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[mod] [CK2] Dark World: Reborn - Updated 01JUN2024

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i have two ideas to Lilith path that can be interesting 1 if possible wen you start the path if you have a lustful trait it instead cause you lose piety it converts to gain piety because if makes sense for it, 2  a way to start spread the word of Lilith to you kingdom

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Having a problem with the portraits...the campaing option gives my character a proper neko image, but "newborn" neko get images from the elf range.

the add_random_neko_portrait seems to have the proper numbers in them, so im not sure whats causing it....any advice?






upon further inspection, i found that its related to #1849295



neko do not have their own event in .8010, its handled by the elf event with a 75/25 chance to get an elf icon instead.


split them up and now it works.

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Just an idea, but something I feel is missing are popups (with decisions) involving DW events for player's courtiers. Something like player's character accidentally hearing something and stumbling into a scene or deliberately catching someone in the act when using the 'spy on' action from Intrigue focus.

It's probably a lot to write and code, but seeing all the courtiers constantly getting traits and modifiers feels like missing out on so much fun stuff. :(

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Just an idea, but something I feel is missing are popups (with decisions) involving DW events for player's courtiers. Something like player's character accidentally hearing something and stumbling into a scene or deliberately catching someone in the act when using the 'spy on' action from Intrigue focus.

It's probably a lot to write and code, but seeing all the courtiers constantly getting traits and modifiers feels like missing out on so much fun stuff. :(


It is a lot to write, but the main reason why is that it can quickly lead to pop-up hell, especially for a large court.

Having a problem with the portraits...the campaing option gives my character a proper neko image, but "newborn" neko get images from the elf range.

the add_random_neko_portrait seems to have the proper numbers in them, so im not sure whats causing it....any advice?






upon further inspection, i found that its related to #1849295



neko do not have their own event in .8010, its handled by the elf event with a 75/25 chance to get an elf icon instead.


split them up and now it works.


I missed that post about the Neko image on birth issue. I'll look to have it fixed in the next release.


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i have seen a few of the fairy tale charaters  but most of them never appear in my court. would like to see hunter make another appearance in the game. allways like to marry the future slayer buffy lol


Well the next update will have the return of an NPC last seen in the original Dark World, but it's not Buffy.


The return of hunters is probably 3-4 updates away right now.

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Harley Quinn as the Court Jester, maybe?


Also, any chance of bringing back slave training?


Harley Quinn is already in the game. Available once you unlock the Court Jester title (which limits it to Feudal and one other I believe). She lacks her random adventures at this time though.


Also, Slave training will largely remain the way it is now. The way it was previously had a lot more naysayers than people who said they liked it, largely because of the number of pop-ups the old system had. The new system still allows for slaves to be trained, it just handles it without the pop-ups every 30-90 days per slave.

The little red riding hood? Mey? Rayne? Maybe Claire? Who could be?


Also would s/he be just merely the npc spawning or are you packing also an event chain for him/her?


The NPC is part of a prior event chain which is returning. Plus, there are a couple more NPC's that can be obtained with the next update as well.


Edit: I forgot to mention - Mey is in the game presently as well. She's now a random option as part of the traveling caravan that might stop by every decade or so.

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What was the old slave training system?


The old system would prompt you with an update on how the training was going, and if they were behind schedule you could punish them to try and motivate them to do better, and a few other things depending on what they were being trained for.


With only one slave, it wasn't too bad, but if you had multiple slaves, or if you were playing a game where you were constantly enslaving folks, the events soon became an annoyance.


The existing slavery system will probably get revisited again at some point, with extra post-slavery options being available, but it's more on the wish list than any kind of real to-do list right now.

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Are there any plans to make werewolves and vampires spread their bloodline through biting?


Werewolves - no. Becoming a werewolf via a bite in the Dark World mod is simply a myth, as werewolves are a race and not a disease/curse. Werewolves themselves have become cursed due to some past event, which lead to a severe limitation on the birth of female werewolves, either that or they simply ruined their bloodline through years of inter-species breeding. The only one that might know is Fenris, yet he's not shared that historical information.


Vampires - yes. As vampirism is born of a curse that can be passed onto others.

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How exactly do I install this mod? I did it the exact same way as I had installed AGOT, which was just copy pasting everything in the mod folder and creating an extra file named "a Game of Thrones" and it worked perfectly. I did the same thing for Dark World reborn, and of course I disabled every single mod before starting it up, but nothing happened. It was just like a normal game. 


