Reylegh Posted December 7, 2014 Posted December 7, 2014 Hi, My problem are random crashes - mostly when changing teritory, but not only, happens also when walking around (outside - it did not happen inside a biulding yet - only when changing teritory, then it also happend when I changed from outside to inside). The logs are not really big (2-3kb and almost nothing in them besides autosaves and sometimes a skripted quest, but it's not related to those crashes) and don't contain any usefull info for me 2 papirus logs [12/07/2014 - 10:29:41PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[12/07/2014 - 10:29:41PM] error: Native function GetUseSound in empty state does not match existing signature on linked type Potion. Function will not be bound.[12/07/2014 - 10:29:41PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[12/07/2014 - 10:29:41PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[12/07/2014 - 10:30:17PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:30:17PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:30:17PM] Reverting game...[12/07/2014 - 10:30:57PM] Loading game...[12/07/2014 - 10:30:57PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:31:04PM] InitWidgetLoader()[12/07/2014 - 10:31:57PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:31:57PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:32:00PM] Saving game...[12/07/2014 - 10:32:01PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:32:13PM] Error: CR07 (00025250): attempting to start event scoped quest outside of story manager.stack:[CR07 (00025250)].CR07QuestScript.SetCurrentStageID() - "" Line ?[CR07 (00025250)].CR07QuestScript.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124[CR07 (00025250)].companionsradiantquest.Setup() - "CompanionsRadiantQuest.psc" Line 41[CR07 (00025250)].CR07QuestScript.Setup() - "CR07QuestScript.psc" Line 28[CR07 (00025250)].QF_CR07_00025250.Fragment_0() - "QF_CR07_00025250.psc" Line 101[12/07/2014 - 10:32:29PM] Error: CR07 (00025250): attempting to start event scoped quest outside of story manager.stack:[CR07 (00025250)].CR07QuestScript.SetCurrentStageID() - "" Line ?[CR07 (00025250)].CR07QuestScript.SetStage() - "Quest.psc" Line 124[C00 (0004B2D9)].companionshousekeepingscript.CycleRadiantQuests() - "CompanionsHousekeepingScript.psc" Line 718[C03 (0001CEF4)].QF_C01_0001CEF4.Fragment_21() - "QF_C01_0001CEF4.psc" Line 165[12/07/2014 - 10:34:19PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:34:19PM] VM is frozen [12/07/2014 - 10:18:10PM] Papyrus log opened (PC)[12/07/2014 - 10:18:10PM] error: Native function GetUseSound in empty state does not match existing signature on linked type Potion. Function will not be bound.[12/07/2014 - 10:18:10PM] Update budget: 1.200000ms (Extra tasklet budget: 1.200000ms, Load screen budget: 500.000000ms)[12/07/2014 - 10:18:10PM] Memory page: 128 (min) 512 (max) 76800 (max total)[12/07/2014 - 10:18:47PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:18:47PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:18:47PM] Reverting game...[12/07/2014 - 10:19:24PM] Loading game...[12/07/2014 - 10:19:25PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:19:32PM] InitWidgetLoader()[12/07/2014 - 10:20:14PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:20:14PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:20:15PM] Saving game...[12/07/2014 - 10:20:16PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:22:56PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:22:56PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:22:57PM] Saving game...[12/07/2014 - 10:22:57PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:23:30PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:23:30PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:23:33PM] Saving game...[12/07/2014 - 10:23:33PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:25:28PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:25:28PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:25:33PM] Saving game...[12/07/2014 - 10:25:34PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:25:56PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:25:56PM] VM is frozen[12/07/2014 - 10:25:57PM] Saving game...[12/07/2014 - 10:25:57PM] VM is thawing...[12/07/2014 - 10:26:29PM] VM is freezing...[12/07/2014 - 10:26:29PM] VM is frozen mods load order according to NMM: (Checked with BOSS and LOOT) GameMode=SkyrimSkyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp=1Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp=1Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp=1ApachiiHair.esm=1ClimatesOfTamriel.esm=1hdtHighHeel.esm=1SGHairPackBase.esm=1HighResTexturePack01.esp=1HighResTexturePack02.esp=1HighResTexturePack03.esp=1SkyUI.esp=1FNISspells.esp=1dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - WoodElf.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - RedGuard.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - ORC.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - Nord.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - Khajiit.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - Imperial.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - HighElf.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - DarkElf.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - Breton.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - Argonian.esp=1PC Exclusive Animation Path - 0 - Main.esp=1The Joy of Perspective.esp=1Cazy Hairs-by zzjay.esp=1Eyes of Aber.esp=1LovelyHairstylesCE.esp=1numenume femalebrows MARO.esp=1SGEyebrows.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dungeons-Hazardous.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-2.esp=1ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp=1SMIM-Merged-All.esp=1Unique Grasses.esp=1WATER.esp=1WATER DB Waves.esp=1WATER DG.esp=1KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp=1KKSDrBWeightFix.esp=1DHuntress.esp=1KKFur.esp=1FullBootForKKSA.esp=1FlameAtronachArmor.esp=1TERAArmors_CBBE.esp=1Sotteta Necromancer Outfit.esp=1Merta Assassin Armor.esp=1BS-TheHag_WarPaints.esp=1BS-TheHag_Overlays.esp=1Blood Raven - CBBE.esp=1Sexy_LoadScreens2.esp=1Sexy_LoadScreens3.esp=1Skyrim_Sexy_LoadScreens.esp=1Sexy_LoadScreens4.esp=1Better Females - Eyebrows.esp=1Sotteta Huntress Armor.esp=1AncientDraugr.esp=1MikanEyes All in one.esp=1SGHairPackAIO.esp=1Nightshade TBBP.esp=1Sovngarde Steel TBBP.esp=1KJ Tattoos 2K.esp=1 to this ENB 0,168 and files from Fusion ENB 0,139 for better light effects
igora Posted December 7, 2014 Posted December 7, 2014 just my two cents, shouldn't WATER and CoT be last in your load order ? (WATER is out dated right ? ) did you remove an esp/ mod ?
