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Hello everyone!


Let me start by saying I started this Topic so we may discuss the actual ages of the Characters as I have seen several Modder's Topics getting hijacked by some people complaining about "under aged girls", so please speak up but be respectful to everyone else as there is no right or wrong here!


So lets talk about how we feel regarding some Characters *cough*Marie*cough*Honoka*cough* by comparing how they dress, how they act, and any Official sources we can find, perhaps even discuss what we feel is an acceptable middle ground between eastern Developers and western sensitivity on ages?


I'll start by clarifying the Official ages according to Team Ninja I have found, Girls near or under age limit in western standards by game:

DOA 1 ~ Kasumi = 16, Ayane = 15, Lei Fang = 18

(changed to add 1 year to each girl by time of release, first editions of the manual from Japan confirm it)

DOA 2-4 ~ Kasumi = 17, Ayane = 16, Lei Fang = 19, Hitomi = 17, Kokoro = 17

DOA 5 ~ Kasumi = 19, Ayane = 18, Lei Fang = 21, Hitomi = 20, Kokoro = 20, Pai Chan = 18

DOA 5 U ~ Marie Rose = 16

(changed to 18 by time of release, several pieces of Japanese promotional materials confirm younger age was planned)

DOA 5 LR ~ Honoka = 16

(changed to 18 by time of release, several Japanese Last Round Official game guides confirm younger age was planned)


Now here is my feelings on the matter...


In Japan legal adult age for sexual encounters is 14 (that is the Country's legal age limit, however most major Regions in Japan have their own higher age limit in local laws, so it varies) and legal age to enter Fighting Tournaments in most parts of the world is 16.


So I would argue that all the ages are acceptable as they were originally planned, but if you insist on being picky as of now they all are "Officially 18 and over", furthermore if Western people can't respect a developer making games that comply with their local laws and culture, we best expect to see more of them stop releasing games outside of their own regions, and we certainly don't want that!


Ok I'm done, now lets hear your thoughts... go ahead and post away!

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I dont concern myself too much with lore and official story/canon etc. As long as the girl looks like a credible 18+ year old, Im happy. 

Marie Rose is the only girl in DoA who makes me a little uncomfortable. I suppose she could have the physique of someone over 18, but I can imagine that body and face belonging to someone younger too. I feel TN tried to make her more child-like with some of her mannerisms (dancing on the spot, foot stamping tantrum, crying when she loses etc). She is a real gray area for me.  

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I find it funny getting weird over ages unless you never felt attraction to people your age as a teen. Your interests may shift focus, but you never lose them.


I've always liked older women. The experience for me has always been that they rocked my world and left me a drooling mess in the bed.  Sure, younger girls are nice to look at, but older women all the way.  Mid 20's-mid 30's is my preference.  Although, now that I'm in my 30's, it'll be more like girls around my age, I guess o.O

I'm gettin old.

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Age arguments are common usually from those that don't understand Japanese culture or never played a Japanese origin game. So it all buckles down from typical stereotyping. Its pretty sad we have to make a thread about this when every girl in the game's roster is above the age 17. Yeah Marie Rose "Looks" like a 12 year old but thats your stereotyping speaking. In Japan Kawii is used as a popular trend in fashion thats why Idols are a big deal there making them look younger than their actual age. So having them in video games is no different. We complain or feel guilty about the age b/c we lack culture understandings. To add common sense here it wouldn't make sense for Team Ninja to add children in a Rated M game surrounded by fully developed women with sex appeal details.... sometimes we have to think outside the box before we judge. 

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I always thought Honoka was a loli gone wrong (slightly more curves than intended), so they just made her "18" and said "there we go, fixed". She looks like an overgrown loli. :P


I figured they made Marie "18" just to cover their asses, and decided to make all of her clothing cover a lot more skin. Not surprised I've heard no complaint from TN about there being nude mods for both.


As far as I'm concerned, if there's a girl in DOA, better damn-well expect her to be oggled. This is a game with a crowd who expects a boner when they turn it on. Fuckin' love it. :P

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Hello everyone!


Let me start by saying I started this Topic so we may discuss the actual ages of the Characters as I have seen several Modder's Topics getting hijacked by some people complaining about "under aged girls", so please speak up but be respectful to everyone else as there is no right or wrong here!


So lets talk about how we feel regarding some Characters *cough*Marie*cough*Honoka*cough* by comparing how they dress, how they act, and any Official sources we can find, perhaps even discuss what we feel is an acceptable middle ground between eastern Developers and western sensitivity on ages?


I'll start by clarifying the Official ages according to Team Ninja I have found, Girls near or under age limit in western standards by game:


DOA 1 ~ Kasumi = 16, Ayane = 15, Lei Fang = 18

(changed to add 1 year to each girl by time of release, first editions of the manual from Japan confirm it)


DOA 2-4 ~ Kasumi = 17, Ayane = 16, Lei Fang = 19, Hitomi = 17, Kokoro = 17


DOA 5 ~ Kasumi = 19, Ayane = 18, Lei Fang = 21, Hitomi = 20, Kokoro = 20, Pai Chan = 18


DOA 5 U ~ Marie Rose = 16

(changed to 18 by time of release, several pieces of Japanese promotional materials confirm younger age was planned)


DOA 5 LR ~ Honoka = 16

(changed to 18 by time of release, several Japanese Last Round Official game guides confirm younger age was planned)


Now here is my feelings on the matter...


