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OSex+ The Greatest Virtual Sex Ever

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This is a great Mod no doubt but I guess the controls are just madness to learn it..and taking in front that we want to play...a game that is as big in content as this one its very annoying to see a pdf file that tries to help us understand the functionality of this controls and in the end one just gets more confused and quits this all awesome work cause of that !



Do not take me wrong, I installed it once , but PFFFF...the controls are a mad house...everything looks perfect but this point...


If you manage to get a easy understanding of this controls I dare to say a lot more people would install this Mod...



I like what I see just will never get this controls and most of all, remember all of them...impossible task...



Thanks for the great Mod ...and sorry about being so direct in what are the problems I see in this amazing work !

LoL man, the controls are far easier now, than they were at the launch of the mod, you should give it a try, and theres a key used to show the commands available in each scene. If you cant understand that, sorry for you.

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Disclaimer: I am the worst coder in the world and most likely have no idea what I am talking about.


Give yourself some credit. You make things that work, that people want, at an impressive pace. That alone places you ahead of many coders in the world.



Exactly. Maybe you didnt start whole thing like school book material but its important that what you made works. Some things even work better then job that was made by pros (perfect animation alignment). Also your speed of doing things and understanding and learning all technical thingies that pipdude said is impressive.



Most produce mediocrity and think they're a genius. This guy produces genius and thinks he's no good. The world is all twisted, I tells ya!


Keep up the awesome work CEO.



I have some voice samples done for 0SA! Just let me know where I can send them, or if I should post the link here. 


Awesome Arialynn, Thank you!

If you want to link or send them to me. I can put them together in a pack once I get to SexDentity in the new system or I can show you how to implement them in the current system in the mean time. Excited! I'll make sure to full credit you for the work.


I wasn't to sure about what to record ~No words, yes words? Just moans?~. So I did a few small samples. I really hope they help!




The samples are impressive - incredibly high quality! Great work. The more variation with the audio clips, the better.


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Hello CEO 0S

Just want to say thanks for this mod, it actually was the case for me to play skyrim again after 3 years, and maybe complete the game finally...=) (at least story mission)


I believe you know the mod All in one HDT Animated Pussy, I'm using that mod along with your, so the only problem that mostly annoys me is that the vagina toggles in open in the base position, because as I understand its supposed to open when any animation begin.
So is there a way you or me can fix this issue, or this issue is related to the Animated pussy author?
Would be great if your mod would have such a feature, it would make the process more immersive other then the penis go through closed vagina textures...


Hey, that animation has nothing to do with the animations displayed by 0Sex, you see, "HDT vagina", reacts only to the "Schlong", using Havok, and theres nothing you can do about that, anyone using HDT vagina, will see that happening.

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Hello CEO 0S

Just want to say thanks for this mod, it actually was the case for me to play skyrim again after 3 years, and maybe complete the game finally...=) (at least story mission)


I believe you know the mod All in one HDT Animated Pussy, I'm using that mod along with your, so the only problem that mostly annoys me is that the vagina toggles in open in the base position, because as I understand its supposed to open when any animation begin.
So is there a way you or me can fix this issue, or this issue is related to the Animated pussy author?
Would be great if your mod would have such a feature, it would make the process more immersive other then the penis go through closed vagina textures...


Hey, that animation has nothing to do with the animations displayed by 0Sex, you see, "HDT vagina", reacts only to the "Schlong", using Havok, and theres nothing you can do about that, anyone using HDT vagina, will see that happening.



It was a issue with the hdtVagina.xml, we fixed this with the author of All in one HDT Animated Pussy.

Its ok now.

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OSA / OSEX 1.08 Preview


This is only a preview of the UI for people that just want to see the UI / want to give feedback / or help me with it.



Includes Standing Adore > Standing Adore (Apart, Not called Standing Dally), Two Undress Scenes from Standing Dally, Standing Reverse Cuddles > Standing O Sex Scenes and Jerk Off. Stand Cuddles Embrace.


None of the old stuff is hooked up, no expressions, no undressing, no sounds, no mcm, no rebind keys. This is just a test of the UI to address any problems before investing lots of time into the system / data entry for it.




This is a new mod so you don't have to uninstall an OSex prior to this just make sure you unbind the num O key or you'll cast old OSex and the new OSex at the same time...


