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Nifskope 1.1.3 crashes


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I'm having problems with Nifskope 1.1.3 (build 36ebfdd win x86). It's not so frequent, and I don't know how to reproduce it, but I'm experiencing occasional crashes. Black screen, an the system becomes irresponsive. I have to shutdown and restart.

Is anyone having the same problem?


Only clue I can provide is a small report window full of error messages.


this might be related to your system (update) .       never had any any issue with ( xp, Wind 7 , Wind 8 )   .      maybe a bad data file?   or uac( administrator) autorisations ?  


i would remove it completely from the PC  than  redownload the file.zip installer   and reinstall  it as administrator.  


I have had some crashes, but they are total crashes and not a black screen as you describe. I'm on Win7 Ultimate 64-bit. It usually happens when I'm either running too many applications and windows, or I move the mouse too fast. Still somewhat unpredictable.


Post the error messages for review. Or try what kingkong said; make sure to select install as admin.


I know at least one application I recently installed needs to be able to write to files and if you don't use admin privileges when installing it fails to grant that to the application for later use.


Is this happening during edits of a NIF? Try running that NIF through PyFFI first, then NifSkope and see if the crashes stop. I have found some very problematic NIFs like that.



UAC is ruled out (still using win XP). And I use almost exclusively an administrator account (not the default though) as primary login. The only unusual thing happened recently is the update of the catalyst drivers (and my videocard is a bit outdated).

Perhaps reverting to the old, stable drivers can be the fix?



Nothing special about the nifs I'm working on. Just 'simple' body meshes.

I don't think I'll be able to copy/paste the content of the message window, or take a screenshot. The system at that stage is already KO. In the message box appearing before the system freeze I can only remember the word 'parallax', or something like that.


What is your VidRam on your current card, or what card are you using? I had that issue back when I was running WinXP and a better card with more memory I think helped, plus tweaking catalyst settings. (I always make a game profile just for Oblivion stuff.)


Are you planning on staying with WinXP? If yes have you maxed out your RAM and run the 4GB patch? I found it's the only way to do anything Oblivion related on WinXP.


What is your VidRam on your current card, or what card are you using? I had that issue back when I was running WinXP and a better card with more memory I think helped, plus tweaking catalyst settings. (I always make a game profile just for Oblivion stuff.)


Are you planning on staying with WinXP? If yes have you maxed out your RAM and run the 4GB patch? I found it's the only way to do anything Oblivion related on WinXP.

VRam is zero because its an integrated card. 4GB patch is useless in my case (my PC have a 32 bit architecture).

I guess I have to upgrade both OS and hardware at some point, the sooner the better. I have to start building the necessary budget.



You can still squeeze about 3.5 GB of RAM on a WinXP 32-bit arch. I did for about 18 months before jumping from WinXP to Win7 64-bit. Your Vidcard and drivers is the bottle neck in the next set of possible tweaks. If you plan on jumping to a new box then 'nuff said. Otherwise I may have had a better Vidcard for you to use in the mean time, if your current MB allows a slot for one. 


Yes my mobo has Xfire - SLI capability in fact. Thanks for the offer, but nevermind, I'll stick with my configuration for now.

I had no more crashes in the last few days, if the problem crops up again and too often, I'll know what to target.

The OS change after all was already planned.

Thanks everyone for the pointers.


I have never had any crashes other then the usual author created errors the only one where I had to force kill nifskope was with a cuirass nif for skyrim and that was because there were so many errors in that one nif it would cause nifskope to crash/freeze trying to list them all. I threw that mod right into the trash. I have had a black screen before as well not a full complete black screen but a black empty screen where the outfit was suppose to be but that was also usually a authors blundering running it through mesh rigger usually fixed whatever they did to their nif. Also some lag from some nifs whatever they did to them while others were just from high poly.


Ditto on what myuhinny said above. Yeah, high poly count is a killer in NifSkope, if RAM and/or VRAM is low or nonexistent in the case of an onboard vid. Followed by just plain crappy NIFs created by inexperienced modders.


I have found that running some bad NIFs like this through PyFFI will often times fix the NifSkope crashing, but not always, depending on how bad the NIF is. It's much harder to prevent it on WinXP and low RAM vs Win7 and high, good quality RAM plus a decent Vidcard. I'm using almost the best quality and highest speed RAM for my current PC, currently 16GB and I can go to 32GB, plus a VidCard with 1GB VRAM. I have yet run into a NIF I cannot tackle, so I feel it has a lot to do with memory capabilities and system tweaks.



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