In Japan legal adult age for sexual encounters is 14 (that is the Country's legal age limit, however most major Regions in Japan have their own higher age limit in local laws, so it varies) and legal age to enter Fighting Tournaments in most parts of the world is 16.


So I would argue that all the ages are acceptable as they were originally planned, but if you insist on being picky as of now they all are "Officially 18 and over", furthermore if Western people can't respect a developer making games that comply with their local laws and culture, we best expect to see more of them stop releasing games outside of their own regions, and we certainly don't want that!


Ok I'm done, now lets hear your thoughts... go ahead and post away!

Dead horse topic. Horse btw as already turned to GLUE!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't really call it a "discussion", as there is little to discuss if anything at all.

It's more about driving the hate away, by stating "DOA girls are 18+, stop treating us like pedophiles."

You might try going for "Japanese culture understands the term 'underage' a little different", but then it brings the problem of how much laws and regulations mold our morality, even though they really shouldn't, but they do, and so on. It only brings us to quicksands of how relative morality is, which solves nothing.


Not like it really matters. Most haters won't be convinced by those 2 arguments and dismiss them with "their looks is more important than what lore says, no one reads the lore" and "Japanese culture applies to Japan, we're not in Japan, duh". More importantly most of the haters will overlook this topic completely.


To be honest, I don't think we need to explain ourselves to anyone, haters or otherwise. Even if you really do have boners looking on pixels that look like 12 year-old girls, that's your personal thing. Explaining that those pixels only look like 12yo but are officially 18yo according to lore is absurd to me. Even if you do perceive Marie Rose as 12yo and fap to her, it's not like you're hurting anyone. It's just pixels. I guess. Although you may want to discuss your sexual preferences with a trusted therapist, just to be sure :)

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Age arguments are common usually from those that don't understand Japanese culture or never played a Japanese origin game. So it all buckles down from typical stereotyping. Its pretty sad we have to make a thread about this when every girl in the game's roster is above the age 17. Yeah Marie Rose "Looks" like a 12 year old but thats your stereotyping speaking. In Japan Kawii is used as a popular trend in fashion thats why Idols are a big deal there making them look younger than their actual age. So having them in video games is no different. We complain or feel guilty about the age b/c we lack culture understandings. To add common sense here it wouldn't make sense for Team Ninja to add children in a Rated M game surrounded by fully developed women with sex appeal details.... sometimes we have to think outside the box before we judge. 



I wouldn't really call it a "discussion", as there is little to discuss if anything at all.

It's more about driving the hate away, by stating "DOA girls are 18+, stop treating us like pedophiles."

You might try going for "Japanese culture understands the term 'underage' a little different", but then it brings the problem of how much laws and regulations mold our morality, even though they really shouldn't, but they do, and so on. It only brings us to quicksands of how relative morality is, which solves nothing.


Not like it really matters. Most haters won't be convinced by those 2 arguments and dismiss them with "their looks is more important than what lore says, no one reads the lore" and "Japanese culture applies to Japan, we're not in Japan, duh". More importantly most of the haters will overlook this topic completely.


To be honest, I don't think we need to explain ourselves to anyone, haters or otherwise. Even if you really do have boners looking on pixels that look like 12 year-old girls, that's your personal thing. Explaining that those pixels only look like 12yo but are officially 18yo according to lore is absurd to me. Even if you do perceive Marie Rose as 12yo and fap to her, it's not like you're hurting anyone. It's just pixels. I guess. Although you may want to discuss your sexual preferences with a trusted therapist, just to be sure :)


@ masterj360: I tend to agree with you, its sad that the Devs pretty obviously aged up the girl's just to avoid hate of their own culture, which they have every right to and we should lay off, likewise all the gamers should be allowed to simply enjoy the game and not be harassed by immature people who lack understanding of the game's "official lore".


@ Erundil: I do think a select few haters will open this topic to see what has been said, if we can even change one mind and they stop hating then this Topic was a "win" in my book, also I agree we should not have to explain ourselves, but sadly that is not the kind of world we live in... yet.

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Have you seen the newest popular games on Steam? All involve lolis and skimpy clothes. I'd say we're closer to "that world" than you think.

If you are referring to Fairy Fencer F which was made by the same company of Hyperdimension Neptunia "Compile Hearts" the majority of their games are nothing but Kawaii girls and are bound to have some fanservice as part of comedy, but thats nothing new coming from Japan in any typical anime game. Still having loli girls in a skimpy/Kawaii maid outfits  doesn't ring any bells to pedoism. In Hyperdimension Neptunia the loli girls transform in a more developed womanly body in battle to help ease the guilt that some people might have just my guess, but seems logical if thats what the developers intended.

