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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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On 8/2/2020 at 10:54 PM, tentacleCat said:

I think I found a bug with vampire prisoner feeding. If you pause the game, and choose the filling meal option instead of drain them dry, you can repeat that indefinitely for free health off one prisoner, as long as you have the game paused. Once the prisoner's health hits negative numbers, it just stays there, but your health will still increment with each interaction. I took some screenshots. I've done this with a couple different characters and did it a several times with the character in the screenshot before the instance I took screenshots of.  I'm using version 1.85.


EDIT: I messed up the order of the screenshots and I can't figure out how to fix it, the last one where my health is 39.0 is actually the 1st one.


EDIT 2: Once you unpause, the prisoner will usually die when the month changes. Cause of death is "died in dungeons of player"





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5 hours ago, oryzabyanwas said:

so how do you change your race? mine accidentally drink warewolf poison and stuck at werewolf.....


I haven't really messed with Werewolf mechanics yet, so idk if there is an official way to do it, but from looking at werewolf characters in my game, they are just traits attached to your character that make you a werewolf.  You should be able to remove them with the console. Open the console(this is usually done by the "~" button on your keyboard).  This should bring up a translucent window on the left that you can type in. Then type:

remove_trait therianthrope

and hit enter. Then type:

remove_trait wolf_kin

hit enter again.  This should turn you back into a normal human. Hit "~" to close the console and go about your game.  Again, this is just based on looking at werewolf characters in my game, there may be a way to do this without the console, but if it exists, idk what it is.


EDIT: Be sure to save your game before trying this, and make sure you are happy with the results before overwriting that save.

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Just an suggestion for expanding the mage training chain.  The PC could try to conjure a familiar, resulting in either an incubus or a tentacle monster or some sort of eldritch horror that she's unable or having difficulty in banishing..resulting in the occasional sexual assault.  This could tie into Tentacle Dreams and Luxuria Fantasia even more.


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Bug Report:


I play as a Villain and I get the Hela, Queen of Death event.

The first option to "let her stay in my court" is bugged, the tooltip says that a charachter named Hela will appear in my court, which is normal!

And the second line, in the tooltip says:

"Location: X(the name of my character): A 21-men regiment arrives in X(my domain) (Reinforce speed: 100%, Maintainance Free)."

Hela comes in my court and the 21 men regiment appears...! What's with them?


Also, the top portrait is me in the midle event screen but the bottom one is a random Mayor...


Very weird stuff! ?



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I think I might have found a bug with the Bordello even chain?

Went through to the part of getting Jessica Rabbit and I gained her twice into my court plus I double paid for some of the stuff in the event chain so you might have to take a look at that too.


Thank you for all the hard work :)

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				modifier = {
					factor = 0
					OR = {
						trait = lf_insatiable # even Harley needs her beauty sleep
						any_lover = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_poisonivy } # don't really need to explain this one
						any_lover = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_powergirl } # don't really need to explain this one either
						any_lover = { has_character_flag = dw_npc_harley num_of_lovers >= 3 } # Harley's got 99 problems but being a hypocrite isn't one

A little personal addendum I made to the Harley Breaks Up event's chances of triggering.

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Bug Report:


-The event "dw_slave.81" uses the native character window not the new one with the larger picture!


- My prostitutes don't seem to generate any income. The above event fires and it says "I received 0 from ( name of prostitute )". ?



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How often should events be firing? I had a previous game where I managed to get the Hiccup and the other how to train your dragon character, plus Belle and the beastiality ball to fire within 3 years of a game start; but my current game I've gone almost 40-50 years and neither of those events have fired yet?

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Quick update. Friday and Saturday were the first days I didn't have overtime in almost two weeks. I've only made little progress thanks to this (I've been tapped energy wise, as even trying to chill with some video games hasn't been too helpful).


I'm past that dreaded stretch, and I'll be looking to wrap up the current work I've got, as well as some contributions for an update that'll be released this next weekend (August 22-23).


