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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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Just a quick answer.




A mod for CK2 is incompatible with another mod if both try to edit the same file or do similar stuff. The later mostly works but you can expect oddities like girls beeing double virgin or have four tits. Since DW only ADDS stuff there are only very few possibilities of an incompatability.

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Work on the update is coming along nicely for this week. The Dark World Remedy Custom Portrait mod will be introducing over 100 different custom portrait options, split among Orcs, Elves, Tentacle-kin, and Kitsune.


Some of you may notice ngppgn's recent mod that expands the event window, allowing for more text and a larger image.


I'm going to take a look at using it, but it won't be until a later update.


Here's the link to his mod, so you can take a look at a couple of screen shots that would show the new event layout.



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Does this mean tentacle kin will now have mechanics?


The only thing I can say at this point regarding the next release is you'll have the option of selecting a campaign choice that will give you the ability to begin play as a Tentacle-kin. Beyond that, at this moment there isn't anything else.

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I have been reading the modder section of the changelog for Monks & Mystics and I see a lot of changes that are going to add some interesting capabilities for the Dark World & related mods!!!


Dynamic portrait changes can be used to make sure trap's don't have beards, for instance.

example form the changelog:

hide_layers = {
# Shave all prisoners and confiscate headgear
1 = { always = yes }
4 = { always = yes }
5 = { always = yes }

Here are several more really cool things I am seeing in there of specific interest for Darker Perversions and probably Dark World as well:

  1. Added the "feminist = yes" parameter for cultures
  2. - <religion>_opinion now works for all religions and religion groups rather than those hardcoded in
  3. - Added global variables.

That's without even evaluating how the new quest mechanics can expand things.


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So, I started an incubus game this weekend, and ran across an issue with the Blood Moon ritual.  I had 3 prisoners, and after choosing to sacrifice one of them, I was given four options: sacrificing one of the other 2 prisoners, sacrificing a blank space where the prisoner I killed had been before, or sacrificing peasants.  I didn't really want to kill the others or risk the revolt risk, so I choose the blank.  This, of course, was a bad idea as it basically insta-ended the ritual but did not activate the cooldown.  I ended up having to manually remove the flag from my save game to start another ritual.  Besides the obvious killing someone who is already dead problem, is there a reason you do not have a choice once you have sacrificed a prisoner to say that you think your sacrifice is acceptable?  It doesn't seem like there is even a reason to sacrifice prisoners if you are going to have to sacrifice peasants in the end anyway, or does it end if you sacrifice every single prisoner?


Also, when I went into my save file, I noticed that the lesbian wife and spanking events had flags that went onto my character.  Is it really intended that these 2 events will fire only once per campaign (assuming you take immortality)?

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So, I started an incubus game this weekend, and ran across an issue with the Blood Moon ritual.  I had 3 prisoners, and after choosing to sacrifice one of them, I was given four options: sacrificing one of the other 2 prisoners, sacrificing a blank space where the prisoner I killed had been before, or sacrificing peasants.  I didn't really want to kill the others or risk the revolt risk, so I choose the blank.  This, of course, was a bad idea as it basically insta-ended the ritual but did not activate the cooldown.  I ended up having to manually remove the flag from my save game to start another ritual.  Besides the obvious killing someone who is already dead problem, is there a reason you do not have a choice once you have sacrificed a prisoner to say that you think your sacrifice is acceptable?  It doesn't seem like there is even a reason to sacrifice prisoners if you are going to have to sacrifice peasants in the end anyway, or does it end if you sacrifice every single prisoner?


Also, when I went into my save file, I noticed that the lesbian wife and spanking events had flags that went onto my character.  Is it really intended that these 2 events will fire only once per campaign (assuming you take immortality)?


I'll take a look at the Blood Moon event, but I don't believe it'll be by the time I release the next update.


Regarding the others you mention - I don't believe those are part of my mod as I don't recall any kind of special lesbian wife or spanking event.

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Hey, I downloaded this great mod and I'm pretty confused, I don't really know what it adds besides what it says here and on the download page, and the readme file doesn't add much information either so I don't really know what to look for and expect but as far as I can tell it adds vampires, werewolves, slavery etc?