myuhinny Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 You should only use LOOT and not BOSS as BOSS is outdated and no longer being supported.
Morferous Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 just my two cents, shouldn't WATER and CoT be last in your load order ? (WATER is out dated right ? ) did you remove an esp/ mod ? Both files are actually in the right place. CoT master is ESM-file and thus should load among other EMS-files. Other CoT files are a bit too nicely grouped, though. It seems that this load order was finished with BOSS master list, instead of LOOT. As myuhinny said, BOSS is obsolete and should not be used. Let LOOT manage your load order. I don't know why anyone would consider W.A.T.E.R. out of date? It is not currently worked, but is not abandoned either, or carry compatibility issues. I am using it, without any problems with other mods. After the load order is set, take a look at your memory. If papyrus does not complain from mods, then you might have something eating too much memory from your game, until some loading peak crashes it. From your load order, two things truck out: - Unique Grasses. Mod is a performance hog. It just might eat your memory and crash your game. - SMIM Merged. Did you install it as a bundle, or did you use installer option to select from options? Latter is recommended, because some of the SMIM objects are more performance heavy than others. To manage your memory: Install ENBoost, if you already have not done so. It will prevent most CTDs. Include SKSE memory fix, if you have not already done so. If you need instructions, then I - or who ever happens to be here - will be likely to give them to you.
Reylegh Posted December 8, 2014 Author Posted December 8, 2014 just my two cents, shouldn't WATER and CoT be last in your load order ? (WATER is out dated right ? ) did you remove an esp/ mod ? Both files are actually in the right place. CoT master is ESM-file and thus should load among other EMS-files. Other CoT files are a bit too nicely grouped, though. It seems that this load order was finished with BOSS master list, instead of LOOT. As myuhinny said, BOSS is obsolete and should not be used. Let LOOT manage your load order. I don't know why anyone would consider W.A.T.E.R. out of date? It is not currently worked, but is not abandoned either, or carry compatibility issues. I am using it, without any problems with other mods. After the load order is set, take a look at your memory. If papyrus does not complain from mods, then you might have something eating too much memory from your game, until some loading peak crashes it. From your load order, two things truck out: - Unique Grasses. Mod is a performance hog. It just might eat your memory and crash your game. - SMIM Merged. Did you install it as a bundle, or did you use installer option to select from options? Latter is recommended, because some of the SMIM objects are more performance heavy than others. To manage your memory: Install ENBoost, if you already have not done so. It will prevent most CTDs. Include SKSE memory fix, if you have not already done so. If you need instructions, then I - or who ever happens to be here - will be likely to give them to you. Thank you for the analisys about BOSS and LOOT I used LOOT after BOSS, so I am not sure why it is still using BOSS order, but I will retry this. And reading I remember something, sometimes the game is getting fps drops when turning around (only sometimes - usually there is no issue), so maybe the memory, but what kind of memory? cus I have 16GB ram and a rather strong gamer notebook... SMIM - I installed the package via NMM and got the option to chose from - used quality as I want the highest possible. So as I understand it's not the fault of buggy scripts this time, but memmory issue...hmm, is there maybe a skyrim cache cleaner - like for racemenu there is the precache killer going to read about the ENBoost
Alpia Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 And reading I remember something, sometimes the game is getting fps drops when turning around (only sometimes - usually there is no issue), so maybe the memory, but what kind of memory? cus I have 16GB ram and a rather strong gamer notebook... Your ram dosen't matter skyrim is a 32bit application and by default can only handle 3.1gb ram it will crash if it uses anymore than that. This can only be "fixed" by using enb since enb is a 64bit application and "helps" skyrim with memory management easy said besides obvious optical improvment. Include SKSE memory fix, if you have not already done so. This is also something you HAVE to do this fixes 99.9999% of all ILS I say If you have problems regarding ctd in loding screen or rnd ctd across the world skyrim ran out of memory but for ILS the memor patch is neccesary. Short explaination to make it easier for you to the memory patch comes with SKSE so you have it installed but not activated by