I will be playing Crusader Kings 3 at launch (September 1st), and I've an idea for modded content that I want to see if it's possible. If it is to my liking, I will be moving on from CK2 for the most part. I'll look to post by mid-September the outcome of my evaluation. If I determine that CK3 isn't where I'd like it to be, then I'll continue on with the mod until at least November. If I determine CK3 will allow me to do what I'm picturing, then I'll look to finally clarifying a license for the portions of DWR that are mine, which would allow folks to use them freely (contributed content in DWR is owned by those individuals - which I've sought to keep separate).



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3 hours ago, dewguru said:

I will be playing Crusader Kings 3 at launch (September 1st), and I've an idea for modded content that I want to see if it's possible. If it is to my liking, I will be moving on from CK2 for the most part. I'll look to post by mid-September the outcome of my evaluation. If I determine that CK3 isn't where I'd like it to be, then I'll continue on with the mod until at least November. If I determine CK3 will allow me to do what I'm picturing, then I'll look to finally clarifying a license for the portions of DWR that are mine, which would allow folks to use them freely (contributed content in DWR is owned by those individuals - which I've sought to keep separate).



No no no no man, that would be very unwise to start modding a fresh released game...

It will be a nightmare to keep tracking the stability of the main game, you know, bugs, gliches etc.

My advise to you would be to just wait a month or two before you take this trip...!

CK3 is a larger, more complicated engine, modding friendly, but until it stabilises through the first batch of patches, modders should "hold their horses"!


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29 minutes ago, Drax70 said:

No no no no man, that would be very unwise to start modding a fresh released game...

It will be a nightmare to keep tracking the stability of the main game, you know, bugs, gliches etc.

My advise to you would be to just wait a month or two before you take this trip...!

CK3 is a larger, more complicated engine, modding friendly, but until it stabilises through the first batch of patches, modders should "hold their horses"!


If that matches my evaluation, then yes, I'll be pushing it down the road. As it is though, I will be checking it's capabilities sooner rather than later. In my experience, most games aren't bug riddled, unstable pieces of garbage at release. If it's like CK2, it'll be light on some functionality, both in game and in what it supports from a modding perspective.


Still, what I'm imagining isn't complex. It's just a series of events and I am indeed looking forward to seeing how it handles some of the ways it tracks some things now.

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I didn't realize how potent the ones with non-human blood could be. I had a bunch of kids with one of the girls with cat blood, and every child has their cat portraits. I wasn't sure if it resulted in anything since they were all human children, but they changed when becoming adults. Apparently it's a hidden trait that won't show up unless they reveal that's what they are, but damn, their genes will get into every child you have, because not one looks human.


Do all the (blank)-kin people spread their genes into your kids? I don't think I've seen any one race dominate my whole line like that.

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8 hours ago, MagnaSonic3000 said:

I didn't realize how potent the ones with non-human blood could be. I had a bunch of kids with one of the girls with cat blood, and every child has their cat portraits. I wasn't sure if it resulted in anything since they were all human children, but they changed when becoming adults. Apparently it's a hidden trait that won't show up unless they reveal that's what they are, but damn, their genes will get into every child you have, because not one looks human.


Do all the (blank)-kin people spread their genes into your kids? I don't think I've seen any one race dominate my whole line like that.

from what I remember when I took a gander at the text files; all race and theriothrope traits have a 100% chance of being passed on to offspring; even when paired with a non member of that fantasy race or were creature. This does mean that since you have sired children with a Cat_Kin, if you manage to find a Wolf, Dog, Fox, or any other kin ai and marry one of your children to them then the children of that union will be both Cat and Wolf/Dog/Fox/what ever kin. Depending on how powerful you want your dynasty to end up; attempting to secure a line that manages to collect most of the race and were traits could be both a hilarious and potentially fun play through. Of note; Nymph is the only race trait that exist that while it still has a 100% chance of inheritance it is an enatic trait only; so it can only be passed on from mother to daughter.

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Hi Dewguru!


Thanks for the great work! ;)

I really enjoy your mod and reading the code has given me a few insights as well.