Num 0 turns the scene on. Num period turns the scene off.

DPAD navigates the UI.

Left + Right DPAD turn the pages on scenes with multiple pages (Undressing and pre sex scenes)

RIGHT SHIFT switches through actors (But the sub only has some copies of the Dom's moves atm for testing)

RIGHT CTRL confirms the current button you are on and advances the scene.




Issues I know about but haven't got around to fixing:


1.If you cast a scene on 2 actors that have already had their data stored in the UI (introduced) the scene might trigger before they have a chance to process. Not a huge problem for testing since you can start commanding them as soon as they are done loading but you'll need to hit a nav button for now to get them started if this happens. Easy fix just haven't got to that part yet.


Basically the scene checks that all criteria is met since it has already cached the actors from a previous encounter and fires the scene before they have registered to hear the animation events.


2. The undress scenes are flagged to not repeat but I haven't hooked up a way to stop them from being hit twice. This means they will pause on the last frame so if you hit the same undress back to back without switching to another animation they will stay on the last frame for the duration of the scene and not be animated. As soon as the scene length ends they'll go back to normal. Easy fix too just haven't got there yet.




Source Files:

I included the flash source files: This is just for debugging in flash itself nothing to do with playing in Skyrim. For debugging: 

G Simulates Papyrus starting a scene, num 8 simulates introducing an actor to the scene. The scene won't start until the actors are introduced so you have to hit G then num 8 twice (in any order) to get the scene going.


WASD move around the menu, left shift toggles actor pages and Q confirms selection.




Scene XML:

I'll need more sections but this is all I needed for this basic functionality. If anyone checks it out the fields should all be self descriptive except a few:


"b" "o" "i" stands for button, overlay, icon, which is how you define the buttons. Base is the background color and shape, o is the background color and shape when it's being hovered over, and I is the graphic that goes on top. When it's live i'll have a data base of images + name for all the buttons you can use.  Actor and page uses just b and o   BT (buttons) get b o i.


rnum is obsolete so ignore that. Desc = description Dest = Destination. style is a hard coded way of handling the scene, for example variations, transitions other special effects for now there's just SyBasic or SyTransBasic.  nav style is the type of navigation panel to use, for now there's just NP1.




Thanks for helping me test, and let me know please if I messed up packing the zip and I'll fix it up.

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Incredbly sexy and very in the spirit of OSex. Thank you so much for this, I'll include it as a voice pack. If you have time and the will I'd love more. I find the subtler sounds are best as they are the least shocking when they happen and blend into Skyrim but the sound palette has room for everything so you can get more elaborate too, it's anything goes really. Pretty much any sounds from the softest to the wildest that could be made in sex there's a spot for so I'd love more if you're interested but thank you so much for this already. Sound great!





Yea it did happen but the file was huge Pipdude but most likely less then what OSex would be when it has every single scene inside, The scene XML needs a lot of data. I didn't thoroughly test it so maybe there was some mistakes in my xml causing it too, I'll take another look. Just a brief pause really, I keep Skyrim not on my SSD so that might be part of it too. The one at a time method seems to be working good though.


It does use spells. 1 Actro Spell per scene and 1 Actra Spell per actor in the scene are cast .

-Actro just manages Key presses and reports when actors are ready / does some coordinating.

-For Actra 90% of it is just forcing the actors into a T-Pose so they can be measured. Outside of that they just register and listen for a few events, esg, mfg, netimmerse and animation related stuff.


I looked into forms more and I don't think it's possible. Getting the object form in flash is tricky to have it tied to an actor and even if it did get in there's no way to relay it back to Skyrim that I can see. I thought game.getformID would work but the issue is that GetFormFromFile is one of the few instances in Papyrus where you need to input a formID as hex prefixing the ID with an 0x. I have not been able to find a way to input this by assembly for example 0x+HexID converts it to an int or string and no longer is accepted. Unless it's typed out in the papyrus with the 0x manually and compiled I don't see a way to get it in. Maybe a DLL could do the conversion but still complicated.


The framework side of OSA relying on the external documents to allow for custom stuff to be made is what really needs the flash imo. If it was just doing scene roulette or transitions without the ability to ad in new custom scenes and sexdentity one would single quest script would be fine I think.. The original Osex was just that but the document loading is what's really making papyrus not cut it. For just paired animation playing it would be ok with just one quest but getting an instance of a script on the actors would still help most likely.






