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While its not Fallout 76, this character was built for Fallout 4 in the throes of boredom and frustration. This is Lillith Vermuelen (spelled with 2 lls), granddaughter of Milana Vermuelen and brother to Eric Augustus Vermuelen, all residents of Vault 110.   Vault 110 has a grey history and a dark secret regarding its presence into 2287.  A secret that pertains to the experiments it conducted over the last 200 years.  What were experiments and what were their purpose.  I'll post Vault 110's history on the LoversLab Blog some day...



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I've been trying to find a way to name my trophy house without it getting in the way of the girls' names. I think I finally worked it out.




Just a glass wall, free standing, by the edge of the road.  You can walk round and still inspect the girls




One of these days Ill achieve my objective and collect all the female bosses in the game, all kneeling and with their names up in lights. Every time I get close I have to restart from some reason.


Oh well, maybe this time.




As usual, once I start, I can't stop fiddling. First I wanted to move the wall along a notch so it better framed the girls. Then I got the bright idea of extending the Glass House roof and fastening the wall to that. With maybe a proper foundation so it didn't float in the air so much.





Then I thought, let's get the School name in there, too.




Once I did that I had to add a flag. And then another for the sake of balance.




The machinegun turrets on the corner add a pleasingly sinister note, I feel :)


Of course, you need to wait or nightfall to get the full effect.




It's all got a bit of a Modern Art Gallery vibe. Which seems appropriate in some ways.


And you can still walk around the wall and inspect the exhibits up close.




As close as you like, really. It's an Installation. It's supposed to be interactive.




Latest recruit:



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So I was fiddling with stage lighting for a dancer I'd assigned in Sanctuary and I wanted to wait for night so I could see if it gave the right effect. So I placed a chair with a good view of the stage, sat down, and waited till midnight.


When I opened my eyes, what do you think was the first thing I saw?






It's not that I'm unappreciative ...


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