sleeves, talking to people, being awake during the day, talking to people online, going to school, and being around females. Never went for 'treatment' because there's no such thing, its just a scam by 'doctors' to screw you over for a load of cash. I treat my anxiety by staying in my bedroom, keeping it dark, playing violent games and watching murder shows on ID, being awake at night, eating in my room, and avoiding others.

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Guest MonsterFish

its just a scam by 'doctors' to screw you over for a load of cash.

Really? Cus in the past year I've been receiving treatment I've not paid a dime.


Paranoia and Anxiety are 2 separate things. Anxiety tends to be more skittish whilst doing or leading up to something, it's caused by an excess amount of adrenaline that causes the fight or flight reflex along with a deficiency in dopamine. I have no problem accepting doing something it's the action of actually doing that's the problem. I've not been to a party in my life cus every time I'm invited to one my anxiety kicks in the day before, I get cold feet and cancel.


I developed anxiety of women and relationships. When I get close with a women in a sexual way, I start shaking uncontrollably. When I talk with one that I like and realise that she likes me aswell, my brain activates self-protection mode and makes me just want to run away. I'm afraid of the pressure of being cool and keeping her liking me.

This is basically Anxiety in a nutshell.


Paranoia tend to not want to do things in the first place out of fear that something bad will happen, that's not to say that anxiety and paranoia can't work in tandem, is it so often does. What the OP likely experienced was paranoia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Panic attacks are hell , speak to a Dr and a psychologist now .

I had 3 in 48 hrs, that is on the weekend  , none ever before . I hardly ever have a headache!


Listing to your Dr and psychologist , this is extremely difficult as many do not give a shit . However, some do and they are wonderful to have in your corner when the shit hits the fan,


Went into the surgery wham , bam,  mental health plan ( better than sex!)

 anti depressants ( yes yes yes ! only 1 per day  do not take more that that or what cruel dr tell you . )

eat well ( life is cruel  but do it)

talk to family  life is cruel do it - unless they are all fuckwits then tell them shit. One person can make  a big difference ?

Hell you wife might just save your ass!

sleep well ( what the hell - what am I suppose to do - life sucks) ,

exercise ( this is insane - are you isis - what about my human rights fuckwits) - do it  slowly  1 push up day 1 ,sit up 1 stop )
                slowly increase this like 2 a week . fuck 1 /w . week 10 push ups / 10 sits ups and you will feel better - will help sleep too.


My panic attacks


THe bad it hurts a fucking lot however it can bring out underling bad stuff - cant wait for that it now coming give me meds now!



The awesome( insane but true - I think i am just one lucky son of a bitch)


it tripled my danish language spoken speed from slow to super duper  forwards, and backwards. I can now use move up and down a danish word singing it forwards and backwards(not a girl but what the hell). repeat phrases backwards and forward as fast as i like but only 5 words long .I have never tried this in english .I spoke to my hapkido instructor in backwards or forward danish .( he is german ) insane fun ! I cant wait to watch vikings.I totally freaked out a black belt at the school could not believe his ears. I am calling some danish friends tomorrow and make them totally freak out

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I have diagnosed Generalised Anxiety Disorder.


Does indeed sound more like a panic attack. My mental health advisor summarised Anxiety and Depression quite nicely. Anxiety tend to dwell on the future, depression tends to dwell on the past.


Always go see a doctor, self diagnosing is never healthy


I am glad that I found this thread.


Your advisor's definition is very perceptive... I had never thought to look at my moods that way. It would seem that I have both ends of this bell curve.... perhaps most folks do. It would seem that the future is scary and the past could always have been done a different (better) way.


About three years ago I started a long bout with throat cancer.  First thing the VA did was to remove my tonsils, then my teeth and then administer a long course of radiation and an absolutely evil chemotherapy. There was much physical pain and mental confusion and the "shame" of wearing a fraking diaper at age 69.  I lost 45 pounds which is a lot considering that I started at 165. When I finally was weaned from the feeding tube and began to try to eat actual food I found that the chemo had played hell with my sense of taste. I never did like library paste and sawdust. Enter medical marijuana. Just a pipeful in the morning spurred my appetite and made eating sort of a pleasurable experience.