Thanks Migal,

The ui will open up this door, as time allows I'll have different types of transitions possible some created as shortcuts. With the AI I made some animations for it to use to quickly get around which I can include now as a button instead of having to worry about finding a spot to put them in. There's no more limitations to the advanced mode buttons and having to make animations conform to it, so anything that I get around to animating now has a place and can be used. Directly from one end of OSex all the way to the other in one transition for example. Can have a lot more fun with it now. I really want to just get back to animating but I'm stuck coding for a bit more and then we'll see what cool stuff can happen on the new system. Transitions do take forever they are a lot harder then loops and not as much fun but have the best effects when they are done imo, they are definitely capped by my time though. There's tons of transitions I'd love to animate in OSex just need to get around to it.





Thanks Zor for the nice comments!

It conflicts with nothing, it's just a single spell and it supports any versions of SoS if you want automatic scaling and alignment.


I'm reluctant to do anything to how OSA or OSex interacts with the Skyrim world and people because it's a framework and I don't want to limit options for developers. For example with dialogue different flavors and styles of it might not appeal to some. I want to leave that as open ended as possible. It can all be done very straight forward it's just something that would happen outside of the core files by a mod developer making a mod for it.


Outside developers will have to do some of the cool things like you mentioned if there's a desire for it.I could do it myself but the script has me tied down and I have a ton of animations I want to do or am trying to finish so it's unlikely I'll be able to find time to do things outside of improving the system and it's functionality / animations. If there's a demand I hope someone will try to do it. It would be pretty straight forward to have OSex triggered by dialogue.

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Nice, its here! Can't wait to test. :)
I made some changes in my mod setup and while Skyrim now looks more realistic i also gained 10 - 15 FPS so Osex should indeed be lightning fast and run smooth. After testing Ill post any issues i run into and papyrus log.



Looks great.

Transitions are lightning fast.

UI is very responsive.


Female actor not recognized as sub.

Pink square upper left corner of the screen is always visible. (probably for testing only).

Undress animations play but nothing is undressed.

Minor mistype in description.

Osex doesnt remember last actor selected but instead jumps to 1st one after successful action.


On first run my Skyrim froze completely after Mikael started to sing but on 2nd try all was fine so i think something else happened and not 0sex issue.


Papyrus log: download





Note: this is installed next to 1.07c

Fnis reported 20 or so consistency issues.


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Nice, its here! Can't wait to test. :)

I made some changes in my mod setup and while Skyrim now looks more realistic i also gained 10 - 15 FPS so Osex should indeed be lightning fast and run smooth. After testing Ill post any issues i run into and papyrus log.



Looks great.

Transitions are lightning fast.

UI is very responsive.


Female actor not recognized as sub.

Pink square upper left corner of the screen is always visible. (probably for testing only).

Undress animations play but nothing is undressed.

Minor mistype in description.

Osex doesnt remember last actor selected but instead jumps to 1st one after successful action.


On first run my Skyrim froze completely after Mikael started to sing but on 2nd try all was fine so i think something else happened and not 0sex issue.


Papyrus log: download





Note: this is installed next to 1.07c

Fnis reported 20 or so consistency issues.


Thanks for all of this Kinky!

I'm glad you like it so far.


Good news is the red things are all straight forward fixes I just have a lot of little things to hook up but the hard part should be out of the way now if this test is good.


When I get the config back up Female Sub <> undressing etc. should all be working again.


Last actor selected I'll see what I can do, it's a good idea. Currently it just sets page, actor, and location on the button grid to 1 whenever you go to a new scene, in case the page you go to doesn't have multiple pages or actors but I can make it work the way you want I think.

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Yeah mostly minor issues. But about last one. It can be really tricky if there is a scene with 3+ actors if it always goes back to actor 1 there could be multiple issues. First one people getting annoyed by having to constantly change actors. The way you made UI work now is that it is always visible and shift key is single pressed in order to change actors. As i mentioned earlier if you press single shift 5 or more times in a row windows sticky keys will pop up and 5 in a row can happen easy in scene with 3+ actors where you skip one by accident.


In addition to that i would suggest adding hide/unhide UI button. With so many keys released by UI you can easily asign one for this action (Left ctrl?).