I do have a MacBook, and it took me a while before AGOT got working fine, but I've been trying loads of things with Dark World and I just can't figure out how to enable it. 



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Next update is looking like it'll be out next weekend (June 3rd-4th).


What is the current status for the Update?



It was waylaid by an unexpected visit from an old friend, and followed up by the old gang wanting to get rolling again in ESO.


It's like 95% from where it was ready to test. Alas, this week I've a bunch of kids in the house with school being out, so it'll likely be this weekend before I can wrap up the few remaining events and test it out.

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lilith capaign gonna be redone right ? cuz as it take NOTHING to get immortality and make all OP(30+ stats) characters immortal for symbolic price.

better make it so,that it cost your health rather than piety(like,you imbue them with you demonic essence that stop aging),you can restore your HP by life draining anyway. and to make it meaningful it should cost around 15-20 HP (so it take time and some risks if your HP will be too low)

hope one day to see lilith cult society that tied to lilth compaign and other cool and entertaining stuff.

my interst (look at it as priorty vote :) ) lies in lilith,vampires and kitsune. others...i don't give a flying fuck  :shy:

i'm not interested in orcs or neko. werewolves and elves...meh,only if i get bored by other three which is probably never...i play CK like 5-6 times a year ? and each session can take 1-3 week.

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lilith capaign gonna be redone right ? cuz as it take NOTHING to get immortality and make all OP(30+ stats) characters immortal for symbolic price.

better make it so,that it cost your health rather than piety(like,you imbue them with you demonic essence that stop aging),you can restore your HP by life draining anyway. and to make it meaningful it should cost around 15-20 HP (so it take time and some risks if your HP will be too low)

hope one day to see lilith cult society that tied to lilth compaign and other cool and entertaining stuff.

my interst (look at it as priorty vote :) ) lies in lilith,vampires and kitsune. others...i don't give a flying fuck  :shy:

i'm not interested in orcs or neko. werewolves and elves...meh,only if i get bored by other three which is probably never...i play CK like 5-6 times a year ? and each session can take 1-3 week.


Lilith campaign isn't going to be overhauled much. Mainly because it takes me a lot longer, since you can't hold the Blood Moon event when you're at war, and I usually go the route of violence when I play. So I don't experience the 'too quick' feeling, and I sure don't want to drag it out any longer, as I don't want my leader getting immortal when they're old and wrinkly.

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i got immortality in less than 5 year...it take like what ?4 BM's ? you can BM two time in a row and that's 2 years and there is no price to pay aka it's free and you get shit ton of bonuses from events. rather than tied to BM it should be tied to some sort of score from doin' stuff that lilith approve.

BM should be used as additional way of gaining score points AND a way to proceed the story (if at the end of the party your score is enough to lvl up)

war can be used as score grinding as you can rape,pilage,take slaves.

score also open meaningful way for insertion of other events for succubus/incubus

it should feel like you EARN it so it would be satisfying,as of now i feel like it was handed to me with 0 effort.


 I don't want my leader getting immortal when they're old and wrinkly.


well,you can add transormation spell for age subtracting. we ARE playing as a demon after all,so it would make sense :)

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Are there any plans to make werewolves and vampires spread their bloodline through biting?


Werewolves - no. Becoming a werewolf via a bite in the Dark World mod is simply a myth, as werewolves are a race and not a disease/curse. Werewolves themselves have become cursed due to some past event, which lead to a severe limitation on the birth of female werewolves, either that or they simply ruined their bloodline through years of inter-species breeding. The only one that might know is Fenris, yet he's not shared that historical information.


Vampires - yes. As vampirism is born of a curse that can be passed onto others.


I ask only because I'd like to see something that would lead to a possible explosion of werewolf population that doesn't require you to do all the work breeding.

lilith capaign gonna be redone right ? cuz as it take NOTHING to get immortality and make all OP(30+ stats) characters immortal for symbolic price.

better make it so,that it cost your health rather than piety(like,you imbue them with you demonic essence that stop aging),you can restore your HP by life draining anyway. and to make it meaningful it should cost around 15-20 HP (so it take time and some risks if your HP will be too low)

hope one day to see lilith cult society that tied to lilth compaign and other cool and entertaining stuff.

my interst (look at it as priorty vote :) ) lies in lilith,vampires and kitsune. others...i don't give a flying fuck  :shy:

i'm not interested in orcs or neko. werewolves and elves...meh,only if i get bored by other three which is probably never...i play CK like 5-6 times a year ? and each session can take 1-3 week.

Agree with Lilith religion concept 110%.

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