Problem is, smoking weed was always something I did when conditions were right and security not an issue. Otherwise, I would become anxious. In the 1960s, smoking weed was a felony and one smoked behind closed doors. When I smoke now, I realize that I am not immortal. I can (and will) die.  While I should be ecstatic that I "beat" the cancer I instead fret about everything coming to an end.... it seems I got old in a very short time.  The two real victims of the cancer were my beard which I had worn since leaving the Navy in 1968 and my optimism.  Perhaps optimism would have gone away anyway at age 70 but it will be missed.  Optimism (and good friends) got me through the year 1968, any who lived through that tumult will know what I am talking about. At that time I was certain that that damn war would be ended soon and that there would be a colony on the moon by the year 2000.  Silly me, silly optimism.


The world today seems a cruel joke.


There is a profound melancholy that looms when I remember that past. I dwell on each poor decision I made and every beautiful relationship I let go fallow.... how  could I have let that happen?


So here I am. No past and no future.  Almost all my old friends are dead or in some other way missing.


Fifty years ago I would grab my toothbrush, my other shirt and the dog and drive the truck into the desert two states away to do help excavate some old rock shelter. Now, even a short trip to the store requires careful planning and much worry. Silly I know.


My wife has started to give me "St John's Wort"... it starting to help a bit.


Time for a long, slow walk in Skyrim.



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I think I'm developing one. I've been plagued the past month or so with thoughts of my own death and mortality. It's gotten so bad that some nights I can't sleep. One night it felt like I was having a heart attack, though I assume this was more likely a panic/anxiety attack.


My half brother and half sister has it, they can only go to school 1 day pr week because it is so exhausting for them.


I highly recommend you go see a doctor about it!

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I pretty much run the gambit when it comes to anxiety disorders. Social anxiety, panick attacks, PTSD related anxiety triggers, hypervigilance and paranoia (another PTSD symptom), you name it.


It's very difficult for me to leave my home, not only do i feel a general anxiety when in the company of others (even my own family), but every time i have to go near another man my body goes into fight or flight mode. My mind is doing 50 calculations a second trying to guage possible escape routes, any object nearby i can use as an improvised weapon to kill him, any weakness he might show that i can exploit to kill him if he tries anything.

Just walking down a street my entire body is in "kill or be killed" mode the second i see a man heading in my direction, or i have to walk past one to get where i need to go.


Yeah i have a very bad relationship with men, it's fallout from surviving childhood sexual abuse.



Like everyone else, i can only recommend you speak with your Doctor, as that's the one and only way you can get referred to a Psychiatrist and get into some kind of treatment, and that's the way it needs to go.



That said though, knowledge is power, so here's some useful advice i had to learn the hard way:


The first thing you'll likely get offered when starting treatment for anxiety is Anti-depressants, usually an SSRI like Citalopram or similar. The reason for this is that Depression and Anxiety are influenced by many of the same bodily chemicals, so Anti-Depressants have a dual use as Anti-Anxiety meds.


This is both good and bad. Meds like this can have a positive effect on your anxiety disorder, but, if it's the wrong med for your body-chemistry, it can also make it a whole lot worse. If you want to give the meds a try, and you might since they do help a lot of people, don't take any guff about it. If a med you're given isen't working, the side effects are not tollerable, or it actually makes things worse, do not hesitate to dose-out of the med and tell the Doc that it's just not working out. There are many meds on the market, some might work for you, some might not, so don't accept a med that isen't helping you.


But, also realize that meds are not the only solution, infact, they are rarely a good one on their own (not unless you want to pop pills for the rest of your life). There are many Therapuetic alternatives, for some, Therapy in and of itself can be what you need, for others, a combination of meds and Therapy is what works. This is rarely an option you will be told about from the start, because that stuff's more expensive, and the Doc would love to just stuff a cheaper pill in your gob. But do know that the option is there, and don't be shy to enquire about it.



However, even if Therapy is the route you wish to go, you would still need to see a Psychiatrist first. Basically, you need an official diagnosis before any doors in the medical system start to open for you, so that is where you have to start regardless. Go see your Doctor, get a referral to a Psychiatrist, and then take it from there. That's how the system opperates and the way you have to deal with it.

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To the OP are you 30 yet or just past it? if not then are you close to 40 yet or just past it? These things cause people to think a lot about life particularly the 40 thing.

I just turned 28. But I do think age has something to do with it. That's definitely been in my thoughts when these attacks happen

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