Also there is something about spank animation that doesnt seem right yet. Spanking was done once but hand was risen like 2nd attempt is comming but then animation continued as normal. At this point when there are no sounds or expressions its pretty important to have this perfect coz expressions and sounds could add delay and really do double spank.




Going to test Num1 or G and Num8 that seems new. I skipped that part.



Im not really sure how to do this to start a scene. G seems to be in conflict with Sexlab Defeat.

I just got killed for pressing G on Mikael and assaulting him. :D

I tried to press it from distance and got debug message saying "Mikael Marked". Not sure if thats 0sex or Defeat message since there is conflict. Trying to mark 2 actors and pressing num 8 twice did nothing.



Is it normal that first scene is no longer standing adore but instead similar as on the pic only embraced?

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Yeah mostly minor issues. But about last one. It can be really tricky if there is a scene with 3+ actors if it always goes back to actor 1 there could be multiple issues. First one people getting annoyed by having to constantly change actors. The way you made UI work now is that it is always visible and shift key is single pressed in order to change actors. As i mentioned earlier if you press single shift 5 or more times in a row windows sticky keys will pop up and 5 in a row can happen easy in scene with 3+ actors where you skip one by accident.


In addition to that i would suggest adding hide/unhide UI button. With so many keys released by UI you can easily asign one for this action (Left ctrl?).


Also there is something about spank animation that doesnt seem right yet. Spanking was done once but hand was risen like 2nd attempt is comming but then animation continued as normal. At this point when there are no sounds or expressions its pretty important to have this perfect coz expressions and sounds could add delay and really do double spank.




Going to test Num1 or G and Num8 that seems new. I skipped that part.



Im not really sure how to do this to start a scene. G seems to be in conflict with Sexlab Defeat.

I just got killed for pressing G on Mikael and assaulting him. :D

I tried to press it from distance and got debug message saying "Mikael Marked". Not sure if thats 0sex or Defeat message since there is conflict. Trying to mark 2 actors and pressing num 8 twice did nothing.



I was going to make the UI only appear on press but I think it's better if it's always there with the ability to hide it so that's another good idea to make a key so it goes away. It felt not great having to hold down a button just to see and navigate around it. I'd really like to put the controls on the left side of the keyboard but wasd is togglefreecamera controls and everything else in between has Journal or Map etc. bound to it.


Maybe there's some place on the left side of the keys it could fit nicely. I'll get a UI hide button in that will be good, thanks!


I'll see what I can about the spank it might always have a range of accuracy because of FNIS blend time. If I turn off blend they snap in and out of a frame of TPose but with it there's always some randomness even with Actionscript to when it starts. I can make it not loop if it concludes but the risk is that if an animation is playing and you tell skyrim to play it again it doesn't refresh the animation from frame 1 it just lets it keep playing so if you wanted to spank twice in a row it would stay frozen on the last frame instead of spanking again if it never changed animation to something else in between. I'll see what I can do though it's a good point.



Sorry Kinky that last part Num1, G etc. is just in Adobe flash program it uses different keys when running the mock up of the UI for debugging it.




Start scene could be anything but I'll set it back to Adore, I'd rather it start there. Forgot to reset it from debugging.


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Yeah i like how you made it always there and right ctrl for confirm is nice. Its better and is semi hands free mode (so no big issue if its left or right). Some people will apreciate that. :D


On a side note: im not sure if you changed anything about positioning of actors on sex start. I had it so they enter each other then go to their proper positions. Considering there are issues with recognizing sub and scaling properly this will maybe not be as noticable when those things are fixed.

Anyway overall everything seems more stable and fast so ignoring minor issues i can say you did amazing job.


I like the fact that any scene can be starting one. That gives me idea similar to how G for defeat assaults target... in theory it should be possible to spank that merchant ladys all over the skyrim. :D

When i get some time Ill have to setup notepad++ again and start some scripting myself. :)



And one last thing that i wonder about: only options i had for undressing that guy was pants and panties. Was this intentional for this test only?


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Yea it did happen but the file was huge Pipdude but most likely less then what OSex would be when it has every single scene inside, The scene XML needs a lot of data. I didn't thoroughly test it so maybe there was some mistakes in my xml causing it too, I'll take another look. Just a brief pause really, I keep Skyrim not on my SSD so that might be part of it too. The one at a time method seems to be working good though.