In any case I downloaded it (only the reborn mod, the portraits pack crashes my game) and installed it on 2.5.2 with all DLC's besides reaper's due of course, and it works fine until I get a blank event, it has no text, pictures and most importantly no options to click, so I can't close it at all.

I also can't see any new religions, ethnicities and only a few new traits (virgin, gladiator, age cheats and heterochromia) but that's likely because I'm missing something?


If anyone can point me in the right direction as to how to install this mod properly or if I missed something I'd appreciate it.

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Hey, I downloaded this great mod and I'm pretty confused, I don't really know what it adds besides what it says here and on the download page, and the readme file doesn't add much information either so I don't really know what to look for and expect but as far as I can tell it adds vampires, werewolves, slavery etc?


In any case I downloaded it (only the reborn mod, the portraits pack crashes my game) and installed it on 2.5.2 with all DLC's besides reaper's due of course, and it works fine until I get a blank event, it has no text, pictures and most importantly no options to click, so I can't close it at all.

I also can't see any new religions, ethnicities and only a few new traits (virgin, gladiator, age cheats and heterochromia) but that's likely because I'm missing something?


If anyone can point me in the right direction as to how to install this mod properly or if I missed something I'd appreciate it.


You need to be running the current version of the game. So at least version 2.6x (2.63 is the present version, but some have it working fine on 2.62).


You do not need Reaper's Due in order to be on the current version.

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So, I started an incubus game this weekend, and ran across an issue with the Blood Moon ritual.  I had 3 prisoners, and after choosing to sacrifice one of them, I was given four options: sacrificing one of the other 2 prisoners, sacrificing a blank space where the prisoner I killed had been before, or sacrificing peasants.  I didn't really want to kill the others or risk the revolt risk, so I choose the blank.  This, of course, was a bad idea as it basically insta-ended the ritual but did not activate the cooldown.  I ended up having to manually remove the flag from my save game to start another ritual.  Besides the obvious killing someone who is already dead problem, is there a reason you do not have a choice once you have sacrificed a prisoner to say that you think your sacrifice is acceptable?  It doesn't seem like there is even a reason to sacrifice prisoners if you are going to have to sacrifice peasants in the end anyway, or does it end if you sacrifice every single prisoner?


The way it works right now is that you either choose to sacrifice peasants, or you have to go through every prisoner you have, one by one, and choose them to sacrifice, after which you're given a choice to instead spare that person. However, if you have multiple prisoners, you have to do that for EACH prisoner, one by one. There's no "skip ahead" option at that point. And yes, selecting the blank button will break the event chain (and thus your game).


My suggestion (as I hit this same bit of confusion myself) is to have there be a "not sacrificing any more prisoners" option if at least one already has been. (that and to fix the blank button that nukes the event chain)

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Things are still going well for a weekend release.


Here's what the change log is looking like for the Reborn update.


v1.46 (Dark World Reborn)
    - Added a note to the Alter Appearance event text - pointing out that if a custom portrait was already applied by the spell, that you first need to select the option to remove the previous application (previously it was assumed that you read the options and would notice one of them changed).
    - Seeds of Chaos Content Game Rule added
    - More campaign choices
    - Neko campaign event tweaked thanks to a coding tip shared by ngppgn.
    - Added a check to try and keep Jus Primae Noctis from triggering on the player's ruler (female futa rulers were getting the chance to lay with themselves)
    - Updated things to have one event that triggers upon adulthood that will try to assign a custom portrait instead of several events (with some logic for which custom image wins out if multiples can be made available)
    - Added JIBECaid01's work on race and dna combos for current NPC's - so that offspring may at least share hints of the looks from the custom image - and if you don't use the custom images, they may look the part somewhat in CK2's image system

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hey dew what's the inherit chance of the werewolf trait for females? I looked in the trait file but couldnt find anything, reason for asking is because hardly any female child gets the trait at all, and no it doesnt help any if both parents are werewolves the chance of a female inheriting the trait seems quite low and if so are you considering fixing that?

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hey dew what's the inherit chance of the werewolf trait for females? I looked in the trait file but couldnt find anything, reason for asking is because hardly any female child gets the trait at all, and no it doesnt help any if both parents are werewolves the chance of a female inheriting the trait seems quite low and if so are you considering fixing that?