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Well in my opinion since you asked so nicely. They are 1) pixels. 2) pixels. and 3) pixels. I am just irritated by the semantics about acceptable age regarding a fictional character or what they may in someones opinion translate to as far as age in real life because 1) they don't exist in real life 2) they don't exist in real life and 3) they are pixels. It's the same argument about bestiality in a video game(I actually find real bestiality repulsive) but in a video game(pixels) I enjoy it. For most people it's about role-playing about stuff that in real life you just would never do or want to do. It's different in a game or animation. It's just fantasy. What's the harm?


People need to separate reality from virtual reality. If you wanna be a pedophile(I still find this one to be repulsive) in a video game; I see no problem with it. You're not hurting anyone but pixels. Also sexually fantasizing about a digital version of a girl that when you were in puberty you for sure would of banged without a second thought is considered wrong in any way shape or form.... Well then I don't want to be right. I live in the western world(Canada) and I think the supposed laws coming out on what's acceptable adult digital entertainment is absurd. Some sites will just literally ban your IP for this shit and it's stupid.


(screaming)[refraining from using capslock] No one is being hurt. They are pixels. Seriously. This whole debacle actually grinds my gears. It's like telling me I can't make a blow up doll that looks like a loli. ITS A BLOW UP DOLL LOL(Sorry).


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You pretty much nailed it right down to the point. Case and Point your not a pedo unless you have sexual relations with a toddler. You can stare at a anime loli in swimsuit all day and your still not considered a pedo thats not even an opinion thats just pure fact from pedophiles definition psychologically  its the urge of need to molest a real child. Hentai lolis is debatable, hell even some Hentai sites that are well organized prohibit Shota "little boys", and lolis b/c they understand some people don't like of what it represent in their minds, but when we are talking about video games we are just overreacting throwing the term pedo around out of its context completly

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Let me just quote myself from the rant thread. It's fiction, nobody comes to harm. This shouldn't even be an issue but I certainly don't fault Loverslab for staying out of legal trouble.

Why do holier than thou politicians feel the need to inject their morals into law? When people who've never harmed anyone get arrested for the possession of fictional drawings, we're getting very close to thought crime. And how come we don't lock up authors of fictional murder? Don't burden others just because you get squeamish when it comes to sexuality. Maybe one day we'll be able to live in a truly free society once these relics of the past have died off.


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When will we ever get past this useless subject ?


If you get turned on by a fictional depiction of a teen or a younger loli, you just have pedophiliac tendencies, that doesn't makes you a pedocriminal.

Just get over it, the shame you feel is kinda sane, it reveals the need to avoid harming childrens.

But it's also kind of useless when there is no harm done to anyone, as long as you keep your distance from real youngsters.


Most of you are gamers, most of you enjoy virtual killing, but none fears to be a real killer.

It's odd that this misplaced sense of responsability is more felt in the depiction of sexuality than it is for virtual murder.


If you buy a real snuff to the perpetrators then your an accomplice for murder, same thing for pedocriminality.


But I can assure you that no children was involved in the creation of your teenage virtual babes, just grown-up guys and girls.


Just deal with your mild or strong pedophiliac tendencies, there no shame in being aroused by the beauty of a young girl, it's not as if women started to be desirable after 18.


Thanks god we have 3D and drawned characters so that we don't have to involve any teen/child in the satisfaction of our sexual fantasies.

Thanks god we can kill and fuck pixels for catharsis.


Don't try to protect fictional characters, it's just weird....

The law my tell you a different story, but law makers have weird ideas too.

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Think you might be be veering a bit from the reality of it. Pedo tendencies aren't what make loli so popular, it's really just the fact that it's taboo. Same reason incest and rape are popular in games. Nothing at all to do with RL. Taboo means never in RL. No tendencies, no actual attraction. Just the fact that we can get away with any-damn-thing in a game. fapping to a loli is not even close to fapping to an actual kid.

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Think you might be be veering a bit from the reality of it. Pedo tendencies aren't what make loli so popular, it's really just the fact that it's taboo. Same reason incest and rape are popular in games. Nothing at all to do with RL. Taboo means never in RL. No tendencies, no actual attraction. Just the fact that we can get away with any-damn-thing in a game. fapping to a loli is not even close to fapping to an actual kid.

What's RL?

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Think you might be be veering a bit from the reality of it. Pedo tendencies aren't what make loli so popular, it's really just the fact that it's taboo. Same reason incest and rape are popular in games. Nothing at all to do with RL. Taboo means never in RL. No tendencies, no actual attraction. Just the fact that we can get away with any-damn-thing in a game. fapping to a loli is not even close to fapping to an actual kid.

What's RL?



Rapelay.  An older Illusion title.

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I remember reading that it did take awhile for Japan to ban Child Pornography but they eventually did in 1998 or 1999. However hentai versions were not part of the law simply b/c its fictional. Just throwing it out there for those still wondering why fictional lolis are ok to view

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