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AMD Radeon HELP!


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I've been playing skyrim for a long time and recently switched over to a radeon 290 (gtx 660 previously)... Although the card works fine, it seems I haven't pushed my card to the limit yet. I think it is possible to optimize skyrim with CCC (Cataclyst Control Center) or RadeonPro... 


Can someone who owns a radeon card (or has experience) share their CCC/RadeonPro-settings and help me optimize (graphics and performance, must mostly graphics) skyrim (I'm playing with an enb, Koutervibe to be exact)


Thank you in advance  :)


When i was using CCC i found that the best setting was the default one, 


While using an ENB though i found it was better to set the skyrim setting in CCC for the Anti-Analissing and everything was set to use programme settings as they fought with the ENB setting otherwise


I run Skyrim very well with 290x(only slightly better then 290).


Seasons of Skyrim ENB v265.


My game is heavy modded with textures and other enhancements to enviroment so my game looks great.


Have 253 mods installed majority are 4ktextures and many high quality mods to enhanced my experience.

I run in 2560x1440p everything ultra 40-45fps.

If i limited some things like DoF or Ambiantocclusion im getting 50fps.


In cccc you disable most.



Anisotropic OFF

 Verticalsinc  in mode it only activate when a application say so.


Make sure in skyrim launcher also AA and anisotropic OFF


Let the ENB do work not CCC or you get worse performance.


Follow instructions of mod makers or at least research some so you understand why some things must be done to run your game smooth but still looks great. Plenty of guides orr videos out there show this.


Load order how you install your texture mods is essential.


Dont use Bethesda HD textures there not good.


Use these instead more efficient and better looking.

SKYRIM HD 2k textures



I haz 290 too. Just find a ENB that runs good on your config. In my experience, ENB's performance highly depends on the config's author. You can find fugly configs with high perf hit, and you can find good looking ones with moderate hit. That's it.

Don't forget to try adjusting gamma/brightness with each new ENB. Some of them can look completely dull and bad... until you find the correct gamma/brightness combination.

This happens cause one can have those modified in skyrim/skyrimprefs + something in your drivers + your monitor calibration + whatever else there is. Plus individual perception.


btw, what's your CPU? Might be a bottleneck here.


Got a Sapphire 290x (toxic 3 fans) and I use AIR ENB, don't use many 4k textures, mostly 2k, some 4k textures on characters for screen shotting if I want. Using body change to control texture sets.


I have alot of shit happening at once on my game, so things look good fps wise, when i have about 20 ppl knocking the crap outta each other fps can be between 20-35 fps depends on effects but mostly get solid 60 fps non stop


I left ENB handle all gfx settings in skyrim and CCC settings are set to follow game rules


Using an AMD 8350 FX processer with added threading support in skyrim ini


@Uriel: My CPU is an intel core i5-4440 @ 3,1 Ghz

Might be a bottleneck. I think 290 gets to it's full potential at around 4,5Ghz. That's task-dependant, but CPU speed is a must for highly scripted Skyrim anyway.

Mine is i5 2500k @ 4Ghz slight overclock. "Slight" cause they OC it to 4,8 sometimes. Mine is either not that good, or i lack obstinancy or motivation to find a way to go higher and remain stable.


BTW, there was a silent update to 0.265 ENB binaries today. Don't miss it, probly a must for ELFX(maybe) and Shadows mod. Applies ENB's detailed shadows to some types of light sources.




I've been playing skyrim for a long time and recently switched over to a radeon 290 (gtx 660 previously)... Although the card works fine, it seems I haven't pushed my card to the limit yet. I think it is possible to optimize skyrim with CCC (Cataclyst Control Center) or RadeonPro... 


Can someone who owns a radeon card (or has experience) share their CCC/RadeonPro-settings and help me optimize (graphics and performance, must mostly graphics) skyrim (I'm playing with an enb, Koutervibe to be exact)


Thank you in advance  :)

AFAIK the CCC already comes with a (invisible) Skyrim preset with all necessary adjustments.



Things to know:


1. Buying an AMD card for ENB was a big mistake. The author of ENB has an almost religious hate against AMD, even in generations where AMD cards were clearly superior in technical aspects.


If you still can, get a refund and buy an nvidia card.



2. Kountervibe ENB is not a good choice. There are insanely good screenshots made with it, but only with downsampling and by people who knew exactly how and where to use that ENB.

For general purpose, it's "just another ENB" that is way too blurry and overbright outdoors, and the DoF focus shift is nauseating.

Also see #1 as many problems might be due to AMD, but the user screenshots show exactly what i described.



3. No matter what graphics card you have, you can either go for performance, or for screenarchery. If you use something like SFO 2.0 + Verdant Grass + 4K Parallax Textures coupled with an extreme cinematic ENB, the game controls will always feel kind of "spongy".


And the author of K ENB has summed it up quite well - ENB can enhance the graphics, but will probably never fix all the issues that the Skyrim engine has. For good screenarchery, it's mostly about hiding all the glitches you still get with maximum tweaks.


Religious hate is kinda fading now. Nvidia was doing wrong stuff for quite some time just recently.


Well i was reading his posts, i think he (Boris) bought an ATI or AMD card long time ago, then it broke and they didn't fix it.... something like that? ;)

Ever since that he's been ranting every day how the cards were so crappy, although for a looong time there was no logical reason to buy nvidia instead (cost/performance ratio, heat, noise, energy consumption, driver update frequency etc).


From what i know his hate is not based on his experiences with cards. It's from his work on ENB. For quite some time, AMD was doing something wrong in their drivers, and this was causing problems with ENB. And Boris tried hard to fix reported bugs by releasing tens of binaries for AMD users because he was unable to test this himself, no hardware. Something like a bruteforce attack to finally find the working one and determine the problem.


From what i know his hate is not based on his experiences with cards. It's from his work on ENB. For quite some time, AMD was doing something wrong in their drivers, and this was causing problems with ENB. And Boris tried hard to fix reported bugs by releasing tens of binaries for AMD users because he was unable to test this himself, no hardware. Something like a bruteforce attack to finally find the working one and determine the problem.


The thing is, he doesn't report the bugs to AMD. There was an older version (one of the .230 ENBs, IIRC) that had issues with Fallout and AMD; transparent walls, namely. I proposed that he report the bug, but he reponded by saying that AMD will only fix bugs for big publishers.


I asked him if he has reported bugs to AMD before; he said no, and repeated his last statement. He didn't want to continue the discussion.


Decided to ask on the AMD forums about the issue, and a couple fellas said that they'd need Boris to post; when the bug arrived, what the updated version changed, etc.


So there is that.


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