default do activate it do this: -Look in your skyrim data folder if you have a SKSE folder in this folder should be a SKSE.ini file if not use a text editor and put in the following [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 [Display] iTintTextureResolution=2048 [Memory] defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 scrapHeapSizeMB=256 save it as SKSE.ini file in said folder or if you have a skse.ini make sure it includes the same lines. mostly when changing teritory, but not only, happens also when walking around (outside - it did not happen inside a biulding yet - only when changing terito For rnd ctd's without a log its simply skyrim running out of memory install whatever enb you like as allready said ENB can handle more than the 3.1gb ram and therefore will fix such issues. The discription of you here is typical for running out of memory as said install whatever enb you like or take a look at enb boost if you don't want enb for whatever reasons.<- enb boost
Reylegh Posted December 8, 2014 Author Posted December 8, 2014 OK, so, I enabled the SKSE memory fix and I installed the ENBoost The ENBoost required from me to install a newer ENB and now I need to find a preset that will return the beauty I had About stability, as for now I tried to run around, go into a few buildings and out and run run around and as for 10 minutes running nothing happend, I will test all evening today, but need to find a preset like the one I used before I will report results before I go sleep. As for now - many thanks folk! what I have now ENB 0.221: What I had with ENB 0.169:
Reylegh Posted December 8, 2014 Author Posted December 8, 2014 So, I tried it and nothing changed actually - the SKSE memory fix ...I dunno if it helped or if it made it worse after a while. The ENB destroyed my preset and whatever I tried to do it only destroyed made the game not even loading (I dunno why, but I can't run any ENB above version 0.2xx ). I changed it back to my old ENB preset. I tried the performance monitoring to see if I reach the 3,1GB ram with my texture mods and got something that made me worry... see that VRAM?
Dubhorizon Posted December 8, 2014 Posted December 8, 2014 ENBoost doesn't require ENB. If you set UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true it disables the ENB effects. Also, If an ENB is made for older dlls it won't work well with new dlls. Also, did you remember to set VideoMemorySizeMb= to the value that is right for you? Use Enboost or Enb with the latest binaries always. From your papyrus I see you have vanilla [Papyrus] settings which is very good. If you manage to set enboost and skse memory patch correctly you won't get random memory related crashes ever again, simple as that. So read all readmes in Enboost and skse memory patches (google is your savior).
Reylegh Posted December 8, 2014 Author Posted December 8, 2014 ENBoost doesn't require ENB. If you set UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=true it disables the ENB effects. Also, If an ENB is made for older dlls it won't work well with new dlls. Also, did you remember to set VideoMemorySizeMb= to the value that is right for you? Use Enboost or Enb with the latest binaries always. From your papyrus I see you have vanilla [Papyrus] settings which is very good. If you manage to set enboost and skse memory patch correctly you won't get random memory related crashes ever again, simple as that. So read all readmes in Enboost and skse memory patches (google is your savior). But I don't want my ENB to be disabled....I have a gaming laptop and want high quality and can't get it.... I did set ENBoost and my SKSE memory and it disabled my ENB, so I am back with my ENB and still have the SKSE memory fix on and still get crashes. Also newer binaries than 0.2 so all 0.221, 0.250+ all of them don't load the game at all - I asume because of below reason: What I found out - it might be a issue with my drivers on win 8.1 I am going to reinstall the system and instal win7 just to check how skyrim will then react to my grafic card as it seems for me that skyrim is using my API instead of the GPU memory and therefore when there are textures to load even if it not reaches the 3,1GB it least that is what I think after my tests today.
Reylegh Posted December 13, 2014 Author Posted December 13, 2014 Ok, so the solution. I have solved the problem I think (could play over 1 hour without CTD. I changed my system, drivers, and more and nothing helped. But then I found the problem, it was a mod. A mod where people can easy overdoo it and forget that they did that: TEXTURE PACK COMBINER It's an awesome mod to combine many textures, but then again....if the result has over 4GB that's a bit to much for the game to carry I think. I unchecked this mod and no crashes as for now. thanks for all the posts, they helped me a lot to get neared to the solution
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