Just a few things I noticed:

* Fenris the mangy mutt is raping / dominating my female ruler: Brave Norse Pagan Wolf Lodge Hero, Immortal, 350+ combat rating and dominating to boot. Was like ... WTF?! She'd probably turn him into a carpet if he tried THAT (as she cannot die in combat due to lodge feature and is immortal otherwise). Maybe we could add a few checks / give options to shoo him off or something. Having such a woman "accepting him and being his bitch" is ... well, not really appropriate for a dominating woman I guess.

* The thing with Dragons and other races (I have to have a better look at the LF code there though - which states it supports DW, but who knows). Anyway: When I choose to play as Dragon seems all other non-human courtiers are converted to Dragons and override the Orc/Neko/Elf/etc. Portraits unless they have special portraits. Also they are Orc + Dragons etc. - Again: CAN be a LF problem, will look into that.


Again, thanks for your awesome work! (The sheer effort of writing all that is more than just commendable! That is over 500k lines of code all in all...)


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On 8/17/2020 at 7:52 PM, sage20500 said:

from what I remember when I took a gander at the text files; all race and theriothrope traits have a 100% chance of being passed on to offspring; even when paired with a non member of that fantasy race or were creature. This does mean that since you have sired children with a Cat_Kin, if you manage to find a Wolf, Dog, Fox, or any other kin ai and marry one of your children to them then the children of that union will be both Cat and Wolf/Dog/Fox/what ever kin. Depending on how powerful you want your dynasty to end up; attempting to secure a line that manages to collect most of the race and were traits could be both a hilarious and potentially fun play through. Of note; Nymph is the only race trait that exist that while it still has a 100% chance of inheritance it is an enatic trait only; so it can only be passed on from mother to daughter.

This is correct. I originally set the percentage lower than 100%, but then folks pretty much complained. So I then created some events that gave birth chances different ratios, but the result was a script that impacted performance heavily as non-humans began to spread among the world. Thus the solution became a detriment to the overall play, so I just wen back and set it to 100%.


If you ever want to tweak those, look in the mod folder > common folder > traits folder > then open dw_race_traits.txt and edit the percentages where applicable.


19 hours ago, Gildoniel said:

Hi Dewguru!


Thanks for the great work! ;)

I really enjoy your mod and reading the code has given me a few insights as well.


Just a few things I noticed:

* Fenris the mangy mutt is raping / dominating my female ruler: Brave Norse Pagan Wolf Lodge Hero, Immortal, 350+ combat rating and dominating to boot. Was like ... WTF?! She'd probably turn him into a carpet if he tried THAT (as she cannot die in combat due to lodge feature and is immortal otherwise). Maybe we could add a few checks / give options to shoo him off or something. Having such a woman "accepting him and being his bitch" is ... well, not really appropriate for a dominating woman I guess.

* The thing with Dragons and other races (I have to have a better look at the LF code there though - which states it supports DW, but who knows). Anyway: When I choose to play as Dragon seems all other non-human courtiers are converted to Dragons and override the Orc/Neko/Elf/etc. Portraits unless they have special portraits. Also they are Orc + Dragons etc. - Again: CAN be a LF problem, will look into that.


Again, thanks for your awesome work! (The sheer effort of writing all that is more than just commendable! That is over 500k lines of code all in all...)


Thanks for the compliment.


Hrm. I thought I tweaked the Fenris code recently. I'll take a look at it again, as I agree with your viewpoint.


I don't know why your courtiers would be converting. I don't have any real dragon interaction going on, outside of a potion that can awaken the bloodline. If they're also getting a dragon portrait, I think that's probably LF. I don't believe I've any dragon portraits set-up yet, and if I do, I'd imagine it's only a couple.

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On 8/15/2020 at 1:50 PM, lovers0827 said:

Multiple non human blood traits can be inherited and added by events - is it intended, or game limitation, or bug?

I had newborn theriantrope+fox+wolf + orc + tentacle kin...