I think that you have momentum going with what you are doing. So, you should see it through to a release version.


That said, maybe for a down the road version, you could structure this data in a way that would condense it a lot. As one example, instead of having every scene list out every button state's full title, you could have the code construct those titles from the scenes id.


You could remove: 

b="NP1G_OBox_B_01_A_BKWH" o="NP1G_OBox_B_01_A_OPWH" i="NP1G_OBox_I_Emo_EtruSy_Emb01_BW"

And have the code use the scene title to create unique "_BKWH", "_OPWH" references. Or, if the goal is to re-use button sets independent from scene uniqueness you could condense to generic button ids and build references to the b,o,i states in code in order to at least remove two fields.


actors, style, animator are all items that could go in a wrapper around associated scene data so that it doesn't get repeated in each scene.


Data structuring is its own art.. A good theory to follow is that if there is repeated data, there is a way to restructure it more efficiently to eliminate the repetition (but balancing for usability).


Again, I'm not suggesting to change directions at this point. There's something to be said for making sure you are rewarding yourself (and users) with working builds once in a while. But, I think that over time you are going to be naturally motivated to make the consolidations I'm referring to simply because they will make the data easier to edit, copy and make new scenes, etc. Faster loading would actually be a secondary benefit to that, imo.


[Thank you for including commenting throughout the new code. Goes a long way!]



I looked into forms more and I don't think it's possible. Getting the object form in flash is tricky to have it tied to an actor and even if it did get in there's no way to relay it back to Skyrim that I can see. I thought game.getformID would work but the issue is that GetFormFromFile is one of the few instances in Papyrus where you need to input a formID as hex prefixing the ID with an 0x. I have not been able to find a way to input this by assembly for example 0x+HexID converts it to an int or string and no longer is accepted. Unless it's typed out in the papyrus with the 0x manually and compiled I don't see a way to get it in. Maybe a DLL could do the conversion but still complicated.


Hah. This is why I was confused when I thought the new system wasn't using spells. I couldn't get finding a form just from the formID to work either.


Even if there is a way, I was thinking that Game.getFormID might not be good enough performance-wise to run a bunch of repetitive animation and expression calls through.


At this point, I'm convinced that spells are the cleanest solution available for this.



The framework side of OSA relying on the external documents to allow for custom stuff to be made is what really needs the flash imo. If it was just doing scene roulette or transitions without the ability to ad in new custom scenes and sexdentity one would single quest script would be fine I think.. The original Osex was just that but the document loading is what's really making papyrus not cut it. For just paired animation playing it would be ok with just one quest but getting an instance of a script on the actors would still help most likely.


Yeah. There's also just the tidiness of the code. The extra hoops you have to jump through in a Papyrus-only solution for something like this is just beyond my threshold of patience as a developer. The pipdude cannot abide!


When i get some time Ill have to setup notepad++ again and start some scripting myself. :)


Go with Sublime Text. I switched from Notepad++ and it changed my life forever!


(Takes a little extra set-up. But, well worth it.)

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Ok got a vision to go with all this UI.


1. Already discussed this but goes with my new later idea: First part is Chat bubbles which I'm going to do at some point. No master esm required picks up one easy send mod event (string + actor ID + duration) with HTML text for emphasis when needed. Any mod will be able to make a character pop a chat bubble whenever they want. That's the plan 1.


2. Initial idea was a key that when you cast on hover brings up additional information. Started making it to get the ESG print out of what an actor is wearing to aid people in setting up their esg. Like the 1.06 MCM option but with fancy menus. While making it I realized it basically can be turned into free anything / papyrus space. Here's the plan:


A key can be bound for this special panel. The player hovers over an npc and can pushes the key: It will show some bare minimal options like seeing their equip slots etc but it can also print out XML data that get's converted into output for Story Telling purposes in a more classic RPG approach OR gets turned into papyrus functions.


Example if I made a story I could include profiles for some key players with additional back story that loads up when you press the key on hover. You could have additional options pop up, choices, ways to apply effects to the actor or make them do things etc. You'd put in whatever XML fields or options you wanted when the npc was clicked and it would present the options and data in an onscreen panel.