That is intentional - as it's the reason why werewolves NEED human females. Since they're often seeking to mate regularly, a high female werewolf population would have allowed them to overthrow mankind long ago.


As such, I've no intention of changing the birth ratio (which is 10%).


If you'd like to tweak the ratio I've got set-up yourself, you'd find it in event DWCore.8000.

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Heh. Ah I love it when I'm looking through some old code and I find myself wondering just what the hell I was thinking.


Anyway - the update that's coming out this weekend will also have an attempted fix for the Blood Moon event.


You have to sacrifice someone - but after you do - if it cycles back around and you don't like your options (or if the blank event appears still - which it hopefully won't), you should now have an option to just finish and proceed with the festivities. This should replace the 'Sacrifice some peasants' option, but like I said - the Blood Moon Ritual to Lilith DEMANDS a sacrifice, so if you don't like of your initial options, you'll have to bite it and go with some peasantry as the choice the first time.


A change in approach. Lilith still demands a blood sacrifice. Here's how it'll work (in theory).


Initial event

- Option to sacrifice a random prisoner (if a valid prisoner option exists)

- Option to sacrifice some peasants


What doesn't make a prisoner a valid option

- If they're dead (a past bug indicated someone who was killed or sacrificed on the same day could still somehow be pulled into it again)

- If they're in slave training

- If you've already spared them from being a past sacrifice


If you don't like your random prisoner option - yet you know you've more options available - just select them and then choose to spare them, as that'll flag them to keep them from being selected again as it'll loop back around to the initial event to select another prisoner from random.


Once you've sacrificed someone - you can either keep on doing it to gain piety, as the event will loop around to offer up another valid option if it exists. Or - if the it's viewed that you don't have a valid option left, and you've already sacrificed someone - it'll automatically proceed forward.


Also - once it loops around, if you've already sacrificed someone, and then decide that you don't want to keep sacrificing folks - and you don't want to sacrifice some peasants, then it'll display an option to cease the sacrifices and continue on with the festivities.


And if you want to tweak what makes a prisoner a valid option (such as including age checks, gender checks or what not) - you can find it as a dw_scripted_trigger called check_for_valid_prisoner_sacrifice.

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Hay, great mod, just wondering though, I've seen characters such as Elsa; Anna; Ariel, and some others with special portraits, and I was wondering are they always going to go to random characters or is there an event that I never get that will allow them to come to my court?


I do apologise if this has been asked & answered previously.

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Hay, great mod, just wondering though, I've seen characters such as Elsa; Anna; Ariel, and some others with special portraits, and I was wondering are they always going to go to random characters or is there an event that I never get that will allow them to come to my court?


I do apologise if this has been asked & answered previously.


No worries, as it was a while back when I mentioned this.


Right now, there are only player specific events related to Beauty and the Beast and Alice In Wonderland. So those you can potentially get in your court via event chains.


The others - since there aren't supporting events for them yet, are simply seeded at random around the world. Doing this puts them out there so you can obtain them via diplomacy (marriage offers) or via force (conquering or enslaving). As if I just dumped them all into your court, you'd be faced with the potential issues that can come from having a very large court.


As events are created that are specific to them, they'll be pulled from the random seeding (like Alice was).

hey was just wondering if the vampire hunters will be making a appearance again like raine and buffy appearing in my court. like the events that do run.



Reintroducing Monster Hunters is intended. I can't say when exactly, but they're on the to do list to cycle back into play.

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Man, it's been a good week of coding. I hit my targets prior to my goal. So the updated Dark World Reborn and Dark World ReMeDy's Custom Portraits mods have been posted now, ahead of schedule.


I even managed to get in a little testing with ngppgn's Bigger Events mod. I think I'm going to go ahead and incorporate it - although I'm going to take a stab at tweaking it slightly as I don't like how the flowery border mixes with part of the text box.


I'm not certain when I'll get the next period where I was able to put in as much time as I have this week, but I at least intend to keep on poking at it and making the progress I mentioned previously in adding both cut content from my original mod, as well as new campaign events.

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Looks like everything is coming along nicely!


One minor suggestion - what about the possibility, if you as a hunting werewolf defeat a Red Sisterhood huntress, to take her prisoner (and try to break her etc)? Seems like a good alternative to the options of letting her go, or killing her.

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