Intended. Lore wise, the only pure breeds are humans. Everyone else is a mix of x + human. So for example, the Orc trait is a really a Half-Orc, as they've an Orc and Human ancestor.


I once had a birth check that would make certain genetic types dominate, and overwrite the other on mixed births, but as non-humans spread through the game world, it negatively impacted performance. So racial lore was tweaked to what it is on the main page.


On 8/14/2020 at 2:10 AM, sage20500 said:

Also not sure if anyone has asked this before yet; what is the different between being a therianthrope wolf_kin, a were-wolf, or a were-kin? Is there a difference?

No difference (in this mod). In researching shapeshifters, what individuals get called can vary widely on cultures. So I know that in my localization I use some interchangeably. Therianthropes is the scientific name if you will, and of that, there are specific variations. So a Werewolf and Werebear for example both Therianthropes. Historically, most of these were viewed as specific spirits blessing or cursing humans, so thus why it's sort of a dual trait system.


One reason why I allow them to mix, is because some cultures have folk tales about individuals who took the shape of multiple animals as well.


On 8/13/2020 at 4:02 AM, sage20500 said:

How often should events be firing? I had a previous game where I managed to get the Hiccup and the other how to train your dragon character, plus Belle and the beastiality ball to fire within 3 years of a game start; but my current game I've gone almost 40-50 years and neither of those events have fired yet?

Sounds about right. They're all part of a large pack of random events. 40-50 years is what I'd see as the fringe, but it's definitely possible that the randomization hasn't gone your way on those two.


On 8/12/2020 at 11:20 AM, Drax70 said:

Bug Report:


-The event "dw_slave.81" uses the native character window not the new one with the larger picture!


- My prostitutes don't seem to generate any income. The above event fires and it says "I received 0 from ( name of prostitute )". ?



Thanks, I'll take a look.


dw_slave.81 ideally shouldn't show up as an event. It's a notification. It's meant to show up in that area in the upper right hand side. If you're seeing it as an event pop-up, then it could be due to how you've got your notifications configured. I had this issue for one game, then it started working as expected without me changing anything that I can recall.

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On 8/1/2020 at 6:37 PM, Cendrinius said:

hello there, sorry for my potentially silly or outright stupid question... 


If I play as a female ruler, one who isn't attracted to other women, could she possibly claim "the Beast" for herself?


perhaps even curing him of his curse could be an option, but that's far from mandatory!


thank you for your time!

Interesting thought. Alas that isn't in there. There is a path that keeps the Beast alive, with owing you. It's highly unlikely that I'll add to it, but I could see how visiting him for release could have been an option.


On 8/9/2020 at 12:26 AM, LonerEmperor said:

Is there an option to disable non-human portraits for all characters? Thanks. :)

Not a mod wide one. You can right click on those who annoy you the most and tell them to remove their image and to never use another (although it only stop DWR custom images - if another mod has custom images, they could still be used).


On 8/2/2020 at 9:54 PM, tentacleCat said:

I think I found a bug with vampire prisoner feeding. If you pause the game, and choose the filling meal option instead of drain them dry, you can repeat that indefinitely for free health off one prisoner, as long as you have the game paused. Once the prisoner's health hits negative numbers, it just stays there, but your health will still increment with each interaction. I took some screenshots. I've done this with a couple different characters and did it a several times with the character in the screenshot before the instance I took screenshots of.  I'm using version 1.85.


EDIT: I messed up the order of the screenshots and I can't figure out how to fix it, the last one where my health is 39.0 is actually the 1st one.


EDIT 2: Once you unpause, the prisoner will usually die when the month changes. Cause of death is "died in dungeons of player"


  Reveal hidden contents

You could call pause feed loop a bug, but since the ai can't pause the game and do the exploit, but the player can, I see no reason to correct it. Either the player will exploit it, or they won't.


One thing about the negative health - this happens even with diseases and other negative health type modifiers. The game does indeed allow a character to go into negative health. There is some kind of periodic check (I don't know how frequently it happens), but if the character gets their health back in the positive by then, then they can stave off death. So NPC's not dying right away when hitting zero health is a core game function.