XML blocks converted to custom Menu's, Text output, and Papyrus functions basically, that can be given to any npc and shown on key press. Similar to the chat bubbles but more presentation / free space oriented. If you put for example <profile text:"This is my 2nd favorite virtual babe Fione."></profile> it could make it or pseudo dialogue, quest selection through menus. As long a list as needed to get as many cool effects as possible of defined XML blocks that do different things when included.  On Press send actor's ID to the UI, UI loads the XML based on the ID, hands it to an exploding function that processes what to do based on what's in it.


Maybe it's just me but i find things like this appealing I don't care much for having to go all in with gaining voice acting for Skyrim and in a lot of ways I just prefer text based over it so I'd like to make some tools to make a story in Skyrim easy to tell through text.







Thanks Pipdude, agree with all of that and I'm trying to cut back on the data but some things I'm having a hard time finding a way around. In your examples I see what you mean. I'll try to trim once the structure all starts making sense to me.  In some ways OSA is about an Obtuse amount of semi overkill details, and over-future proofing so it's most likely always going to be there to an extent but the biggest benefit for me would be to have the framework be accessible and have others make scenes that use the system. I see your point that more straightforward the documents would only help that. What I think it has going for it is that it's not all or nothing, the more intimidating fields can be left off until later and it still works. SexDentity and Transition data and most of all AINavigation take the most amount of data by far but aren't as significant as the basic of playing the animation in transitions but still has a nice effect.





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When i get some time Ill have to setup notepad++ again and start some scripting myself. :)


Go with Sublime Text. I switched from Notepad++ and it changed my life forever!


(Takes a little extra set-up. But, well worth it.)



Funny thing is i did start with ST3 first time and it worked but i couldnt set it up to work with MO coz it was x64 and MO didnt like that. So after losing whole day trying to make it work and failed i quit on idea of coding. :P My 2nd attempt was few days ago with Notepad++ and i managed to do whole setup properly. Then i was experimenting with enb and reshade, messed up things in skyrim directory (turned out my pc doesnt like wrapper version of ENB) and reinstalled the game and all my settings for compiling went puff! :D

So 3rd time might be lucky one.


IF ST3 and MO didnt annoy me so much i would at least have "hello world" mod by now. :D



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Well, the UI is very clean and fast!


However, can I make a suggestion for a mode that is text only, and uses default UI styles? This allows something that is a bit more seamless with the rest of the UI, and also allows any additions the framework to not feel out of place without custom symbols defined.

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While I am an eye candy person not really interested in animated sex acts in the game I must say the quality I see in the animated gifs are superb. That is talent. I would really like to see that talent put to use doing other animations as well.

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1.08 UI looks good so far. Only thing I would suggest is, if possible at all to do:


One "checkbox" button always at the very top that is "expand" all the other options.

Let's say that "checkbox button" at the top is checked (by pressing Right Ctrl)


Let's say I then go down to any of the other real action buttons that were my the possible choices.

When those other buttons are selected, the action button "slide expand to the right" on what other choices I have IF I were to press that action button.


In a way, that tells me "If I click this to go in that position, then what are my options if I go on to this position.


If not doable, how about at the least, a button at the very top that allows a warp to a list of possible base positions?


(Just some suggestions, perhaps I don't describe it very well or state the case for the above, so yeah maybe for version 1.10? :))


Excellent job as always.

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Thanks for the feedback everyone and help! I think 1.08 is a success, no major issues and a lot more possibilities now so I'm going to commit and keep posting 1.08 versions as I progress.


I've been able to hook up the basic options for a scene so next versions will put female in the female intended animations etc. it will also do body and genital scaling again. In previous OSex a lot of these functions were designed to just handle 2 actors and I was going to rework them for multi actor scenes but it wasn't quite there. These are all being implemented to handle infinite actors until Skyrim has a melt down. 


Facial expressions in transition is hooked up too and I'll try to get some more scenes in for the next version.




For keys: I'm thinking there's no way to get the keys on the left side and although it would be nice it's not possible without extensive rebinding of a lot of Skyrim default keys or using a not plus shape directional pad which would suck. I think I should just commit to the right side and take over the num pad although not ideal I think it's the only way to lay it out.




