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khajiits have no tail


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i don't know what is causing this to happen but my khajiits have no tail but my argonians and matera race both have tails below is a picture if anyone could help me i would be appreciate it



normally this happens if you have someting equipped in the "tail"slot of your character, so in this case is it the same if yor character is naked and if so give us your load order and if possible a papyrus log else we can't help you here


Ok i have discovered that this effects both genders of khajiit. so i wanted to see if reinstalling the xp32 skeleton but that didnt help so the next thing i tried uninstalling cloaks of skyrim still nothing. I have also tried uninstalling wearable hdt tails and sos  but that still had no effect. Im kinda out of ideas of what could be causing this to happen. Feel free to ask questions ill try my best to ask them is you have anything that might remotely help all is welcome.


It's yer custom armor bro......Put regular armor on & the tail will magically reappear!




The armor Im using is the remodeled armor for cbbe by ChronoTrigger77 on the nexus here It wasnt an issue before or i dont remember it being an issue before im not sure on that last part


*edit* tried uninstalling it still had no tail


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