On 8/5/2020 at 3:24 PM, Celedhring said:

Just an suggestion for expanding the mage training chain.  The PC could try to conjure a familiar, resulting in either an incubus or a tentacle monster or some sort of eldritch horror that she's unable or having difficulty in banishing..resulting in the occasional sexual assault.  This could tie into Tentacle Dreams and Luxuria Fantasia even more.


I've so many images for this. I just need time.

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19 hours ago, dewguru said:

Sounds about right. They're all part of a large pack of random events. 40-50 years is what I'd see as the fringe, but it's definitely possible that the randomization hasn't gone your way on those two.


Out of curiosity; do you possibly have a list of what all unique npcs spawn with your mod and possibly what the conditions are that make them appear? I'm currently trying to go through and see who all I can find and for the first time ever the Exotic Bizare just actually offered to let me buy Alladin's Lamp even though probably the last 20-30 times I had check to see if it had anything for sale it was saying that nothing was there. 


Is Hiccup and the girl from how to train your dragon tied to here as well? Or is the merchant event that spawn their two items plus the dildo completely unrelated?


I think I may have gotten all of the special npc's from the gladiator, but i'm not sure because when I hover over the expand my stable option it tells me that I've got a 33% chance of no effect happening and a 67% chance of no effect. I'm not sure if that is just the chance of getting a random male or a random female gladiator; or else if I'm missing one more unique person and I just can't get lucky for their event to spawn.... 


I've gotten Hulk, Platypoa, Conan, and Rebecca so far


Same for the Grand Inn, I've been checking back every month, but ever since I got Rogue to spawn there I've been unsure if anyone else is tied to it or not since I've only been getting bar brawls, bards, and the occasional broken stool with a pouch of money to event to spawn since then.

Playing through your mod has been a super fun blast for me so far; this particular run though I've been trying to see about doing a collectors run to get as many of your unique npc's to gather under my empire's banner as possible; wanting to make sure I don't miss anyone if possible.

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5 hours ago, sage20500 said:


Out of curiosity; do you possibly have a list of what all unique npcs spawn with your mod and possibly what the conditions are that make them appear? I'm currently trying to go through and see who all I can find and for the first time ever the Exotic Bizare just actually offered to let me buy Alladin's Lamp even though probably the last 20-30 times I had check to see if it had anything for sale it was saying that nothing was there.

I didn't consider doing something like this before, but I don't think it'd be too difficult to pull together. I'll take a look.


To answer your immediate questions:

- Exotic Bazaar and the vendor that may grant Hiccup or Arstid are different vendors. The items displayed in them, is also determined randomly.

- I believe you've gathered all of the named gladiators. I was planning on adding Red Sonja, and I think I had in her the old Dark World mod, but we'll need to see if it comes to be.

- Grand Inn - man, so many plans and images for there. Right now though, I believe only Rogue is active for recruiting.

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I noticed another few things:

* Raynor's bedding ceremony fires when replacing an existing married ruler via Ruler Designer. It shows but the first scene and decisions according to the old ruler.
  Problem now: When I "Arrange Marriage" (in any way) for any couple, I lose the "Virgin Trait" instantly.

  For instance: Inviting "Elastigirl" dw_hvevents1261a (I welcome his wife.) decision cancels virginity. Does not happen, when I invite her as girlfriend. Same thing with using vanilla "Arrange Marriage" with random partners (does not matter who with who).

  This does not seems to happen when choosing lands with unmarried rulers as starting point with Ruler Designer. I can "Arrange Marriage" for whoever I wish and stay virgin.

  I noticed, because I am writing a mod including a society, requiring members to stay chaste (no lovers, no wife, no consorts and can't be consort yourself + keep virgin trait to prevent event sex).


* VERY MINOR thing: Wolverine's dynasty should be:

3100044 = {
    name = "Howlett"
    culture = german

But is set to:

3100043 = {
    name = "Sara"
    culture = greek

Which made me smile ;) "Logan Sara aka "Wolverine""

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