Pip dude if you see this I made some adjustments to the Actra spell. Instead of using role number and original number for actors their password is now just their FormID. I figured since the flash UI's memory can't persist through closing the game there's no way that their ID can be altered within a play session so it's much simpler and faster to just use FormID so no coordinating is needed to tell the Actra instances what role the actor they are on is. I might be able to get rid of the faction that tracks their role too since the UI can track it all. Any data that needs to be saved in documents will still be under the hex+id since it would have to survive multiple sessions but it should be fine for the script.


It has a benefit to that all actra needs to be is a spell that makes the actor register for animation / mfg / netimmerse events modevents passworded with their form ID and the UI can manage them so if new actors needed to be introduced to turn a 2 way into a 3 way for example, an actor in the scene could cast an aoe (short term) actra and all actors in range could be manipulated by the UI.





Thanks aff

I understand what you are looking for, the preview of the next is possible but kind of complicated with the number of pages and actors involved to show. I'll see what I can come up with to address what you want. At the very least warp / travel menu is making a return. There's 3 panels the UI will have: Navigation, Scene Menu and Main Menu. Only Navigation menu is up in the current version but I have the others coming along.


Main menu is something you can always open that is basically the old MCM menu moved over to the UI. For configuring keybinds, settings, etc.


When you're in a scene you gain access to a navigation menu and scene menu in addition to main menu.

Navigation menu is the panel you currently see in the demo.

Scene Menu will be a second panel you can open that comes out of the right side of the screen and holds the stuff that was on the previous OSex's Num keys. Warp Travel, ESG stripping, Randomizer and other planned features coming up that the UI opened the door for.


So warp / travel will be coming back for sure to quickly get around. In 1.07 one of the few things developers couldn't do was make their own warp menu as it based in CK forms but now they will be able to do that too and layout their own warp menu so that's a plus too.





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Yeah right side is the right side :P I really dont see any issues with that. With how good UI is made now i could literaly control the scenes using my nose (or something else pointy). Its that easy! So doesnt matter if left or right hand is used.


Its good to know that you are implementing main parts back. That kinda makes me wonder how you will manage warp and AI for multipe actors but seeing what you did already i believe that you already have an idea. Still this seems like massive job. I hope you have easy way arround it when that time comes.

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Re right side control keyboard keys for the new UI.... all I can say it's only a problem for guys who can only use their joysticks with their right hands.   ;)


Solution: Move mouse to left hand side of keyboard, learn to mouse with left hand....


CEO: No problems, see what you can do otherwise don't let it detract from the main design points.


I can imagine the next frontier for this UI would be using and hooking into the default MS Windows voice recognition software.... (there's a Nexus mod that allows something like that, a dragon-shout voice recognition I think).


"Computer, girl two to doggy position. Legs in. Man one put penis in girl two vagina."


"Computer, lift girl position. Man one put penis in girl two vagina. Warp speed ahead, Scotty".

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This is a great Mod no doubt but I guess the controls are just madness to learn it..and taking in front that we want to play...a game that is as big in content as this one its very annoying to see a pdf file that tries to help us understand the functionality of this controls and in the end one just gets more confused and quits this all awesome work cause of that !



Do not take me wrong, I installed it once , but PFFFF...the controls are a mad house...everything looks perfect but this point...


If you manage to get a easy understanding of this controls I dare to say a lot more people would install this Mod...



I like what I see just will never get this controls and most of all, remember all of them...impossible task...



Thanks for the great Mod ...and sorry about being so direct in what are the problems I see in this amazing work !

LoL man, the controls are far easier now, than they were at the launch of the mod, you should give it a try, and theres a key used to show the commands available in each scene. If you cant understand that, sorry for you.



And ???


Sadly there is always someone like you that instead helping thinks its funny to joke on others post..


It is my opinion...

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Ok installed everything ,


Core files from Nexus

Then Patch  downloaded here then Alpha version downloaded here...


Run FNIS and this is what happens...



FNIS Behavior V6.2   3/8/2016 5:14:23 PM
Skyrim: - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\ (Steam)
Skeleton(hkx) female: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)   male: XPMS2HDT (115 bones)
Patch: "SKELETON Arm Fix" 
Installing FNIS PCEA2
Reading 0SA_0SexMF_Low V?.? ...
Reading 0SA_0SexMF_Mid V?.? ...
Reading 0SA_0SexMF_Stand V?.? ...
Reading 0SA_0Sex_MF_Cn
ERROR(9): Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Any ideas why...



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