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Wrye Bash Merging Inactive Mods


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Wrye Smash has an unpleasant habit of merging inactive mods into it's Bashed Patch, and I can't seem to find a way to prevent this, besides removing the esp entirely. With Oblivion's version, I could find the entry in the Build menu, but no luck here.


Can anyone offer some insight?


Use Mod Organizer to deactivate the mods in the left pane's load order prior to running Wrye to create a bashed patch. With the mod deactivated in the left pane, the .esp won't even show up in the load order.


If you're totally new to Mod Organizer, and would like to get used to it, I'm in the process of writing a guide to help walk people through some of the intricacies of MO, TESVEdit, TES5LODGen, and a couple of other tools.


You can do the above and you can also just right click on this esp and then select ghost.  Wyre Bash wont look at it again until you unghost it.

Wrye Smash has an unpleasant habit of merging inactive mods into it's Bashed Patch, and I can't seem to find a way to prevent this, besides removing the esp entirely. With Oblivion's version, I could find the entry in the Build menu, but no luck here.


Can anyone offer some insight?



I'm using wrye for a long time and rarely have that issue.I' using 3.5 version now. When it does merge unselected files, I just uncheck them again and it doesn't do merging unselected esps. But ghosting esps as it is mentioned above is better idea.


Thanks, moving the ESPs below the Patch seems to have fixed the problem. It was merging ghosted ESPs, although those were ghosted by a different program. Why this information was not in the Readme or FAQ, I have no idea.


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